Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 179 Time flies, Dabai is puzzled

"Just let her escape like that?"

Mole Chengshuang also stepped forward and said in confusion, "With your strength, you should be able to easily keep her."

Hearing this, Sufeng turned around and patted the other party's shoulder, and said sincerely:

“That’s not how fishing works.”

"For someone with a personality like Nelu's, she must be made aware of the difference between us and other Shinigami."

"Only in this way can she surrender willingly."

"You should also realize that Nilu is different from other Daxu, right?"

Mole Chengshuang also nodded.

He has lived for hundreds of years, and he can no longer remember all the Hollows he has seen and killed, but this is the first time he has seen a great Hollow like Nilu who can apologize to the God of Death.

This kind of existence is as rare as gold in the sand.

"Actually, I have an immature idea."

Sufeng smiled and said, "Since the God of Death will be infected by the power of the void and enter the state of virtualization, the characteristics of the great void will also appear on his body."

"Then will the Hollow be changed by the power of the God of Death, so that the characteristics of the God of Death will appear?"

Mole Chengshuang was also stunned, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer this question.

"Death and Kyon are opposites."

Thunder light crackled in Su Feng's palm, and it suddenly shone in all directions, "Just like now."

“Wherever there is light there are shadows of darkness.”

"The two are inherently interdependent. If either is missing, the equilibrium will be destroyed."

"As I told you before, if the void in the whole world disappears, then the three realms will return to a state of chaos, and everything will return to nothingness."

Mole Chengshuang also had a thoughtful look on his face.

What Sufeng said was actually what he was thinking when he became aware of Aizen's plan.

It's just that the virtualization was carried out in Rukongai at that time, and he didn't know the specific details.


Mole Shishuang also vaguely noticed that the captain of the fifth division, Aizen Sosuke, seemed to have discovered his existence.

“However, the specific details still need to be studied by professionals.”

Sufeng sighed, "Although Nie Yuli is unreliable on the surface, when it comes to his professional field, he is still very reliable."

"Pay attention to the special Daxu in Hueco Mundo."

He took out the Mimic Black Cavity Capsule from his cuff and poured in spiritual pressure to open the Black Cavity. "I will come to Hueco Mundo to fish from time to time."

"What kind of..." Mole Chengshuang also hesitated, "is it special?"

Sufeng pondered for a moment, then smiled happily and said, "It would be nice to be like Nilu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped into the black cavity and quickly disappeared into the broken world.

"Hahahaha, do you still need to think about this kind of thing?"

Sharp laughter rang in the ears, Yulu Zheliu surrounded Mole City Shuangye, trying his best to show off his figure:

"Of course it's a enchanting and beautiful being like me. That big virtual girl just now meets the requirements!"

"The interesting guy is far more interesting on the inside than on the outside. You must not disappoint your master's expectations. The guy with the word sword in his name, hahaha!"

"Shut up……"

After a long absence, Mole Chengshuang also scolded that sharp smile.

But it was obvious that Yulu Zheliu didn't take his words to heart. On the contrary, she smiled even happier.

Looking at the slowly closing mimetic black cavity, Mole Chengshuang also had a look of doubt in his eyes:

"Female Vaxu..."


Sufeng didn't know that Yulu Zheliu "misinterpreted" the meaning of his words.

Not long after returning to Soul Society, he informed Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke of his thoughts.

Both of them expressed a strong willingness to research on this.

Among them, Nirvana is the most powerful.

In his opinion, studying Daxu's Arrancar transformation is undoubtedly the best way to prove that he is stronger than Urahara Kisuke.

Hollow transformation experiments to study the Shinigami are prohibited in Soul Society, but Arrancar experiments to study the Great Hollow have never been explicitly prohibited.

Maybe there is, but Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke have Sufeng Tsunayashiro as their backer, so they won't worry about violations of laws and regulations at all.

Even if they were discovered by Mao No. 46, those old guys would choose to turn a blind eye.

After a heated discussion between the two, they decided to start their research from Kanonya Wangren.

As a powerful god of death who has lived in the Great Void Forest for hundreds of years, he is an experimental material with extremely high research value.

In addition, he has eaten countless corpses of Daxu, and his own spirit has begun to merge with the spirit of Xu, so the research value is even higher.

As for the anatomy, it was entirely because Nirvana Yuri was trying to scare him.

How can such a precious existence be easily destroyed?

Although Kanoya Wangren is very resistant to this.

However, since he has entered the den of thieves, he can't help it.

For a long period of time, Yamada Seinosuke moved directly to the Technology Development Bureau and conducted in-depth research with the help of its high-precision equipment.

In the words of him and Nirvana, this is a research that requires a lot of time and energy. If it doesn't take thirty or fifty years, there may not be any results.

In this regard, Su Feng accepted it, and Dang even started his life of fishing.

On weekdays, I exchanged feelings with Luanju and Nanao, and maintained the frequency of a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days.

And the weekly ghost teachings are still improving.

From time to time, I go to the Fourth Division to participate in flower arrangement parties to show off my artistic talent.

And the study of Yuanliu is still continuing.

In order to fully unleash the full power contained in the first-class spiritual power, it is far from enough to rely on his own development.

But fortunately, Yamamoto Genryusai has been standing in this field for thousands of years, and as a teacher of Sufeng, he is fully qualified.

The essence of the four basic combat skills of Zanquan and Zuki can all be learned from Genryusai Yamamoto.

At the same time, in terms of actual combat, Retsu Unohana personally taught the moves, and when they started to fight with each other, they entered the state of Unohana Eight-Thousand-ryu on the spot.

Fortunately, she still has the corresponding rationality and is not completely wiped out.

Otherwise, Su Feng would spend a lot of time and resources just to recuperate his injuries.

While waiting for the research results, a very important thing happened.

Tsunaya proposed to the elders of the family to abdicate the position of head of the family on behalf of Akizuki.

Because most of his powers were deprived, he, the head of the family, was no different from ordinary family members.

After suffering, Tsunayashiro Akizuki finally figured out the key and let go of his inner desire for power.

Ever since, three days after making this request.

The Tsunayashiro family, the chief of the five nobles, proposed the inauguration ceremony of the twenty-third generation head of the family to the Golden Seal Society, and notified all the nobles, the Gotei 13 and the Onido clan of the news.

For any noble, the inauguration ceremony of a new generation of family head is quite grand and cannot be easily ignored.

Its scale is also much larger than the captain's inauguration ceremony.

Even someone like Su Feng, who had been accustomed to all kinds of aristocratic etiquette since childhood, was dizzy and almost exhausted by the arduous process of the inauguration ceremony.

Correspondingly, the other four nobles also sent congratulatory gifts.

Let’s not mention the Kuchiki family and the Shiba family for now.

As for the relationship between him and Baymax, which was so good that he almost wore a pair of pants, the Kuchiki family would be sorry for his many teachings to Baymax if they didn't give him some expensive gifts.

Moreover, the criminal family guarding the gate of hell also sent quite heavy gifts.

The members of the Tsunayashiro family also re-recognized the connections of their new head of the family in Soul Society.

What puzzled Sufeng the most was the extremely complicated look Si Fengyuan Yushiro gave him when he came.

Love and hate intertwined, resentment and hatred are clear?

Anyway, all kinds of emotions were mixed together, and it was impossible to tell what kind of mood he was feeling at this moment.

What exactly this guy went through is unknown.

The only thing that is certain is that after he inherited the identity of the head of the Tsunayashiro family, the relationship between the five nobles has also been eased to a certain extent.

As Kuchiki Ginrui said before, Sufeng, as a very special existence in Tsunayashiro's family, became the bridge connecting the five nobles at this moment.

But even Kuchiki Ginling didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

After the ceremony, the highlight came on time.

Under the leadership of the family elders and the previous generation family leader Tsunayashiro Akizuki, Sufeng came to the family ancestral hall.

Here is enshrined the memorial tablet of Tsunayashiro's ancestor, as well as the Zanpakutō passed down from generation to generation——

Yanluo Jingdian!

When holding this Zanpakutō in his hand, Sufeng could clearly detect its own special nature.

Completely different from the regular Zanpakutō.

As the oldest Zanpakutō, its own abilities are extremely buggy.

The user can copy all Zanpakutos he has ever seen, but at the same time, while using Yanluo Jingdian, his own soul will be annihilated bit by bit.

Just like its liberating language——

Drinking from the four seas, occupying the end of the world, all things are covered, overwriting and cutting, the beautiful mirror canon!

A true suicide Zanpakutō.

Sufeng has no idea of ​​using it. Lan Yin is very good and powerful. In terms of potential alone, it is not inferior to any Zanpakutō.

But he also had no intention of continuing to enshrine Yanluo Jingdian in the ancestral hall.

As the head of the family, it is a very reasonable thing to carry around the Zanpakutō that has been passed down from generation to generation.

In this regard, the elders have no opinions.

In terms of spiritual pressure and strength alone, Sufeng seems to be the most powerful among all the family heads in the past.

They are also very satisfied that they can choose such a capable family member to be the head of the family.

Unlike Tsunayashiro Akizuki of the previous generation, even though he was weak, he always liked to make mistakes.

The appointment of the head of the family could only be regarded as an insignificant wave in Sufeng's fishing career, and it was not enough to cause waves in his heart.

What really surprised him was one day forty years later.

Late at night, Kuchiki Byakuya came to visit alone, and brought a whole jar of what is known as the strongest black soul wine in Soul Society.

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng, there is one thing I can't figure out..."

The next chapter will explain the changes in Sufeng's strength. The plot will enter the main line of the comic. Of course, it will not follow the original plot. It will try to write some new ideas. I hope all the book lovers can understand.

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