Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 187 You know nothing about strength

Xudiao District, Block 3027.

As the most chaotic area in Xudiao District, the forces here are mixed, and there are even rebels stationed here.

From time to time, you can also see the "retired" Death appearing nearby.

However, the forces of all parties check and balance each other, and there is a strange balance between them.

However, just ten years ago, a red-haired brat came out of nowhere and forcibly grabbed a piece of territory among the major forces.

No one knew his origins, but they all still remembered his powerful strength and brutal fighting methods. As time went on, everyone acquiesced in his existence and gave him the title of [Xudao District Crimson Bullet] .

Although I heard that the person involved is very dissatisfied with this title.

"Ken, Boss Renji, this, is this the Zanpakuto of Shinigami?"

In a courtyard, a group of people surrounded the stone platform, looking up at the red-haired figure standing above.

"That's right, that idiot was defeated head-on. According to the rules of Xudiao District, this is my trophy!"

The boy's hair was bright red, and was tied into a ponytail by a black headband, hanging down to his back. There was a cross scar on his slightly thin face.

Abarai Renji!

At this moment, he was like a general who had returned victoriously, holding up the Zanpakutō in his hand to show off. The blade radiated dazzling light under the hot sunlight, attracting the attention of countless people.

The little brother below looked at the figure on the high platform, with more or less longing in his eyes.

As the low-level people in the Xudiao District, the God of Reaper is the existence they envy the most, and now their boss, Asai Renji, has actually seized a Zanpakuto!

This undoubtedly made them fall into an uncontrollable excitement.

However, at this moment of cheering, some people came back to their senses and reacted.

"Boss Lianci, what should I do if the other party comes to me?"

"I heard that Zanpakuto is very important to Shinigami, more important than life!"

The younger brother's words brought Renji back from the moment of fantasy. He looked down at the black head and said with a confident smile:

"Don't worry, that god of death is very weak."

"If the gods of death are like him, then there is nothing to worry about."

"Just come and beat each other up!"

Winning the first battle with the God of Death made Renji Abarai's confidence expand to the limit.

From his current point of view, the Shinigami living in the Seireitei are nothing more than mediocre, vulnerable creatures.

Outside the courtyard, Sufeng's expression became increasingly weird as he listened to the noisy sounds inside.

What is going on with this bizarre development?

Renji Abarai, who has never received systematic teaching, defeated the Sikawa family's elite Shinigami in a head-on battle?

Before coming, he had doubts about the authenticity of this matter.

But it wasn't until he heard the shouts of "Long live Renji-sama" in the courtyard that he was convinced of the authenticity of the information.

Renji Abarai really stood up.

Thinking of this, Sufeng glanced sideways and gave a serious warning.

"Kuranosuke, the Sikawa family's cultivation has a long way to go."

It's not that I'm worried about the safety of the Qichuan family, but I feel that if this situation continues, the reputation of the God of Death may be tarnished.

Sukawa Kuranosuke lowered his head deeply, looking gloomy and lost, with the expression of his dead father.

After this battle, the reputation of the Qichuan family was basically ruined.

Although the family's reputation was already discredited when they were imprisoned forty years ago, the occurrence of this incident was undoubtedly another heavy blow.

From now on, the status of the members of the Sikawa family may not be as good as that of ordinary Rukongai civilians.


In the courtyard, the cheers continued.

In order to celebrate Renji's victory, the younger brothers moved out the stored drinks in the house and prepared for a big banquet.

The festive atmosphere is constantly brewing, and laughter and laughter are fermenting among each other.

Renji Abarai was also infected by the atmosphere. He stood on the high platform and gave a victory speech. Words such as Death is not worth mentioning, and he led his younger brothers to sweep the Seireitei. Words came out of his mouth one after another.

boom! bang bang!

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly came, causing the cheers in the courtyard to stop abruptly. Countless eyes instantly fell on the boy closest to the door.

"Ozawa, open the door."

Renji Abarai jumped down from the high platform with light and agile movements without making any sound.

As the door opened, a group of black figures appeared in everyone's sight. In an instant, the joy on their faces disappeared, replaced by pale fear.

Death is coming to seek revenge!

Even though he had been so flattering before and didn't take the so-called God of Death seriously at all, when it came time to face it, the instinctive fear deep in his heart suddenly swallowed up the previous arrogance.

"Abarai Renji?" Sufeng lowered his head and looked at the red-haired boy in front of him, "Xudao District Crimson Bullet?"

Holding the Zanpakutō in one hand, he had a rebellious look on his face, and even if he faced many Shinigami directly, he still showed no sign of fear.

It was in sharp contrast to the younger brothers in the courtyard.

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Abarai Renji was relatively calm, but when Sufeng said his title, his face suddenly turned red.

"It's just Renji Abarai, no bullshit bullets!"

The young man's face turned red, like an enraged lion cub.

For him, this title was more shameful than humiliating, especially after being spoken out by his enemies, it made people want to dig into the cracks in the ground and crawl in.

Sufeng nodded, deeply convinced.

This so-called crimson bullet is clearly the nickname Shiba Iwajiu will give himself in the future, which is why his middle-class character can be liked.

Any normal person would feel inexplicably ashamed.

However, it is not difficult to see from this point that most of the residents in Rukongai have similar tastes.

"Are you here ready to seek revenge?" Renji Abarai calmed down and clenched the Zanpakutō in his hand, "Although the rules of the Xu Diao District cannot restrain you, since the Death God has been defeated, his Zanpakutō The soul sword is my trophy!"

Sufeng nodded and agreed: "I have no intention of avenging that guy. I can't even protect my Zanpakutō. If I go to the battlefield, I will die as cannon fodder."

As soon as these words came out, Kuranosuke Sukawa, who was standing behind, had the idea of ​​strangling his own Shinigami.

If you really died in battle, that would be okay.

But not only did you not die in the battle, your injuries were not serious, except that you lost your Zanpakutō, which weighed as much as your life.

Such humiliation is tantamount to the enemy doing whatever they want on you!

"Then you..." Renji Abarai was confused, "What is your purpose!?"

Su Feng remained silent and looked back and forth at the young man with a scrutinizing gaze.


"Don't get me wrong, I mean, are you interested in becoming a Shinigami?"

After the words fell, Sufeng clearly saw a trace of yearning in the young man's eyes, but it was soon replaced by determination.

I saw Abarai Renji raising the Zanpakutō in his hand. The momentum around him was surging, and a sense of oppression arose spontaneously, covering the front. He stared at Sufeng with a determined gaze:

"If the Shinigami are the same as before, then they might as well stay in Rukongai."

"At least it's more challenging here!"

Sukawa Kuranosuke was intimidated by the opponent's momentum and frowned, unable to understand what was happening to this kid at the moment.

Obviously I didn't feel too strong spiritual pressure, but this overwhelming aura was impossible to ignore, and there was even a feeling of suffocation in the trance.

He suddenly understood his elite Death God now.

Facing such a weird little devil, there is indeed the possibility of capsizing in the gutter.

"Don't generalize, Renji."

Sufeng smiled gently, as if this was his true face.

"Just like your small group, there are strengths and weaknesses among the Shinigami."

"The god of death you defeated is not even a chief official."

Renji Abarai was not fooled by these words, but stared straight at Sufeng and asked calmly:

"how about you?"

"We should be considered the strongest group, right?" Sufeng replied thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Abarai Renji's eyes suddenly burst into unprecedented brightness, as if he had found his life goal.

He stared at Sufeng, his aura becoming more and more agitated:

"Fight with me, if I win, I will listen to you!"

Su Feng readily nodded in agreement: "Of course."

He has discovered that there is a huge gap between Abarai Renji and the image in his impression.

But in terms of character, not much has changed.

To a certain extent, the 11th Division, which advocates bravery, is the best place for Renji Abarai.

As the members of the Sufeng and Qichuan families entered, a large open space suddenly became vacant in the courtyard. The younger brothers who had made such nonsense before were now huddled in the corner, not daring to look at them head-on.

This appearance is in sharp contrast to Abarai Renji.

"It's time to start." Sufeng said, "Use all your strength and don't have any luck!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sukawa Kuranosuke saw a sudden burst of fierce spiritual pressure on the slightly thin body, and a violent wind roared around it.

In just an instant, Renji Abarai rushed in front of Sufeng, and the Zanpakutō in his hand traced a white arc and struck straight towards his chest.

That ferocious gaze like a beast was filled with extremely fanatical fighting intent!

At this moment, he chose to respect his opponent's wishes and unleashed his most powerful blow!

The blade that glowed with cold light was wrapped with violent spiritual pressure, and the air was torn apart in an instant, parting to both sides like cloth.

As the attack approached, Renji Abarai's eyes flashed with a hint of disappointment, as the opponent did not seem to react to his attack.

It seems that the so-called God of Death is just a showman...

Just when the blade was about to touch Haori, Sufeng raised his right hand and stretched out an index finger, just in front of the blade!

when! !

In Renji Abarai's extremely shocked eyes, this slashing attack that exploded with all his strength was unable to break the opponent's fingers!

Sufeng stood there, his index finger resting on the blade and slowly bending it, leaning on the blade.

"Renji, you don't know anything about being strong."

With the terrifying explosion of spiritual pressure, in the eyes of countless people in shock and fear, what should have been an indestructible Zanpakuto——

Instantly collapsed into countless fragments!

Thanks to Mr. Magic Jiezi, Mr. Derrick in the Forest, and Mr. Junxi for their rewards, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly recommendation votes!

ps: For the new image of Renji, please refer to Kenshin Himura

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