Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 177 Weird change, fall?

As everyone knows.

The vast majority of the soul residents in Rukongai do not need solid food. They only need to ingest souls in the air and a certain amount of water resources to survive.

Of course, this is for souls without spiritual power.

For souls with a certain amount of spiritual power, the spirit seeds in the atmosphere are simply not enough to sustain their lives. Not only will they starve due to lack of food, but in severe cases, they may even die.

Like the civilians who have become the god of death, food has become indispensable.

Same goes for Hueco Mundo.

Weak animals can rely on the spirit seeds in the atmosphere to survive and meet their daily needs.

But like ordinary Xu and Da Xu, they are about to devour the same kind.

Except for Xu, there is no food in Xu's circle. Even the white sand scattered in every corner is actually weathered by Xu's corpse.

This is a virtual world.

As a genius scientist in the field of human body manufacturing, Yamada Seinosuke immediately discovered the abnormality of Kanonya's forgetfulness.

How could an ordinary god of death almost enter a virtual state due to a slight emotional fluctuation?

If it was really so dangerous, how could the five nobles allow the Gotei 13 to exist?

If the God of Death wants to enter the Hollow state, the most basic condition is to implant the Hollow soul in his own soul, thereby destroying the boundaries of the soul.

Without the power of virtuality, it is impossible to become virtual.

Having said this, the answer to the question is actually very obvious.

Staring at Yamada Seinosuke's serious eyes, Kanonaya pursed his lips a few times and said hesitantly:

"The empty corpse..."

After the words fell, Tsunayashiro Sufeng, Molejo Shuuya and Yamada Hanatarō were greatly shocked, staring at the red-haired figure in front of them with astonished eyes.

Niruri and Yamada Seinosuke's eyes showed ecstasy, and they immediately took two steps forward. One of them took one of Kanonya's arms, and while looking up and down, they made a sound of admiration in their mouths.

It was as if some rare treasure had been discovered.

For scientists, nothing is more attractive than unknown territory.

"What is this?" Sufeng came back to his senses and spread his hands, "Artificial mask?"

"No, this thing is originally man-made..."

Yamada Hanataro was shocked, and his personality seemed to have returned to the past again, and he stumbled and asked:

"Su, Captain Sufeng, Daxu's body is really, really good..."

He couldn't describe it in words for a moment and could only barely make a gesture of eating.

"Believe in the will of man."

Sufeng was greatly shocked, but he still said sincerely, "With sincerity, gold and stone will open. This is the truth that has not changed since ancient times."

Yamada Hanataro was thoughtful, his eyes wandering down on Killian's body that was crushed into a pulp by Mole Shishuang.

Mole Chengshuang also looked sideways, with a bit of uneasiness on his supposedly calm expression.

He originally upheld the great desire to annihilate all the voids in the world. Although he was later deceived by Sufeng and became lame, his attitude towards the voids has never changed from the beginning to the end.

But the way Shannengya Wangren dealt with Xu was more or less frightening.

Is that stuff really something that the God of Death can eat?

"Hahahaha!" Sharp laughter suddenly appeared, filling the ear canals of Mole Cheng Shuangye and Sufeng, "The guy with the word sword in his name, study hard, this red-haired god of death is you What are your future goals?”

As he said this, Yulu Zheliu's eyes fell on Sufeng, and he waved his little hands and said hello: "Long time no see, interesting little brother."

Sufeng nodded in response, Yulu Zheliu was one of the few Zanpakutos that could materialize on its own, and it was also a rare species.

The performance of everyone made Shannengya feel strange.

These guys are not normal, are they?

After hearing such unbelievable things, shouldn’t we stay away with fear on our faces?

Especially the two strange people around him, what is going on with those strange eyes?

Why can we see the meaning of salivating from it? !

"Sure enough, the element of emptiness is already contained in the spirit."

After taking a simple measurement, Yamada Seinosuke said happily, "As for the soul, we need to conduct a more in-depth inspection through equipment."

"What a wonderful coincidence!"

The corners of Nirvana Mayuri's mouth reached to the ears, and his golden teeth glistened under the fluorescent light of the quartz tree.

"Kisuke Urahara's IQ is nothing more than this."

Kanoya forgot to be made awkward by these two freaks, like a bug crawling, and broke free from the shackles of the two without any explanation.

"Daxu can devour the souls of humans and God of Death, so why can't God of Death eat Daxu's corpse?"

He stiffened his neck and explained stubbornly, "After the death of an ordinary void, its corpse will not last too long, but if it is sealed with a binding method, it can barely serve as emergency food."

"Same thing Killian."

"Yachukas' body will last for quite a while, and if there is no external interference, it can even persist for a year and a half."

"The production process only needs to be roasted at high temperature through the flame created by the collision of Bai Lei."

After smashing the broken jar, Shanneng Ya forgot about his daily life and threw it out, not caring about other people's eyes at all.

After all the output, Qiang Rusufeng couldn't help but be shocked when he looked at the opponent.

After a simple test, Yamada Seinosuke gave a conclusion.

Because Kannengya forgets to eat Xu all the year round, some of the spirit seeds in his body have been assimilated by Xu, and so is his soul.

And according to this progress, in another three to five hundred years, there will be one less Reaper in the world, and one more Daxu named Kanengya Wangren.

Considering its current spirit pressure level, the start is also a watt level.

Hearing this conclusion, Kanoya became silent for a moment.

what is this?

Will the dragon slayer become a dragon?

Obviously, he couldn't accept it for a while.

If the death of Tsurugaya Shiki Kenpachi was still expected, then the current discovery is an unexpected situation.

"My suggestion is to bring it back to the world of corpses and souls for deeper research."

Nirvana Yuri swung her fingers and said excitedly, "It would be best if I could dissect this kid's body and soul."

"Don't worry, I will write your name on the container, and spread your achievements to every corner of the soul world."

Yamada Seinosuke said disdainfully: "How can such a controllable and sustainable resource be researched so rudely!"

"Slicing from time to time is the simplest and most effective solution."

After a long absence, Nirvana Mayori did not refute Yamada Seinosuke's words, but nodded thoughtfully:

"If you look at it this way, it's indeed possible."

Seeing that the two had reached an agreement, Kanoya Forgotten felt a chill in his heart.

He would rather stay in the Great Void Forest than return to Soul Society to be dissected.

No matter which solution he was given, he couldn't accept it.

At the critical moment, Sufeng interrupted the two of them from their imagination: "Kenengya Wangren has killed so many Daxu. Based on this alone, he can be regarded as a hero in the Soul Society."

"Mr. Yamamoto will not allow you to act recklessly."

"It might be okay to just cooperate with the inspection and conduct surface research, but don't even think about slicing it."

Hearing this, Shannengya's expression as he looked at Sufeng suddenly changed subtly.

Nirvana dug hard into her temples with her nails and said madly: "It's just such a pity to do this level of research."

Yamada Seinosuke agreed.

On the side, Mole Chengshuang also watched with cold eyes and had no intention of interrupting at all.

The tacit understanding between these three guys has reached the point of tacit understanding to a certain extent.

One side is red-faced, the other side is white-faced.

The coordination can be said to be seamless and perfect.


Is it really okay to just deceive a god of death who has been fighting countless Daxu for hundreds of years?

"Hahaha, this red-haired idiot can't even understand this trick?"

Yulu Zheliu's enchanting figure was laughing like a crazy woman without any manners at all.

"Or is Daxu eating too much, and even his IQ has dropped to Killian's level?"

"Looking at this situation, he still needs to eat more Daxu, otherwise he can only be regarded as mentally retarded, ha ha!"

Yamada Hanataro also noticed something was wrong, but because he stayed with Madarame Ikkaku and others for too long and was assimilated, he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He just felt that his brother Yamada Seinosuke didn't seem to be too disappointed.

On the contrary, the excitement in his eyes cannot be reduced no matter what.

"So, what's your choice?"

After flickering, Su Feng returned to calm, and looked at the figure in front of him with calm eyes.

Facing the questioning, Kanoya muttered forgetfully: "Since everything I have done is in vain, I might as well spend the rest of my life trying to complete the mission of the God of Death."

"I hope that the soul world can accept a heterogeneous existence like me."

As soon as the words fell, Nirvana Mayuri patted Kanoya's forgetful shoulder like an acquaintance, and said cordially:

"Don't worry about that, did the sanctimonious guy next to him see it?"

"The heir to the Tsunayashiro family. Since the current head of the family was half crippled by him, our Captain Sufeng is the most powerful person in the Tsunayashiro family."

As soon as these words came out, Kanengya's heart skipped a beat.

For some reason, he suddenly felt like he was on a pirate ship.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Su Feng's attitude changed suddenly, "The goal has been achieved, let's go back to the Soul Realm first."

Nie Yuli took out the mimic black cavity capsule from the ear canal, opened the mimic black cavity instantly, and recorded the location on the spot.

In this way, when the mimicry black cavity is turned on again, you can arrive in the forest of the Great Void in the first time.

With Hanataro Yamada at the front and Masa Kari behind, the group smoothly entered the deep darkness.

However, until the mimic black chamber began to close, Su Feng still stood in place.

With the disappearance of the last trace of spiritual pressure, the sharp tooth-like gap was completely closed.

It wasn't until this moment that Su Feng turned his eyes and landed on Mo Cheng Shuang Ye.

On the lower right side of his cheek, a trace of white bone is looming, as if growing out from under the skin...

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