Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 198 Everything is Renji’s fault

Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

Above the dojo.

Dozens of college students sat on the wooden floor with serious expressions, neatly placed bamboo knives in front of them.

Because they heard that a big man was going to be a special lecturer in today's kendo class, the attitude of the students in the House of Representatives was particularly solemn, and even Renji, who was the most indifferent, looked serious.

This is a small stove exclusively for a group of elite college students.

The bald middle-aged Ou Nahara Yangoro was explaining the precautions to the students, telling them not to make any mistakes in the following courses.

Once you leave a bad impression on that big shot, it may be difficult for you to get along in the world of corpses and souls in the future.

At that time, even joining the Guarding Thirteen Team will become very troublesome.

Maybe the big man doesn't care about such insignificant things, but his subordinates can't help but care.

"It's so boring, why does Teacher Yan Wulang say such nonsense?"

After maintaining a correct attitude for a few minutes, Renji relaxed, and the whole person entered into a tired and lazy look.

He stretched out his hand and poked Toshiro Hitsugaya, who was sitting upright beside him, and whispered, "Hey, let's go to the old place to fight later?"

"I think this so-called big man probably can't teach us anything."

Toshiro looked at Renji's words with his eyes, nose and heart, showing no intention of responding to Renji's words, looking like a good student.

But his sudden frown also betrayed his mood at this time.

Ou Nahara Yangoro noticed this scene, and suddenly let out a long sigh in his heart, and his originally serious expression became a little more sad.

Admittedly, this is the 239th year since he became a teacher at the Spiritual Arts Academy.

During this period, he personally led countless classes, and countless students successfully joined the team, but the level of genius in this year's class is unprecedented.

Among this group of geniuses, Renji Abarai and Toshiro Hitsugaya stand out the most.

Perhaps geniuses are also attracted to each other, both have noticed each other, and there is a vague tendency to develop into rivals.

Whether it was slaying ghosts with fists or in knowledge classes, the two showed tit-for-tat scenes, and even fought regularly in private.

In this regard, the two dubbed it "comparison and progress."

Just two days ago, the battle between the two destroyed dozens of student dormitories, leaving hundreds of meters of corridors in a mess.

Ou Nahara Yangoro, who always prided himself on being a strict teacher, would never get used to this kind of prickly student, even if he was a genius.

You know, even Shiba Haiyan, the head of the Shiba family at that time, was reprimanded and even punished by him.

But for these two guys, it is really difficult for Ou Nahara Umgoro to start.

Just because the person who brought them into the Spiritual Arts Academy was none other than the current captain of the ninth division, the head of the Tsunayashiro family, the most unconventional being in the Seireitei——

Tsuna Yayo traces the wind.

Yan Wulang felt a headache just thinking about this person.

Back when he was in the Spiritual Arts Academy, this noble young man often got into trouble.

At the moment, the few guys he recommends for admission are geniuses, but they are also obviously prickly.

In comparison, the other three girls were much more stable.

No, it should be said that he is so well-behaved that it forms a sharp contrast.

After thinking about it, Yan Wulang decided to report the matter to his superiors and let Sufeng deal with these two guys personally.

Although he doesn't have high expectations for this.

"Cough cough, pay attention to your manners."

Yan Wulang made his final conclusion, "We must not leave a bad impression on the lecturer."

After the words fell, he hurriedly left the dojo.

After a moment, a figure slowly walked into it.

When they saw the figure clearly, the faces of the students showed surprise.

Although they have only joined the Spiritual Arts Academy for a short time, they already have a considerable understanding of some basic common sense.

The figure who walked into the dojo had a gentle smile on her delicate face. The braid that should have been hanging down to her chest was moved to her back and tied with a simple hair tie. Two locks of hair fell to her ears. It highlights its gentle and elegant temperament.

But if you look closely, you will find that the so-called simple hair tie is actually a pair of star clips exclusive to the upper-class nobles.

"U-Captain Unohana?!"

Some of the students in the hospital couldn't help but exclaimed.

The expressions of the crowd also changed greatly. To them, the Grim Reaper at the senior officer level is already considered a big shot.

As the captain, the presence of Uzhi Hanalie here undoubtedly had a great impact on the young minds of this group of students.

"Good morning everyone."

Looking around at the different expressions of the students, Uzhihuaretsu smiled softly: "I am the captain of the fourth division, Uzhihuaretsu."

"Today's kendo class will be taught by me."

As soon as these words came out, the different expressions on everyone's faces turned into astonishment at the same time.

Shouldn't it be a reply?

Why, as the captain of the fourth division of the logistics team, would he come to teach kendo lessons?

Was there any misunderstanding?

Unozhihualie was not surprised by the students' reactions, but in fact, under Sufeng's "unremitting efforts", she got her approval.

The so-called identity of the first generation of Jianba is no longer deliberately hidden.

In addition, because Zaraki Kenpachi was imprisoned in the Infernal Hell, Unohana Retsu would often go to the 11th Division to help and manage.

The fact that the captain of the fourth division was good at kendo gradually spread among the Seireitei.

It's just that these are all freshmen who have just entered school, so it's understandable that they don't know much about them.

"Hey, Captain!"

Renji suddenly became excited, "Even the captain who is not good at fighting can still be regarded as the strongest group of people in Seireitei in terms of strength, right?"

"I advise you to restrain your dangerous thoughts." Toshiro couldn't hold it in any longer and reminded him, "If you anger the other party, you may really die."

The conversation between the two was noticed by Uzhi Hualie.

At the same time, her eyes wandered among the crowd and spotted the three people mentioned in the intelligence.

Hima, Rukia, and Hinata.

Are these the geniuses Sufeng selected from Rukongai?

Unohana Retsu had a smile in her eyes, and for some reason, she suddenly looked forward to the next lecture.

After a short self-introduction, Unohanaretsu walked to the front of the dojo under the eyes of everyone's anticipation, holding a bamboo knife in his hand.

The gentle temperament was swept away, replaced by an unconcealable sharpness.

"Everyone, please don't be distracted during the next lecture."

Considering that this group of students had just entered school, Unohana Retsu did not explain too many advanced kendo techniques, but focused on improving the basics and analyzing the details.

As a master-level figure in kendo, Unohana Retsu is the strongest in this field, both in theory and in actual combat.

The students below were fascinated by it.

The only exceptions are Renji Asai and Toshiro Hitsugaya, who were rated as thorny heads by Daewoo Nahara Yangoro.

"...these are my shallow insights on the foundation."

Unozhihualie smiled, "It's just an explanation of theoretical knowledge, far less than a practical demonstration."

"Next, I will invite a student from the academy to come up and cooperate, and fight in the way of basic swordsmanship..."

Before she finished speaking, a figure suddenly stood up among the people sitting cross-legged, with an unabashed fighting spirit. His red hair was like fire, and the cross scars on his face highlighted his fierce aura.

"I'm coming!" Renji's courage is commendable.

On the high platform of the kendo dojo, Su Feng couldn't help but cover his face with his hands when he saw this, hiding the uncontrollable smile at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't understand, if he was living well, why should he seek death?

In a kendo battle, with Renji's current level, he would probably be beaten to the point where his heart would be broken.

After learning about the news that Renji and Toshiro had become the head assassins of the Spiritual Arts Academy through Nirvana, Sufeng was puzzled at first, and then accepted it calmly.

As Renji Abarai has the template of a protagonist, no matter what happens to him, it falls within the normal range.

Bengyu has been placed in his soul, what else is impossible?

As for Toshiro, it goes without saying that he must have been led astray by Renji.

How could an obedient boy like him, who abides by the rules, violate the school rules of the Spiritual Arts Academy without authorization?

Everything is Renji's fault!

After handing over Sunsun and others to Yamada Seinosuke for soul testing and other experiments, Sufeng also took the time to come to the dojo of the Spiritual Arts Academy.

It is worth mentioning that since Hijin entered school, the Spiritual Arts Academy has received a large amount of donations from the Kuchiki family.

All the dojos, classrooms, and various teaching facilities that Class 1 may use have been completely renovated.

Even Sufeng couldn't help but marvel at the behavior of such a wealthy businessman.

It can only be said that love makes people blind.

After being enlightened by Sufeng's force, Kuchiki Byakuya seemed to no longer be obsessed with the glory of the Kuchiki family.

If the head of the family represents the glory of the Kuchiki family, then when he was hammered by Sufeng, does it mean that this so-called glory was also trampled on the ground?

"Although, why did you follow me here?"

After Sufeng glanced at Renji who was being beaten one-sidedly, he turned to look at Shiba Isshin next to him.

"Also, is this the end of what Haiyan promised me before?"

On the way to the Spiritual Arts Academy, he encountered Shiba Isshin inexplicably. After learning that his purpose was the Spiritual Arts Academy, Shiba Isshin was so shameless that he insisted on following him.

Hearing Sufeng mention it, Zhibo laughed heartily: "Hey, Konghe is currently developing new fireworks techniques, and he will report to the Spiritual Arts Institute in the next two days."

"As for me, naturally I'm here to see if there are any talented students in the academy."

"Over the years, the talents of Division 10 have withered away. As the captain, I have to go out and handle official duties in person. I don't even have time to have a sip of wine."

Zhiba Yishin's expression was sad, as if he had no love left in his life.

For him, not being able to fish was simply more uncomfortable than killing him.

Su Feng nodded, deeply convinced of this.

Fortunately, his ninth team had a cute and manageable bespectacled girl, so he didn't have to worry about the paperwork at all.

Occasionally, Matsumoto Rangiku can also be used on top.

Although it is not as good as Ise Nanao in this respect, it is also much better than the general seat officer.

While the two were arguing, the battle in the dojo below became more and more intense. Abarai Renji was defeated continuously by Unohana Retsu's bamboo sword offensive, forming a one-sided situation.

But at the same time, Maozhihualie was also surprised by the fierce look in Sufeng's eyes. The opponent was just a new student who had not even done any systematic study, but he persisted until now by relying on his instinctive reaction.

can only say……

Sufengjun is indeed very strong!

Maozhihualie nodded seriously and approved this idea, and the strength of his attack increased "a little".


A red-haired figure flew dozens of meters away in the dojo, smashed into the wall, and seemed to have no response.

Unohana smiled and looked at the crowd: "Don't worry about A Sanjing Renji, I have already controlled the strength of my attack, he will be fine."

"By the way, are there any classmates who have volunteered?"

For a moment, everyone was silent, and they didn't even dare to look directly at the falling gaze.

At this moment, in their eyes, Captain Unokana's smile is no different from the devil's smile.


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