The clouds broke and the moon's shadow fell, shining on the white sand.

Nilu was lying on the white sand in the shape of a big character. She was only one step away from being completely fucked and her eyes rolled back and her saliva overflowed.

Su Feng half-crouched beside her, stretched out his hand and poked her cheek gently, making the green-haired head sway back and forth.

Because her face had not yet been broken, Nilu's appearance was covered by an antelope skull-like mask, leaving only a little bit of her fair skin exposed.

Countless battles had made her familiar with Sufeng's character.

That's why she lay defenseless at its feet.

In Nilu's understanding, Sufeng is different from other gods of death.

If I have to use her simple vocabulary to describe it, it is a very special kind.

"Stop playing with Nilu's head."

Nilu turned away and resisted, "If this continues, Nilu will not be smart anymore."

"Say it as if you're smart now."

Sufeng poked her cheek again and asked tentatively, "How about it? Do you want to become my subordinate to realize your ideal?"

Hearing this, Nilu frowned. Although she didn't seem to have a very high IQ, was this a bit too much?

What does it mean to become your subordinate and then realize my ideal?

Even if you fool people, you have to find a better reason!

Thinking of this, Nilu puffed up her cheeks and stared angrily at the all-too-familiar face above her, thinking about how hard she could use to disfigure him.

"Look, as the god of death, my duty is to destroy all the voids, including the great void."

Sufeng began to lie in earnest, "But why did I choose to let you go so many times?"

"Why?" The innocent Nilu answered stupidly.

"Because I realize that Xu is invincible." Sufeng said seriously, "Xu is usually born from the souls of human beings in this world."

"After the death of human beings in this world, they are unable to ascend to heaven due to various reasons. After years of sorrow and torture, or being accelerated by external factors, they finally degenerate into nothingness."

"In this case, unless all human beings in the world are annihilated, the birth of the void will not stop."

Nilu nodded thoughtfully. Until now, everything Sufeng said was within the scope of her knowledge.

"But as a qualified Shinigami who abides by his duties, I want to fulfill my duties."

Sufeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his gentle smile was full of contagion, "Since you can't annihilate the group of Xues, then take control of Hueco Mundo in your own hands."

"In this way, human beings in this world can be protected from being harmed by Qunxu as much as possible."

"In a sense, it can be regarded as fulfilling the duty of the God of Death, reducing killings and meaningless battles."

After a speech, Nilu's heart skipped a beat.

What she yearned for was exactly what Su Feng described.

Although this piece of cake looked very empty, it exuded an odor that attracted her.

The peaceful and friendly Hueco Mundo is the utopia in her dream.

Although this wish is very far away, if this guy helps, it doesn't seem impossible...

Thinking of this, Nilu secretly opened her eyes, wanting to see Sufeng's expression.

However, at the right time, the eyes of the two met.

Sincere, gentle, without any falsehood.

"Hehe." Nilu got the answer she wanted and immediately let out an unknown giggle.

Although Sufeng's words just now were not spoken out of emotion, to a certain extent, they did come from the sincerity.

Although the purpose of controlling Hueco Mundo is mixed with more or less selfishness, if he can really get to the last step, Sufeng wouldn't mind establishing a peaceful country.

It's just that the nature of emptiness is hard to control.

However, he believes that the almighty Nirvana will develop a corresponding solution.

"How about it?" Sufeng's tone was full of temptation, like a devil that confuses people's hearts. "Would you like to join us and contribute to the construction of the Kingdom of the Void?"

Nilu pondered for a moment, and finally responded with an innocent smile: "Okay!"

"However, Nilu does not believe in this illusory ideal, but believes in you, the strange god of death!"

In the distance, Mole Chengshuang also calmly looked at the scene in front of him, with a few undetectable waves in his eyes.

"The fishing plan was successful. No, to be more precise, Sufeng impressed this seemingly innocent tile-level Daxu with his sincerity."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. I seem to have seen the great success of the Kingdom of Void plan..."

"That's enough." Mole Chengshuang also stopped him, "Don't use your brain circuits to guess what I'm thinking."

"Also, your way of dubbing is very embarrassing."

"Hahahaha, isn't it because I said what's in your heart?!"

Yulu Zheliu laughed loudly, "From the beginning, you never thought that the funny guy's plan would succeed, right?"

"How about now?"

"Does it feel like being slapped in the face?"

Mole Chengshuang also remained silent, choosing not to respond to Yulu Zheliu's question.

But Yulu Zheliu had no intention of letting him go and kept talking about topics that were not of interest to him.

Sufeng was not surprised by Nilu's answer.

Nelu, who seems to be innocent and kind-hearted, might have been treated as a meal by other Daxu hundreds of years ago, if she is really what she appears on the surface.

If not decades of persistence, and a modest means of communication.

If you want to attack Nilu, the difficulty is not so high.

"Since you agreed, then accept this."

Sufeng took out a black box from his arms and handed it to Nilu.

Nilu opened it curiously, and a silver ring was placed in it, with the word "zero" engraved on the jade in the center.

"What's this?"

"The ring that symbolizes the identity of the Void Kingdom is codenamed 'Zero'."

Yes, he shamelessly plagiarized the ideas from the neighboring village and used them as a matter of course to create his own power.

Although this thing has no substantive significance.

It was just to satisfy the evil taste in Sufeng's heart.

For example, establish a Xiao organization in the virtual circle.

The number of rings of the Akatsuki organization is ten, which corresponds to the ten blades.

However, it is not a simple matter to find a suitable Daxu to serve as a subordinate.

Nilu did not wear it on her finger, but pulled a strand of hair from her hair, threaded the ring into a necklace, and then wore it on her white neck.

"Thank you for the gift, Nilu likes it very much!"

As an innocent being who is easily satisfied, she is satisfied that someone can remember her.

"As long as you are happy." Sufeng rubbed the lake-green hair very skillfully.

Well, it feels great.

Although it took decades, Sufeng was quite satisfied with Nilu's sincere attachment.

As Yulu Zheliu said, everything is difficult at the beginning.

With the existence of Nilu, it is expected that when conquering other Daxu, it will also increase a lot of persuasion, and the difficulty will be reduced accordingly.

The God of Death and Daxu sat together, looking up at the crescent moon in the distant sky, letting the light wind pass by them.

During the period of recovering her spiritual pressure, Nilu confided to Sufeng many of her past experiences, including thrilling and heart-warming scenes, one after another unfolding in front of her.

Compared to Hueco Mundo's unchanging boring life, life in Soul Society is undoubtedly very interesting.

But even so, Nilu still used her own way to make the memories of the past colorful.

Mole Chengshuang also stood in the distance, staring at this harmonious scene, always feeling that there was a cognitive gap.

He had imagined the future life countless times in the endless hell, or the beautiful world after the great ideal was achieved.

But no matter how imaginative he was, he couldn't imagine the warm scene of Death and Kyon sitting together and talking.

But the truth is far more ridiculous than imagined.

"Haha, can't you accept it?" Yulu Zheliu laughed sharply in Mole City Shuangye's ear, "Sometimes, reality is so outrageous."

"The guy with the word sword in his name should have realized this since you chose to let the interesting guy realize your ideals."

Mole Chengshuang also remained silent.

After Nilu's spiritual pressure recovered, Sufeng took her to Shuangye in Mole City.

"This is Mocheng Shuangye, who is also a god of death."

Sufeng introduced, "He is my spokesperson in Hueco Mundo. If you encounter difficulties or enemies that cannot be solved, you can ask him for help."

"Even though he looks like he has a weak kidney, he is actually very capable of fighting."

Nilu didn't understand the meaning of kidney deficiency, but Daxu's instinct told her that the guy in front of her was not easy to mess with.

Maybe not as good as the Death God boss he just recognized, but he is still an extremely dangerous guy.

"Let's go, Mocheng, to the next set."

Sufeng waved his hand, "Let's see what you discovered."

"Don't use those weird words to describe me next time."

Mole Chengshuang also replied indifferently, although his face was pale, it did not mean kidney deficiency.

After finishing his words, Sufeng disappeared from the spot without waiting for Sufeng's response.

This time, he did not use Shunpo when he was on his way. Instead, he used his swastika ability to change his position. The souls dispersed and gathered together, and Mole City Shuangya's figure instantly appeared at a very far distance.

To a certain extent, within the scope of Mole Cheng Shuangye's fusion of spirit children, he can teleport an unlimited number of times.

And using this method of movement also shows that another female Vaxu is nearby.

Nilu said she couldn't understand Mole City Shuangye's abilities, but she still chose to believe in Sufeng and follow him closely.

Instant step, ringing turn.

The two figures chased Mole City Shuangye and gradually moved away from the area.

Not long after they left, in the howling hunting wind, the faint ghost light gradually dissipated, and a hazy figure hidden under a black cloak gradually emerged.

Under the black-framed glasses, a pair of brown eyes stared at the direction of the wind, and a gentle smile appeared on the honest face:

"Trying to get off the board and become a chess player?"

"I'm looking forward to your future performance, Captain Sufeng..."

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly support! !

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