Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 196 The Ownership of the Throne

"The local big virtual is really rude."

Su Feng is very upset about Stark's fleeing without a fight.

With the Arrancar, the Return Blade, the Full Body, and all the buffs, I didn't even have the courage to fight him with all my strength.

Moreover, Bailegang, who is the king of the virtual circle, also has no fighting spirit, and he is not relentless at selling his teammates.

After just one hard blow, this guy tucked his tail between his legs and ran away like a lost dog.

In terms of courage, it is not even as good as Stark.

"Master Sufeng is not injured, is he?" Nilu upholds her innocent and kind character, and has already set Sufeng as her own.

Sufeng shook his head: "This level is not enough to hurt me. That guy Stark has no fighting spirit at all."

"Hey, it's good that you're not injured, so Nilu doesn't have to worry."

Nilu, who had always been wandering alone in Hueco Mundo, suddenly joined a certain camp, naturally changing her identity and sense of belonging.

However, it was not so much Sufeng who defeated Nilu as it was his persistence that impressed the opponent.

Hearing this, Su Feng smiled and skillfully stretched out his hand to gently rub the long emerald hair. The good touch and touch made both parties very satisfied.

"Have you noticed it?" Mole Chengshuangye suddenly asked with an indifferent expression, "That special and unfamiliar wave..."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Su Feng raised his fingers to make a silent sound, with an inexplicable smile in the corner of his eyes. "You must not talk nonsense about this kind of thing. The fluctuations are just your illusion."

Mole Chengshuang was also silent, wondering what the madness of this guy in front of him was.

After a brief inquiry, Sufeng came to Harribel.

At this time, she was staying beside Sun Sun and others who were seriously injured and unconscious, bandaging the wounds to the best of her ability.

For Daxu, as long as he did not die on the spot or suffer injuries that resulted in the loss of limbs, it was not considered serious.

Although Sunsun and the others had blood flowing like rivers under their bodies, their faces were as pale as paper, and their breath was weak and not as weak as the animals living under the white sand, they still had a chance to survive.

You only need to bandage the injury to stop the bleeding blood, and you can slowly recover in the future.

"Let me do it." Su Feng stepped forward.

There was a hint of wariness in Harribel's eyes, but it disappeared immediately.

She didn't have much trust in Sufeng, but he saved her and Sunsun's lives after all. If Sufeng hadn't appeared, she would have turned into dust when Bailegang was so angry. Completely disappeared from this world.

What's more important is that with Sufeng's strength, let alone her current strength, even if she were to increase several times in her heyday, she would still not be able to match her.

If the other party had other ideas, Harribel estimated that she would have to assume hundreds of different postures.

Dissected pose.

Harribel obediently gave way to Sufeng, a bit of tension and worry appeared in the depths of her emerald green pupils.

A short-term contact is not enough to make her change her view of the god of death.

Su Feng stood in front of the three behemoths, with his right hand outstretched, and a shining green light bloomed on it:

"Returning to Tao, One Way, Destiny Returns to Heaven."

The radiance of Hui Dao was blazing, and a strong vitality burst out immediately. As the radiance solidified in an instant, it immediately turned into countless vines and shot out from the palm.

In just a split second, Sun Sun and others were completely wrapped up.

Seeing this scene, Harribel suddenly became nervous, but as the blood flowing out of the gaps between the vines gradually decreased, the originally clenched heart slowly relaxed.

Right now, the god of death named Tsunayashiro Sokaze is indeed trustworthy.

The healing effect of the inner path is undoubtedly superior to that of the ordinary path, and in the past few decades, Seinosuke Yamada has improved it many times.

Healing effect ↑, spiritual pressure consumption ↓, release difficulty ↑, learning difficulty ↑.

Of course, even if it is the original version of Life Back to Heaven, it cannot be learned by ordinary Shinigami.

Start at the captain level, and you must have certain attainments in Hui Dao.

Delicate flowers gradually grew on the vines. As Sunsun and others recovered from their injuries, the flowers gradually unfolded their petals and blossomed into a gorgeous scene.

For this change, Seinosuke Yamada referred to Hanataro Yamada's Zanpakuto Gomaru, which can be transformed into blooming flowers by absorbing injuries.

The only pity is that these flowers don't have many offensive uses, they can only release a little hypnotic powder.

Moreover, the effect of the hypnotic powder has no effect on enemies with sixth-level spiritual power or above, and it cannot even add to the fun.

Completely tasteless.

Huwan is still an irreplaceable existence.

It is worth mentioning that after the special training, Yamada Hanataro went to support the fourth team when the manpower was insufficient.

Unohana Retsu was full of praise for his skillful return techniques and processing methods, and happily asked him if he was interested in joining the Fourth Division as the chief officer.

But after learning that he was Yamada Hanataro, Unohana Retsu fell silent.

She didn't understand what happened to Hanataro Yamada, but the current appearance was really strange.

After learning the ins and outs of the incident, Madarame Ikkaku's screams often erupted in the comprehensive rescue center.

Obviously, not wanting to target someone, Uozhihua Lie took out his grievances on a certain bald person.

Under Minghui Tiansheng's treatment, the spiritual pressure of the three behemoths gradually stabilized, and all the torn wounds healed.

Under such circumstances, Harribel finally let go of her hanging heart.

She looks very cold on the surface, and doesn't care much about everything, but deep down she has an incomparable attachment to Sun Sun and others.

After all, before this, Harribel had fought against dozens of Yachukas alone for the sake of these three subordinates.

Even if he faced Bailegang, the king of the virtual circle, he didn't flinch in the slightest.

In comparison, whether it is Stark, who is exhausted, or Bailegang, who sells his teammates, they are slightly worse.

Of course, for Stark, battles are also divided into meaningful and meaningless.

If he was really fighting for something he cared about, this self-defeating Varstord would also burst out with an extremely powerful fighting spirit.

"Huh, many, thank you very much..." Herribel's eyes revealed a bit of awkwardness.

Daxu thanks the God of Death?

This world is a little too crazy...

Thinking of this, his emerald green pupils became somewhat dazed.

"You're welcome. After all, it's a bit selfish for me to help you."

Sufeng said calmly, "I have a question. I hope you can answer it. What do you think about the stance of Daxu and the God of Death?"

The sudden question caught Harribel off guard, but with a grateful heart, she gave the answer deep in her heart after thinking for a moment.

"A natural enemy."

"Another great Xu who fell into extreme extremes." Su Feng spread his hands and said helplessly, "The God of Death annihilated Xu just to maintain the balance of the world..."

The same rhetoric that deceived Nilu before was used again.

Although it is called a lie, there is actually no adulteration in this statement.

After some explanation, Harribel once again had a new understanding of the world.

So, she hesitated and said, "Does this have any necessary connection with you saving us?"

Sufeng nodded and snapped his fingers:

"Of course there is. The group of Xues can't be annihilated. The king of Hueco Mundo, Bailegang, did nothing and allowed Hueco Mundo to fall into endless chaos."

"The great voids devour each other, and there is no trust among the voids. The entire virtual world is filled with lies and deceit."

"What I want to do is to establish a new virtual kingdom and reduce the occurrence of meaningless battles as much as possible."

"And you are the second subordinate I choose."

Nilu said happily at the side: "Nilu is the first, this is Nilu's code name!"

As she spoke, she pulled out a silver-white bright ring from her chest. The word "zero" was crystal clear and shining under the moonlight.

Harribel stared at the ring in the moonlight, silent.

"And the most important point." Seeing Harribel's heart wavering, Sufeng gave her another dose of strong medicine, "The pain of not being able to protect your companions comes from the lack of strength."

"And I will give you greater power, as powerful as the King of Hueco Mundo!"

Although the research on the Daxu Arrancar is still at the level of Kilian, that is entirely due to the lack of experimental materials.

As long as sufficient experimental materials are provided, with the talents of Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke, the experimental process of Arrancarization can be perfected in a short period of time.

For Daxu, Arrancar transformation is enough to increase spiritual pressure and strength several times or even dozens of times.

If the Arrancar Harribel is allowed to face the current Balegang, the position of King of Hueco Mundo may really have to be replaced.

Countless thoughts were surging in her mind, and Harribel's eyes were constantly switching between Sun Sun and Su Feng.

In this regard, Sufeng did not rush him. He believed that Harribel would make the right decision.

After a moment, a determined look appeared in her emerald green pupils. Harribel looked directly at Sufeng without fear and said seriously:

"I promise to work for you..."

Before Sufeng could respond, Nilu happily ran to his side, put her arm around Harribel's shoulders in a familiar manner, and let out an unexplained laugh:

"Great, we will be a family from now on..."

For Nilu, who has always been alone, having a companion is undoubtedly a very luxurious thing.

Now she not only had a companion, but also saw a familiar shadow in Harribel.

To a certain extent, the personalities of the two women Vasu are very similar.

However, Harribel is relatively more mature.

Sufeng took out the ring he had prepared in advance and handed it to Harribel.

It is still made of silver-white material, with the word "白" engraved on the jade stone in the middle.

Harribel took the ring, followed Nelu's example, pulled off a strand of hair, threaded the ring into a necklace, and wore it around her neck.

At this point, the initial establishment of the Kingdom of Void has been completed.

Sufeng was very satisfied with this harmonious scene.


The crescent moon hung high, and the cold moonlight swayed downwards.

The magnificent palace only has a broad foundation, with no walls or roof. It is simple yet somewhat majestic.

Xuye Palace.

After Bailegang escaped from the Gobi, he immediately returned to his territory.

However, when he came to the Xuye Palace, he found a white figure sitting on the throne that should have been empty.

Brown curly short hair, gentle brown eyes behind black-rimmed glasses, the relatively low figure sitting on the throne should have looked empty.

But the man sitting in it seemed to complement each other, as if the throne should belong to him.

"You stupid fool, get off my throne."

Bailegang was furious. Having lost before, he now vented all his anger on the figure in front of him, as if the person in front of him was the culprit that caused him to be in such a mess.

"What a stern look, what a bluff."

The figure on the throne looked down, and his indifferent words seemed like sharp knives piercing through Bailegang's fragile heart:

"The majestic king of Hueco Mundo has actually fallen into such a situation."

"Bailegan Ruisenbang, are you satisfied with yourself now..."

Thanks to Mr. Karbaji, Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly votes.

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