Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 185: What I'm Fighting Is Blurring!

Technology Development Agency, Underground Space.

The Guangwo area is thousands of kilometers long, with blue sky and white clouds, like a complete world.

This is the creation of Nirvana Ritsu and Yamada Seinosuke, and the inspiration was taken from the underground space under Shuangshu-no-Oka.

In Nirvana's words, his work is hundreds of times better than Urahara Kisuke's.

On the endless wasteland, a burly figure wreaked havoc, causing rocks to crack and the ground to collapse.

Violent spiritual pressure surged through this space like a tidal wave, and heavy pressure covered everyone who entered it.

As a god of death who can kill sub-level Daxu on a regular basis, Kaneng Yawangren's strength is not weaker than that of an ordinary captain.

If he breaks out with all his strength, he can even occupy a lower-middle level among many captains.

This kind of strength coupled with the virtual BUFF, judged by spiritual pressure alone, has even reached the peak of second-class spiritual power.

Even in an unconscious state, it is not something that ordinary people can get close to.

At least, Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke are not willing to get close to the current Kanonaya.

Sufeng stood at the entrance, looking at the violent figure in the distance that was blocked by several layers of binding roads, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"The Yawang people are really determined to be able to persevere until now."

Sufeng also has a certain understanding of the research intensity of Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke.

Anyway, if it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to persist.

But Shannengya Wangren not only persisted, but also persisted for decades.

"It has nothing to do with the experiment, Captain Sufeng!" Nie Yuli spread his hands and shook his head to explain, "Ya Wangren has a certain understanding of data because he has participated in various experimental studies all year round."

"If there is anyone who knows the state of his body and soul best, besides Seinosuke and I, it is him."

"This experimental analysis has revealed a joint point where the Soul of the God of Death and the Soul of the Great Hollow coexist. I suspect that this discovery probably triggered the complete virtualization of Kanonya."

Sufeng raised his brows and understood what Nie Yuli meant. This wave belonged to a good doctor who had been sick for a long time.

"Does anything need to be done to him at this stage?"

"Try to control his state and curb the instinctive rage under virtualization."

Yamada Seinosuke said seriously, "Only when the Yawang people find their true self can they perfectly control the blur."

"Seinosuke, how many times have I told you not to say the disgusting word 'perfect' easily."

Nirvana jumped to his feet and was furious: "Perfection is a blasphemy to science. There is no perfect thing in the world!"

Yamada Seinosuke seemed to have been used to this guy's jumping thoughts, and replied casually:

"But what we are doing is pursuing perfection."

"What's perfect..."

Su Feng had no intention of continuing to listen to these two people arguing. With the amount of knowledge these two guys had, they could argue on this issue for three days and three nights without repeating it.

He casually took off his captain Yuori and threw it aside. Then his arms emerged from the Death Domination suit, revealing almost perfect muscle lines.

Kunan Nico, who followed them to the underground space, hurriedly caught the captain Haori, and because of the height difference, her whole body was buried in it.

"Wow, Captain Sufeng..."

By the time Kuunan Nico finally poked her head out of the feather fabric, Sufeng had already disappeared.


Under the powerful counter-shock force, a figure turned into a line across the wasteland plains, heading straight towards the oblivion of the hunter who continued to wreak havoc.

As it approached, the shackles of several layers of binding were torn apart with violent force by Shannaya Wangren.

A large amount of spiritual light exploded, bursting out with violent impact, tearing apart the surrounding earth violently, and countless fine rocks flew away and splashed in all directions.

Before the dust cleared, a figure exuding a violent aura rushed out of the smoke and headed straight towards the wind.

It was only then that Sufeng could clearly see what Shannengya looked like after he became invisible.

The black Death Tyrant suit was stretched to pieces by the bulging muscles. The exposed skin was covered with black and white lines, and a large amount of white bone was filled in the key positions, protecting itself like armor.

The muscles on the thick arms wriggled irregularly, like living creatures, and ten sharp nails grew out of the ends of the fingers.

The most eye-catching thing is the change in his face. The antelope-like white bone mask has red lines crisscrossing it, and the word "death" is engraved all over the mask!

"Should I say it or not, the beauty of this mask is still very good."

While Sufeng was admiring the transformation of Shanneng Ya, the other party had completely locked him with his spiritual pressure.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

A beast-like roar echoed across the wasteland plains, even forming sound waves visible to the naked eye.

Those scarlet eyes were full of violent and murderous intent, staring at Su Feng.

This wave is, instinct prevails!

Shannengya bent his legs and exploded. His whole body was like a bullet being discharged and he was in front of Su Feng. The huge palm that had grown to the size of his head pressed down directly on Su Feng's head.


In an instant, the substantial spiritual pressure exploded violently, turning into a huge beam of light that shot straight into the sky!

The appearance of this scene immediately attracted the attention of Niruri and Yamada Seinosuke, who were constantly arguing in the distance.

Almost at the same time, the two of them cast their gazes into the distance.

"Ah, it's so scary!" Nirvana looked at the materialized light beam that penetrated the clouds, and there was a hint of excitement in his golden pupils. "Although there are enough studies and analyzes on the God of Death, it's not like Captain Sufeng. The powerful God of Death has never tried it before.”

"If we can dissect him, we will definitely gain unexpected discoveries!"

As one of Sufeng's loyal henchmen, Yamada Seinosuke's eyes were full of fanaticism when he looked at the abyss-like majestic spiritual pressure.

"Although your words make sense, I will still convey them to Master Sufeng unchanged."

"Because I'm looking forward to him punching your head into pulp again!"

While the two of them expressed their opinions, the forgetful figure of Kanengya was already approaching Sufeng, and his sharp claws emitting cold light instantly tore through the air and went straight to the key position.

At this moment, he has no independent consciousness at all, and his body is driven by instinct.


The moment the fist bones and palms collided, violent impacts visible to the naked eye swept in all directions.

Like ripples of aftermath, the ground trembled, and countless gravel and dust exploded, sweeping toward the sky!

Click! !

However, what is unexpected is that the continuous sound of broken bones sounded on the thick arms of Kananya Wangren.

The side that was supposed to have the upper hand actually fell into a one-sided disadvantage in the collision of close combat.

Countless bone fragments spurted out from the flesh and blood, instantly tearing an arm into a tattered bag.

The strong wind roared, and the burly body of Shanneng Ya, who had become invisible, cut through the sky like a meteor, and landed heavily on the wasteland hundreds of meters away.


A large amount of soil rose into the sky, sweeping the air, causing the four directions to vibrate and make a rumbling roar.

"One hit and it will collapse..."

Jiunan Nicole opened her mouth slightly and looked at the billowing smoke and dust in surprise, "Is Captain Sufeng's strength so terrifying?"

"Destroying the virtual God of Death head-on is a bit..."

Because of Kanengya's forgetfulness, members of the Technology Development Bureau with certain scientific research capabilities are already familiar with Sufeng.

And because Jiunan Nicole participated in related experiments, she had more contact with Sufeng.

As for Sufeng's strength, she only knew about it through relevant information. When it came time to witness the battle, she was still shocked by this powerful performance.


In the smoke and dust, unexplained cries came out, and the blood-red materialized spiritual pressure pushed the dust away like octopus tentacles.

Shannengya Wangren appeared in front of Sufeng again in a rickety posture.

The right arm that was facing each other before was now hanging limply, as if all the supporting bones had been lost.

However, with the surge of spiritual pressure, a large amount of white bone grew on the arm again, recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Quick regeneration." Sufeng muttered to himself, "It seems that Ya Wangren's virtualization potential far exceeds that of the masked army in this world."

"I just don't know how long it will take to regain consciousness."

The process of becoming a Hollow is still very dangerous. Once you cannot control the Hollow in your heart, you will fall into a permanent Hollow, completely lose consciousness, and become a true Great Hollow.

Although Sufeng still has some confidence in Shanneng Ya Wangren, the more flags are raised about this kind of thing, the easier it is for things to go wrong.

Before he fully controls the Hollow, he will control the destruction of Harnaya's oblivion to a minimum and kill its existing instincts in the most brutal way.

In just a few breaths, Shannengya's arm was completely restored, and at the same time, a large amount of bone grew, covering his arm like a silkworm chrysalis.

Targeted evolution, combat adaptation!

The virtualization potential of Shannengya Wangren far exceeded Sufeng's expectations.


The ground collapsed, creating ferocious gaps, and the burly figure turned into a white line, tearing the air apart in an instant and coming to Su Feng again.

Stand up wherever you fall.

With only instinct left, Hunter has only one purpose at this moment.

That is, kill all living things in front of you!

Scarlet spiritual pressure condensed on the right arm like a silkworm chrysalis, and the violent impact fell, like a huge meteorite falling from the sky.

Facing this blow, Sufeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and steam-like white airflow suddenly erupted from both sides of his shoulder bones. A large amount of ghost spiritual pressure surged out. The already terrifying power was turned over several times at this time. More than double.

Instant coax!

He stood there, leaning back with his right arm, and before twisting his waist, infinite power surged in, violently erupting on his fist bones!

Boom! !

The relatively slender arm and the giant bone like a heavy hammer collided together again, like the collision of the bright moon and the firefly.

The size of the Sufeng fist bone is less than one-tenth of the size of Shanengya Wangren's fist.

However, such an exaggerated contrast shows a completely opposite scene.

At this moment, the explosive roar resounded throughout the entire underground space in an instant, echoing continuously in the eardrums of the distant spectators.

The next moment, Kananya Wangren felt as if he was hit by a high-speed rail that reached the limit of speed. Starting from the position where the fist bones collided, the flesh and blood tore and exploded. The hard bones were broken into countless fragments, and they shot towards him like bullets. in all directions.

The shattering sound spread all the way to the inside of his body, and his whole body seemed to be pulled from all directions by countless hands.

The blood turned into blood mist in the air, exploded and spread around the body.

It was still an instant kill with one blow, and Kanengya Wangren seemed to have completely lost his combat effectiveness at this moment.

However, at this moment, the red lines on the mask engraved with the word "death" emitted a dazzling light.

A large number of spirit seeds condensed in front of the bloody mouth, and instantly gathered into a scarlet ball.

The atmosphere vibrated, and lines visible to the naked eye spread.

Without any hesitation, the virtual flash beam burst out violently, completely engulfing Suifeng in an instant!

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and to all the book friends for their monthly recommendation votes!

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