Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 197 Embark on a journey to the new world

"Who are you?"

At this time, Baile Gang was extremely vigilant. Having just been tortured by Su Feng, he was extremely suspicious of any death god.

"All composure is lost." A voice came from the throne, "The demeanor that a king should have should no longer be seen."

"Baile Gang, you seem to have been frightened by the other party."

As soon as these words came out, the body of Baile Gang below suddenly shook, and after a moment of silence, there was a violent anger like a volcano erupting.

A large amount of black aura erupted like a blowout, and the position it stood on was corroding crazily downwards, and countless rock foundations turned into dust.

This move perfectly illustrates what it means to be incompetent and furious.

The figure on the throne was not moved at all. He still looked calm, as if nothing in the world was enough to cause his mood to change.

"Anger without strength is just like the name of this Zanpakutō."

The silver-white blade was slowly pulled out of the scabbard and displayed to the furious Bailegang with the tip of the blade pointing downward.

"Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black aura swept upwards, and everything in its path turned into dust and dust, completely disappearing into the atmosphere, and all traces were erased.

However, when the wave-like aura was about to touch the throne, it changed its direction strangely and crashed down towards the right.

Under the erosion of the black breath, the huge stone pillars hundreds of meters high collapsed and shattered in an instant, and scattered into the desert.

But within sight of Balegang.

The supreme and powerful power that he was proud of was easily and completely wiped out by the figure on the throne, as if there was an endless abyss in front of him, and no matter how much aging power was invested, it would be swallowed up.

The white bones and teeth opened and closed, and there was an unconcealable astonishment and bewilderment on the skeleton-like face.

Compared with the almost one-sided battle before, the current scene is even more incomprehensible to him.

The other party didn't even release much spiritual pressure, but just wiped out his power. Could it be that in these millions of years, the God of Death has reached a level that he can't touch?

"Look, Balegon, you are like a narrow-minded frog sitting in a well, presumptuously taking everything in sight as the whole of the world."

On the throne, the indifferent voice echoed and spread to the entire palace.

"Surrender to me, Balegon Ruysenbang."

"In this way, I will give you further power and a new world."

"At the same time, you will also have the courage to face Tsunayoshi Kaze again..."

Balegang stood on one of the few intact floors, staring at the throne with his empty eyes, and the black aura lingered and burned like a flame on his long purple coat.

Surprisingly, he did not immediately refute the opponent's remarks.

Everything that happened today has already exceeded its original cognition.

The virtual circle is still the same virtual circle, but the world of corpses and souls is no longer the world of corpses and souls he knows.

These gods of death, who came out of nowhere, wreaked havoc on his territory like monsters one by one.

What's even more frightening is that, as the king of the virtual circle, in front of these gods of death, he is as weak as a newly evolved subordinate virtual.

No matter how angry the roar is, in their eyes, it is nothing but the whine of the weak.

After a long silence, Bailegang spoke slowly, his vicissitudes of voice became hoarse and bitter:

"Does the new world really exist..."

On the throne, a gentle smile appeared again, and behind the lenses, a deep gaze fell:

"Of course it exists. The real throne is far above the sky."

"Please also remember my name, the existence that will help you reach the new world, Aizen Soyousuke..."

Under the cold moonlight, the silver-white blade next to the throne tilted, and a strange light flashed on the blade...


Soul Society, Technology Development Bureau.

The void tore apart, and cracks like the teeth of beasts appeared in the center of Laboratory No. 9.

At the edge of the wall, several sophisticated instruments and equipment were running at high speed, and several researchers in white coats were busy around.

They seemed to have long been accustomed to the changes in the middle of the research room and were not moved at all.

The researchers who can appear here are all carefully selected by Nirvana and are trustworthy.

At the very least, they would not spread the information that Sufeng and others frequently communicated with Soul Society and Hueco Mundo.

Following the capture of the black cavity fluctuations, Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke appeared in Laboratory No. 9 for the first time, looking expectantly into the deep darkness.

Correspondingly, with the expansion of the black cavity, the great virtual spiritual pressure belonging to the Achucas level filled the research room wantonly, a violent aura filled the air, and a sense of depression fell heavily.

"As expected of my dear Captain Sufeng."

Nirvana's mouth opened wide, and her golden teeth reflected bright light under the bright light:

"He is the only one who can easily bring back qualified experimental samples from Hueco Mundo."

Yamada Kiyuki nodded in agreement: "Master Sufeng is more powerful than we imagined."

"Perhaps in a hundred years, the title of the strongest Death God will also be changed."

Since becoming the president of the Mao Pharmacy Institute, Yamada Seinosuke seems to have returned to his original destiny and became a retainer of the Tsunayashiro family.

The only difference is that the person he is loyal to has changed from Tsunayashiro Tokinada to Tsunayashiro Sofu.

Yingzhou put down the work at hand and prepared to go to the black cavity to pick up Achiukas, whom Sufeng brought back from Hueco Mundo.

He has done this kind of work many times without any danger.

Every time Achiukas is brought back from the wind, he will be bound several times, and the whole body is like a finished rice dumpling.

"The Achiukas brought back by Captain Sufeng this time seems to be particularly irritable in terms of spiritual pressure..."

Yingzhou murmured softly, opened his hands, filled the air with spiritual pressure, and turned into a barrier to capture ghosts.

However, at this moment, a huge stag figure rushed out from the black cavity, and its hard antlers slammed into the ghost path barrier.

There was just a click, and the barrier shattered. Yaozhou subconsciously widened his eyes, but he had no time to react. He could only watch the antlers hit his bell-like body.


A large green body flew high into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground, spreading flat on the floor like a puddle of jelly.

"Enemies, Master Sufeng, be careful, I sense the threat of spiritual pressure!"

Apache's body tensed, and he stood on the edge of the black cavity and looked around warily, "It's not like you said there is no danger here, these gods of death are ready to fight!"

"Get away you idiot, your big ass is blocking the exit!"

A roar like a lion's roar came from the black cavity, a huge fleshy palm flew out of the darkness, and slapped Apache away.

A lioness with a body no less than a huge stag stepped out from the black cavity with her head held high, staring at the researchers in Laboratory No. 9 with her unruly and ferocious eyes, and finally fell on the stunned Nirvana. Tori and Yamada Seinosuke.

"They're just a bunch of trash." Mira stared at the two of them, "Only these two guys feel a little bit dangerous."

After the words fell, another huge python with a length of tens of meters snaked out of the black cavity. On top of the hard bone snake head, a white figure sat cross-legged with a helpless expression.

"The guy you pushed away is called Yazhou. He was just preparing to take over and be responsible for your placement."

Su Feng sighed, he didn't understand why these three became like this, they were obviously fine before they passed out.

"These are my own people, so there is no need to be so vigilant."

Hearing this, the three Yachukas restrained their spiritual pressure, and stood respectfully and neatly on the edge of Heiqiang, waiting for Sufeng to give orders.

Nirvana Yuri has recovered from the astonished look, and the corners of her mouth are grinning to the sides, revealing her golden teeth:

"Captain Sufeng, I am very interested in your experience in Xuquan!"

"Me too." Yamada Seinosuke expressed his opinion.

Su Feng disappeared from the top of Sun Sun's head in an instant, came to the two of them, and briefly narrated what happened in the virtual circle.

"That is to say, after you saved them, the attitude of the other party changed drastically?"

"To be precise, it should be the attitude when we first met."

When Sufeng used the black coffin to neutralize Bailegang's aging power, Sun Sun and others had already passed out due to the serious injuries.

All he did was to treat them with Lihui Daoming and Tiansheng.

Perhaps, in Daxu's world view, it is often so simple and rude.

In Sunsun and the others' view, the reward for a hero after saving the beauty is nothing more than a promise of body.

But because of the deviation of species and the large difference in size, allegiance has become the only choice.

Right now, besides Harribel, Sufeng is the most important existence in their minds.

Even if his identity is the God of Death.

"Are you using them as an experiment?" Nie Yuli smiled strangely, "Captain Sufeng is really hard-hearted."

"Don't put on that disgusting expression." Sufeng sneered disdainfully, "The Arrancar experiment has been perfected, and even if there are risks, they have been minimized."

"I've already explained this medium risk to them."

"Do your best to complete Yachukas' face-shattering, but there will still be Valstord waiting for you to face-shatter."

"As long as there is an accident in any one, this process will be extended indefinitely until the success rate of breaking the surface reaches 100%."

Nie Yuli's eyes lit up, as if she had discovered some rare treasure.

For him, Yachukas has been studied countless times, and there is no secret at all.

But Wastod was different.

So far, the Vastord he has seen is only part of the body of Sal Apollo sent by the wind.

The truly alive Valstord only exists in the records of the 12th Division.

"You really deserve to be Captain Sufeng!" Nie Yuli's smile restrained a bit, "It perfectly handles the flaws in other people's characters."

"Varstord's face-breaking experiment, just thinking about it makes people so excited that they can't breathe!"

But as the words were spoken, there was a hint of madness in his expression.

Yamada Seinosuke, who was standing next to him, was much more restrained. At least on the surface, he was still calm and composed, but the inexplicable light from the depths of his eyes betrayed his inner thoughts.

However, the sickness of the two still made Sun Sun and the others fearful, and their huge bodies instinctively surrounded Su Feng.

In their view, in this strange environment, the only person worthy of trust is Master Sufeng.

Aside, Ah Jin and several scientific researchers struggled to dig out a pool of green jelly from the ground, trying to restore the hard-hit Bulbul state with an air pump.

After Nie Yuli became the captain of the 12th Division, his behavior of transforming himself triggered the imitation of a large number of scientific researchers, and Yazhou was one of them.

After being hit head-on by Apache's antlers, he only turned into a state similar to meat droplets and did not suffer any substantial damage.

After temporarily calming down the restless emotions in his heart, Nirvana spoke again:

"Captain Sufeng, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to."

"The geniuses you brought back from Rukongai caused a little trouble..."

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