Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 201 Paid plot, go into the room and explain in detail

Byakuya Kuchiki left with a gloomy expression on his face and twitched his eyes from the 9th division team building.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to take Feizhen with me after treatment.

He had no intention of referring to Sufeng's proposal.

Marrying a commoner from Rukongai would have thrown the rules he had always adhered to to the ground and trampled on them.

Now it is simply impossible for him to break the rules again.

Even if he dies and falls into hell from here, he will never break the rules again!

This is the perseverance of the Kuchiki family, and it is also his belief.

Sufeng watched the two of them leave, and at the same time, he did not forget to ask Kuchiki Byakuya to bring him some special-grade Hagoromo tea when he comes again next time.

This is a treasure exclusive to the Kuchiki family.

Kuchiki Byakuya did not respond, but Sufeng believed that Dabai would bring the best Hagoromo tea when he comes next time.

This guy is a typical duplicity, cold and arrogant person.

Growing up together, Sufeng had already seen through the surface the essence of Byakuya Kuchiki.

In less than three days, this guy will come to your door to beg for help. Then we will discuss the relevant details.

As for the location of the Urahara store, that was the least of her worries.

He only needs to appear in Karakura Town, the place where the heavy spirits of the world are, and release a little bit of spiritual pressure, and he can fish out a black cat from a huge area.

Ever since Sifengyuan Yeyi suffered a loss at his hands, he had written it down directly in his notebook. Whenever he discovered that Sufeng's spiritual pressure appeared in the real world, he would rush there as soon as possible.

The two fought in vain on many occasions.

At the beginning, they could still fight to a 50-50 level, but as Sufeng gradually mastered the essence of Bone Flow, the battle became one-sided.

Sifengyuan Yoruichi was directly pinned to the ground and hammered without using the advanced technique of instant coaxing, without the ability to fight back.

So much so that in many subsequent battles, this guy took out all kinds of outrageous artifacts from the Sifengyuan family from his fourth-dimensional pocket.

Such as sealing paper, spiritual cutting rope, chosen bandage, etc.

Su Feng, who was stunned by the backhand, suspected for a moment that Sifengyuan Yeyi had emptied the inventory of Sifengyuan's family before defecting to Soul Society.

But then I remembered that Shifengin Genji once took out a quite rich collection when he redeemed Shifengin Yushiro.

Sufeng took a deep breath when he figured out the key points.

It turns out that the big dog owner has someone else.

Compared with worldly resources and wealth, the artifacts of the Sifengyuan family are truly priceless treasures.

There are powerful artifacts involving the power of the Spirit King at every turn. If you just take out a few of them, you might not be able to buy them all for the Tsunayashiro family.

If you think about it this way, am I the poorest among the five nobles? !

For this reason, Sufeng was depressed for many days.

You know, even though the Shiba family has declined, the secret ghost path and the final Getsuga Tensho are first-class priceless treasures.

Not to mention that they also control the means of transportation to the Soul King's Palace.

In comparison, the Tsunayashiro family has nothing except more power, more internal fighting, and more free rice.

Oh yes, there is also an ancestral Zanpakuto, Yanluo Kadenori.

Thinking of this thing, Su Feng felt his heart was filled with panic. Because it had the side effect of reducing his soul, he had never dared to use it.

Even though he has two Zanpakutos on his body at all times, in fact Yanluo Jingdian can only be used as decoration.

However, Sufeng is not the kind of person to sit back and wait for death.

As early as when he inherited the position of the head of the family, he had already given the Yanluo Mirror Code to Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke for study.

In this regard, the two have not been able to think of a specific solution for the time being, but they also have a general research direction.

If the virtualization experiment and Arrancar research hadn't delayed the time, the two of them would have figured out a way to solve the side effect of reducing the soul.

It is worth mentioning that Nirvana once tried to use Yanluo Jingdian's liberation, adhering to the bad taste emerging in her heart.

He copied Sufeng's Lan Yin, the power of wind and thunder surged, and the destructive power was extremely shocking, but it still failed to meet his expectations.

Considering the spiritual pressure gap between the two, Nirvana accepted this setting calmly.

As for the lost soul, that was completely beyond his scope of consideration. For Nirvana, a mere soul was of no concern.

As long as you can explore unknown areas, all losses are within the acceptable range.

Although Nirvana was at the vanguard, Sufeng was still very cautious about Yanluo Jingdian and had no intention of showing off the magic with his own body.

Again, Lan Yin is enough for now, there is no need to weaken his soul.

However, Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke are very confident in developing a method to crack it, it just takes a little time.


Site Thirteen.

Tragic scenes continued to play out, with skin and flesh torn, bones broken, and blood flowing like a river.

Large pieces of flesh were cut off directly and thrown aside like tatters.

Renji gasped and stared at the almost unharmed Yamada Hanataro, completely unable to understand how there could be such a monster in the world.

He had been running around Rukongai for many years, slashing all the way from Xudiao District to Zaraki District without blinking an eye. He had seen countless monsters and monsters, and even the elite Shinigami were defeated in his hands.

But someone like Yamada Hanataro has never been seen before.

He can fight and resist, and he can also heal himself and his opponents. Renji couldn't understand this.

As for Hitsugaya Toshiro's performance, it was even worse.

In terms of talent, he is indeed superior to everyone in his class, but in terms of character, he is far inferior to Renji Abarai who was struggling in the Xu Diao District.

Under this high-intensity battle, his mentality was on the verge of collapse.

After all, not everyone has seen the cycle of beating the opponent to half death, then healing him and then beating him to half death.

This kind of thing would be unbearable even for an elite Shinigami who has been fighting for a long time, let alone a newcomer like Toshiro Hitsugaya who rarely fights.

"Is that the end?" Yamada Hanataro spread his fingers and looked calmly at the two people who were panting and covered with bruises. "If you want to serve Captain Sufeng, this level alone is far from enough."

He walked towards the two of them with steady steps.

As the shadow approached, nervous expressions appeared on Renji and Toshiro's faces.

The previous high-intensity battle had left the two of them almost exhausted. Even with Harumaru absorbing the injuries, they still reached their limit.

Right now, they have no power to fight anymore.

Within a moment, the two of them were picked up by Yamada Hanatarō with one hand and lifted into the air, completely unconscious.

"It's really a tough battle."

Seeing this, Yamada Hanatarō also relaxed, and his kind smile returned to his face.

He turned his head and looked at the edge of the battlefield on the right: "Miss Lucia, thank you for your help in the previous emergency treatment."

Lucia, who witnessed the entire battle, forced a very forced smile on her face:

"No, you're welcome, this, this is what I should do."

Biao Yong's fierce fighting style undoubtedly left a considerable psychological shadow in her young mind.

Lucia felt that she was in urgent need of comfort from her sister or Sufeng.



That night.

The moonlight is like water, shining into the team building and reflecting on the pedestrians passing by in a hurry.

Even though it was approaching late at night, there were still many busy figures in Seireitei.

Sufeng is one of them.

He has always been accustomed to fishing, but he was temporarily overwhelmed with several important matters.

Most of them were matters related to the Golden Seal Society, which Ise Nanao and Matsumoto Rangiku had no power to handle.

"The research and development of Ligui Dao by the Ghost Daoists has entered a bottleneck stage and cannot continue to extend downwards."

Sufeng rubbed his brows and muttered to himself, "The prison criminal family once again made a request for assistance to the nobles and the Gotei 13."

“It is said that the waves behind push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last.”

"Why are the new big ghost priests and deputy ghost priests of this ghost Taoist congregation so good at it?"

The research and development of Ligui Dao is still just a small problem.

Not long ago, new information came from the Tsunayashiro family. The rebels who had been dormant for many years were once again active in Soul Society and launched sudden attacks on nobles and civilians.

Several lower-level nobles suffered heavy casualties, and a large number of civilians died in the attack.

The Sixth Division has officially intervened in this incident, but because Baymax's thoughts are all on Feizhen, the progress of the investigation is also stuck at a critical point.

Staring at the secret order files piled up on the table, Sufeng sighed.

If we want to realize the lofty ideal of fishing, we can only say that there is a long way to go.

At this moment, a figure sneaked into the captain's room carrying a pot of freshly brewed Hagoromo tea.

Wearing the latest high-quality thin silk pajamas from Noble Street, she has a proud figure that is full of lust. Even if she is just walking lightly, she can still clearly see the exaggerated trembling.

Sufeng stared at Rangiku Matsumoto who smelled of alcohol with a suspicious look on his face, wondering why this guy appeared at this point.

If he remembered correctly, in the afternoon, Matsumoto Rangiku took Ise Nanao, who had completed the paperwork, to go shopping.

At this point, the two of them should be sleeping together in some kind of entangled position.

"Hehe, Captain..." Matsumoto Rangiku's pretty face turned red, "I saw that the light in your room was still on, so I made a pot of Hagoromo tea just for you."

She poured the tea skillfully and pushed the tea cup in front of Su Feng.

There was no doubt that he was there, Sufeng happened to be thirsty, so he picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp. However, the moment he took the drink, his face changed slightly.

"You drugged me again?!"

"Wrong, this time it's Mengchun Wine!"

The corners of Matsumoto Rangiku's mouth were raised high, looking like a victorious villain.

Su Feng put down his tea cup and stared calmly at the performance of the guy in front of him, treating it as a late night entertainment show.

For a Shinigami with his level of spiritual pressure, drinks with special effects would have no effect at all.


Matsumoto Rangiku took a deep breath and leaned close to Sufeng. She closed her eyes slightly and mustered up her courage. Her eyelashes fluttered and she gave him a sweet kiss.

Their lips touched, and a familiar breath spread across her body in an instant. Her legs and waist were a little sore for a moment, and most of her strength was lost, and she couldn't even stand up straight.

The love is deep, but it also has a little more lingering charm.

Sufeng had no intention of rejecting this, and immediately put down what he was doing, put one hand around the hot and slender waist, and hugged her tightly, almost rubbing the other person into his arms.

Since Matsumoto Rangiku had already taken the initiative, it would be somewhat unjustifiable for him to refuse.

Sufeng Dangzhi picked him up by the waist and walked straight into the bedroom.

It's night, and it's worth a thousand pieces of gold...

I just found out that the picture is gone and cracked...

PS: I have achieved all the achievements, please beg for a monthly ticket reward, thank you very much

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