"Are you sure Yamada Seinosuke won't hack you to death if you show off like this?"

After looking at it for a long time, Sufeng looked sideways at the bald man next to him, "When I handed him over to you, he was so small..."

As he spoke, he spread his arms and compared his height.

Before Madarame could answer, Hanatarō Yamada in the crowd responded with a strong voice: "I will explain it to Seinosuke-nii!"

"I am very strong now!"

"It will definitely satisfy him!"

Madarame clasped his hands in one corner, and nodded in relief: "This kid couldn't keep up with the training rhythm at first, but he seems to have followed up in a short time after using his own Zanpakutō."

Humaru can absorb injuries and store them as energy for the next attack.

"Hanataro is one of the few people in this group of soldiers who has mastered the first solution."

Madarame Ikkaku continued, "From the beginning of the crane to becoming the strongest in the team, this process is very inspiring."

"How about we transfer this guy to the 11th Division?"

Sufeng responded calmly: "If you are not afraid of Captain Uzhihua slashing you with a knife, you can snatch people from her hands."

"Ahem!" Madarame Ikkaku almost choked on his own saliva, "It's better to forget it."

He boasted that he was not afraid of anything. Even if he faced Su Feng, he didn't have much fear. He was only afraid of the captain of the logistics team.

Mao Zhihua Lie.

After all, others would at best threaten, but only this dangerous woman really dared to kill him.

"And one more thing."

Madarame's expression suddenly became more solemn, "When will our captain come out of the endless hell?"

"Three to five years is not much, but eight to ten years is possible."

Sufeng was too lazy to get involved in Zaraki Kenpachi's affairs, and Mao No. 46 would not give up this sharp knife easily.

Maybe if there is another rebellion by the rebels and the current 11th Squadron cannot solve it, they will release Zaraki Kenpachi from the Hell.

"Before handing over, why not let me see the training results first?"

Sufeng suggested, "These guys look fierce, but don't think they'll all be just show-offs when the time comes."

Hearing this, Madarame Ikkaku hesitated and said: "There is no suitable opponent now. Should we let them fight each other?"

At this moment, Rangiku Matsumoto came over with a hurried look on his face: "Captain, there are signs of the black voice opening in the fourth area of ​​​​the West Ryuhun."

"A strict order was conveyed from the First Team, ordering us to dispatch an investigation."

Sufeng spread his hands, looked at Madarame's corner, and said, "Look, this isn't coming?"


The fourth district of Xiliuhun Street.

With Su Feng's current spiritual pressure perception level, there is no way to hide the traces of Xuqun, but it took a little time to block this group of guys who "mistakenly entered" the Soul Soul Realm in a mountain forest.

It looked like a wild wolf, with a ferocious mask on its long and narrow face, and its blood-red eyes stared intently at the group of reapers who suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

Greedy saliva kept dripping from the corners of his mouth.

For Xu, the soul of a god of death is far more delicious than the soul of an ordinary human being.

"There are more wolves than meat." Sufeng glanced at Qunxu, "Don't let me, and don't let Yijiao down."

"let's go……"

After the words fell, dozens of black figures stepped forward, and their already fierce momentum became even more fierce when facing the enemy.

This group of soldiers stared at the enemy in front, with a ferocious smile on their faces that was more greedy than Langxu.

Under the leadership of the fighting maniac Madarame, they gradually realized the joy of fighting, and tried to immerse themselves in and enjoy the pleasure of blood.

At this moment, the identities of prey and hunter suddenly reversed, and the air seemed to be filled with the sticky smell of blood.


The blade was unsheathed, and the faint smell of rust filled the mountain forest filled with moist air.

The wolves looked nervously at the figure in front of them, with a trace of fear appearing in their scarlet pupils.

Obviously they are the one with the largest number!

The battle was about to break out, and the God of Death launched a violent attack, instantly breaking up the virtual group's formation and dividing it into several battlefields.

Blood spattered and chunks of flesh were torn apart by the blade, revealing hideous white bones.

The smell of blood stimulated the nerves of the team members present, making their offensive even more aggressive.

"Ever since that day." Madarame's expression looked very calm, and there weren't even many emotional fluctuations in his tone. "I suddenly woke up."

"The captain's fighting style is not suitable for everyone. Even the Death God of Squad 11 has a hard time adapting to that kind of beast-like fighting."

"So, when I was training them, I deliberately taught them all the tactics and combat skills I had memorized in my mind."

"Under my training, these guys have become real warriors who can stand alone!"

On the battlefield, Hanataro's fighting style was particularly terrifying. He was fighting with all his might, exchanging injuries for injuries and lives for lives.

Pure Shunpo combined with useless attacks made him look like a monster.

Hanataro inserted his hands into the abdominal cavity of the wolf, letting the other wolves bite his body, and forcefully tore the wolf in his hand into two halves with a roar.

For a moment, blood rained down on the ground, and Hanataro bathed in it, adding a bit of madness to him.

Even Su Feng couldn't help but feel a toothache after looking at this fighting posture.

He now seriously doubted that Yamada Seinosuke would chop off Madarame with a knife.

A younger brother who was originally good-natured, although his personality was a bit timid, he was still a human being.

However, after a period of special training, this guy only looked like a human from head to toe.

After getting rid of the wolves at hand, Hanataro looked at the two wolves biting his body with a grin, and pressed his two big hands directly on their heads.

There was only a click, and the hard skull was smashed into pieces.

No wailing, one hit to kill.

At this time, Hanataro's Death Overlord costume was in tatters, and large chunks of flesh and blood were missing from his body, making him look like a tattered doll.

However, he didn't seem to care about it at all, he just took out the gourd pills that had already been undone, and under Su Feng's unexpected gaze, he stabbed into his chest cavity with his backhand.

In an instant, Humaru emitted intense spiritual pressure, and the injuries on his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The light above Huwan also became more and more blazing.

It was not until the injury was completely healed that Hanataro pulled out the pill from his chest and looked at the struggling wolves on the battlefield.

"Full load, Umaru!"

As Shi Jieyu chanted loudly, the crescent-shaped bloody sword pressed against the blade and flew out instantly, landing in front.


With a violent blow, several wolves were chopped off in an instant, and the pressure on the battlefield was immediately relieved.

This blow was more like sounding the horn of a full-scale attack. The already violent soldiers seemed to be beaten with chicken blood. The speed of Zanpakuto's swing was even faster, and the sound of flesh and blood tearing was endless.

Half an hour later, the battle ended.

This mountain forest has turned into a bloody hell, and there are stumps and broken arms everywhere.

All members of Division 9 were slightly injured.

The corner of Madarame said that he taught fighting skills and tactics, but how could he easily change the fighting style, which has been engraved in his bones.

This battle only caused minor injuries to all members, which was enough to give Su Feng a satisfactory answer.


The Fourth Division team building.

General Rescue.

Seinosuke Yamada tilted his head, staring at the figure in front of him with one big and one small eyes.

He now seriously suspects that his younger brother has died in the special hell training in the corner of Madarame, and this guy in front of him was just randomly picked from the 11th team to fool himself.

"Ahem, it's Hanataro again."

Su Feng motioned, "Show Seinosuke your Zanpakuto."

A short scalpel was handed out.

At this moment, Yamada Seinosuke's eyes widened and his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had been extremely frightened, and he couldn't recover for a while.

After a while, he finally accepted this fact.

"Before he came to the fourth team, he personally killed the six ghosts." Su Feng sighed, "In terms of melee combat alone, you, the vice-captain, may really not be Hua Taro's opponent."

"For your original request, this is already very good."

"This is called exceeding the standard..." Seinosuke Yamada stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, trying to digest the fact that his younger brother turned into a berserker.

"It's a pity that the current Hanataro stays in the fourth team."

Su Feng suggested, "If you don't mind, I will let him return to the ninth team and take up the position of the sixth officer."

"At the same time lead a group of team members who received special training with him."

Hearing this, Yamada Seinosuke fell into deep thought.

There is no doubt that the fourth team is the safe team.

His original intention was to let Hanataro Yamada change his personality "slightly", so that he would no longer be as timid as before, at least he would not be bullied by the soldiers.

But now it seems that this change is somewhat over the top.

Seinosuke Yamada raised his head, looked at his younger brother, and asked, "Hantaro, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Hanataro Yamada moved his lower arm, his knotted muscles trembled slightly, and a sense of surging power burst out instantly.

"I, I prefer my current life..."

"Okay, okay, stop shaking." Yamada Seinosuke couldn't bear to look straight in the face, only feeling his eyeballs thumping, "Since this is your choice, then I have no objection."

Because there are too many members in the Fourth Division, Yamada Seinosuke, as the vice-captain, can make the final decision on such trivial matters as changing teams.

In addition, he knew the current close relationship between Sufeng and Maozhihualie, so naturally he would not go through any more procedures.

After simply completing the formalities, Sufeng was about to go find Uozhihualie when the bell of the messenger suddenly rang in his arms.

"Moxi Moxi, Captain Sufeng."

Nirvana's strange voice came from it, "Something happened. Someone discovered a great void nest in Hueco Mundo..."

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