Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 203 Instantly coaxes the Thunder God into battle form!

Chapter 203 Instant Coax·Thunder God Battle Form!

The spirit seeds in the air are getting thicker and thicker, and even just turning the eyes requires more effort than usual.

"New artifact?" Sufeng became interested and said unexpectedly, "It seems to be more difficult to handle than before."

The slender figure slowly walked down from a high altitude, and the sharp tiger teeth reflected the light under the sunlight, highlighting a bit of sharpness.

"This is a fishing net woven by spiritually cut ropes, with three high-level bindings added at the same time."

Sifengyuan Yoruichi was full of confidence, "While solidifying nearby spirits, it can also seal off the range of activities."

"I won this time!"

Her competitive spirit reached its peak under Su Feng's repeated bullying, so much so that even though she was wanted by Soul Society, she still appeared in front of Su Feng unscrupulously, just to get the better of him.

"Not always……"

An inexplicable smile appeared on Sufeng's face, and he looked at Sifengyuan Yeyi so calmly.

However, at this moment, Sifengyuan Yoruichi suddenly felt a creepy feeling, and a strong spiritual pressure suddenly burst out from behind.

A bright blue light flashed across the sky, followed by a deafening sound of breaking through the air. The aftermath of the shock instantly tore the wall apart, sending countless rubbles flying.

Its speed is so fast that it even exceeds the ability of sight.

By the time the light was discovered, the ultimate danger was already approaching.

"That's too late……"

Sifengyuan Yoruichi left a word, and when he was penetrated by the blue spirit beam, a huge hole was torn open in his chest and back.

Seeing this, Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes widened immediately with a look of astonishment. He couldn't believe that the demon cat who had played with him so wantonly could leave in such a way.

"What's that expression on your kid's face?" Sufeng next to him knocked on his head and reminded, "How could Yoichi Sifengyuan, who is known as the [Instant God], be killed by this method?"

"Don't forget, her Shunpo is far superior to yours."

As the words fell, the pierced body suddenly disappeared, replaced by a beige bee pattern scarf.

The spirit beam burst out, instantly crushing the bee-patterned scarf, leaving no trace at all.

Shifengin Yoruichi, who had lost his feathers, appeared on a telephone pole not far away, with vigilance in his golden pupils, staring at the direction where the spirit beam was coming from.

Under his gaze, another figure whose lust was no less than hers appeared.

She has orange side-swept short hair and is part of the Quincy's traditional white clothing. Time seems to have left no trace on her face, which is still as full of youthful vitality as when they first met.

Pureblood Quincy, Kurosaki Maki.

His hostile eyes were fixed on Si Fengyuan Yoruichi from the beginning to the end. His spiritual pressure surged all over his body, and branch-like lines appeared vaguely on his fair skin.

"Any action that hurts Lord Sufeng is unforgivable!"

Before Shifouin Yoruichi could explain, Kurosaki Maki once again pulled the short bow of souls in his hand, and a large number of souls gathered on it in an instant.

The strong wind swept through it, tearing the air apart in a violent manner. It flew across the sky with incomparable speed, drawing a line of blue light and going straight to the location of Si Fengyuan Yoruichi.


The flames exploded, and the strong impact instantly swallowed up the telephone poles. The hot flames erupted and stirred up dust in the sky.

Sifengyuan Yeyi rushed out of the smoke and dust, and his smooth black skin was stained with a lot of dust.

Although this blow did not harm her, her appearance was somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey, hey, you guy..."

Shifengyuan Yoruichi tried to argue, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a flying spirit son cluster.

Shunbu dodged, but his cheek was still scratched by the aftermath of the extremely fast arrow.

Seeing this, realizing that the opponent did not give her a chance to defend herself, Shifengin Yoruichi stopped dodging, and burst out her spiritual pressure with her backhand.

A large amount of white air exploded on his shoulders and back, instantly shredding his coat, leaving only a black slim-fitting battle suit.

The battle between the God of Death and the pure-blood Quincy began at this moment.

"So, how many flowers and plants did you get outside?" Byakuya Kuchiki said expressionlessly, "Not counting Rangiku Matsumoto and Nanao Ise of Division 9."

"The relationship between Captain Unohana and you is not normal, right?"

"Right now, another Quincy has emerged from this world. In a few years, are you planning to bring a few Daxu back to Soul Society?"

Hearing this, Sufeng's eyes suddenly widened, and he opened his mouth with words such as slander and rumors. His angry look made Kuchiki Byakuya confirm his thoughts.

"Actually, I didn't expect Maki to be so determined."

"Obviously it's just a small thing." After the joke, Su Feng explained calmly.

Kuchiki Byakuya pondered for a moment and then asked: "So, what is the little thing you are referring to?"

"Saved her life from the jaws of a yachukas."

Kuchiki Byakuya fell silent immediately.

For a moment, he didn't know how to reply.

You call this kind of thing a trivial matter? !

Suddenly, I felt that there was a serious generation gap between myself and Sufeng.

In the sky, two figures, one white and one black, kept intertwining. The battle was getting more intense, and there was a vague trend of developing into a life-and-death battle.

It is worth mentioning that Quincy belongs to the immortal species among humans, and their lifespan is much longer than that of normal humans.

The Quincy in the Invisible Empire are often thousands of years old.

Although the current Quincy lineage is slightly inferior, their lifespan is beyond the reach of normal humans.

This is especially true for Quincy geniuses like Kurosaki Maki.

Over the course of decades, she successfully mastered the combat technique of blood armor, and continued to develop her training until she mastered it.

And in other aspects, there has also been great progress.

The driving force that supported her to continue to practice and become stronger was the battle between Sufeng and Mole Cheng Shuangye in Hueco Mundo.

Kurosaki Maki held firm to the expectations in her heart, and worked a thousand times toward it, just to catch up with Sufeng's back and become a useful person to him.

Perhaps the probability of the God of Death being with a human being is almost zero, but being able to protect Master Sufeng is enough to satisfy her.

Thinking of this, Kurosaki Maki's gaze became more determined, her spiritual pressure burst out, and the crest symbolizing the identity of the Quincy appeared in her palm, and instantly transformed into a long bow of spirit that exuded a dangerous aura.

The green jade fingers pulled the bow string, and a large number of bright blue souls condensed on it.

Terrifying pressure spread all around, the walls trembled, and the gravel on the ground vibrated and floated into the air.

"Holy Mie Ya!"

With a loud shout, lightning-like arrows shot out, shining brightly under the clear sky, covering the sky like a curtain of light.

Seeing this, Sifengyuan Yeyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he could not hide the look of shock in his eyes.

She has always paid more attention to the information about the Soul Society, but she has neglected the real world.

The powerful strength shown by Kurosaki Maki has exceeded her knowledge of the Quincy in this world.

As his thoughts were swirling, raging thunder erupted beside him, and the golden arc of lightning danced excitedly, soaring and spreading out on both sides like two wings.

Instant coax·Thunder.

Facing the strongest blow, Si Fengyuan Yeyi did not hide his thoughts and immediately activated the advanced version of the instant coaxing technique.

As the former captain of the Second Division, her strength is far from what it seems.

As a move with unlimited potential, Instant Coax is naturally the first goal of his practice.

Due to being at a disadvantage many times in the battle with Sufeng, Sifengyuan Yeyi also worked harder in his practice.

Right now, she has perfect control over the advanced form.

As his right hand waved down, golden lightning fell from the sky and landed directly in front of him, facing the sacred arrow that burst forward.

Boom! !

Gunsmoke filled the void for thousands of meters, and the aftermath of the impact spread like a wave at an extremely rapid speed, affecting the surrounding walls and collapsing in an instant, turning into a mess of ruins.

If Sufeng hadn't deliberately chosen an abandoned place, Rukongai would have been full before the two could decide the winner.

Kuchiki Byakuya's expression became more and more serious, staring at the smoke that was filling the air, ready to stop the battle.

However, before he could take any action, Sufeng had already broken open the fishing net made of the spirit-cut rope.

The Wind-Chasing Blade burst out from the blade, compressing the force of the wind and condensing countless wind blades, instantly cutting off the spirit-cutting rope that could withstand the captain's attack.

Under Kuchiki Byakuya's astonished gaze, Sufeng took off his captain Haori and threw it on him. Before he could react, he took off the Death Overlord uniform from his upper body again.

Under the sunlight, the nearly perfect body glowed like jade.

A large amount of Kidou spiritual pressure exploded on his shoulders and back, erupting into a stream of white air like steam.

Instant coax!

A strong sense of oppression filled the air, and before Byakuya Kuchiki could speak, Sufeng disappeared from the spot very suddenly.

Before the smoke of the explosion had dissipated, another figure suddenly inserted into the scene, carrying a violent wind and roaring in, instantly blowing away all the thick dust.

Kurosaki Maki drew her bow again and condensed a powerful sacred destroying arrow.

However, at the moment when the thunderous bow and arrow were condensed, a big hand suddenly grasped it, and the surging spiritual pressure kept jumping between its fingers.

"Su, Sufeng-sama..." Kurosaki Maki was puzzled by Sufeng and escaped from the trap. At the same time, he also looked at the sacred Mie Ya who was easily controlled in shock.

The sacred annihilation arrow, which is condensed from a large number of spirit seeds, can be said to be the strongest attack of the normal Quincy.

However, this level of attack was easily grasped by Su Feng in the palm of his hand.

"Okay, this is just a misunderstanding."

As the words fell, the sacred destroying arrow in Sufeng's palm instantly shattered into countless fragments.

Before Kurosaki Maki could speak, the figure in front of her suddenly disappeared again. When he appeared again, he was already in front of the explosive Shifengin Yoruichi.

The thunder surged and erupted into a dazzling golden light.

Shifengyuan Yoruichi was bathed in thunder and lightning, as if the God of Thunder had descended.

Facing the sudden appearance of Sufeng, Sifengyuan Yeyi grinned, with a hint of success in his smile:

"Hey, I finally couldn't hold it any longer."

"I thought you could endure it until the battle is over!"

Sufeng sighed helplessly: "I just can't bear to see any of you get hurt."

"After all, no matter who it is, it's important to me."

Hearing this, Sifengyuan Yeyi's purple hair flew in front of his forehead, golden thunder and lightning danced in it, and a willful smile appeared on his face.

"If you want to get away by talking nonsense, I won't let you succeed so easily."

"My battle with her is over, but our battle has just begun."

Golden thunder and lightning condensed behind it, turning into six taiko magatama, surrounding it all around.

Along with the movement of the Taiko Magatama, a large amount of electricity rioted, the long purple hair fluttered, and the shape of cat ears stood up on the forehead.

Sifengyuan Yeyi moved his hands up and down, his golden eyes stared at Sufeng in front of him, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more willful:

"Shuanghu·Thunder God Battle Form!"

The moment the words fell, a huge thunder pillar suddenly descended, swallowing Sufeng instantly like a divine punishment. The rampaging golden thunder was like a thunder dragon, falling hard to the earth!


Violent explosions rippled through the ruins. Centered on the impact point of the thunder, a huge impact visible to the naked eye spread out, turning everything in its path into dust!

However, the moment the golden thunder light and dust dispersed, an intact figure stepped on the sky.

Blue-purple thunder and lightning continued to swim around him, and the golden thunder originally used to attack him seemed to have eliminated the wild cat, floating docilely around Su Feng.

Sufeng raised his eyes and looked at the astonished Sifengyuan Yeyi not far away with a smile, and a calm voice sounded:

"Now, you should be satisfied, right?"

My driving skills are not good, my car overturned, the previous chapter was blocked, please wait for the ban to be lifted...

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