Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 189 A wonderful misunderstanding

Su Feng didn't expect Lan Ran to cut off the Hu halfway.

But Abarai Renji's response also made him very satisfied.

"Captain Aizen, please forgive me!"

Renji Abarai said categorically, "I have only one goal in this life, and that is Captain Sufeng!"

no doubt.

The previous one-finger crushing knife left an indelible impression on him.

Before completely surpassing Sufeng, Renji Abarai will never change his target easily.

"Captain Aizen is really too much."

Sufeng joked, "These are the geniuses I worked so hard to discover one by one from the huge group of Rukongai."

"How could you poach him so easily?"

Captain Aizan laughed: "I was reckless."

"It seems that I am going to Rukongai to explore potential talents. The fifth team has not had any new blood for a long time."

The brief conversation seemed nothing out of the ordinary.

But Sufeng knew in his heart that Aizen's attitude towards him was no longer the same as when he first became the captain of the ninth division.

As for whether Aizen discovered the half-finished Honyu in Renji Abarai's soul.

He guessed probably not.

Because Urahara Kisuke's original purpose of sealing Honyu in other people's souls was to guard against Aizen's prying eyes.

If he was discovered so easily, Urahara Kisuke would not be qualified to compete with Aizen.

Before leaving, Sufeng seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned around to remind:

"By the way, Captain Aizan."

"Some time ago, I registered my name with the dean and became the special swordsmanship teacher of the Spiritual Arts Academy. When the time comes, please don't blame me for stealing lessons from you."

Because Aizen loves calligraphy, he works as a calligraphy teacher in the Spiritual Arts Academy.

This position started when he was the vice-captain, but Sufeng was too wary of others at that time and never took a calligraphy class.

Now that the years have changed, he is no longer as afraid of Aizen as he was at the beginning.

What's more, since you've already been through the mirror, there's no need to worry about anything.

"Spare me." Aizen shook his head and smiled bitterly, "The calligraphy class has been reduced to one session a week. If this continues, I'm afraid I will lose my job."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if what they just said was just a joke between friends.

Sufeng led a group of future mainstays of the Soul Society and walked straight through the gate towards the Spiritual Arts Academy.

The two of them had had exchanges like this many times in the past forty years.

Captain's meeting, vice-captain's meeting, flower arrangement meeting, calligraphy exchange meeting, ghost path seminar, execution of tasks...

Su Feng can't remember clearly.

But what I have to admit is that in terms of personality charm, Aizen is really impeccable now.

Elegant manner, kind and polite, treat others generously.

After getting along with him for more than forty years, Sufeng Leng couldn't find any obvious shortcomings in him.

If I had to say it, I probably hate eggs.

Thinking of this, he sighed quietly and said to himself in an inaudible voice: "He is really a perfect character."


It didn't take too much time to make arrangements for the Academy of Spiritual Art. Whether it was the members of the Ninth Division or the lower-level nobles attached to the Tsunayashiro family, they all scrambled to help Sufeng deal with chores.

But correspondingly, the five people from Rukongai also appeared in the captain's level of attention.

Among them, Fei Zhen is the worst.

As the future wife of the head of the Kuchiki family, and as a commoner, these two buffs alone are enough to attract countless eyeballs.

For this gentle and elegant woman, everyone was more curious than jealous.

In comparison, his sister Lucia did not fare so well.

At such a young age, she not only has to bear the suspicious looks of others, but also has to bear all kinds of taboo speculations.

If she hadn't developed a strong endurance after living in the Xudiao District for many years, Lucia would have collapsed.

But fortunately, Hitsugaya Toshiro and the others were there to attract firepower, so Rukia would not have to bear it alone.

As geniuses recognized by Captain Sufeng, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Abarai Renji showed quite exaggerated talents on the first day of school.

Hitsugaya Toushiro released spiritual pressure equivalent to the sixth level of spiritual power, gaining great prestige among the new students.

Renji Abarai, on the other hand, used a fierce and brave fighting style to defeat the Shinigami teacher who was responsible for teaching kendo in the Suitang test.

The exaggerated behavior of the two people became the focus of the new students.

Regardless of the 11th Division or the Spiritual Arts Academy, everyone is always full of admiration and yearning for the strong.

In comparison, Lucia, who performed mediocrely, seemed much mediocre.

Even if Sufeng hadn't interfered, it would have been difficult for her to enter the elite class with her talent.

But he also found an "acquaintance" in class one.

He has short yellow hair, blue eyes, a gloomy temperament, and exudes a strong aura of literary youth.

When he saw this person, Sufeng finally remembered who he had forgotten.

Kira Izuru, the future vice-captain of the third team.

Zhanquan Zougui is a genius with balanced development, and his Zanpakuto also has good potential. If it can be continuously developed to the solution, it will also have a place in the team leader.

"The talent is good, but the sense of presence is a bit low."

Su Feng stood on the high platform of the teaching dojo, looking down at the people studying hard below, talking to himself.

"In contrast, if Rukia wants to catch up with their progress, she still has to make a small effort."

His eyes shifted, and finally fell on the petite figure in the crowd.

Lucia, who has lived in the Xudiao District for many years, has long cultivated a keen intuition. When she senses that someone is watching her, she immediately looks in the direction of her gaze.

However, what he saw was only a high platform that was empty.

"Illusion?" Lukia lowered her head and muttered to herself, "Or, Master Sufeng..."

For Sufeng who completely changed her life, Rukia's perception is undoubtedly very complicated.

Not only did he help her find her only relative, but she also became a student in the elite class of the Spiritual Arts Academy, so she no longer had to worry about the ups and downs of life.

She couldn't even think of how to repay such kindness.

At the moment, he can only study hard, strive to become stronger, and become the god of death under his command, and then he can slowly look for opportunities to repay.

Thinking of this, Lucia's eyes became firmer.


One month later.

Division 9 team building, exclusive tea room.

There is still a strong aroma of tea, and because the aroma of tea lingers all year round, the furniture in the tea room is tainted with a light fragrance.

Byakuya Kuchiki sat on the opposite side of the tea table meticulously, his every move was full of aristocratic manners and elegance, and his temperament was perfect.

However, when he looked at the leisurely Sufeng opposite him, he felt that even if his temperament was relaxed, his temperament was completely gone.

"I roughly understand what you are thinking."

Sufeng put down the tea he took a sip of, and the old god said, "It's just Feizhen's health."

"In this field, you must have confidence in our chief pharmaceutical agent of Zhenyang Pharmacy Hospital. No matter what happens, there is still the Nirvana of the Technology Development Bureau."

"With these two here, even a dead person can be brought back to you."

There is no exaggeration in this statement.

Because of the research on experiments related to the virtualization of the god of death and the virtualization of the big virtual face, the understanding of the two of them in the field of souls has already reached a level that ordinary people cannot understand.

From blank virtual souls, to transformed souls, to artificial death souls.

In this case, if it really fell into the hands of the two of them, it would be extremely difficult to die.

"As of now, there is no other good way."

Byakuya Kuchiki sighed, with unconcealed worry in his eyes, "This is my last plea and the most sincere one."

"The hope of Feizhen's survival depends on you."

Hearing this, Su Feng curled his lips and sneered disdainfully: "Don't talk nonsense, you will beg me for many things in the future."

"You kid, you don't really think you can escape my grasp, do you?"

Kuchiki Byakuya took a deep breath, as if to calm down the sudden increase in blood pressure.

He had to admit that after being with him for so many years, Sufeng was definitely a friend he could rely on.

But to a certain extent, this guy's ability to break defenses has become even more profound.

Often less than a few words can make people's blood pressure soar.

"And one more thing."

Byakuya Kuchiki calmed down, "About the new information conveyed by the criminals."

"Hell has been unstable in recent years. They have requested assistance from the five nobles and the Gotei 13."

"I hope we can develop a ghost path to stabilize the gate of hell. It would be best if it can reach the level of the ghost path."

Sufeng nodded without the slightest hint of surprise.

Although it is not clear what happened in the depths of hell, it is not difficult to see that the pressure on them has intensified over the years as the prisoners communicate more frequently.

"There are specialties in the art." He indicated, "Just leave it to the Ghost Daoists."

"When the time comes, I will ask Nanao and Seinosuke to cooperate with them in research and development."

Ise Nanao has shown amazing talent in the ghost way in these years, coupled with Sufeng's precepts and deeds, one-on-one personal tutoring, her ghost way attainments are rising rapidly like a rocket.

Until now, her ability in this area is no weaker than other captains.

The only shortcoming is the lack of spiritual pressure.

As for Yamada Seinosuke, because he has experience in developing Rikaidou, he may be able to play a certain role in this.

Kuchiki Byakuya nodded, said nothing more, and left the tea room after drinking the tea in the cup.

Since becoming captain, his free time has become less and less.

After he walked away, Sufeng took out the messenger machine from his arms and dialed the number of the Technology Development Bureau.

"Moxi Moxi, my dear Captain Sufeng, are you here to inquire about Hueco Mundo's movements?"

Nirvana's joking voice came from the messenger machine, "To tell you the truth, just this morning, Mole Chengshuang also sent the latest information."

"New discoveries were made about Nellie's traces, and a brand new female Vasuyo was also found..."

After hanging up the call, Su Feng had no expression on his face, and then sighed softly: "Did Mole Cheng Shuangye misunderstand something?"

After hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his right hand, raised his index finger, and pointed it at the void in front of him:

"...the black-haired shepherd's garrote, the colorful clouds gathered, and we hunted the ibises."

With the chanting of complex ghostly incantations, the black channel opened like countless sharp teeth...

Thanks to the big guys for your monthly pass, it’s almost over 1,000, I’ll give it a try again, thank you very much!

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