Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 194 Who Is the King of the Void Circle?


Rolling black clouds pressed down, and the Gobi seemed to sink with it. The bursting thunder raged and swept across, and the terrifying coercion permeated all directions, covering the Gobi with nowhere to escape.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up under the oppressive clouds, and the vast sea of ​​​​thunder exploded instantly. The scorching thunder light illuminated the dim world, rendering it vast and blazing white.

And with the rippling of the wind, the several Yachukas standing in front of Sufeng suddenly scattered into sand like weathering, and returned to the desert of the virtual circle.

This scene was watched by hundreds of Yachukas, and the instinctive trembling and fear instantly spread and devoured them in their hearts, until the few remaining sanity were wiped out.

They twisted their bodies, trying to escape from the area covered by Lei Hai, but this move was tantamount to wasting effort.

The majestic spiritual pressure, like the might of the sky, merged into the vast sea of ​​thunder, covering all areas within sight.

Not to mention Yachukas, even Varstord felt a suffocating oppression.

boom! ! !

The horrifying thunderbolt fell instantly, and the terrifying high temperature permeated it, accurately engulfing an orangutan-like Yachukas in the distance.

The white sand beneath it was wiped away, and replaced by glass crystals that were born under high temperature and exuded crystal clear light.

As if some kind of signal had sounded, all the remaining thunderstorms in the billowing black clouds also exploded and fell, and the thunderstorm raged, devouring everything within sight!

Countless rays of violent thunder poured down like waterfalls, turning into a thunder prison covering the Gobi Desert. Looking from a distance, the rolling desert was ravaged by scorching arcs, and everything was melted by the extreme high temperature. Tens of billions of them were melted. Countless endless white sand, at this moment, all turned into glass.

At this moment, the steel-skin defense that the Achucas were proud of was like paper under the tyranny of the lightning. No matter it looked like a turtle shell or was covered with spikes, it could not withstand the second attack. The Baptism of Thunder follows in the footsteps of those who came before.

Literally following in the footsteps.

Amidst the deafening thunder, the wailing of Yachukas could not even be heard, and all vitality was instantly wiped out, not even the slightest pain.

The dust and sand flew up and merged into the glaze on the upper layer of the sand, and was washed away by lightning again, and even the sandy shape could not be maintained.

In the distance, on the barren mountain, a shocked emotion appeared on Balegang's empty eyes and skull-like face.

Although the bony face could not change its expression, the shock was evident on his face and was not false at all.

He stared hard at the apocalyptic scene of Thunder Prison, and the memories from millions of years ago became clear again.

That was his only enemy in this life.

If the ancient Great Void hadn't tried to devour the Spirit King and become a stronger being, it wouldn't be his turn to make the decision in Hueco Mundo now.

And now, this god of death named Tsunayo Sufeng has once again brought back the feeling that cannot be described in words.

An invisible force seemed to be taking hold of his soul, and even breathing became difficult.

This feeling even exceeded the oppression brought to him by the ancient Great Void.


Balegang opened his bone-white mouth, and the black aura lingered on his body like a flame, burning and becoming more intense.

"He's just a mere god of death, a guy who doesn't overestimate his own abilities. I'm the emperor!"

"The God of Hueco Mundo, Balegang Ruisenbang!"

The black aura swept across and turned into a shocking wave, covering the billowing black clouds in the sky.

The power of aging, which is comparable to the power of the rule system, swept across and exploded in a mighty manner. Everything in its path was turned into dust, as if it had gone through countless years.

"Is this urgent?"

Looking at the sky from the wind, the billowing black clouds were replaced by the power of aging. In terms of the nature of power alone, Bailegang's ability is considered to be one of the best even in the Three Realms.

"As the King of Hueco Mundo, he doesn't even have this kind of character. It's really sad."

If Balegang's character could be changed, he might become the true King of Hueco Mundo.

It's a pity that after the ancient Great Void attacked the Spirit King's Palace, he couldn't find an opponent in Hueco Mundo. His extreme arrogance prevented him from making any further progress for millions of years.

Under the Thunder Prison, all living beings are equal.

The Yachukas were crushed into dust by Sufeng's move, and the entire Gobi desert was razed to the ground amidst the roar. On the glass-like ground, red magma flowed, and blue-purple arcs of electricity continued to dance in it. It exudes an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

In the sky above, the black aura of Balegang has already engulfed the thunderclouds. Blue, purple and darkness are intertwined, each consuming the other's strength.

"Insignificant, so insignificant..."

Bailegang stretched out his skeletal palm from his long purple coat, and a large amount of black aura hovered over it:

"In the face of old age and death, any existence is insignificant!"

"Whether it's the God of Death or Daxu, in this world, my power is unique and absolute!"

All the memories of the past came to mind, and Bailegang looked like he had lost his mind, shouting his philosophy loudly: "Anything other than this is insignificant!"

"This world should be ruled by me who possesses supreme power!"

boom! !

The majestic black aura multiplied several times again, engulfing Thunder with a crushing attitude, and the brief gleam was finally wiped out by the darkness.

Harribel stared at the scene in the sky in shock, strong despair welled up in her heart once again, death seemed to be close at hand.

On the other side, Sunsun and Xu were seriously injured and unable to withstand such a powerful spiritual pressure hedging, and they passed out on the spot.

The blood was gurgling under his body, and he might die of excessive bleeding at any time.

Under this scene, Mole Chengshuang was also indifferent and silent. The exclusive ability of Bailegang, the king of Hueco Mundo, was not something he could integrate.

Once there is contact with his spirit son, his spirit son will be wiped out instantly as if it has gone through countless years.

To a certain extent, it has the same abilities as the Quincy, but it is much more domineering.

Under this situation, Mole Chengshuang also instinctively took back all his own spirits that had escaped nearby. If he was affected by this power, it would also be a serious harm to him.

"I really like to boast."

Sufeng raised the blade in his hand, and the surging spiritual pressure covered it. The blue-white wind breath entwined among the blue-purple thunder. The wind and thunder exchanged, and his momentum climbed several levels again.

"If that brainless idiot hadn't attacked the Spirit King's Palace, would the King of Hueco Mundo really be you?"

"Baile Gang..."

The indifferent voice was like a blade, piercing Bailegang's fragile heart.

He didn't understand why a mere god of death knew what happened millions of years ago, but his arrogant and violent emotions had already swallowed up his few IQs.

These words undoubtedly reopened his scars and sprinkled a pinch of salt and cumin on him.

"You who claim to be supreme have also been confronted by the ancient Great Void. There is no winner or lose between you."

"But you are far less ambitious than the ancient Great Xu to pursue true power."

"The opponent attacked Shangling King Palace, while you monopolized the virtual circle and proclaimed himself king..."

Su Feng's momentum became more and more surging. In the past forty years, he has perfectly controlled his own power and exerted it to a 120% effect.

The substantive spiritual pressure lingered around it, like wind and thunder, roaring in the sky.

"That's just a fool!"

Bai Legang responded angrily, "A brainless waste who was blinded by ambition, and now he has been wiped out of everything."

"And I became the supreme king of the virtual circle!"

"In my eyes, your lives are no different from those of ants!"

As soon as the words fell, the black aura like a monstrous wave, under the control of Bailegang, pressed down towards the bottom.

At the end of the line of sight, the sky and the earth are connected, and darkness completely covers everything.

However, at this moment, a violent heat wave suddenly rose and erupted, pushing across the sky, tearing apart the darkness with rumbles, and violent thunder condensed into thunder pillars surrounding Sufeng.

The scorching breath turned into the only light in this world, shining in all directions, dispelling all darkness!

The bluish-white wind wrinkled and turned into a whistling tornado, which continued to solidify and intensify until it turned into jet black.

Thunder light is like a waterfall, pouring out of it, melting into endless light and heat, suddenly intensifying the wind.

The white feathers fluttered in the strong wind, and Su Feng's figure stood tall and straight, facing the torrential black tide.

Lanyin vibrated, absorbing all the black wind breath wrapped around the blue-purple thunder into the blade, and hot magma flowed on it.

Looking at this familiar scene, Mocheng Shuangye's eyelids couldn't help twitching.

He was the one who had the deepest impression of this move, but after decades, when Sufeng used this move again, his posture was relaxed and there was no effort at all.

And in terms of power, it is more than several times stronger than before.

The wind of heat and annoyance.

On the blade, magma-like red lines spread all over, emitting a blazing bright light.

Facing the whistling and suppressing black aura, Lan Yin in Sufeng's hand went straight for the slash, and the endless wind suddenly broke out and swept up towards the sky.

In an instant, the black aura that had been pressing for hundreds of miles was completely wiped out, as if it had been wiped away abruptly, and all traces were eliminated.

However, the wind of heat and anger did not dissipate. After erasing the power of Bailegang, it continued to erupt in the distance, and even wiped out tens of billions of remaining white sand on the messy battlefield during the sweep.

The skull face of Bailegang was full of disbelief.

He couldn't understand why there was a power over aging and death in this world.

Obviously he is the supreme existence, the only god in Hueco Mundo...

The black aura stirred up again, spreading in all directions in ripples, trying to offset the remaining power of the wind of heat and anger.

But how could the power that exploded in haste compare to Su Feng's powerful blow?

All the black aura was wiped away, and just before it touched Bailegang's purple coat, a bright pure blue burst out at the end of the sky.

The light flashed away, and it was approaching in an instant.

The raging violent spirit son met the remaining wind of heat and anger head-on. The impact was agitated and swept across all directions. The turbulence of the spirit son visible to the naked eye suddenly broke out.

The blue exploded, forming a pillar of light rising into the sky.

Sufeng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance, thinking about who would dare to interfere in his battle.

Bailegang was also a little surprised. Apart from the sudden appearance of the Death Gods, there were actually such powerful beings in Hueco Mundo.

The successive changes caused him to have deep self-doubt.

Who is the King of Hueco Mundo? !

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