Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 184 Cutting down Mr. Yamamoto with one knife

"Hey, are these words a bit exaggerated?"

Cold sweat fell from Shiba Isshin's broad forehead. His expression, which was supposed to be that of a tough guy, now became sarcastic, giving people a feeling of cowardice.

"Exaggeration?" Sufeng sneered disdainfully, "Haiyan probably hasn't explained it to you yet, right?"

"It's just Captain Yixin of the head of the branch family. He doesn't seem to know much about the rules and regulations of the Jinyinhui. In the previous meetings, many people have proposed to the Jinyinhui to ban the status of the five nobles of the Zhiba family."

There is no adulteration in this statement.

A long time ago, the Zhiba family withdrew from Noble Street, and even moved to Ruhun Street because of the lack of family members and their unwillingness to get involved in the struggle for noble interests.

Seeing this, the superior nobles were like sharks that smelled the smell of blood, swarming in and trying to replace the Shiba family's status.

But due to the existence of Shiba Yishin and Shiba Haiyan, I have concerns.

As a result, in many subsequent noble meetings, multiple superior nobles jointly nominated and applied to ban the Shiba family's noble seats.

Related topics have been mentioned many times at the meetings of the Golden Seal Association.

In this regard, the prison criminals maintain a tradition that has not changed for millions of years and do not express any opinions on this matter.

The Tsunayashiro family and the Kuchiki family had such a good relationship with each other because of Sufeng's existence that they almost had to wear a pair of pants, so they also chose to abstain.

The Shifengin family also chose to abstain because the previous head of the family, Shifengin Yoruichi, took great care of the Shiba family.

As a result, the Shiba family's proposal to ban the noble seats was rejected by the Shiba family with one vote.

Of course, during this period, Shiba Haiyan was also under considerable pressure.

Some frantic superior nobles even cooperated with the rebels and carried out suicide attacks on the Shiba family.

Under such circumstances, Shiba Haiyan encountered life and death crises many times during the execution of tasks.

Fortunately, his talent was quite good and he survived without any danger.

He never mentioned these things to anyone for fear of worrying his family.

"Is this so..." Shiba Isshin's mood suddenly dropped.

He was quite familiar with his nephew's character.

There was no need for Sufeng to deceive him about this kind of thing, after all, the relationship between the two was pretty good.

"I originally thought that after becoming the captain, Haiyan's pressure would be relieved."

Zhiba Yixin looked melancholy and sighed, "If you want to be independent in this turbid world, relying on the strength of the Shiba family alone is still far from enough."

As for the will of his ancestors, Shiha Isshin, the head of the branch family, was not very clear, but the ancestral precepts passed down from generation to generation were always remembered in his mind.

[The sins we commit should be made public and left to the judgment of the world. 】

Zhibo Yishin didn't quite understand the specific meaning of this ancestral precept, but he had some vague guesses.

He tried to carry on this legacy and make the Shiba family prosperous again.

But just relying on the weight of a mere captain is far from enough.

"When will you be able to kill Mr. Yamamoto with one blow?" Sufeng said disdainfully, "Don't think about transcending the secular world and living according to your own ideas."

"Before that, you'd better be a secular person."

Hearing this, Shiba Isshin broke into cold sweat and said, "Don't say such exaggerated words casually."

"If the Commander-in-Chief finds out, I'm afraid I will be roasted like a sweet potato."

bang bang!

Sufeng knocked on the stone table and reminded: "Captain Shiba Isshin, do you still think I am joking with you?"

"If we don't make corresponding decisions, the Shiba family's aristocratic status will be banned."

"It's good to ban it." Shiba Haiyan's voice came from the door, and a black figure walked to the stone table exhaustedly, "With the current size of Zhiba's family, it is indeed impossible to support the name of the five nobles."

"Hey, why are you back so early today?"

"Captain Ukitake has recovered a bit and gave me a day off in advance."

"I really know how to understand the captain of my subordinates!"

"By the way, when are you going to have a child, I can't wait to be an elder."


The conversation between uncle and nephew has always been so simple and unpretentious.

Zhibo Haiyan swore that if it wasn't for Su Feng's sake of drinking tea here, he would have blocked that open mouth with flowers.

Seeing that Zhibo could not be said to have one heart, Su Feng turned his target on Zhibo Haiyan.

As the head of the family, Zhibo Haiyan's words are still very useful.

"You mean to let Kuzuru and Ganjiu go to the Spirit Art Academy together?" Shiba Haiyan had a strange expression on his face.

Su Feng nodded, and explained: "It is extremely difficult to revitalize the Zhibo family with the two of you alone."

"Instead of struggling like this, we should put our hope on the next generation."

"Also, if I remember correctly, Shiba Kuzuru's talent should far exceed that of ordinary Shinigami."

Zhibo Haiyan nodded, but did not deny this statement.

In his opinion, the whole family is only a little less talented than Griffin, and the rest are all first-class elite seedlings.

Right now, letting those two guys hang out in Liuhun Street is not the same thing.

Becoming a student of the Spiritual Art Academy seems to be a pretty good choice.

As for revitalizing the Shiba family, forget it.

Let him bear this level of pressure alone.

"I will ask Kukaku and Iwajiu for their opinions." Shiba Haiyan smiled, "I guess they won't refuse this opportunity to become stronger."

Sufeng nodded and responded with the same smile: "Then I will wait for you at the Spiritual Arts Academy."

Walking out of the Shiba family's mansion, Sufeng walked in the streets, his brows furrowed, thoughts rushing through his mind:

"I always feel like I'm missing someone..."


Division 12, Technology Development Bureau.

In Laboratory No. 739, neat pipes are arranged on the white walls and ceiling, and a large amount of unknown viscous liquid is rapidly transported in the pipes.

All kinds of precision instruments and equipment are piled up in the most suitable positions. Two white figures are constantly shuttling among them. When they are busy, they even activate Shunpo multiple times.

The figure who was tied to the operating table looked up at the ceiling with his eyes blankly, as if he had lost hope for his future life, and his pupils no longer had the highlight of the past.

From the initial experiment on hair, it progressed to using fingernails instead, and later began to draw blood. A few years later, blood and flesh slices were taken directly from the arms and thighs.

Although this had been expected for a long time, when the day finally came, Kanonya Wangren still found it a bit hard to accept.

And when he tried to convince himself that this was atonement for his past actions, the perverted duo's tricks improved further.

The human body manufacturing experiment officially started.

And this process lasted for ten years.

Step by step, boil the frog in warm water.

Although during the experiment, both Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke paid more attention to and protected their bodies and souls, and they returned to their original appearance after the experiment.

But when anyone watches his body being dissected and his internal organs ripped out and used for various experiments beyond the limit of endurance, his mind will be under unimaginable pressure.

That is to say, Shanneng Yawang has a strong will and has persisted until now.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid it wouldn't have completely collapsed long ago.

"Ya Wangren, don't put on such a dead expression."

Nie Yuli placed two index fingers on the corners of his mouth and pulled them hard on both sides, revealing a crazy smile.

"With any luck, the experiment might end today."

"You have said this three thousand nine hundred and sixty-four times." Kanengya stared at the gurgling liquid on the ceiling with a pair of dead eyes.

"It's different." Yamada Seinosuke added, "The probability of success of this experiment is as high as 97%."

"The success rate of the last experiment was as high as ninety-nine percent."

Kanonaya's memory of these experimental data is even clearer than Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke.

After all, these experiments all happened on him.

However, although the experimental process seemed cruel, the two of them never forced Kananya to forget others from beginning to end.

All this is his own choice.

In other words, when he returned to Soul Society from Hueco Mundo, Kanonya Wangren already knew his fate.

With the roar of various instruments and equipment, research officially began.

Three hours later, Nie Yuli stared at the light curtain in front of him with red eyes, bloodshot eyes streaked across them, as if they might protrude from them at any time.

Yamada Seinosuke's condition is not much better than him.

The image of the two almost perfectly interprets the image of the mad scientist.

Kanengya Wangren's body has completely recovered and he walked off the operating table.

He stood beside the two of them, watching the crazy jumps, overlaps, and fusions of the large numbers on the light screen, trying to find the hope of success.

But unfortunately, until the end, this virtualization experiment still ended in failure.

Along with a burst of black smoke, the petri dish exuded a strong burnt smell, filling the research room.

"It failed again." Yamada Seinosuke quickly accepted this fact, "But some data have been retained."

"There is an ingenious connection point between the soul of the God of Death and the soul of Daxu. If we can find this connection point, we may really be able to achieve the Mask or Arrancar that Master Sufeng mentioned."

Nirvana has also regained his composure from madness. The black and white paint makes him look like a humanoid beetle:

"Did the Soul King leave a backdoor when he created this concept?"

"What a wonderful discovery. I think we have touched the true realm of God..."

After the words fell, the two looked at each other, and crazy laughter filled the room, and the good research room suddenly became like a madhouse.

Kanonya's oblivious gaze moved rapidly between the petri dish and the changes in the numbers on the light screen, and his spiritual pressure was unconsciously released.

A faint coercion instantly swept through the entire research room, covering the bodies of the perverted duo.

The two of them turned their heads in unison, staring intently at the gradually changing Shannengya Wangren.

The red hair continued to fly under the surge of spiritual pressure, and the red color gradually occupied his pupils. A large amount of white substance overflowed crazily from the pores, and gradually turned into a fit-fitting armor covering Kanonya's oblivious body. superior.

The spiritual pressure became more and more violent, and a violent aura filled the laboratory.

"Hey, I didn't expect there was an unexpected gain!" Nie Shuli raised the corner of his mouth, "There is no emotional change, which can only mean that Yawangren has obtained the conditions that meet the requirements from the experiment just now."

Under the surge of spiritual pressure, Yamada Seinosuke's expression changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal. He pressed the red button in the center of the test bench with his backhand.

Immediately, the metal floor on which Kanonya was standing disappeared instantly, and the huge figure immediately fell into darkness.

Liuhun Street, Runlin'an District, in a single building.

Sufeng was trying to teach Fei Zhen sisters about Zhanquan Zougui, but at this moment, the phone rang in his pocket.

"Moxi, Moxi, Lord Sufeng!"

An excited voice came from the messenger machine: "An accident happened, and Shannengya lost control..."

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