Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 186 Sukawa Kuranosuke’s discovery and strange changes

A thin flash of light filled the sky with red light, turning the large white clouds that were drifting into a red color.

The majestic impact fell violently, the ground cracked instantly, the rock strata collapsed one after another, countless rubble were swept into the aftermath, and were torn to pieces by the huge force before they scattered wantonly.

For a moment, billowing smoke and dust rose up, obscuring the view inside.

"It's been too long since I took action. Su Feng won't be killed, right?"

Nirvana Yuri looked at the dust soaring into the sky in the distance, and instinctively moved her fingers, "If he is really killed, then how can I study this guy's body and soul?"

Yamada Seinosuke was relatively calm. He wore a white feathered fabric that made a sound in the howling wind, and replied categorically:

"You have to have some confidence in Lord Sufeng."

"A false flash of this level doesn't pose any threat at all!"

As soon as the voice fell, the virtual flashes of light scattered, and the storm of spiritual pressure collided instantly gushed out, and the howling wind swept in all directions, and the changes in the center of the battlefield also appeared in everyone's sight.

When he saw the scene clearly, even though his nerves were as strong as Nirvana, he couldn't help but freeze in place, his modified eyes bulging outwards as hard as he could.

He had thought that Su Feng had countless ways to defeat this close-range virtual flash attack, but even if he had the best imagination, he still did not expect this scene to happen.

on the battlefield.

A large amount of white air flow escaped from Su Feng's palm, and the gleaming beam of light was actually held directly in Su Feng's hand! !

With the five fingers closing together, the scarlet concentrated spiritual pressure was crushed little by little, and a large number of spiritual particles burst and scattered, cracking all the surrounding ground rock formations!

The extremely impactful picture even stunned Kananya Wangren, who had lost his individual consciousness, as if he could not understand what was happening in front of him.

Xu Shan was completely crushed, and Su Feng raised his gaze, staring at Kanonoya Wangren who was like a tattered doll, and a dangerous smile appeared on the harmless face of humans and animals:

"Now, it's time to calm down..."

Before he finished speaking, a palm wrapped in white air flow pressed up with lightning speed, directly covering the white bone mask engraved with the word "death".


Sensing the danger, Kanonya forgot about others and instinctively burst out his spiritual pressure, trying to break free from the restraints.

But his resistance was useless.

White air burst out, Sufeng pressed Kanonya Wangren's head with one hand, and suddenly threw him out like a baseball pitcher.

The overwhelmed breaking sound erupted from the burly body, the bone mask was torn instantly, and the whole person plowed a bottomless ravine on the ground, like an abyss.

A large amount of blood spurted out, and instantly turned into blood mist, exploding all around, forming a series of human figures floating in the dust.

boom! !

Kanengya forgot to hit the rock pillar a thousand meters away, the aftermath of the force erupted, and the huge rock pillar surrounded by dozens of people collapsed, raising dust all over the sky again.

Before the dust had dispersed, Sufeng stood on the spot with his fingers spread out and facing forward:

"The thundering carriage, the gap of the spinning wheel, this thing has lights clustered and divided into six!"

"The wall of iron sand, the monk-shaped tower, and the scorching iron are all brilliant but ultimately silent!"

"The proud son of heaven, the city wall built of iron, dragons roam, lions roar, tigers roar, wolves run, cut off the heaven and earth before they collapse!"

A series of ghostly mantras were chanted, and in an instant, countless brilliant lights overflowed from his palms.

"Sixty One of the Binding Dao: Six-Stand Light Prison!"

"Seventy-five of the Binding Dao: Five pillars of iron!"

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Duan Kong!"

The moment the words fell, the spiritual pressure was condensed and turned into six golden light fragments, which instantly tore through the dust in the sky and sealed it accurately on the body of Kananya.

After becoming a virtual person, he has the unique ability of super-speed regeneration, and the injuries on his body recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Five haloes of light appeared in the sky where he was, and in an instant, five huge iron pillars crashed down, suppressing his body under the ground.

Immediately afterwards, transparent barriers appeared in all directions, turning into a ghostly enchantment like a glass cabinet, completely sealing Kanoya Wangren inside, and even the breath of Reiatsu could no longer escape.

Wiping away the non-existent sweat, Sufeng looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction:

"Then it depends on Ya Wangren's own will."

By doing this, he has done his best.

If Yawangren cannot defeat the void in his heart, then in the end he will have to wipe out all traces of its existence with his own hands.

"I haven't seen Captain Sufeng take action for a long time. Compared to last time, your strength seems to have improved further!"

Nie Yuli praised hypocritically, almost substantial greed was revealed in the golden pupils, and his eyes were firmly locked on Sufeng's body, as if he was admiring a unparalleled work of art.

"Put away your offensive eyes." Sufeng put on the deadly costume again, and took the haori handed by Jiunan Nicole, "How far has the research on face-shattering progressed?"

Nie Yuli grinned, revealing two rows of golden teeth, shining brightly in the sunlight:

"Preliminary work has been completed."

"Currently, Daxu's soul limit can be broken by instilling the power of the Soul of Death, thus giving Daxu the power of Death."

"The upper limit is Killian."

"Achukas and Vastord have no suitable subjects for the experiment, so the success rate of the experiment cannot be determined for the time being."

Yamada Kiyoyuki added from the side: "The consumption of the god of death's soul is also in the most peaceful way according to Master Sufeng's instructions."

"Yihun pill and transforming the soul."

Hearing this, Sufeng suddenly asked: "Application of virtual soul?"

"To be precise, it should be a blank virtual soul." Nirvana's smile was still weird. Under this expression, he was more in line with the setting of a mad scientist. "The spearhead plan drawn up by Soul Society was stopped midway and was responsible for destroying it. The person who transformed the soul is Ah Jin."

"It's a pity that the boy had such good experimental materials destroyed, so he secretly hid most of the transformed souls."

"Later, because of this incident, he was also imprisoned in the maggot nest."

"In an accidental opportunity, Ajin accidentally discovered that the virtual soul whose consciousness had been erased was very consistent with Daxu's soul in terms of compatibility. After trying it, he successfully completed the Arrancar transformation of Killian with the blank virtual soul! "

For Ah Jin, Su Feng still has a deep impression.

Because of his experience of being imprisoned in the Maggot's Nest, this guy is considered one of the rare talents in the Technology Development Bureau.

Before Niyinmu grew up, he had been the deputy captain of the twelfth division and the deputy director of the Technology Development Bureau.

In actual combat, it is relatively average, but his scientific research level is definitely the first person under Nirvana.

"Speed ​​up the progress of the experiment." Sufeng said, "I will solve the experimental materials for the sub-level Daxu for you when the time comes."

During this period, Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke's research flourished.

Even the original mimetic black cavity has been improved many times. It has been continuously improved from the original capsule, and now it has evolved into a kind of ghost.

The strange thing is that the related Kidou spell chanting set by Nirvana and the Kidou spell developed by Urahara Kisuke cannot be said to be exactly the same, they can only be said to be word for word.

Opening the black cavity is no longer Daxu's exclusive ability.

While everyone was chatting and communicating, Sufeng suddenly glanced in the direction of Duankong Barrier.

In the spiritual pressure perception, the violent and ferocious aura has completely disappeared, replaced by the original spiritual pressure state of Kanonya Wangjin.

Looking along the direction, in the ghost path barrier, Shannengya Wangren seemed to be bathed in blood, with a large number of white bones peeling off the body, revealing its original appearance.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it looks like the virtualization has been completed!"

Niryuri walked closer, knocked the empty barrier with his knuckles, and then leaned on it to observe Kanonya's oblivious state.

"The breath is stable and the soul state is stable. The only shortcoming is that the injury is a bit too severe."

"Captain Sufeng, you are a bit too ruthless."

Hearing this, Su Feng sighed and said helplessly: "I'm already trying my best to restrain myself."

"At least I didn't hit Ya Wangren's head with a bone."

From the beginning to the end of the battle, he only used Shunhuo. He didn't use any of the more powerful white fighting skills, let alone bone flow.

"I'll leave the rest to you." Sufeng stretched, "I have more important things to do..."

Before the words could even be finished, his figure had already disappeared from the spot.

The speed was so fast that even Nicole Jiunan, who had been staring at him, didn't notice any movement.

She blinked and looked at Nirvana not far away with a blank look on her face.

However, she discovered that Nirvana's expression was no better than hers.


As Sufeng left, the three layers of binding Dao that suppressed Shannengya Wangren also collapsed, turned into spirits again, and dissipated into the atmosphere.

Yamada Seinosuke stepped forward, squatted beside the blood-soaked figure, and asked: "Ya Wangren, how do you feel?"

After a long time, Shannengya Wangren replied in a weak voice:

"The bones all over my body were shattered, the muscles were broken, and the skin was cracked. I'm really lucky to be alive."

"It feels like I've been blasted by a hundred Yachucas..."


Ten days later, Sukawa Kuranosuke finally brought the news Sufeng wanted.

Runlin'an District, in a single-family courtyard.

Facing Sufeng, who is the head of the five noble families, Sukawa Kuranosuke no longer dared to face him directly, and bowed his head respectfully to report the information he had obtained this time.

"Lord Sufeng, the Qichuan family members have discovered the target."

"The red-haired brat you mentioned before, roams around in the most chaotic area of ​​Xudiao District, but..."

A troubled look appeared on Sukawa Kuranosuke's face.


After hesitating for a moment, he said cautiously: "Our people were discovered by that brat, and then they were beaten violently. Even the Zanpakutō was taken away by the other party..."

Thanks to the boss of Magic Jiezi for the reward, and thanks to the big guys for the monthly pass

ps: About the vanguard plan and the transformation of the soul, the lion puppet soul is one of them, here is a little expansion of the relevant plot

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