Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 202 The demon cat casts the net and the fish takes the bait

Since it was a day off, the two of them stayed in the room for almost the whole day.

Matsumoto Rangiku had already planned this, and got Ise Nanao drunk early, so that when Sufeng found her, she was still sleeping soundly.

The room was filled with the smell of alcohol, and some vague nonsense was uttered in his mouth.

Looking at this situation, it may take another three to five days to fully wake up.

For Sufeng, this rest day is definitely the most memorable day.

But when it was working day again, he suddenly discovered that both Matsumoto Rangiku and Ise Nanao were deliberately avoiding each other.

What happened in this, he was also puzzled.

Right now, there is no time to think about these details.

Because there are more important things waiting for him to deal with.

Training ground No. 13.

Abarai Renji stared at the metal-hard body in the distance, with a trace of despair in his eyes.

Can this thing really be called the Grim Reaper?

Next to him, the white-haired kid Toshiro Hitsugaya was like a salted fish that had lost hope, lying on the ground without any image, and only one old punch from Hanatarō Yamada was needed before his eyes turned white.

"Let's get here first today."

Yamada Hanataro moved his arms and made a crisp popping sound, "It's time for you to go back to the Spiritual Arts Academy for classes."

Renji and Hitsugaya Toshiro seemed to be pardoned, and they suddenly woke up, as if the salted fish that was almost dried had received rain from the sky.

At the right time, Sufeng appeared in the training ground and picked up one in one hand: "Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

"Today's kendo class, I will teach you."

In terms of teaching students, Sufeng had accumulated considerable experience from Ise Nanao.

Although the learning methods of Kido and Kendo are different, it should not be difficult if you draw parallels.

Sufeng is very confident about this.

Renji and Toshiro looked at each other and both breathed a sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you don't fight this monster anymore.

In just two days, Hanataro Yamada left an indelible psychological shadow in their hearts.

It can only be said that Hanataro Yamada was a little too successful in his personality change.


Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, Kendo Dojo.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Sufeng tapped his palm with a bamboo knife and officially started his first special lecture.

A brief explanation of basic kendo knowledge, followed by practical drills.

Only then did Sufeng understand the reluctance in Yamada Hanataro's eyes before leaving in the morning.

Abuse of food is addictive.

For Zaraki Kenpachi and Unohana Retsu who like to fight, facing the strong is their pursuit.

But Sufeng is different. He is an ordinary person with a normal personality.

Appropriate food abuse is beneficial to their physical and mental health.

Compared to the hateful Daxu in Hueco Mundo, these boys and girls now are too docile and cute.

The feel of beating it is also surprisingly good.

After the class, no one can stand intact.

Not only Fei Zhen, but also Lucia was beaten. Su Feng took a bamboo knife and beat her hard.

In his words, it means that there is no woman in his heart and he is a god of nature.

Of course, the most unbearable one among them is Renji Abarai.

After all, not everyone is as stupid as him and has no idea how to retreat when faced with difficulties and assess the situation.

However, not only did this group of talented college students not have the slightest resentment towards Su Feng, they actually looked filled with gratitude.

Everyone felt extremely honored that the captain could spare time to give them kendo lessons.

What Sufeng did before has become a typical representative of good intentions.

At the end of the class, almost all the students felt that they had benefited a lot and had made great progress in kendo.

Watching Su Feng leave, everyone's eyes were mixed.

Looking forward to the start of the next special lecture, I felt a dull pain all over my body and instinctively rejected it.

Probably, this is pain and happiness, right?


Three days later.

The present Karakura town.

The simple and elegant boundary door slowly opened on the street, and with the white light pouring out, two white figures slowly walked out of it.

Kuchiki Byakuya had a stinking face, as if everyone owed him millions.

It wasn't that he was angry at others, but that he was dissatisfied with himself for breaking the rules again.

Ever since he became the head of the Kuchiki family, he had lived the way he hated the most.

He claims to be a defender of rules, but he repeatedly throws them to the ground and tramples on them. The strong contrast makes him feel confused.

Am I really still the same person I once was?

However, this kind of thought can only last for a few seconds. Compared to guarding the so-called rules, Kuchiki Byakuya believes that the people in front of him are more important.

"So, will that demon cat really appear?" Byakuya Kuchiki asked seriously.

Su Feng pressed his palms and reassured him: "Of course there is no problem. As long as my spiritual pressure is released, within three minutes, Si Feng Yuan Ye Yi will appear in our sights."

As he spoke, the spiritual pressure spread in a weak manner, wandering with the light wind to the streets and alleys of Karakura Town, and even every corner.

At the same time, in an abandoned warehouse in the western suburbs of Karakura Town.

Ten people sat in a circle, discussing future plans.

Not long ago, the state of the Masked Army's souls had completely stabilized, and they had initially mastered the power of virtualization.

But now, regarding the hidden crisis and hatred in Soul Society, they had to adjust their mentality again and prepare plans to be fully prepared.

Everyone present knew that until the truth of the matter was revealed, neither Aizen's side nor Soul Society's side would accept them.

As a god of death with great power, he is like an alien in this world and has no place at all.

He could only hide in the dark and lick his wounds like a rat in the ditch.

However, when the discussion became more and more intense, Si Fengyuan Yoruichi suddenly raised his head in the crowd, his small nose twitching slightly, like a cat smelling fishy smell.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and a ferocious smile appeared on her delicate face: "That restless guy has appeared in this world again."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately activated Shunpo and disappeared from the spot.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

"Miss Yoruichi, is she still entangled with that guy from Tsunayashiro's family?"

The young man with a yellow haircut sighed and asked helplessly:

"If I remember correctly, that guy should be regarded as Quanxi's successor, right?"

The leader of the Masked Forces and the former captain of the fifth division, Hirako Mako.

Urahara Kisuke nodded, spread his hands, and shrugged: "Since the defeat in the second confrontation, Miss Yoruichi has been eyeing the new head of the Tsunayashiro family."

"The two sides have fought many times, and each has its own victory or defeat."

"But it's not difficult to judge from Miss Yoruichi's description that the god of death named Tsunayo Sufeng is far from showing his true strength."

"As for their stance, I guess it's probably similar to Captain Kyōband and others."

Hearing this, Hirako Mako sighed again: "Are you a poor person who was deceived by Aizen?"

"Even the five nobles who are so high above us still cannot escape the fate of being played with."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed to a certain extent.

The tragedy that happened decades ago is still fresh in their minds.

As a victim who survived by chance, these decades seemed to be wandering on the tip of a knife, and I was in constant torment.

If you are not careful, you may be swallowed by the void in your heart.

The tight string was never let go from beginning to end.

"That's what I say, but I always feel that Tsunayo Sufeng is not as simple as it seems."

Urahara Kisuke adjusted his fisherman hat and lowered his tone: "Maybe he knows something..."

Hirako Mako sneered at this and sneered disdainfully: "With Aizen's extremely cautious character and meticulous mind, it is impossible for him to neglect this Tsunayashiro Sufeng."

"Furthermore, even if he knows something, it won't have any effect with the power of Kyoka Suigetsu's Zanpakuto."

In response, the remaining members of the Masked Army nodded in agreement and sighed in unison.

Everything that happened decades ago left an indelible shadow in their hearts.

If Kisuke Urahara hadn't come to his aid, none of the people present would have survived.

"You have to have good hope in everything, right?"

Urahara Kisuke smiled and said, "It's better than the despair of losing everything after all..."


The northern suburbs of Karakura Town.

Two figures walked on the street, ignoring the human beings who kept passing by them, and looking at the modern scenery that was completely different from Soul Society.

"If you ignore the thin density of spiritual beings in this world." Sufeng commented, "This place is obviously more suitable for life than Soul Society."

"It's no wonder that Captain Shiba Isshin often escapes from his post privately and comes to this world to fish and make a fool of himself."

Kuchiki Byakuya was still immersed in the pain of breaking the rules and had no intention of talking to him.

It wasn't until a familiar spiritual pressure filled the air that he suddenly raised his head and stared at the sky with a sword-like gaze.

"Demon cat..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge fishing net exuding strong pressure fell from the sky, and the air in all directions suddenly became thicker.

His movements were as if a DEBUFF that slowed down time had been applied to him.

Kuchiki Byakuya's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly realized that he and others had fallen into a trap.

"Let me see what I got online this time?" A familiar mocking tone sounded from the top of the building.

Under the sun, a slim figure crossed his arms, looking down at the two of them, with the corners of his mouth raised, showing a proud smile:

"It turned out to be two disobedient fish..."

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