Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 178 Let me see your limits

"When did this happen?"

"Three days ago."

"Is there any way to control it?"

"Irreversible, at least I didn't find it."

The two communicated like they were playing charades, making Yulu Zheliu, who was excited, constantly wandering between the two.

Although there are black leather strips covering her eyes, this does not prevent them from observing their expressions.

With a rough description, Sufeng also figured out what happened.

To put it simply, it is Mole City Shuangye's Yulu Zheliu, which can fuse its own spirit with the spirits of other living things and non-living things, and control them.

When he was in Soul Society before, Molejo Shuuya's spirit son merged with the entire Seireitei.

In this state, he can monitor, listen, perceive, and control everything in it, and can create clones to appear in any corner of the Seireitei at will.

Of course, there are ways to deal with it, such as the spirit coagulant developed by Nirvana and the rare material murderous stone.

But correspondingly, once the spirit component of the material it is fused with is destroyed, he will also be harmed to a certain extent.

And now, after merging with the Hueco Mundo Reiko, Mole Chengshuang has inevitably been infected with the characteristics of the Hollow.

Everything in Hueco Mundo has a great relationship with Xueco Mundo.

In fact, the current Mole City Shuang is also very similar to Kanengya Wangren, except that Yulu Zheliu's ability greatly shortens this process.

If this continues, Mole Chengshuang is very likely to be ahead of Kanengya Wangren and become the first person to become insubstantial on his own.

"Believe in the abilities of Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke."

Sufeng said calmly, "The virtualization is not uncontrollable. As far as I know, the captains who were virtualized by Aizen are still active in the present world."

After a long absence, Mole Chengshuang also had a look of astonishment on his face.

What he didn't expect was that Sufeng in front of him actually knew what Aizen was doing.

"There's no need to look at me like that. Compared to your ability to solve the bugs in Mirror Flowers and Water Moon, I'm still far behind."

Su Fengfeng said calmly, "At least, in my eyes Aizen is still one of the most popular captains in the Seireitei."

Even with the superposition of multiple BUFFs, he still couldn't crack Aizen's Kyouka Suigetsu.

The only good thing is that Sufeng was barely able to detect the abnormality when his affinity with Lingzi increased.

In this way, there is an advantage, at least it can be discovered when someone is tricked.

"Stop merging any souls in Hueco Mundo."

Sufeng suggested, "Until Nirvana and others develop corresponding countermeasures, it is enough to stick to the current field."

"Hueco Mundo is an extremely important strategic place, and both Aizen and the guys hiding in the shadows will take it very seriously."

"What we can do now is to occupy this world first and take all the living forces in it into our hands."

Mole Chengshuang also listened to these remarks, and the surprise in his heart could not subside for a long time.

To be honest, he originally thought that the heir of the Tsunayashiro family was an out-and-out salty fish, and all he did was forced by reality to rush the ducks to the shelves.

But after hearing these words, he suddenly realized that he was very wrong.

Tsunayashiro Sufeng is not that salty on the surface, he just hides it better.

Think about it, how can a person who can face his own righteousness alone for the safety of Soul Society be as simple as he appears on the surface?

Thinking of this, Mole Chengshuang looked at Sufeng with even more intense eyes.

Although he didn't know what was going on in this guy's mind, Su Feng always felt that his eyes made people feel a little nervous.

"I see."

Mole Chengshuang also calmed down, "I will continue to wait."

"But before that, the Great Void Forest should also be brought under the command of the new Void King."

"The new virtual king?"



Su Feng patted his forehead, almost forgetting that this guy's brain circuit was completely different from ordinary people.

However, Mole Chengshuang can always accurately grasp the meaning he wants to express from short words, which can be regarded as a gift.

"I will put Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke on the agenda as soon as possible for the research on virtualization."

Sufeng raised his left hand and pointed it at the dark depths behind him, "Broken Path No. 88: Flying Dragon Strikes Thief and Sky-shaking Thunder Cannon."

In an instant, the roaring sound of the explosion blasted through the Great Void Forest like thunder, and the terrifying electric light twined around the blue light pillar, annihilating everything in front of it, and fell into the darkness with a violent impact. among.

Boom! !

The aftermath that shook the earth suddenly erupted!

In just an instant, layers of soil for miles around exploded, and dark red sand rose into the sky. Amidst the roar, everything in front was filled with dust.

The azure blue light shattered the quartz trees that penetrated the underground space, and countless quartz fragments flew to every corner.

Mole Chengshuang also looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. If the previous black coffin was extremely restrained, then the current flying dragon and thief-shaking thunder cannon exploded wildly.

The expressive power of the two is completely different.

When the dust cleared, a huge ravine was plowed into the ground, separating the two places like an abyss.

At the end of the ravine, a humanoid figure stood on the spot.

He has long green hair, a proud figure, a white bone mask that almost covers his entire face, and a slender black tail that swings slightly behind him.

Mole Chengshuang was also puzzled.

This area was within the range of his spiritual son fusion, but he didn't notice any fluctuations in spiritual pressure just now.

When did this tile-level Daxu appear there?

How did Sufeng find out?

Could it be said that his current perception ability has completely surpassed his own?

Countless doubts emerged in Mole Cheng Shuangye's mind, but he remained as calm as ever on the surface.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to spy on you."

Something even more unexpected happened to Mole Chengshuang. Waki ​​Daxu in the distance actually apologized to them in a gentle tone.

"Nilu just noticed the fluctuations in the battle and came here to check out out of curiosity."

Sufeng turned around and discovered the figure in the darkness and determined the identity of the other party.

Female Vasu, Nilielle du Odeshovank.

He was not surprised that this tile-level Daxu appeared in the Forest of Daxu.

"Curiosity killed the cat."

The corners of Sufeng's lips raised, and there was a hint of danger in his smile, "Since you have done something similar, you must pay a corresponding price for it."

After the words fell, Nilu's gray-brown pupils shrank suddenly, and the white figure in the distance actually appeared in front of her, and the powerful spiritual pressure covered her like heaven.

With her eyesight, she didn't even notice the opponent's movement trajectory.

It's like the ringing of Daxu.

Sufeng looked at the figure in front of him. Although he had never broken his face, as a tile-level Daxu, Nilu was just like a normal person except for the antelope mask on her face.

A tall and sexy figure is extremely rare even in Soul Society and the real world.

"Mole City, it is not enough to conquer Hueco Mundo with the power of just one person."

Su Feng's voice came from a distance, "Using Daxu's power reasonably is the most correct choice."

As soon as these words came out, Nilu suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

The next moment, she saw the death captain in front of her staring at her with extremely dangerous eyes, and stretched out her right hand as an invitation:

"Nelliel du Odyshovank."

"Come and become my subordinate, and build your ideal virtual circle country."

After the words were finished, Nilu's face froze, and she evaded with a smile: "Nilu is not interested in these things, she just wants to live her life quietly..."

"It doesn't matter."

Su Feng raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist. A sense of majestic power erupted on it, and the substantive spiritual pressure exuded a blazing light.

"I still understand the rules between Daxu."

"The winner is king, only the strongest is worthy to stand at the top of the virtual circle."

Seeing this, Nilu's expression suddenly became serious, the luck that she had just had in her heart had already disappeared.

The other party obviously didn't intend to let him go easily.

As Daxu, she knows very well what kind of group Death God is.

They kill anything they come across, and they make up no excuses.

In Nilu's view, the god of death is like a natural enemy.

The god of death in front of him actually invited himself to be his subordinate, which is already considered an outlier among outliers.

"Nilu doesn't like fighting without reason."

"There are plenty of reasons. I want to rule the virtual circle and build an ideal virtual kingdom."

The white feathers fluttered with the wind, and Su Feng smiled gently: "And you are the first subordinate I choose."

"Fight, let me see your limit!"

As soon as the words fell, the fist bones exuding blazing light blasted forward, as fierce as a falling meteorite.

The air in all directions was torn apart, and the sharp piercing sound filled Nilu's eardrums.

Facing the aggressive Sufeng, even if Nilu didn't want to fight, she couldn't escape. She could only respond by bursting out her spiritual pressure.

boom! !

The light red and blue-white materialized spiritual pressure collided in the dark underground space, and the turbulent impact instantly stirred up.

The ground collapsed, layers of sand and soil swept up, the quartz tree shattered, and countless debris shot to every corner like a torrential rain.

The aftermath of the collision swept through the Great Void Forest in an instant with lightning speed, and almost all the Void were aware of the fluctuations of the battle.

They looked into the distance in horror. The bright light was like a bright sun, lighting up the entire Daxu Forest.

The terrifying pressure swept over, and the weak and inferior Xu, who was slightly closer to the battlefield, could not bear it at all. His body immediately collapsed and scattered into sand, blending into the aftermath of the violent wind.

In the center of the battlefield, two figures instantly flew backwards, creating huge craters on the ground like meteorites.

Without hesitation or hesitation, just looking at her unscathed opponent, Nilu turned around and activated the ring, disappearing into the darkness at the fastest speed in her life.

At this moment, there was only one thought in her mind——

The god of death is indeed Da Xu's natural enemy!

Thanks to the bosses of Xiaoyaoyixin for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly ticket support.

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