Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 204 May there be no Kisuke Urahara in heaven

An unexpected situation occurs that is unexpected.

Sifengyuan Yeyi bared his fangs and stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

The attack was full of confidence, thinking that even if Su Feng could not be defeated, it would be enough to repel it.

But in the end, not only did the defense fail, but the opponent also captured the power of Thunder.

"The instant coax of thunder attribute..."

After Sifengyuan Yeyi came to his senses, he pursed his lips and commented rather disdainfully:

"I learned it all from a stolen teacher. Remember to pay my tuition!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sufeng stepped in front of him and without any warning, he put one hand on the purple hair and stroked it back and forth as skillfully as he would a cat.

"Hey, we'll wait until you can return to Soul Society openly and honestly about tuition fees and all that."

At first, Sifengyuan Yeyi was still immersed in the enjoyment of being masturbated. When she came back to her senses and realized that the person in front of her was supposed to be her opponent, Sufeng had already stopped her hand in time and reached a position beyond her reach in an instant.

"Damn Tsunayashiro brat."

Sifengyuan Yeyi gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "When I develop a stronger advanced instant coax, I will definitely press you to the ground and rub you!"

Sufeng said without looking back: "I look forward to that day coming."

In fact, whether it was Sufeng or Si Fengyuan Ye Yi, both of them knew very well that after this battle, that day would probably be far away.

The method of using thunder to tame thunder clearly symbolizes that Sufeng is far above Si Fengyuan Ye Yi.

As for the form of power displayed by Sufeng, it is nothing more than the development of the Lanyin Zanpakutō and the advanced skills of Shunxue. In a sense, it has a great relationship with its own form of power.

For example, Shifengyuan Yoruichi's thunder god form and thunder beast battle form are closely related to her own abilities.

For example, the Black Cat Fighter depends to a large extent on the ability to transform into a cat.

Shifouin Yoruichi once said that the power of her Zanpakutō is far inferior to her white fighting skills, but this does not prevent its attributes from being related to thunder and lightning.

Shifengin Yushiro felt the same way.

The broken bee seems to be an exception, but it is also among the rules.

The manic and invisible wind is, in some respects, inextricably linked to its multiple and changeable arrogant character.

It is worth mentioning that Zhanfeng provided a lot of help in the development of Shuangxu.

Of course, due to the reason of tracing the wind, Zhanfeng attaches great importance to instantaneous coax. As early as a few years ago, it has developed to the stage of infinite instantaneous coax.

As for which stage it has reached now, Sufeng is really hard to say.

Because when I asked that guy at that time, he immediately told me what the secret was, and it was not time to tell him yet.

I hope it's a surprise rather than a shock.

"Aren't you in Naruki City?"

Sufeng appeared in front of Kurosaki Maki, "Why did you suddenly come to Karakura Town?"

The range of spiritual pressure perception is limited, and the current location is an entire city away from Naruki City.

It is impossible to sense one's own spiritual pressure without a fight breaking out.

What's more, when he was imprisoned by the spirit cutting rope, his spiritual pressure was also suppressed to the lowest level.

Unless Kurosaki Maki had discovered the fluctuation of spiritual pressure before that.

Thinking of this, Su Feng's expression became a bit strange.

Maki Kurosaki has moved to Karakura Town, right?

In his impression, Kurosaki Maki lived in the Ishida family's manor all year round because she was the only one left in the family.

The Ishida family's residence has been in Naruki City from beginning to end.

"Because in previous perceptions, Master Sufeng's spiritual pressure often appeared in the area of ​​Karakura Town."

Kurosaki Maki smiled happily, "In order to follow in your footsteps, I also came to Karakura Town."

"After discovering Master Sufeng's spiritual pressure today, I rushed here immediately, and then I found that bad woman preparing to attack you. You guys..."

The passage of time has not left any trace on Kurosaki Maki's face. When the corners of her mouth are raised, she still looks like the girl she was when they first met.

"Thank you for your hard work." Su Feng sighed softly, looking at the smile in front of him, he suddenly felt a little guilty in his heart.

It seems that it is necessary for Nirvana to study the conversion device of the spirit weapon.

The device conversion device he developed before could only be used on objects and could not change the life composed of the device.

Kurosaki Maki was alone, waiting for his arrival in this world, which was somewhat unreasonable.

He still has a bunch of friends and family in Soul Society, but Kurosaki Maki is really all alone.

As for Nao Shizi’s mixed-race relationship?

It's none of his business!

"Hehe, it's not hard work." Kurosaki Maki's mouth seemed to be filled with sunshine, "This is what I am willing to do!"

Seeing this, Sufeng strengthened his previous thoughts.

Not far away, Kuchiki Byakuya had already volleyed in front of Shifengin Yoruichi, staring at the acquaintance in front of him with a serious face.

"Yorichi, I need your help."

As soon as he said this, Yoichi Sihoin looked as if he had seen a ghost. His mouth was slightly open with a shocked expression, and his helpless hands were gesticulating back and forth in front of himself and Byakuya Kuchiki.

She couldn't understand.

The stinking brat who always talked about honor and rules will one day beg for revenge on himself, a sinner! ?

Has the dignified head of the Kuchiki family now disregarded the rules he has adhered to for millions of years?

Thinking of this, she suddenly burst into hearty laughter: "Hahaha, your kid will actually have such a day!"

"It's really unexpected, Master Byakuya."

The character of a cat is changeable and random, and this also corresponds to the character of Yoruichi Shifengin.

Of course, she is still very cheerful and easy-going most of the time, but occasionally she will play her own specially prepared pranks on certain people.

But now, her only goal is Sufeng.

In the eyes of Shifouin Yoruichi, he is just a brat from the Tsunayashiro family, and he must pay the corresponding price for his previous actions.

"To be honest, I originally thought that you two captains appeared in this world at the same time to capture us sinners."

Sifengyuan Yeyi crossed his arms and his arrogant smile softened a bit.

"I had this idea when I first saw you."

Byakuya Kuchiki chose to be an honest child, "But compared to arresting you, what I need help with is more important."

Seeing that the other party was so serious, Si Fengyuan Ye Yi put away his smile and said calmly:

"Tell me, what is it that deserves you to destroy what you have been holding on to for so many years?"

Kuchiki Byakuya hesitated for a moment and replied in a low voice:

"Heal someone."



The sudden reserve brought the conversation to an abrupt end. After all, Kuchiki Byakuya could not be as shameless as someone else.

"His unmarried wife."

Sufeng inserted forcefully, "It should be mentioned in the information you investigated, Feizhen."

"Perhaps in a few days, it will be time to bear the Kuchiki surname."

After the words fell, Kuchiki Byakuya glared angrily.

Obviously it could be said more tactfully.

This hateful guy clearly just wanted to see him embarrassed.

Sifengyuan Yeyi was stunned, his expression became more and more shocked, and the huge amount of information made him unable to recover for a while.

When she investigated this information in Soul Society, she originally thought it was an unbelievable rumor.

After all, she watched Byakuya Kuchiki grow up.

In terms of his character, he has a more or less understanding of it.

In her understanding, shouldn't a stubborn and indifferent guy like Byakuya Kuchiki deserve to die alone?

Now he not only broke the rules of the aristocracy and chose to marry a commoner from Rukongai, but he was also willing to trample the rules under his feet again for her.

This time he even went too far and ignored Soul Society's laws.

"Is it worth being surprised?" Su Feng sneered disdainfully, "Since you left your job without authorization, you have no idea how many interesting things you have missed."

"Dabai once wanted to wash away his shame, well, well..."

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was forcibly covered by the expressionless Byakuya Kuchiki.

His strength is so great that it is rare in his life.

Kurosaki really hoped for this scene and fell into deep thought.

Lord Sufeng shouldn't be muffled to death here, right?

She temporarily suppressed the urge to take action. After all, the relationship between the two seemed not as simple as it seemed.

From Kuchiki Byakuya's reaction, it was not difficult for Shifouin Yoruichi to imagine how many interesting things he had missed. Thinking of this, a feeling of regret welled up in his heart.

"That's just the way it is."

Kuchiki Byakuya briefly described Hijin's situation, "Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke have been involved in research on this, but it will take some time to get results."

"But Feizhen's situation is not optimistic. I can't place all my hopes on them."

Caring leads to chaos, and this is Kuchiki Byakuya.

However, considering the relationship between him and Feizhen, Sufeng understood this.

If it were Rangiku and the others, he would make the same decision as Kuchiki Byakuya.

"It turns out that my hope is pinned on that guy Urahara."

Sifengyuan Yeyi curled his lips and said disdainfully, "I am only responsible for conveying the news. The specific communication is up to you."

Although she is a good friend of Urahara Kisuke, she is not willing to force him on these matters.

What's more, who can guarantee that the current Kuchiki Byakuya and Tsunayo Sufeng are not from Aizen's side?

"Please." Byakuya Kuchiki lowered his head.

Sifengyuan Yeyi twisted his body, transformed into a black cat wearing black slim-fitting clothes in the air, and disappeared in an instant.

Because of his experience of fighting naked with Sufeng many times, Shifengyuan Yoruichi commissioned Urahara Kisuke to develop this kind of clothing that can change the style as the body shape changes, avoiding the situation of constant exposure.

In this regard, Sufeng expressed great regret and strongly condemned Urahara Kisuke's research and development capabilities.

May there be no Urahara Kisuke in heaven.


The black shadow shuttled between the buildings and advanced through Karakura Town at extremely fast speeds.

In just a few breaths, Sifengyuan Yeyi returned to the abandoned warehouse again.

"This is the specific process." The black cat licked its paws and narrated nonchalantly, "Urahara, you can make up your own mind about what to do."

"After all, it is a transaction with both risks and opportunities."

As soon as he finished speaking, a yellow-haired girl with sky-high braids and freckles on her face suddenly stood up and said angrily: "How could you agree to such a thing!?"

"Don't forget how Soul Society treated us back then!?"

"This is the decision of Room 46 to deal with our former companions the same way we treated Xu!"

Mako Hirako on the side was playing with the bottle, writing the opposite font on the ground, and retorted without raising his head:

"Hiyori, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"Don't interfere with Mr. Urahara's thoughts casually..."

Before he could finish his words, a slipper flew out from the side and hit Mako Hirako in the face accurately.

The leader of the Masked Army fell down at the sound. Before he could recover, Hiyori Sarugaki suddenly rushed out, caught his slippers accurately, and then beat and abused Hirako Mako in an extremely violent manner.

"Damn bald man, you don't need to teach me how to do things!"

For a time, dust was flying and the battle was fierce.

Sifengyuan Yeyi glanced at the two of them indifferently and did not take this to heart. In the past few decades, this kind of incident has happened countless times.

On the other hand, other members of the Masked Army quickly pulled the two away to prevent the battle from escalating further.

"It's really a headache."

Urahara Kisuke put away the folding fan, tapped his forehead gently, lowered his eyes and looked directly at the flying dust on the ground.

No one knows what he is thinking at this moment.

Until a moment later, he straightened his green and white fisherman hat and looked at the black cat with a smile:

"Miss Yoichi, please convey the message again."

"I agree to this matter, but the premise is that I only meet Mr. Tsunayoshi Sofeng..."

Chapter 201: The ban is lifted...

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