The black coffin disintegrated, turning back into a black shadow and dissipating into the atmosphere.

Yachukas' huge body appeared in front of everyone. It seemed like a complete body, but there was no life left at all.


On the hard steel skin, a crack burst open, as if triggering a chain reaction, countless cracks erupted on the huge body in an instant, and the blood bloomed like spring flowers, adding a little bit to the dark Daxu Forest. different colors.

The Yachukas, who had completely lost their vitality, instinctively weakened their legs and fell to their knees on the ground. Their huge heads hung down and allowed the blood on their bodies to flow into rivers.

The deaths of the Kilians and ordinary virtual groups did not leave even a complete body, and even made the ground in this area much darker.

"A shameful waste..."

Nie Yuli's golden pupils flashed a look of shock. He had already known Mocheng Shuangya's ability, but Sufeng's level of strength seemed to have increased a lot compared to the last time he beat him:

"Although we have studied enough about Killian and ordinary Hollows, with such a huge base, it is inevitable that there will be special individuals."

“The research value of this kind of individual,” Yamada Seinosuke added, “even exceeds that of Achiukas.”

The tacit understanding between the two of them is far beyond ordinary.

It's just that until now, they still don't like each other.

Facts have proved that scientists in the same field do not sympathize with each other. They want to surpass each other and become the only supreme leader in this field.

But for now, Yamada Seinosuke has stood at the pinnacle of the field of Kaido since he studied Deuri Huidao and Meikaisheng.

Looking at the entire Soul Society, there is no existence that can compare with it.

Perhaps in the Lingwang Palace, the spring soup ghost Qilin Temple Tianshilang can compare with it.

"So, who are you all?!"

Kanengya forgot to recover from the shock, and immediately looked at the group of people in front of him vigilantly.

Two guys exuding weird auras and dislike each other, one of them is wearing the captain haori=embroidered with the word "twelve", and the other is wearing the armband of the fourth division.

A burly figure, full of fighting spirit, looks like the fierce death god of the eleventh squadron.

There are also two Death Captains...

Kanoya clearly noticed that one of them had the word "Eleven" embroidered on the captain Haori.

The new captain of Squad 11?

What about Tsukiyashiki? Could it be that……

When thinking of the tradition of inheriting the name of 【Kenpachi】, Kanoya felt uneasy feeling in his forgetful heart.

It has been too long since he left the world of corpses and souls, and he can no longer imagine what that familiar place has become.

"As you can see, Death."

Sufeng smiled gently, as usual, "The newly-appointed Captain of Team Ninth Division Tsunayashiro Sufeng."

"Tatsunayashiro..." Karinohiya narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was more scrutiny in his eyes.

Sufeng ignored the guy's rude eyes, but continued on his own: "There are two over there, one is the captain of the 12th Division, Mayuri, and the other is the vice-captain of the 4th Division, Yamada Seinosuke. "

"By the way, the big guy next to him is Seinosuke's younger brother, Hanataro Yamada, the sixth member of the active ninth squad."

"As for the last one..."

Kanoya suddenly became nervous, because it was about the fate of his friend Keiyashiki, so he couldn't help but worry.

Su Feng shook his head and sighed, and said regretfully, "I know what you're worried about, but unfortunately, the more you worry, the more things will happen."

"This is the eight-generation sword eight mole city Shuangya, the former captain of the 11th team, and one of the sinners in the soul world."

"Gariyashiki died in his hands."

The moment the voice fell, Kanoniya forgot to clenched the handle of the knife subconsciously, and the back of the hand pierced by the scar was even more bruised, and the spiritual pressure moved.

"A hundred years ago, I challenged Tsuniyashiki Kenpachi in Ruukon Street, and crushed his internal organs with the ability of spiritual fusion."

Mole Chengshuang also narrated calmly, as if talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"I have inherited the name of [Sword Eight], but at the same time I am bound by the responsibility of the god of death."

"Do you want to know Kariyashiki's last words?"

Kanonya's forgetful mood seemed to have stabilized, and a sullen voice came from under the antelope mask:


"One day, Kenpachi, who is more suitable for the name [Jianpachi] than us, will definitely come to you. He can give up the insignificant obsession that binds me and you, and that person will definitely be able to live without restraint. Under the circumstances, he is focused on pursuing the fight..."

"So if you lose, you have to let that person see all your strength as [Jianba], this is the obligation to inherit the name [Jianba]..."

Mole Chengshuang's pupils were out of focus, and his thoughts seemed to have returned to a hundred years ago.

As for the Kenpachi in Kariyashiki Kenpachi's last words, he still doesn't know who he is.

Saraki Kenpachi?

A beast-like figure appeared in his mind.

Instinctively, a feeling of disgust emerged from the bottom of my heart.

Molejoshuang also doesn't think that the current Zaraki Kenpachi can defeat him, if he really has to choose a successor to the name of [Kenpachi].

Perhaps only Suifeng, who had defeated him before, was suitable.

Shanneng Ya forgot to write down these remarks and pondered each word carefully in his heart.

It wasn't until the end that he let out a long breath: "Gariyashiki..."

"I know what he's thinking."

"Although there were regrets in that battle, I did not regret it."

Sufeng raised his eyebrows. The hunter in front of him seemed to be far above the average IQ of the 11th Division.

Just from his brief last words, he could judge the situation at that time.

Is this the mind of a Shinigami who is immersed in hunting the Great Void?

Mole Chengshuang also nodded and said nothing more.

He also expressed regret for the passing of Kariyashiki Kenpachi, but the past is gone and cannot be undone, and regrets and regrets can only be buried deep in his heart.

"Back to the topic." Sufeng attracted everyone's attention as soon as he opened his mouth, "This god of death, oh yes, to be more precise, it should be Kanengya Wangren."

"Don't you want to go back and pay homage to Kariyashiki Kenpachi?"

"Give a glass of wine at his grave or something."

When Shannengya Wangren heard these escaping words, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

The new captain of Division 9 doesn't seem to be very reliable.

After pondering for a moment, he replied: "The deceased are gone, so it is better to inherit their beliefs and continue the unfinished mission."

"According to my observations, nine out of ten virtual beings in the world come from here."

"We only need to destroy all the voids in the Great Void Forest, and the voids in the present world will also die."

"This is the mission of the God of Death, and it is also my explanation to the dead..."

When he said this, Nirvana suddenly interrupted and joked in a joking tone:

"You must have skipped classes when you were practicing in the Spiritual Arts Academy, right?"

"The virtual is transformed from the whole. Isn't this common sense taught by the Spiritual Arts Academy?"

"The journey from Hueco Mundo to the present world only accounts for an insignificant part of it."

"On the contrary, many of the Hollows in Hueco Mundo come from this world."

As a professional in related fields, Nirvana’s words are highly credible:

"The god of death needs the help of the world gate to travel through the world, but Xu doesn't need it."

"Opening the black cavity is more like an instinct for them."

After finishing his words, Su Feng snapped his fingers and added with a smile:

"Also, do you really know the mission of Death?"

Mole Chengshuang also sighed aside.

Ever familiar picture...

Under the explanation of the two men, Kanoniya's pupils shrank, her breathing became slightly rapid, and her spiritual pressure, which had been stable for hundreds of years, became disordered.

He doesn't understand.

The mission of the God of Death and the assumptions he made were all wrong.

So what exactly have you been doing during these hundred years?

Wasting time? !

Thinking of his companions who had died in the confrontation with Daxu, Shanneng Yawang couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

If it hadn't been for their reckless decision, they wouldn't have died in the Great Void Forest.

They should have had a better life instead of dying miserably in despair and pain.

Under the violent emotional fluctuations, Kanonya's oblivious spiritual pressure revealed a violent aura, and the materialized light was filled with an unconcealable red color.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, a big scene that's rare to see in a hundred years!"

Nie Yuli's tone was strange, a faint light shone in his golden pupils, and he stared at the figure in front of him.

"The Death God Hollow that has not been processed by any means is much more advanced than that guy Urahara Kisuke's research and development!"

"It's so exciting!"

Sufeng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and said a few words of excitement to himself and Nirvana, which directly caused Shannengya to break his defense?

"Hey, adjust your own mentality."

He reminded, "Although the mission of the God of Death is not to annihilate all the voids, if you become a void, you will really let down your dead companions."

Strangely, under these words, Kanonya's forgetful spiritual pressure actually calmed down, and the violent aura also dissipated.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"I'm sorry." Kanengya put one hand on the antelope mask, "I lost my temper."

With a crisp click, the mask was crushed with great force, turning into countless bone fragments and scattered from his palm.

The face that Su Feng remembered appeared in front of him, and I have to say that this guy's appearance is still very good.

The existence of Kanonya Wangren not only raised the average IQ of the 11th Division, but also the average appearance also increased linearly.

Seeing that he had returned to normal, Yamada Seinosuke also put aside his worries and took a step forward to circle around Kanonaya.

Star-like spiritual pressure trajectories flow in all directions from time to time, which is extremely gorgeous.

After a moment, he raised his head and stared at the figure in front of him, and asked in a serious tone:

"I'm curious about something."

"In these hundreds of years without any supplies, how did you survive your hunger..."

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