Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 188 Coach, I want to learn this

"how come……"

Renji Abarai's eyes were dull, staring at what was happening in front of him.

His three views seemed to be shattered with the shattering of the Zanpakutō, and countless fragments were scattered, with no possibility of healing.

Not only him, but also Sikawa Kuranosuke and all members of the Sikawa family looked like they had seen a ghost when they saw this scene.

They had a deep understanding of Sufeng's strength many years ago.

But the current performance can no longer be described as strong.

Crushing a Zanpakutō with one finger, is this something a normal Shinigami can do?

What is even more terrifying is that the spiritual pressure permeating the atmosphere is as if the gravity has increased dozens of times. Even just breathing has exhausted all the strength of the body.

The Shinigami of the Sikawa family tried to use their spiritual pressure to counteract this seemingly physical oppression, but their actions were like a mantis trying to shake a tree, with no real effect at all.

Big beads of sweat as big as soybeans rolled down from the forehead, soaking the collars and making everyone look miserable.

As for the younger brothers huddled in the corner, it was because Sufeng had gathered his spiritual pressure around him that they were not affected. They just looked at this side with fear and curiosity.

I have no idea what happened to the Shinigami and how they could become like this in an instant.

In comparison, Renji Abarai, who was closest to Sufeng, performed best in the game. He looked slightly embarrassed, but his eyes were extremely confused.

He held the Zanpakutō with only the hilt tightly in both hands, with deep confusion and confusion in his eyes.

Until now, Renji Abarai still couldn't understand that the gap between the God of Death and the God of Death could be so wide.

"A narrow view prevents you from realizing the vastness of this world."

Su Feng let go of his index finger, and the remaining fragments of the blade fell from his hand, hitting the ground with a crisp sound.

"Being king and hegemon in Xudiao District is just looking at the sky from the bottom of a well. The vision of a truly powerful person will not be limited to such a small area."

"Even like me, I dare not say that I am the strongest among the gods of death."

He looked at Renji Abarai with a smile, and a gentle voice sounded: "Now let me ask you again, are you interested in becoming a Shinigami?"

Abarai Renji swallowed a sip of saliva, raised his head blankly, and stared at the figure in front of him with helpless eyes.

Countless thoughts were surging and struggling in his mind, rising and falling like countless bubbles.

In the end, strong will defeated the memory of the past.

His eyes gradually became firmer, he stared at Sufeng without fear, and said seriously every word:

"Sir, please let me become the God of Death!"

After the words fell, Abarai Renji suddenly bowed and buried his head deeply.

There is no doubt that Sufeng's performance has directly reshaped Renji Abarai's world view.

After fighting all over Xudiao District and even defeating the God of Death head-on, he realized at this moment the vastness of the world.

The emergence of Sufeng undoubtedly set a new goal for Renji Abarai's confused life, a goal that needs to be pursued throughout his life.

Looking at the respectful Renji Abarai, Sufeng nodded with satisfaction and said:

"I'll wait for you at Baidaomen in three days."

Hearing this, Abarai Renji suddenly raised his head, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and squeezed out the words from his throat: "Thank you, Lord Death!"

"Remember my name, Captain Tsunayashiro Sufeng of Division 9..."

Abarai Renji subconsciously repeated the name, and when he came to his senses, the figure in front of him had completely disappeared.

If it weren't for the fragments of the Zanpakutō still on the ground, he would have thought that what just happened was just a dream, a whimsical fantasy.

"Hey, why are you still here?"

Abarai Renji suddenly discovered that the Shinigami who followed Sufeng to the courtyard had not left.

Sikawa Kuranosuke took a step forward and explained calmly: "Our Sikawa family will take over the responsibility for the next Xudiao area."

As he spoke, he pointed at the people huddled in the corner and continued: "Not everyone has the talent to become a god of death."

"For such an ordinary existence, it is undoubtedly the best choice to find a large force to rely on."

Hearing this, Abarai Renji looked back at the younger brothers in the corner. Unexpectedly, their eyes were filled with strangeness when they looked at him.

Upon discovering this, he sighed softly and said calmly: "Thank you very much."

When fighting is not involved, Renji Abarai's personality is relatively calm and calm, and in normal times, he has a side worthy of others' trust.

For these little brothers who had spent a lot of time with him, he didn't want to see them go back to the miserable life of the past.

He knew very well that the reason why the other party did this was entirely because of Su Feng's order.

You must know that existences like the Sikawa family, who are both gods of death and nobles, have always been full of contempt and disdain for the common people of Rukongai.

If Sufeng hadn't said hello in advance, the other party would definitely not have given them a second look.

For this arrangement, Asai Renji was undoubtedly full of gratitude.

After seeing the people in the corner again, he resolutely set foot in the direction of Baidaomen.


Three days later.

In front of Baidaomen.

The burly and hill-like Kansaka Tanbo stood cautiously on the edge of the wall made of murderous stone, his rough face full of caution.

Known as the hero of the Soul Society, he didn't even dare to breathe loudly at this time.

All because of a white figure standing not far away.

The captain's feathery fabric is hanging down, with the word "nine" embroidered on the back. His gentle and elegant temperament gives people a sense of harmlessness.

But everyone present, whether they are the God of Death or heroes, all know how terrifying this figure is.

"Hishin, Rukia, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Hinamori Momo, Abarai Renji..."

Sufeng looked around at the five figures in front of him, frowning, "I always feel as if I have forgotten something."

"Is it my imagination?"

"Forget it, you five are enough."

"Let's go to Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy!"

Sufeng is quite satisfied with the next arrangements for these five people.

As characters who drive the development of the plot, their talents are still worthy of recognition.

Among them, Hitsugaya Toshiro is the strongest.

Although he is the smallest, he is now the closest to the God of Death among the five.

As long as you give him a few shallow strokes, he can achieve the initial solution in no more than a year. With a little more teaching, the swastika solution is not impossible.

As for the Hijin sisters and Hinamori Momo, although they are not as talented as Toshiro Hitsugaya, they are still much better than ordinary Shinigami.

The perfect vice-captain Miaozi.

Of course, it's a standard level.

As for the final Renji Abarai...

To be honest, Su Feng was a little surprised when he first met this guy, and even now, he still can't let go of this surprise.

What happened that made Kisuke Urahara put the half-finished Hondama in the soul of Renji Abarai like a headache?

Although the sealing technology is quite advanced, and several scientific technologies that Sufeng cannot understand are added to the soul.

But there is no doubt that Bengyu's power still leaks out from it.

And this is the main reason why Abarai Renji's strength has become so weird.

Bengyu's true ability is to occupy the hearts of everyone around him, guide their power, and discover their hidden potential to achieve their wishes.

Abarai Renji has lived in a chaotic area like Xudiao District since he was a child. Survival is undoubtedly his greatest wish, and the only way for him to achieve this wish is his own strength!

This is exactly the reason why he can defeat the elite god of death head-on in the current period.

As for when Bengyu was put into Renci Abarai's soul, Sufeng has no way of knowing.

The only thing that is certain is that the seals and methods that Urahara Kisuke imposed on Bengyu are far beyond the norm.

The combination of ghost ways and science and technology makes the seal almost perfect.

If Sufeng hadn't had a high affinity for spirit children and had broken through to the first level of spiritual power, he wouldn't have been able to discover Bengyu's existence.

Even up close.

He seemed to have calculated every aspect, even Aizen's thoughts.

It's a pity that no matter how careful your mind is, it can't compare to a cheater.

As the biggest anomaly, the appearance of Sufeng undoubtedly ruined all the plans of Urahara Kisuke and Aizen Sosuke.

What he is curious about now is that since Urahara Kisuke has made corresponding changes, what kind of action will Aizen take in response?


In front of the majestic and huge portal of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, the Shinigami come and go to maintain order within it.

The freshmen, dressed in red and white student uniforms, stepped into the Spiritual Arts Academy with great anticipation, ready to welcome their new lives.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Feng felt a little emotional in his heart.

I think back then, he was also...

Oh yes, he is the sinful chief of the five great nobles and did not go through the normal procedures to enroll.

"The Shino Academy of Spiritual Art has a long history of two thousand years."

Su Feng walked in front, followed by a series of figures. At this time, everyone had already changed into the uniforms prepared in advance.

In these three days, it was enough for Sufeng to order his subordinates to go through all the formalities.

Although the power of the captain of the Ninth Division is not easy to use in this regard, the identity of the head of the Tsunayashiro family is undoubtedly above everything else.

What's more, Sufeng just helped them skip the entrance test.

As someone he valued, there was no need to worry too much about talent.

The dean of the Spirit Art Institute would also like to thank him for adding a few good seedlings to this year's students.

"The college students trained here will usually join the Ghost Daoists, Secret Maneuvers, and the Thirteenth Guarding Team."

Su Feng explained calmly, "Although I will not interfere with your future, I hope you can find the most correct way..."

The words came to an abrupt end, and the five of them looked at Su Feng curiously, only to see his eyes falling on the front——

A gentle and thick figure with brown hair and black-rimmed glasses.

Everyone noticed that this person was wearing the same Captain Haori as Sufeng, but the numbers on the back had changed.

The number "five".

"Captain Lan Ran..." Su Feng's smile showed a bit of humility and hypocrisy, "I didn't expect you to appear here."

"Haha, isn't Captain Sufeng the same?" In contrast, Aizen's smile is much more friendly, giving people a gentle feeling.

"Who are these?" He looked behind Sufeng curiously.

Seeing this, Sufeng's lips curved upwards: "These are the good seeds I found in Rukongai!"

"Hisama, Captain Kuchiki's fiancée, next to her is her sister Rukia."

Hearing Sufeng's introduction, Fei Zhen smiled tenderly and accepted the title calmly, while bowing slightly to signal Aizen.

"Hisugaya Toshiro, the genius of Junlin'an District of Nishi Rukongai."

Sufeng rubbed his chin and continued thoughtfully, "Do you still remember the battle between Zaraki Kenpachi and me?"

"Of course I remember. To be honest, I am quite surprised that Captain Sufeng was able to defeat Captain Zaraki."

Aizen seemed to be chatting with an old friend, his attitude was very natural and friendly.

"At that time, Toshiro noticed my and Zaraki's spiritual pressure."

Sufeng had no intention of keeping a secret for Toshiro Hitsugaya, so he said it openly, "Even without any systematic study, he can still resist my spiritual pressure head-on."

Hearing this, Aizen's eyes behind his lenses revealed a look of surprise. He looked at Hitsugaya Toshiro carefully and said with approval:

"He is truly a genius. No wonder he is appreciated by Captain Sufeng."

Sufeng nodded matter-of-factly and continued to introduce: "Momo Hinamori is relatively good at ghost path talent. In just three days, she has mastered No. 1 Binding Dao and Breaking Dao."

For three days, he personally taught everyone how to slay and move ghosts with fists, and gained a lot of foundation.

"As for the last red-haired brat..." Sufeng said in a more serious tone, "His name is Renji Abarai, the genius who defeated the elite Shinigami of the Sichuan family head-on in Xudiao District!"

As soon as these words came out, not only Aizen's expression changed, but even Hitsugaya Toshiro couldn't help but look at Abarai Renji a few more times.

Obviously, this is a genius whose talent is not weaker than his own.

"Being able to defeat the God of Death before even entering school is a terrifying talent!"

Aizen was surprised and looked at the red-haired figure in front of him with a smile, "Renji Abarai, right?"

"Are you interested in joining the fifth team after graduation..."

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