Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 183: Removed from the Five Nobles

"Death, Death!?"

Rukia's eyes widened, staring at the person in front of her in shock.

"Su, Master Sufeng can really make my sister and I become that kind of superior Lord Death?!"

Obviously, at this moment, Rukia still doesn't have an accurate concept of death.

All she knew was that being a god of death would allow her to live comfortably, at least she wouldn't starve to death by the side of the road like wild dogs like other children.

Su Feng looked sideways and lowered his head, looked at Fei Zhen who was on the side: "Didn't you explain everything to her?"

Fei Zhen blushed, bowed her head in shame and said, "I miss Rukia so much, I was only concerned with crying and apologizing just now..."

Rukia's gaze was on the two of them, her big sly eyes seemed to be thinking about their relationship.

"Don't look at others with that troublesome eyes." Su Feng put his left hand on the onion and rubbed it vigorously.

Surprisingly, it feels surprisingly good.

"Since Feizhen didn't say it, let me relay it."

Su Feng created a romance template in his mind about a rich young man falling in love with a poor girl, and then after a brief polishing, he directly made up a poignant love story.

Throughout the text, except for the same name, there is no slight difference in other aspects.

However, the sentimental Feizhen sisters chose this way, and when the story ended, tears welled up in the corners of their eyes.

"It turns out that my sister's life is so miserable." Rukia sobbed.

Seeing Lucia's appearance, Feizhen immediately seemed to be in a hurry. Because she had abandoned Lucia before, she felt full of guilt when facing Lucia now.

"So, you should understand, right?"

Su Feng sighed, "I have nothing to do with your sister, but my worthless friend..."

"Although he is weak and helpless, even his family often bullies him."

"But at the end of the day, this guy is still a little bit stronger than the average Death God."

Saying that, Su Feng stretched out his right hand and compared the distance between his fingertips.

"Captain Kyōband's "Rose-Colored Path", Captain Ukitake's "Ukando", Captain Aizen's "The Backside of the Pine Leaf", Captain Unohana's "Killing"."

Kuchiki Byakuya's voice came from behind, "I didn't expect you to read so much."

"Hey, don't forget my identity." Sufeng responded disdainfully, not caring at all about Kuchiki Byakuya's blue face, "The Seireitei Communication is in charge of the Ninth Division."

"Before each issue is released, it must be approved by me before it can be published."

"Is that why you stitched and arranged me with these stories?" Byakuya Kuchiki asked in a deep voice.

Su Feng nodded of course.

Seeing this, Kuchiki Byakuya took a deep breath, and for some reason suddenly felt his blood pressure was a little high.

It seems that it is not entirely a good thing to have such a bad friend.

For the sake of him doing him such a big favor, let's not worry about it for now.

"Say it like you could beat me."

Sufeng seemed to see what Kuchiki Byakuya was thinking.

In an instant, veins appeared on Kuchiki Byakuya's forehead and he was pounding.

"The matter of enrolling..."

Sufeng was about to explain the relevant matters, but was rejected by Kuchiki Byakuya on the spot:

"I've broken the rules."

"The people of Kuchiki's family are really troublesome."

Sufeng did not continue to embarrass Kuchiki Byakuya, and decisively took over the entire matter.

Anyway, one sheep is being driven, and two sheep are being herded, so we can simply handle it all at once.

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, the two brats from the Shiba family seemed to be old enough to enter school.

Since this group of people are willing to be aloof, let him be the villain.

These can be counted as effective forces to fight against the invisible empire in the future. It would be a pity to let them go so easily.


Runlin District, in the northwest direction, the civilian area in the northern section.

A whole row of bungalow buildings is clean and tidy, and there is not even a bit of garbage on the street.

As the first district of Rukongai with the best public security management, the happiness of the residents here is far higher than that of Zaraki District, Xudiao District.

The faces of pedestrians walking on the street are often filled with smiles.

Located on the steps of the westernmost residence, two short figures sat on it without any image, holding watermelons larger than their faces and gnawing on them with a ferocious look.

The watermelon rinds stacked on one side have formed a hill-like shape, while the watermelons on the other side are shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While the two were eating the watermelon hard, they heard a soft "click" sound not far away.

When they looked over, they saw a man wearing a white feather fabric holding something like a camera facing them.

"Hey, are you secretly taking pictures of others without permission?"

The white-haired kid looked dissatisfied, put down the unfinished watermelon in his hand, and walked straight in the direction of the man.

"Xiaobai, stop conflicting with others." The girl hurriedly dissuaded, "This gentleman should not have any malicious intentions."

As residents of Runlin'an District, the two of them are obviously more knowledgeable than Lucia in Xudiao District.

Su Feng put away the magical machine for sending orders, and looked at the two of them with a smile.

The white-haired kid was only 1.3 meters tall, but the black-haired girl was a head taller than him, at 1.5 meters, almost on par with Rukia.

Toshirō Hitsugaya, a genius boy, and Momo Hina, a girl with a brain in love.

"Delete the photo you took just now, otherwise, we will report it to the Death God patrolling here."

Hitsugaya Toshiro said dissatisfiedly, "It is necessary to obtain other people's consent before taking pictures. Isn't this the most basic quality?"

"That way I won't be able to take the photos I want." Sufeng sighed, "And let me correct you, this was taken openly."

"I was already there when you two brought the watermelon out."

"This kind of black material photo will be very valuable in the future."

The current Toshiro Hitsugaya clearly has no concept of pretentiousness and doesn't care about his own image.

Once you become the Grim Reaper, it will be impossible to take photos like this again.

"To compensate you two." Su Feng said directly before the white-haired brat could get angry, "I can make you two new students of the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy."

After he finished speaking, he released a little spiritual pressure to confirm the authenticity of these words.

However, what Sufeng didn't expect was that the moment he noticed his spiritual pressure, Hitsugaya Toshiro's pupils shrank sharply, his face instantly turned pale, and his original stinky expression was replaced by fear.

"You were from that night..."

Under the excitement, Hitsugaya Toshiro's body also erupted with bursts of strong spiritual pressure, and the temperature of the surrounding environment immediately dropped, as if it had suddenly entered winter from summer.

"Xiao, Xiaobai..."

Hinamori Momo was closest to him and felt the deepest. She crossed her arms and trembled all over, as if she would be frozen into ice the next moment.

Sufeng raised his eyebrows lightly, realizing where Hitsugaya Toshiro might have felt his spiritual pressure.


Seeing this, Hitsugaya Toshiro seemed a little at a loss.

He is very clear that this is caused by himself, but this situation is beyond his control now.

"The spiritual pressure of the unconscious explosion is not weaker than that of ordinary officers."

Sufeng snapped his fingers, and the majestic spiritual pressure burst out, sweeping in like a violent wind, enveloping Hitsugaya Toshiro who was exuding extreme chill, and the chill on the street instantly subsided.

"What a genius boy."

"Tell me, where have you seen my... Reiatsu?"

Toshirō Hitsugaya watched Hina Morimo gradually regaining his body temperature, the fear in his eyes subsided a bit, and his pale face turned rosy.

"Forty years ago, in the west of Runlin'an District, two extremely terrifying spiritual pressures came from an extremely distant place. At that time, the clouds in the sky changed, as if the end of the world was coming..."

Seeing that the other party was not malicious, Toshirō Hitsugaya also told what he saw and heard that night.

Su Feng recalled, and searched in his mind for a while before remembering the events in the words.

"The battle with Zaraki?"

"Speaking of which, that guy seems to be locked in the endless hell..."

He lowered his gaze and stared at Hitsugaya Toshiro, who was wrapped in his own spiritual pressure, and smiled: "Since you spy on my battle with others, it means that there is an even tie between the two of us."

"The photos I took just now are considered clean."

Although he didn't know why the other party said something he didn't understand, it was best to be clear about it. Such a dangerous person had the word trouble written all over him.

"By the way, what do you think about the proposal I just made?"

"Okay, do you want to become a student of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro glanced at the courtyard behind him, with hesitation on his face.

"Are you worried about your family?" Su Feng lowered his head and said, "Kid, you should have seen what happened just now."

"It's just that the spiritual pressure released under emotional agitation is unbearable for your companions, let alone your family?"

It couldn't be easier for Sufeng to deceive a person of Hitsugaya Toshiro's temperament.

He only needs to explain it clearly, and he will make the most correct decision.

As for Hinamori Momo, it can be regarded as a gift.

She didn't worry about her family like Toshiro Hitsugaya.

"Can becoming a student of the Spiritual Arts Academy avoid this situation?"

"That's right."

"I promise you!" Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth.

"The right decision." Su Feng stretched out his hand and pressed it on the white hair on his head, "I will send someone to pick you up when the time comes."

"You and Taozi..."


West Rukong Street District 3, near Lifu Mountain.

The Shiba family's residence.

In the courtyard, two figures were sitting in front of a flat stone table.

"Captain Isshin's taste is really hard to praise." Sufeng took a sip of the tea in the cup and put it down with a frown, "Even if the Shiba family is in decline, they won't use this kind of tea to entertain guests, right?"

"Hey, Captain Sufeng, this is the best tea I have ever tasted!"

Zhiba said with dissatisfaction, "Isn't it not etiquette to serve guests with the best things?!"

As he spoke, he picked up the tea cup in front of him and drank it all in one gulp, then enjoying the sweetness of the tea with an intoxicated look on his face.

Obviously, Captain Shiba Isshin's taste is very different from ordinary people.

"Back to the topic, how have you considered the proposal I just made?"

Sufeng tapped his knuckles on the stone table and urged, "You don't think that you and Haiyan alone can support the entire Zhiba family, do you?"

"Or are you planning to completely remove the Shiba family from the five major nobles?"

Regarding the timeline, in the original work, five years after Hijin and Dabai got married, Hijin died of illness due to overwork, while Rukia and Renji entered the Spiritual Arts Academy ten years after they met, and Dabai was killed in the second year. I found that some adjustments have been made here, and the arrangements for Renji have been thought out for a long time. Book lovers, you can rest assured.

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