Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 199 Good News and Bad News

The captain of the logistics team is so scary!

This battle made the students fully aware of the captain-level strength.

Renji Abarai, who is almost the strongest among the freshmen, is like a child who has not grown up in front of Unohana Retsu, and his clumsy attacks are completely led by the opponent.

Not to mention counterattack, if he can get less injured, it is already a sign of his great power.

"Renji Asai, your style of play is too straight forward, ignoring your own upper limit of strength. If you can't defeat your opponent in this way of fighting in a short time, you will put yourself in a dangerous situation."

Before the battle, names had been exchanged, and Unohana Retsu also remembered this impressive genius.

Although he fights without any rules, he is still quite fierce just by instinct.

If he can learn from it, he will be a good captain in the future.

Renji got up from the ground and looked down at the bamboo sword in his hand that was shattered by a single blow, unable to hide the surprise in his eyes.

He originally thought that Su Feng was already the strongest among the captains, but he didn't expect that not long after he entered school, he would meet another powerful captain.

The opponent controlled his spiritual pressure to a level comparable to his, but still defeated him easily with his strong fighting skills and experience.

The gap between this mid-level level is self-evident.

Thinking of this, Abarai Renji's expression became a little excited.

Only this is the world he pursues!

Life goes on and the fight goes on!

"Thank you, Captain Unohana, for your guidance." Renji Abarai bowed respectfully and expressed his sincere attitude.

His life experience in Rukongai taught him to respect the strong.

Anyone who is stronger than him is worthy of his respect.

Uozhihua Lie smiled and nodded, and at the same time looked at the remaining students: "Is there anyone else willing to do a practical demonstration?"

"I will try my best to point out your shortcomings. This will be very helpful in the future."

Hearing this, Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth and stood out from the crowd.

He didn't want to be left behind at a time like this.

For a genius, every step is a step away. Once the red baboon pulls away, it will be difficult to catch up.

Toshiro bowed and saluted: "Captain Unohana, I am Toshiro Hitsugaya, please give me your advice!"

"There's no need to be afraid, just give it a try." Unohana Retsu seemed to see through Toshiro's worries and comforted him bluntly.

Hitsugaya Toshiro took a deep breath, stepped forward with his bamboo sword in hand, and slashed straight out with a sideways attitude.

The bamboo sword was fierce and made a sound of piercing the air.

Mao Zhihualie's eyes brightened slightly, flashing with a trace of undetectable surprise.

This short boy with white hair was no worse than Renji Abarai just now in kendo.

If we just talk about skills, it is even stronger.

But at the same time, he also lacked the courage to move forward. He had too many worries and was restrained in fighting, thus reducing his lethality.

When the battle began, Hitsugaya Toshiro immediately fell into a disadvantage and was directly led by Unohana Retsu.

His performance was not much better than Renji Abarai's.

On the high platform, Zhibo Yixin's eyes lit up, and he said with a little excitement: "Captain Sufeng, where did you get all these geniuses from, and you are already at such a level just after entering school."

"His understanding of Zanpakuto has surpassed that of ordinary soldiers, right?"

Different from Unohana Retsu's focus on kendo, Shiba Yixin cares more about the comprehension of Zanpakuto.

Hitsugaya Toshiro just releases the Reiatsu, and the temperature around him will drop accordingly. This behavior is naturally due to contact with the core power of Zanpakuto.

According to his speculation, there is a 90% probability that the white-haired kid's Zanpakuto is of the ice and snow type.

And, the potential is amazing.

"Rukongai, Runlin'an District."

Su Feng glanced at Zhibo Yixin, and casually replied, "It's only two districts away from your house."

Since Zhibo's family moved out of Noble Street, they have been staying in Lifu Mountain in West Third District. Without the competition for fame and fortune among nobles, they seem to be at ease.

"Damn it, why didn't I discover it first!" Zhibo felt heartbroken, feeling that he had lost hundreds of millions of rings.

Ever since his vice-captain was poached by Su Feng at a high price, the 10th squad has fallen into a vicious cycle of talent withering.

At present, apart from himself, there is no one who can provoke the leader.

"Captain Sufeng, can we discuss something?"

Zhibo rolled his eyes intently, not knowing what he was holding back.

"No way, don't even think about it."

Su Feng resolutely refused, "These are all mine, oh yes, Fei really isn't, you can grab her."

"Forget it then." Zhibo said resentfully.

The news that the current head of the Kuchiki family is going to marry a commoner from Liuhun Street has already spread among the nobles and the captain.

There was an earthquake-like shock that day, and countless nobles were dumbfounded, expressing their incomprehension.

The captains behaved differently, or expressed support for it, or severely reprimanded it, or spread their hands and prepared to watch the show.

It wasn't until this news gradually spread in Seireitei that the heat of the discussion subsided a little.

With this level of dissemination, even if the source of the Shiba family's news is too closed, they still know the identity of Fei Zhen.

If he really wanted to pull her into the 10th division, Byakuya Kuchiki would be able to drive the swastika to unleash the Shiba family the next day.

For the continuation of the family, Zhibo thought that it would be better for him to suffer a little bit.

At least it's safe.

"There's no need to be so dejected." Su Feng nuzzled his lips and gestured, "Did you see that black-haired girl in the crowd? The one sitting next to Sister Feizhen."

"Chi Sentao, a ghostly genius, simple and kind-hearted, the absolute candidate for the vice-captain."

"The yellow-haired brat next to him, Kira Izuru, is a genius of balanced development."

These two people, a future vice-captain of the fifth division, and a future vice-captain of the third division.

Compared with Asai Renji and Hitsugaya Toshiro, it is slightly inferior, but it is definitely a genius Shinigami.

In this regard, Sufeng said that he could give it to Zhibo Yishin.

The sudden generosity caught Zhibo Yixin by surprise.

To prevent falling into a trap, he decided to observe again.

While the two were talking, Toshiro followed in Renji's footsteps with a backhand, and even the two fell down in exactly the same posture.

"The sword moves are very standard, and I already have my own understanding of the basics of swordsmanship."

Unohana pointed out gently: "But stick to the standard, too rigid, less flexible, and lack the courage to give it a go when fighting."

"You have too many things hidden in your heart, and it is a good choice to let go of them properly..."

Toshirō Hitsugaya stood up and bowed respectfully: "Thank you Captain Unokana for your guidance."

Looking at the two people who returned to their seats without any injuries, the other students also started to move around.

Just being able to compete with the captain in actual combat is already worth bragging about.

In the future, when I successfully joined the team, I opened my mouth and resisted Captain Unokana's knife head-on. This is too long to say.

However, just when everyone was eager to try, a petite figure suddenly stood up, looking firmly at Uzhihualie:

"Captain Unohana, can you guide me?"

The sudden volunteering made Uozhihualie startled, but then he smiled happily, nodded and said:


The sudden change caught Feizhen a little by surprise, she reached out to stop Rukia, but the other party had already walked in front of Unohana Retsu.

"My name is Rukia, Captain Unohana, please advise!"

Uozhihua Lie nodded with a smile, and responded with the upward momentum of the bamboo knife.

In the following time, the freshmen came forward to ask for advice one by one, and then lost three moves and two moves.

Under the bamboo knife, all living beings are equal.

After a lecture, there was not even a single drop of sweat on Uzhihuaretsu's smooth forehead.

A battle of this intensity is not even a warm-up for her.

There were only a few people worthy of her attention.

But for the Academy of Spiritual Art, this is already a quite golden session.

There hasn't been so much talent at once in many years.

"Captain Unohana, I have a question."

Asai Renji, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly raised his hand and said curiously.

"Please tell me." Uzhihualie showed great tolerance and patience to everyone.

A Sanjing Renji scratched his cheek, and asked with a smirk, "You and Mr. Sufeng, who is stronger?"

As soon as these words came out, the dojo suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

All eyes were on Asai Renji.

For this brainless red-haired reckless man, they have always been unafraid to speculate with the worst malice, but they didn't expect this guy to even ask such words.

They would call it the most reckless!

"It's really an embarrassing question." Uozhihua Lie chuckled, without any hint of anger, "However, I happen to know the answer to this question."

"But rather than answering with words, let the facts tell you."

"Mr. Sufeng, are you interested in a pure kendo battle?"

After the voice fell, a white figure slowly walked into the dojo, and the indifferent voice echoed in the open space:

"Sister Hua invites you, it's natural."

Two brand-new bamboo knives were delivered to the two of them, and Dang even re-arranged their fighting stance.

At this time, the students at the edge of the dojo clearly noticed that the smile on Unohana Retsu's exquisite face was much gentler than before.

Bamboo knives are handed over and divided with one touch.

After a brief period of dead silence, a violent attack like a violent storm erupted in an instant, and the crisp sound of the bamboo knife struck in a continuous line, like an endless high-pitched sound that would not be interrupted, impacting the eardrums of the students.

The two of them stood still in their original positions, but the exchange of bamboo swords created a beautiful picture, and the exchange of swordsmanship was presented to everyone in the form of a light curtain.

After a moment of hesitation, Abarai Renji's eyes became more and more fanatical, his wide eyes filled with countless bloodshot eyes as he stared at the trajectory of the bamboo sword, trying to learn something from it.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't tell which bamboo knife belonged to Sufeng and which one belonged to Uzhihualie.

With his current level, he can't even watch the battle.

The battle of swordsmanship did not last long. After decades of study, Sufeng improved based on his original swordsmanship level and was already on the same level as Maozhihualie.

Maybe there is a slight lack of experience, but it is enough to win battles from time to time in front of Uno Hanaretsu, who has exploded with all his fighting skills.

Because of this, he was more and more favored by Uno Hana, and the relationship between the two became closer.


The tops of the bamboo knives collided, ending this hearty kendo battle.

Considering that there are still students in the courtyard next to them, both of them have a certain degree of restraint.

Otherwise, even if they only use bamboo knives, the aftermath of the battle can crush these geniuses into pulp.

After briefly explaining the time for the next fight, Unohana Retsu ended the kendo lesson and left the Spiritual Arts Academy with a satisfied look on his face.

After watching him go away, Sufeng turned around and looked at the students in front of him with his arms folded.

Shiba Isshin also appeared beside him at the right time, looking at everyone with the same gaze.

The two captains' eyes fell, and for a moment, they felt a sense of oppression.

The students lowered their heads nervously, fearing that they would be singled out as typical examples.

After a long time, Sufeng's gentle voice sounded in the dojo, breaking the silence:

"A good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

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