The crescent moon hangs high, the sky is full of white sand, the cold wind is howling, and the clouds are dark.

The void was torn open and closed like a giant beast's blood basin, and deep darkness spread in it.

Su Feng stepped out of the black cavity with a look of unhappiness, and stepped on the soft white sand with one foot, and the spiritual pressure swept along with it.

"Sooner or later, that piece of shit will be scrapped..."

Not surprisingly, when he passed through the boundary this time, he encountered the scavenger Jutu again.

According to the setting and the test of the Technology Development Bureau, Jutu should appear once every seven days, and regularly eliminate all substances staying in the boundary.

However, Su Feng found that every time he entered the boundary through the black cavity, he would encounter a sudden encounter.

This time it was even more extreme.

The moment he stepped into the boundary, Jutu's huge face like a searchlight was already close to him.

If it wasn't for Su Feng's quick reaction, he might have been directly swallowed by Jutu.

Regarding this strange phenomenon, Nirvana Mayori and Yamada Seinosuke also led a group of members of the Technology Development Bureau to conduct in-depth discussions and research.

Among them, Inaba Kagerozuo, who was in charge of observation and research, gave a relatively reasonable summary.

Jutu is not a creature of any kind in nature, and its existence is not even composed of vessels and spirits.

Because the broken boundary is composed of several layers of broken spaces, for the soul world and the present world, it is equivalent to a place where space and time are isolated, and the time density is much higher than that of the outside world. If converted into numbers, it is equivalent to 2000 times .

The Soul Society may exist for one year, and the world will be broken for two thousand years.

As a special substance that stabilizes the boundary, Jutu exists to prevent any other form of life from staying in the boundary for too long.

In this case, the appearance of Sufeng will induce the appearance of Jutu. Does this mean that it will lead to an unstable situation in the boundary.

Let's make a bold guess, if Su Feng exists in the boundary for a long time, will it completely collapse the boundary?

As for Inaba Kagerosa's conjectures and conclusions, neither Mayuri Kageri, Seinosuke Yamada, nor other members of the Technical Development Bureau can judge whether it is right or wrong.

The only thing that is certain is that Su Feng has the physique to attract Jutu.

Although this speculation is very fucking, but for Sufeng, he can only accept it calmly.

"You finally came……"

A large group of spiritual particles gathered together, forming a shimmering human figure, which appeared beside Su Feng.

When the figure gradually became clear, Su Feng frowned slightly, staring at the other person's face up and down:

"Is the virtual phenomenon getting worse again?"

It's only been three months since the last time we met, but Mojo Soya's changes are somewhat beyond the calculations of Nie Mayuri and the others.

Dense lines protrude from the white captain's feather weaving, as if the whole feather weaving is about to separate.

Looking up, on the indifferent face, the white bone mask is stacked, flat and smooth, simple red lines are drawn on it, and there are two black horns on the top of the head.

To a certain extent, it has a prajna flavor.

Because there is only half a mask, Mocheng Shuangya's blurring will not reach the point where Kanengya forgets others.

But judging from the current progress, it seems that it can't last for too long.

"Well, the more spirits fused with the virtual circle, the higher the degree of virtualization."

Mo Chengshuang also didn't seem to take this matter to heart. It has been forty years since he first appeared blurred.

He himself is a person who is very easy to accept reality, otherwise he would not have stayed in the endless hell for hundreds of years.

The mere emptiness is not enough to break Mocheng Shuangye's mentality.

"After Nirvana Yuri and the others develop a new method, they can try to control the blur."

Su Feng suggested, "Otherwise, there will be no chance of saving you after you completely become a Daxu."

Mole Chengshuang also nodded indifferently, not worried at all, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Let's go, I found Nelliel's location."

"At the same time, there is another trace of the female Waxu."

As he said that, he launched Shunpo and disappeared in place at an extremely fast speed.

Su Feng followed immediately, trying to defend himself: "I think, you must have misunderstood me."

"The special person I'm looking for doesn't refer to gender..."

"Don't you like it?" Mole Chengshuang also responded indifferently.

Su Feng: "..."


A certain happy person appeared at the right time, and let out a sharp and piercing laugh in the air. The enchanting figure surrounded the two of them, but the gesture of covering their mouths and chuckling did not reduce the sharpness at all.

"Long time no see, interesting little brother, I didn't expect you to be silenced by the guy with the word sword in his name. It's really a happy scene."

Because Mocheng Shuang also merged with Xuquan Lingzi to cause Xuxu, Yulu Zheliu, which is his Zanpakutao, also changed to a certain extent.

The black leather strips that bound his eyes were replaced by white bone, with intricate cracks appearing on them.

The change in appearance did not affect his personality.

Yulu Zheliu is still the fun-loving person who likes to gossip and have fun.

Being entertained by someone having fun is really not a good experience.

But Sufeng can't say he doesn't like it out of conscience.

What's more, whether it's Nellie or the newly discovered Vasu, their personalities do meet his requirements.

Compared to other Daxu's violent characters.

These two are so much kinder in a way.

The two of them were extremely fast, passing through the vast white sand at high speed, and within half a day they arrived at the location mentioned by Mole City Shuangye.

This is a strange landscape. A large number of rock formations are piled up to form rock pillars scattered within a radius of dozens of miles. The density of spirit particles is extremely stable, and there seems to be no void or large void in it.

"Nelliel is hiding in it."

Mole Chengshuang also explained, "Because she has been fishing for a long time, she has made great progress in hiding methods. It is impossible to determine her location simply by sensing it with spiritual pressure."

"The spirits in this area only discovered her traces after they were fused by me."

Sufeng nodded, he was quite certain and trustful of Mole City Shuangye's methods.

"The rest, just leave it to me."

As he finished speaking, he could see his left thumb pushing the sword on his waist, a faint cold light appeared, and the wind gradually rose in the four directions.

The fine white sand was swept up into the sky and gradually accumulated, like clouds covering the cold moonlight.

The silver-white blade came out of its sheath, replacing the moonlight and becoming the only light in this world.

In an instant, all the spiritual pressure was integrated into it, the momentum suddenly rose, and a bluish-white light bloomed on the blade, becoming more and more dazzling.

The wind intensified, the howling sound rumbled, and a heavy and oppressive feeling filled the air around him.

There was a hint of surprise in Mole Chengshuang's gaze.

It has been a few years since he last saw Sufeng using Zanpakuto.

In the recent time, Sufeng has been using fist-to-flesh instant coaxing and white hitting skills.

Violent but not lacking in beauty, every move is full of aesthetics called violence.

But now, with the liberation of the Zanpakuto in his hand, Mo Chengshuang also realized that the real strength of Sufeng still lies in the Zanpakuto.

After decades of immersion in sword Zen, his understanding of Zanpakuto has reached a new level.

It's just an ordinary liberation, but it still attracts celestial phenomena to come, and violent winds are set off in a radius of hundreds of miles.

The tornado rose suddenly, and the howling wind became the only sound in this world!

The light wind sound hovered over the blade, Su Feng caressed the blade, and then raised that touch of wind.

The next moment, the bluish-white blade slashed down.

The tornado under the thick clouds stopped abruptly, as if the pause button had been pressed, but what followed was extremely tyrannical, like a natural disaster, the mighty wind crashed down!

Ka La La La——


Countless stacked solid rock formations, rock formations that had remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years, were blown by the natural wind. They were all destroyed by the violent wind that swept in!

Countless tiny dust particles merged into the terrifying tornado, exacerbating the already dark sky.

In the hazy scene, a dark green light bloomed in it, and the materialized spiritual pressure beam shot straight into the sky.

Just now, Nilu had unrealistic illusions about this, thinking that this familiar spiritual pressure had not discovered her, and that it was just an accident.

But as the sheltering rock collapsed and his figure appeared in the strong wind, the illusion was shattered.

I was discovered again!

"Damn God of Death!" Nilu clenched her fists and shouted in the distance, "Nilu will not give in!"

"Even if you defeat Nilu a hundred times, the result will be the same!"

After the words fell, Nilu opened her mouth in the wind and sand, and a large number of light red spirits gathered in it. At the moment of being compressed to the extreme, a beam of light instantly penetrated the strong wind and came straight to the direction of the wind.

Watt level virtual flash!

The light red light flashed surgingly, pouring out with extremely rapid movement. The air was torn apart instantly, making a deafening roar.

The violent power swept forward, and the sand surface let out an overwhelmed wail, and a huge bottomless ravine was plowed out!

Compared with Shannengya's unskilled false flash in the state of forgetfulness, as a tile-level void, the power of Nilu's false flash is several times more terrifying.

It's impossible to pinch it with one hand.

It can be done by chopping it up with one knife.

Facing the approaching virtual flash, Sufeng looked calm, Lan Yin shimmered in his hand, and slashed straight ahead.

In Nilu's ghostly eyes, she concentrated all her strength to flash, and then was split in the middle by a very weak-looking blade.

The power of the virtual flash was not reduced, and two figures fell on both sides.

In an instant, the roaring sound exploded, the eardrums vibrated, and the flames soared into the sky, instantly piercing through the thick clouds on the zenith, and a large amount of white sand was instantly melted into a glazed shape by the high temperature.

"Hey, hey, that's too much!"

Nilu bared her teeth and shouted, "This is Nilu's full-force false flash!"

In the past forty years, she had been beaten by Su Feng countless times, but she would always be let go when she was about to succeed.

Over time, even if Nilu's little brain was not very good, she could still vaguely guess Sufeng's thoughts.

As kind as she is, it's hard for her to hold any ill feelings towards this god of death who has bullied her for a long time.

At least, the other party did not use force to force themselves.

"Is it too much?" Sufeng activated Shunpo and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was already at Nilu's side. "I think it's okay."

"Wow!" Nilu's reaction was a little slow, but she was still qualified, "Damn the God of Death!"

He punched out with a backhand, directly attacking Su Feng's chest.

It seemed like an ordinary attack, but it made a deafening sonic boom.


When the fists and palms collided, a large amount of air flow exploded, forming a shock wave visible to the naked eye, surging in all directions.

As a Daxu, his biggest advantage is his indestructible steel skin.

In terms of physical fitness alone, Daxu can crush the Shinigami of the same level or even stronger.

This is considered common sense in Hueco Mundo, and even beings like Nelu who don't communicate much with other Daxu know this.

But this common sense was not fulfilled at all when it came to Su Feng.

Every time in close combat, she would be beaten one-sidedly, without the ability to fight back.

After a while.

The exhausted Nilu lay facelessly on the sand, staring blankly at the sky, looking like she had been spoiled.

"Nilu admits defeat..."

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