Harribel and her three subordinates looked at the scene in front of them in shock. The majestic dark body was like a natural chasm, spanning the desert, blocking all the rushing black aura.

The back figure exuding a gentle temperament just stood there, giving people a reliable feeling.

Although the opponent is Daxu's natural enemy, the God of Death.

But for Harribel, none of that matters.

The important thing is that the other party left a deep impression on her heart.

The Achiukas who were fleeing in the distance, looking at the astonishing scene covering the sky, felt their scalps go numb, and the icy chill climbed all the way up their tailbones to the Tianling Cap.

Uncontrollable fear spread from the bottom of their hearts until it occupied the entire heart.

No Daxu understands the terror of His Majesty Balegang's power better than them. No matter how powerful the Daxu is, when it touches the forbidden power of the realm of gods, it will be instantly turned into dust and integrated into the Hueco Mundo. .

But now, there is a god of death blocking it. To them, this is tantamount to the collapse of the sky and the collapse of their faith...


On the barren hill, Bailegang, who was wearing a long purple coat, repeated in a suspicious tone.

This name is inexplicably familiar, but I can't think of where I heard it.

However, what surprised Bailegang even more was that the magnificent dark long body actually resisted his aging power.

Although, this was just an unusual attack from him.

But it is really surprising that a mere god of death can possess such power.

Until then, Yachukas with a monkey face appeared not far from Balegon, reminding in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, Sir Apollo once mentioned this name."

Hearing this, Bailegang suddenly realized that his skull-like face actually showed a thoughtful look.

If the God of Death in front of him is the being who changed Sar Apollo, then all the changes seem to be explainable.

Decades ago, Thrall Apollo went to the present world to find suitable living materials for experiments.

It was just a common thing.

After all, before this, he often went to the real world to capture humans or gods of death for use in various experiments.

But something unexpected happened.

Thrall Apollo returned to Hueco Mundo in an extremely damaged state.

To this day, Balegang still remembers his appearance freshly.

The upper half of the torso was almost hollowed out, and the front and back were transparent, allowing light breeze to flow freely through it. The white bones on the back seemed to have been burned by extreme high temperatures, and were all charred black and sticky, adhering to the flesh and blood like a mummy.

Even the white bone mask that symbolized Daxu's identity was cut off in half, and his self-proclaimed elegant face became as evil as a ghost.

This is the most embarrassing posture that Bailegang has ever seen, bar none!

Apollo's injury at that time meant that if it had been any other Daxu, even Bailegan would not have been able to escape the fate of death.

The severity is evident.

Since then, Saar Apollo has seemed to be a different person, abandoning the research progress of all previous experiments and starting a new process.

Even the notification of conception, which he valued most, was abandoned.

In the words of Sal Apollo, it is rebirth and resurrection. There is also a limit to the endless perfect life. Only extremely powerful power can be truly perfect.

In short, he stopped being false.

Even with a long life of millions of years, the naturally powerful Balegang still cannot understand Thrall Apollo's thoughts.

But he was so arrogant that he didn't care about these actions of Saar Apollo, as long as he remained loyal on the surface, that was enough.

In Bailegang's view, everything in the world has its limits, and only death is eternal.

But correspondingly, since it was the God of Death in front of him who had given Apollo Sar a transformation that was almost like a rebirth.

So it makes sense that he could withstand this force of aging.

"There is no death in Xuye Palace."

His empty eyes stared at the white figure below, and the vicissitudes of life echoed in the Gobi.

"But I am so generous that I don't mind giving you a chance to surrender."

"Tsunayo Sufeng, if you are willing to dedicate everything you have, I will leave a place for you in Xuye Palace."

As soon as these words came out, Sufeng laughed in surprise. He didn't expect that as a god of death, he would be recruited by the King of Hueco Mundo.

If Nirvana and the others found out about this, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to agree quickly.

"Let's not talk about the issue of stance."

Sufeng waved his hand casually, and the black coffin that destroyed the power of aging collapsed, and the desert returned to the moonlight.

"Just giving everything I have is too much for me to accept."

"The current king of Hueco Mundo..."

Bailegang nodded matter-of-factly: "Qualified answer."

"If you really agree, then I will give you the grandest death after taking everything away from you."

"There is no need in Xuye Palace for people who may rebel at any time."

At this moment, a green figure descended from the sky and landed next to Su Feng. He looked around with vigilant gray-brown eyes, and finally landed on the throne on the barren mountain.

At the same time, the expressionless Mole City Shuang also activated Shunpo to appear nearby, and used a spiritual pressure barrier to isolate the high-density spiritual particles floating in the atmosphere.

This area has not yet been fused by his spirit son, but due to the presence of many Vastods, if he activates the ability of Rain and Dew Pomegranate here, the virtualization reaction will be intensified in a short period of time.

At that time, if you are not careful, you may join Daxu's camp.

"The God of Death and Vastod?" Bailegang was surprised, "What a strange combination."

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng, is this your confidence to fight against the King of Hueco Mundo?"

Faced with the question, Sufeng shook his head and asked, "When did you have the illusion that I need to rely on the strength of others to counter you?"

"It's ridiculous..."

The contemptuous attitude immediately made Bailegang furious. As the King of Hueco Mundo, he had not seen anyone dare to resist his will for a long time.

"Come on, all of them, and crush this arrogant guy."

"Let him understand what true strength is!"

The moment the words fell, hundreds of Achukas burst out with their own spiritual pressure. In an instant, the sky suddenly darkened, and the crescent moon hanging high seemed to sink hundreds of meters, getting a few minutes closer to the desert.

Above the desert, the gravity increased sharply, and the terrifying pressure seemed as if mountains were collapsing, all pressing down on everyone, including Harribel and the others.


The first thing that couldn't bear it was Sun Sun and others who were seriously injured. A large amount of blood burst out from the wound, instantly dyeing the silvery white sand surface to bright red.

Following closely behind was Harribel, who had consumed most of her spiritual pressure due to long-term fighting. Due to the transformation, the spiritual pressure of these subordinates of Bailegang had been enhanced. To a certain extent, their quality was no better than that of Harribel. Harribel as Vastod is not that different.

In her current state, she is simply not strong enough to compete with him.

Under such majestic spiritual pressure, even Nilu put away her innocent smile, and the look in her eyes became more serious.

The only things that have not changed from beginning to end are Mole Cheng Shuangye and Sufeng.

The former believes in Sufeng, and the latter believes in himself.

Both of them maintained a calm and natural posture, staring at the hundreds of huge figures rushing towards them with calm eyes.

"Although it's a pity, picking up some rags afterwards can probably stop those two guys' mouths."

Su Feng slowly pulled out the Zanpakutao from his waist, a blue-purple lightning flashed continuously on the blade, and a rumbling sound resounded from the thunder light running.

boom! !

Extremely violent spiritual pressure burst out in an instant, and a huge pillar of light shot straight into the sky, shining like a scorching sun on Hueco Mundo, even overwhelming the cold moonlight.

Thick clouds swept in, covering the entire Gobi in a rolling motion, and the extreme light was followed by extremely deep darkness.

The clouds are like toppled mountains, the huge waves covering the sky, depression and suffocation fill the heart of every Yachukas.

The majestic spiritual pressure counteracted, and Sufeng only used his own strength to counteract the burst of spiritual pressure of hundreds of Achukas, and even gained the upper hand.

Although there were speculations about this, Mo Chengshuang still couldn't hide his surprise when he saw this scene.

Nilu, who was standing next to Su Feng, looked extremely shocked. Her slender fingers were gesturing back and forth between herself and Su Feng, and she was mumbling words that others could not understand at all.

The pressure disappeared suddenly, and Harribel looked at the white figure in front of her in astonishment, her expression all at a loss for a moment.

She still can't understand why a god of death with a different stance would come to help her.

But there is no doubt about the strength of the other party.

Not to mention her current state of reduced combat power, even in her prime, she would never be a match for the Death in front of her.

Although the Yachukas were afraid, they were even more afraid of Bailegang behind them.

Even with this majestic abyss of spiritual pressure, these violent beings still launched attacks in their own way.

In just an instant, several burly mountain-like figures appeared in front of Sufeng. Without hesitation, the huge palms pressed downwards, and the howling wind overflowed between the fingers.

Explosive force burst out from the muscular arm. If this blow were to hit, even Daxu, who had a strong steel skin, would be seriously injured.

The scarlet pupils of the Achucas were filled with violent excitement, as if they had seen the wonderful scene of the God of Death's brain exploding in front of them.

For them, death is not only an enemy with different stances, but also a delicious and high-quality food!


A faint thunder light flashed across the silver-white blade with a swift force, and then it was soaked layer by layer, and the silver-white light all over his body was replaced by blue-purple light.

Correspondingly, the movements of the several Yachukas holding up their huge palms stopped abruptly, as if the pause button had been pressed, and they froze in place.

The liquid-like thunder jelly flowed from the blade.

Su Feng gently raised the Zanpakutao in his hand, pointing directly at the sky, materialized thunder and lightning continued to flow, and the intense coercion continued to intensify.

"Mocheng, weren't you curious about how far I have come in the development of Zanpakuto?"

"Now you can clear up your doubts."

"Don't blink..."

As the words fell, countless thunderbolts raged wildly in the thick clouds, fully displaying their terrifying power. The atmosphere was filled with the smell of burning caused by high temperatures.

On the barren mountain, Bailegang stared at the scene of sudden change, feeling a little palpitation inexplicably.

Mole City Shuangye also stared at Sufeng. Surrounded by blue-purple thunder and lightning, the figure in front of him was like a god descending in the thunder!

At this moment, Su Feng slowly dropped the blade with thunderous liquid in his hand, and a calm voice suddenly spread throughout the audience:

"Senluo Lei Prison..."

The monthly ticket almost exceeds 1,000, which is a pity, but I still want to thank the book friends for their monthly ticket support. Thank you very much!

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