To the west of the Daxu Forest, there are two thousand kilometers of upper sand surface.

This is the jurisdiction of Xuye Palace, and it is also the hunting range of Bailegang Ruisenbang.

As a tile-level Daxu, although he has been fixed at the current stage for countless years, he still has a little bit of hope for a higher level.

Every time he devoured other Daxu, he would think of that guy from a million years ago.

That Vastod who had defeated him head-on——

The great emptiness of ancient times.

Although there are many more Valstords in the virtual circle than there were a million years ago, it is already impossible to find someone as powerful as the ancient Daxu.

He claims to be the only king of Hueco Mundo, so naturally he doesn't bother to attack other Daxu who are of lower rank.

The only one worthy of his action was Vastod, who was at the same level.

And not long ago, his subordinates reported new information to him, and found a Vastord and three powerful Yachukas on the outskirts of the Great Void Forest.

A group of four Daxu broke into the jurisdiction of Xuye Palace.

"Let's go, everyone."

Under the moonlight, on the cold throne, a black aura lingered and fluttered, and a strong pressure was looming, making the Achiukas below even dare not raise their heads and look directly.

Bailegang raised his skeletal finger and pointed far to the west:

"Convey my orders to every corner of Hueco Mundo. This world can only have one voice!"

"As you command, His Majesty, the great King of Hueco Mundo!"

Under the throne, the Yachukas were like boiling water, shaking and stirring with noisy cheers, causing the fine white sand on the ground to beat continuously.

The terrifying and frightening feeling of oppression rippled out from here, covering the sky of Xuye Palace.


The moonlight is like water, shining below, providing a gleaming light to the cold desert.

Four figures are constantly wandering in the area where the coarse sand is stacked. This is a rare terrain in Hueco Mundo. The continuous rock formations are squeezed to form an endless Gobi scene.

The leader has messy blond hair, and half of his face is covered by a mask, leaving only a pair of green eyes looking around. His concave and proud figure is tightly wrapped in white bone armor, with extremely sharp bone spurs growing out of the joints, exuding an odor. Lingren's cold light.

On his right arm, which should be the end of the palm, there is a giant sword with shark gill patterns like a fin.

Behind him, the long shark's tail swung from time to time, seeming to reflect its owner's uneasy mood.

Beside her were three behemoth Yachukas.

A giant python with a white body and bone armor on its head; a lioness with a brown body and a golden head, exuding a fierce aura; a muscular body of white and brown, and a huge stag with white horns.

The female Vasu, Tia Hribel, and her three subordinates: Sunsun, Francesca Mira Rhodes, and Emmylu Apache.

"Sunsun, do you feel anything unusual in the surrounding environment?" Harribel looked slightly uneasy, and the instinct from Daxu issued warnings from time to time.

But in the quiet Gobi Desert, no abnormal spiritual pressure could be detected at all.

"Have you noticed anything unusual?" Sunsun lowered his snake head and stared at his two companions with his vertical pupils.

The lioness Mira Rhodes shook her huge head and responded: "Apart from the quieter air, there is no other great smell in the air."

Apache raised his deer head high and spread his spiritual pressure alertly, covering the desert area centered on them.

"There's nothing unusual, but it's true that as that bastard Ross said, the air is quiet..."

Before she finished speaking, Harribel reacted instantly and said vigilantly: "Let's go, stay away from this desert!"

The three sub-level Daxu didn't bother to ask any more questions, and followed Harribel quickly towards the direction outside the Gobi Desert.

However, when they walked to a barren mountain made of countless piles of sand and gravel, their expressions suddenly froze.

Hundreds of Yachukas of different shapes are located on the barren mountains, surrounding the huge bone throne high above.

On the throne, a terrifying figure exuding a black aura sat upright, staring at everything below with empty eyes.

The suffocating aura spread among them and gradually enveloped the front.

"Vastod, tell me your name."

A Yachukas with a blue body and a head like a dinosaur made a deafening sound.

"Tia Harribel."

Harribel took a step forward and also released her spiritual pressure, resisting the abyss-like pressure and alleviating the pressure on Sunsun and the others.

"We have no intention of being enemies with you, so please..."

Before she could finish her words, the throne on the barren mountain raised her finger, and an even more terrifying pressure suddenly fell.

As if the gravity had increased several times, Harribel's figure sank, and the white sand beneath her feet sank a few inches. Her green pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of shock flashed through her eyes.

The performance of the three Sunsuns was even worse. Their huge bodies almost fell to the ground, unable to withstand the sudden and huge spiritual pressure.

"Become my subordinate, Dia Harribel."

The figure on the Bone Throne spoke, and the vicissitudes of his voice seemed to have spanned countless years and came to the present millions of years ago.

"I will treat you with the respect you deserve."

Harribel was silent, but her green eyes were a bit colder.

She just wants to live her own life quietly, protect everything she cares about, and doesn't want to get involved in other people's lives, let alone become someone else's subordinate.

"Looking at your expression, it seems you are not willing to accept my solicitation."

Bailegang's posture was indifferent, as if everything was under control, "It's okay, only the cold reality will make you realize what despair is."

"The only thing that is eternal in this world is time."

"Everyone, let the war begin."

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen figures jumped up high on the barren mountain, and the violent spiritual pressure covered them in an instant, and instantly enveloped Harribel and other voids below.

"Sunsun, Mira, Apache, please protect yourself."

Harribel warned, golden spiritual pressure surged out, and the giant sword with shark gill pattern on her right hand was swung straight forward.


The terrifying power coupled with the violent spiritual pressure forced a sub-level Daxu that looked like a hammerhead shark back in an instant.

The sword blade passed by, and the huge hammer head was immediately cut off in half. A large amount of blood spurted out, soaking the white sand below, adding a different color to this unchanging desert.

On the Throne of Bones, Bailegang tapped the armrest, with some interest in his empty pupils.

This tile-level Daxu was stronger than he expected.

I am afraid that these dozen Achucas will not be able to capture them.

As their profound gazes moved, the other Yachukas also understood what their Majesty meant, and more than a dozen huge figures fell from the barren mountains, hitting the sand heavily, making a pounding roar.

Waves of sand splashed high, covering the crescent moon in the sky.

Originally, Harribel could barely hold on under the siege of the Daxu, but with the addition of other Achucas, she was suddenly stretched thin.

If she were alone, she could easily resist or even stay away from this place.

But the existence of Sunsun and three other Achucas has undoubtedly become Harribel's biggest shortcoming.

Red virtual flashes shone, covering the moonlight, swallowing the sand surface, plowing out huge ravines, and splashing sand waves tens of meters high into the sky.

Thick smoke filled the air, and Sunsun opened the mouth of the snake and concentrated his virtual flash again, trying to break out.

However, the increase in the number of Daxu made it impossible for her to confront them head-on.

Mira and Apache's performance was not much better.

If Harribel hadn't helped them disperse the pressure, they might have been torn into pieces by the Achucas.

Bailegang looked at the scene below and was very satisfied with the performance of his subordinate Yachukas.

Recruiting Thrall Apollo Grantz would be the wisest decision in his life. If he hadn't transformed the Yachukas, these subordinates would not have become stronger rapidly in decades.

Although it is not clear what happened at that time, since that day, Sal Apollo Grantz seemed to have changed into a Hollow.

He was committed to the ultimate transformation of Daxu and himself, and even gave up his original conception and research and development plan.

In the words of that guy, pregnancy will only make the weak weaker and unable to enhance their own strength. In the end, they will only become a white mouse in someone else's petri dish.

At present, the Achucas who accompanied him on the expedition have all been experimentally transformed by Sal Apollo, and their souls and bodies have been enhanced to a certain extent.

The Daxu, which has partially reached the limit of Yachukas, is even comparable to Vastod after transformation.

But correspondingly, Bailegang was also a little more wary and wary of Sal Apollo, and Achukas could become so strong in his hands that he could compete with Vastod.

Then how strong should he be?

Has this guy's power touched his own rule?

This thought flashed through Bailegang's mind, and then dissipated on its own, replaced by overwhelmingly strong self-confidence.

Nothing can withstand the passage of time.

He who controls the power of aging is the only King of Hueco Mundo!

The battle situation became more and more intense, golden virtual flashes erupted in the virtual group like cannonballs, and from time to time huge waves of sand rose into the sky.

Under the encirclement and strangulation of dozens of Achucas, Harribel had to use all her strength to fight with them.

What made her feel chilled was that the spiritual pressure of these Yachukas was far higher than other Daxu she had seen before, and it could even be said that they were not on the same level at all.

What's more, in terms of spiritual pressure, he can even compete with her head-on.

If it weren't for their relatively low IQs, she wouldn't be able to hold on now.

And Sun Sun and others retreated to the edge of the barren mountain in a state of embarrassment, their bloody bodies clinging to the sand and gravel, looking forward with despair in their eyes.

They couldn't understand why these guys, who were also Achiukas, seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and their spiritual pressure and steel skin strength far exceeded their own.

Harribel was still insisting, but the figure on the throne already showed a look of impatience. The black aura surrounded it like a flame, the terrifying aura exploded, and the atmosphere was filled with the smell of danger.

The remaining Yachukas instinctively stayed away from their Majesty, for fear of being affected by his power.

They had become stronger under the transformation of Thrall Apollo, but in front of His Majesty Balegang, they were still as weak as insects.

Once entangled in that black aura, it will turn into dust in an instant and completely dissipate in this world.

The majestic spiritual pressure descended like the sky, and Bailegang looked down at the stubborn figure below, and gave the final notice:

"Surrender, or die!"

Harribel erupted with a golden flash, forcing the attacking Yachukas back, looking unwillingly at the barren hill, staring at the skeleton body illuminated by the moonlight:

"I would rather die than surrender!"

The words fell.

The last of Balegang's patience was exhausted. He stretched out his index finger, and black aura surged over it, crashing down in an instant like a monstrous wave.

Covered by the moonlight, darkness has become the main color of this world!

The power of aging devoured everything in front of him, and under the cover of the wave of black air, everything turned into dust.

Under such attacks, Yachukas gave up their opponents in an instant, and desperately launched the ringing to stay away from the messy battlefield.

By the time Harribel reacted, the wave was already close at hand.

Seeing the horror of the black breath, Harribel, who had consumed most of her spiritual pressure, could not help but see the final despair in her eyes.

However, at this moment, a gentle voice sounded behind him.

"The waves of filth, the ship of madness."

"Boiling, numb, flickering, sleepless."

"The princess of steel is also corroded, and the clay puppet also collapses; assemble! Against the enemy! Flood the ground to let them know their powerlessness!"

"Broken Dao No. 90: Black Coffin!"

Boom! !

A deeper darkness rose from the ground, instantly covering the incoming black aura in a destructive state, and poured down endlessly, instantly sealing the all-devouring power of aging with its magnificent long body.

Harribel's green pupils shrank suddenly, and before she could recover, a white figure walked slowly beside her.

A breath completely different from that of Daxu appeared on the battlefield, and the gentle figure faced the aloof King of Void Circle directly.

"First meeting, Balegang Ruisenbang."

"You should know my name, the God of Death, Tsunayashiro Sufeng..."

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