Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 175 Breaking Road No. 90

The huge palm pressed directly on Spider Xu's head, and with a crisp sound, the hard skull was crushed to pieces.

Yamada Hanatarō stood in the center of the group of voids, exuding a fierce murderous aura, as if he were a giant void in human form.

Compared to the last time he wiped out Langxu in Rukongai, he now had no constraints from his teammates and was completely free.

The subordinate Kyon was completely unworthy in front of Yamada Hanatarō in such a posture.

It only took five minutes for Spider Xun to be unable to suppress the fear in his heart, and immediately abandoned his fellow humans and ran away.

Yamada Hanatarō's death armor also became tattered, but he was not injured.

"Captain, Brother Seinosuke." After finishing Xuqun, Hanataro returned to the crowd, showing a smile that he thought was full of kindness, "Xuqun is solved."

Looking at his younger brother who was almost as tall as himself, Yamada Seinosuke let out a long sigh and felt a constant stomachache.

He forced himself to accept Hanataro's changes, but he still couldn't completely let go of it until now.

The group of people walked directly towards the depths of the Daxu Forest along the spirit fusion range of Mole City Shuangye.

The surrounding environment is getting darker and darker, and only the little fluorescent lights on the quartz trees can bring a little bit of light to this underground space.

In the dark Daxu Forest, a red-haired figure quickly shuttled among the quartz trees, and stopped until it reached a gathering place of Yachukas.

"Three Achukas, thirty-nine Kilians, and countless virtual swarms."

A calm voice sounded from under the antelope-like white bone mask, "Today's mission is to kill them all."

There was no fear on the face under the mask, and it was extremely calm, as if he was just stating an ordinary thing.

The hunter of the Great Void Forest, the existence that constantly fights for the belief in the God of Death, the hunter can be forgotten.

In order to protect the human soul and to abide by the agreement with his companions who fought here, he has been fighting to this day.

In fact, Sufeng is right.

To some extent, Kanengya Wangren is very similar to Mole Chengshuang, but the latter's plan is more extreme.

After observing the environment, he fell straight from a high place without any fluctuations in spiritual pressure or even the sound of wind.

There is only the extremely cold murderous intention.


The flesh and blood were torn apart, and an orangutan Daxu covered his neck where blood was constantly spurting out. The depths of his scarlet lantern-like pupils were filled with confusion and doubt.

It hasn't even spotted the enemy yet!

As his consciousness gradually blurred, a figure also appeared vaguely in his hazy sight.

"Hunteng... Yawangren..."

As a god of death who has hunted Daxu in the Daxu Forest for hundreds of years, his reputation is even more famous than that of the King of Hueco Mundo in Xuye Palace.

The battle is about to start!

A sneak attack resulted in the loss of one Achukas, and the remaining two Achukas erupted in an instant, and the volcanic spiritual pressure immediately overwhelmed, locking on to the red-haired figure.

The next second, the giant rock-like fist hit Hunter's head directly, with such force that it even stirred up the hunting wind.

Correspondingly, the spiritual pressure on the opposite side rose instantly, a blazing light burst out from the blade in his hand, and the red sword pressure exuding surging killing intent flew out, and met the giant fist head-on.


The moment the sword pressure fell, the skin emitting metallic light immediately burst, and a large amount of blood burst out from it, swaying in the sky.

A shrill wail came from Yachucas' mouth, but at the same time, the pain also stimulated the ferocity hidden in his soul.

The giant fist that had been cut open actually resisted the pressure of the sword and crashed forward!


The violent force exploded and fell on the ground in front. In an instant, the rock cracked and a huge pit appeared on the spot.

However, in the deep pit, there was no forgetful figure of Kaneng Ya. When the Daxu found him, there was a bright golden thunderstorm in the dark underground space.

"Breaking Path No. 63: Thunder Roar Cannon!"

The violent thunder fell from the sky, devouring the Daxu below with a force of destruction, and the seemingly indestructible steel skin only lasted for a few seconds before it was turned into a ball of coke under the scorching heat.

As the former deputy captain of the 11th Division, Kanonaya Wangren is a rare all-round talent.

He developed the four basic combat skills of Zhan Fist and Zhan Gui in a balanced manner, with no obvious shortcomings at all.

The thunder light traveled around and burned the nearby ordinary voids until they looked like coke.

Seeing this, the last remaining Yachukas panicked completely and immediately ordered the Kilians under his command to attack the sky together.

A red flash of light condensed in the huge mouth.

For a moment, the nearby spiritual pressure was filled with a violent aura, and a large number of spiritual beings gathered in it.

"too slow……"

Shanneng Ya Wangren murmured, and when the virtual flash attack came down, he activated the instant step and disappeared from the place.

Although the Void Flash is astonishingly powerful, it is only a Killian-level Daxu. It needs time to gather spiritual pressure before releasing it.

This little time was enough for him to kill all these Daxu.

Without the restraints of the two Achukas, Kanengya Wangren exploded with amazing fighting power, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, raising a knife in his hand and rolling his head to the ground.

Within a moment, a large number of corpses were piled on the ground.

Xu Zai will also return to the Xu circle in the form of spirit particles after death, but the more powerful Xu is, the slower the speed at which the spirit particles will be decomposed.

In the same way, Daxu's spirit sons with third-class spiritual prestige and above will not be broken down by Xuquan, but will fall into hell.

"Huh——" Kanengya looked at the corpses piled up into a hill forgetfully, without any fluctuation in the depths of his pupils.

He has killed Xu for hundreds of years, and his heart is as cold as Zanpakuto.

As early as when all the companions who came along with him died, he had few emotional changes.

"It's really cruel!"

Suddenly, overlapping compound voices suddenly appeared in the depths of the darkness, "It's obviously just a mere god of death, but it has been able to live in Daxu's territory for so long."

As the voice fell, one scarlet gaze after another appeared in the darkness, the ground trembled, the sand and stones danced, and a huge monster was approaching.

Kanoya forgot to look around, her face under the mask was already stiff.

He didn't feel any spiritual pressure approaching, but the number of Daxu nearby had already exceeded the upper limit of his strength.

There are more than ten Yachukas, hundreds of Kilians, and countless virtual groups.

The Daxu didn't know what method they used to hide their spiritual pressure, and they set this trap specifically for him.

Dead end!

After realizing this, Shanneng Yawangren suddenly calmed down. The right hand holding the handle of the knife gradually exerted force, and the veins popped out.

"Forget it, dying on the battlefield is the fate of every member of Squad 11."

Faced with death, he chose to accept it calmly.

However, at the next moment, a terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from the periphery of Daxu, surging like a sea tide, and like the sky pouring down, heavily crushing each Daxu's soul.

"Excellent experimental materials!"

The weird sound was no better than Daxu's roar.

Hearing this voice, Kanengya frowned deeply, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether it was a friendly force or an enemy.

"Don't look at me with that disgusting look."

"This time I will leave them whole bodies!"

This time his voice was much more normal, and Kanonya's mood had calmed down a little.

However, what happened next broke his cognition again.

"The waves of filth, the boat of madness."

"Boiling! Numb! Flashing! Sleepless!"

The chanting of the ghost mantra was covered by the majestic spiritual pressure and became the only sound in this area.

The ground roared and trembled, as if an earth dragon was rolling. Under the suffocating pressure, the Daxu could not even think of resisting.

Instinctively, there is only the endless fear that spreads from the depths of the soul to the body.

"The princess of steel also erodes, and the clay doll also collapses."

"Gather! Confront the enemy! Flood the ground to make them aware of their powerlessness!"

A white figure slowly walked out of the virtual group, chanting the last ghost spell, with not even the slightest hint of pressure on his indifferent face.

"Broken Dao No. 90: Black Coffin!"

The moment the words fell, countless black shadows appeared under the feet of the Achiukas, like a spliced ​​Rubik's Cube, stacked layer by layer until they swallowed up these behemoths.


The next moment, countless shadow blades burst out and pierced the black coffin, instantly cutting off all the vitality of the Yachukas.

Shannengya's forgetful eyes were almost dull.

He couldn't understand what was happening.

The white captain Haori, the shinigami pressure that is very different from Daxu, the tyrannical and unreasonable No. 90 Podao...

A Shinigami captain appeared in Hueco Mundo, or was it the forest of Daxu where Daxu gathered? !

"Mole City, Killian and Ordinary Xu will be left to you."

Sufeng did not take action again, but admired his masterpiece.

It's a pity to say that this is the first time he has released it since he completely mastered the black coffin.

As the No. 90 broken path, there is no doubt about the power of the black coffin, coupled with Sufeng's current spiritual pressure strength.

Not to mention Achiukas, even if a Vastod comes in, it can be killed in the coffin in minutes.

As his words fell, an even more incomprehensible scene happened.

The ground was like a wave of water, and a huge whirlpool that was constantly crawling suddenly appeared, swallowing Killian directly like a giant mouth of the abyss.

"...turn into a wave that overwhelms the sky—Broken Path No. 57: The Earth Dances!"

Compared to Sufeng's earth-shattering ghost chant, Mole City Shuangye's ghost performance seemed much calmer.

The soil surged, and the black ground instantly solidified into a metal-like texture. Killian's bones, which were about to be swallowed into it, were crushed into pieces, and the huge black long body instantly condensed into a large ball of blood-colored flesh.

Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, which was like a Shura field, Shannengya fell into a deathly silence...

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for recommending monthly passes.

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