Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 172 The explosion of photo album

As the captain's inauguration ceremony came to an end, the Gotei Thirteen seemed to have returned to what Sufeng originally remembered.

The Ninth Division is an exception.

It is worth noting that Sufeng was personally responsible for the assessment of the three new captains.

In this regard, the three captains all have different evaluations.

Ise Nanao, who is responsible for the editing and publishing of "Seireitei Communication", has visited various divisions many times to conduct interviews, and has truthfully published the evaluations of the captains.

The third division team building.

Ichimaru Gin: "Hey, do you really want me to comment?"

An extremely fake smile hung on his fox-like face.

Adhering to the journalist's principles, Ise Nanao pretended to be calm and nodded.

"But I rarely interact with Captain Sufeng."

Ichimaru Gin put on the mask he bought from Rukongai and said angrily, "But what is certain is that Captain Sufeng does not seem to be as gentle as he appears!"

"This is a reminder from the sixth sense, a very dangerous man..."

Sixth division team building.

Kuchiki Byakuya: "As the captain of the 9th division, he ignores the laws of Soul Society. We are ashamed to be associated with him!"

Ise Nanao: "But I heard from the captain that you were severely beaten by him during the captain's assessment. Is this true?"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"……"

Looking at his retreating back, Ise Nanao suddenly realized that that side seemed to be his team building.

Technology Development Agency.

Nirvana struck the irregular piece of meat in front of him, and injected a large amount of unknown liquid into it from time to time. The flesh and blood immediately multiplied and grew crazily.

"The Thirty-three of the Broken Paths: Blue Fire Falling!"

He angrily burned a large amount of flesh and blood, and at the same time noticed the figures of Ise Nanao and the members of the ninth division.

Facing this weird Nirvana, Ise Nanao suppressed the fear in her heart and carefully carried out the interview process.

"Evaluate Tsunayashiro Sufeng?"

Nirvana laughed maniacally, "Ugly, dirty, and despicable!"

"Every drop of blood is filled with a disgusting smell. He is just like Urahara Kisuke..."

Before he finished speaking, the interview was forcibly interrupted by Ise Nanao.

She will not publish this report in any issue of "Seireitei Newsletter", but will truthfully inform her captain.

At the same time, that night, the Technology Development Bureau erupted with an astonishing amount of spiritual pressure.

An insider revealed that nearly one-third of the stock of meat supplements in the warehouse was lost.

Su Feng has never been used to those who secretly slander him.

No matter it was Dabai or Nirvana, they could not escape a severe beating.

However, accordingly, as the main person responsible for the "Seireitei Communications", Team 9 has also shouldered an unbearable burden of life.

Not only did Kyōraku Shunsui request a supplement for his work "The Rose-Colored Path", but also the commander-in-chief Genryusai Yamamoto came to intervene.

The photo album "Skeleton", which was originally rejected by the Female Shinigami Association, was published in the "Seireitei Newsletter" due to its strong request and exchange of interests.

In that issue, sales were particularly dismal.

After learning about this, Yamamoto Genryusai also seemed much silent, and even the roasted sweet potato in his hand no longer smelled good.

But accordingly.

The 11th Division, which had never purchased "Seireitei News", subsequently purchased the issue containing the photo album "Skeletons" in large quantities, and the stock was sold out within three days.


This kind of thing still has a large audience.

During this period, Ise Nanao, who was the vice president of the Female Shinigami Association, was also inspired by this and turned to develop photo albums of other captains.

For example, Tsunaya Sufeng.

Division 9 team building, exclusive tea room.

Su Feng crossed his arms, raised his eyes and stared at the two pleading women in front of him, unable to figure out what they were thinking for a moment.

"You mean, even the name and layout are ready?"

Rangiku Matsumoto nodded repeatedly, causing a sway in front of her: "Captain, you just need to cooperate and make a few poses."

"But the Kuchiki family is responsible for our ninth division's finances, so we can't afford to play such a big game, right?"

Sufeng said matter-of-factly, "Besides, Dabai doesn't have any objections to this."


Matsumoto Rangiku approached, hugged Sufeng's arm with both arms, and pressed it close to her body. She stretched out her voice and begged sincerely.

"The new class of Spiritual Arts Academy graduates are about to graduate. This photo album will give our team a good reputation!"

"When the time comes, there will be more players choosing the Ninth Division."

After thinking hard, Matsumoto Rangiku made up a reason to barely pass.

Sufeng neither refused nor agreed.

Do you want him to sell his body for such a small profit?

Laughing to death, it’s impossible!

Seeing this, Matsumoto bit Rangiku's silver teeth lightly and winked at Ise Nanao who was aside.

Immediately, Nanao's face suddenly turned red, and she seemed a bit hesitant.

However, under the urging of Matsumoto Rangiku's gaze, she still stepped forward cautiously, imitating Matsumoto Rangiku's posture and picking up Sufeng's other arm.

"Team, captain, you, you will agree, right, right..."

Before she finished her sentence, Ise Nanao's face was already filled with red, and it spread all the way to the depths of her ears, and even her fair neck was stained with red.

Although she often accepts Su Feng's ghost teachings in private, it is the first time for her to make such a bold move in front of others so blatantly.

Su Feng's two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and the opponent uses softness to overcome strength, accurately grasping his weakness, and he can't stand the stalemate, so he can only reluctantly agree.

Three days later, the photo album "Windward" officially started shooting.

The shooting location was set at the team building of the fourth team. Because of the need to receive the wounded all the year round, the team building of the fourth team occupies the largest area except for the first team.

Correspondingly, all kinds of building facilities are also available.

Unlike the last meeting of the Women's Death Association, this time a new "strange" face was added.

He is about the same height as Broken Bee and has a hairstyle with flat bangs. There is no trace of emotion on his innocent face. Only when he discovers something new and novel does his dark green pupils show a trace of curiosity.

The new member of Division 12, Nie Yin Meng.

Several months have passed, and Nirvana Mayuri has finished finishing her masterpiece, and is trying to make her a member of Shinigami to learn various knowledge.

Nirvana Yuri didn't say anything about Nie Yinmeng's joining the Women's Shinigami Association.

"Eh!?" Matsumoto Rangiku exclaimed, "Why is everyone here?"

"This is the first photobook published by the Women's Death Association, and everyone is naturally very curious about the process."

Uzhihualie explained gently, "Besides, we are not strangers to each other, so I agreed."

Su Feng sighed: "Don't you need to consider the opinions of the parties?"

"Well, would Lord Sufeng refuse?" Uzhi Hualie crossed his hands in front of him, with a gentle smile on his face.

Because the scar on her collarbone was removed, her look also changed drastically. The thick braid was replaced by a headdress, and the black hair was simply tied behind her back. The strong Yamato Nadeshiko temperament came to her face.

"Ahem, I will do what I promised."

Su Feng clenched his fists and coughed lightly, "However, I only have one request."


"Take a better picture."

The filming process is hard to describe, except for the broken bee and the Huche sisters, everyone else used the excuse of adjusting their posture to touch him.

Naturally, Su Feng would not be manipulated by others, and immediately protested with an eye for an eye and an eye for an eye.

Those who knew it were taking a photo album, but those who didn't know thought some large-scale impart was being held here.

Until the end of filming, the scene seemed very chaotic.

Even Unohana Retsu, who had always been calm and composed, had a slight blush on his face.

This process can be imagined.


The photo album "Facing the Wind" was successfully published and received unanimous praise from the Seireitei.

Compared with the previous "Skeleton", the sales volume alone has increased more than ten times, and because the audience is so wide, even Rukongai has begun to purchase it.

That year's college students graduated and new members joined the team, and one-third of the college students chose the ninth team.

It can be seen that its influence is great.

It's a pity that the current ninth team is taking an elite route and can only select talented students with excellent graduation scores.

In the same year, the first hell training of the ninth team officially came to an end.

Team 11 was imprisoned in Hell because of its captain, and Madarame applied to go back to take charge of the overall situation.

Because he knew that Zaraki Kenpachi would not have any major problems, he did not blame Sufeng for this, but was very grateful to Sufeng for meeting Zaraki Kenpachi's fighting requirements.

Any other captain would never agree to such a rude request.

on the training ground.

Sufeng looked at the neatly arranged team members in front of him and felt his teeth become sore.

No one told him that after being trained by Madarame Ikkaku, these guys would become like this? !

Looking around, you can see that the muscles are all taut, and the courage is rushing towards the face. The momentum alone is enough to scare away the average Death Squadron.

Among them, the figure standing on the far left is particularly eye-catching.

In terms of size alone, he may be the shortest among this group of soldiers, but he is the most ferocious in terms of spiritual pressure and aura.

The drooping eyebrows and corners of the eyes are raised high. The scar running through the left eye adds a bit of toughness to him. The straight hair is clean and tidy, and he is not angry or intimidating.

Noticing Sufeng's gaze, Madarame explained in a rather proud tone: "Captain Sufeng, he is Hanatarō Yamada who you inserted into the special training team halfway."

"I originally thought this kid was a laggard, but I didn't expect that he has a unique advantage in this regard."

"It is no exaggeration to say that the current Hanataro can even defeat the high-ranking official!"

After saying these words, Sufeng took a breath of cold air and stared at the figure with extremely stunned eyes, trying to find some shadow of Yamada Hanataro in it.

But there was no hint of cowardice on that fierce and brave face. Only when he looked horizontally and vertically could he read the words between the cracks.

Two words are written all over his face - "Invincible"!

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