In the southern suburbs of Karakura Town, in a manor.

Sufeng looked at the extremely gorgeous decoration in front of him, and the word luxury almost appeared on his face.

In terms of style alone, the design of the manor is not even inferior to any noble in Soul Society.

This is the meeting place where Si Fengyuan Ye Yi brought him.

The black cat was walking on the valuable furniture, and it was easy to tell from the stunned golden eyes of the black cat that Yoichi Sihoin was also very surprised by the style of the villa in front of him.

In her impression, Urahara Kisuke was clearly a poor man who was stingy to the extreme. Even the tea used to entertain customers in the shop was the lowest quality expired.

Such a luxurious and luxurious building cannot be equated with him.

"Now I seriously suspect that guy exploited Tessai and the others' wages."

Sifengyuan Yeyi returned to his human form, stretching out his charming and graceful figure, lying on his back on the soft sofa, not paying attention to the looking eyes next to him.

"When the time comes, I will definitely tell Grizzi Tessai about this, and then encourage him to have a fight with that guy Urahara."

Cats have a lot of bad thoughts.

As soon as he finished speaking, Urahara Kisuke's voice came from the stairs: "Miss Yoruichi, if you do this, it will make me very sad."

"I clearly offered Tieshai the highest salary I could accept, and it also included food and accommodation."

"Have you ever seen a boss so generous?"

Following the sound, I saw a figure wearing colorful satin clothes, slowly walking down the stairs holding a cup of steaming coffee.

The colorful clothes are embroidered with various animal patterns, and the figures are intertwined with each other, exuding a weird and absurd temperament.

Urahara Kisuke took a sip of the coffee in his cup, and the strong fragrance immediately filled the living room.

Sifengyuan Yeyi showed an expression of disgust and disgust for a moment, and tried to distance himself from him as much as possible to avoid being tainted with the smell of coffee.

For some cats, coffee is undoubtedly the most annoying smell.

"Does the maximum salary mean that the monthly payment can only support Tessai to buy two pairs of glasses?"

Sifengyuan Yoruichi grinned and said, "If it weren't for Tessai who has no material needs, I even doubt that you would be strangled to death on the bed by him in the middle of the night."

"So, do Mr. Tessai and Mr. Urahara usually sleep in the same bed?" Sufeng suddenly interrupted.

As soon as the words fell, the living room suddenly fell into a deathly silence. Both Urahara Kisuke and Shifouin Yoruichi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

What the hell kind of brain circuit is this?

"Ahem, let's get to the point first."

Urahara Kisuke quickly forgot what happened just now, and turned to stare at the figure in front of him seriously.

"As for Mr. Kuchiki Byakuya's request, I have roughly understood it from Miss Yoruichi's description."

"But in terms of specifics, I hope Mr. Sufeng can describe it."

"Because as far as I know, you have been in and out of the Technology Development Bureau more than once, and you have a good relationship with Nirvana."

"With his intelligence, he should be able to solve this problem."

Hearing this, Sufeng helplessly replied:

"It can only be said that Dabai doesn't want to wait any longer."

"After all, every extra day brings an extra level of risk."

"Considering that you have some relevant in-depth research in this area, I immediately took him to you after we hit it off."

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke was thoughtful, but as his eyes moved, the topic suddenly deviated:

"But the problem is, Mr. Sufeng's purpose in coming to this world seems to be more than just that, right?"

"Can I tell you the real purpose of this trip and what you think of sinners like us?"

Sufeng glanced at Urahara Kisuke with slight surprise. He didn't expect that the other party's observation was so keen. With just a brief contact, he could understand his inner thoughts.

The fact is just as he said, helping Dabai was just a casual thing. The real purpose of Sufeng lies in Urahara Kisuke, Masked Army and others.

His strength has not improved significantly for some time.

Because I have a lot of basic knowledge and the teachings of Yamamoto Genryusai and Unohana Retsu, I can steadily improve in practice step by step.

You can even get the title of genius among the captains.

But for a true genius, his rate of progress is a bit slow.

Not to mention there are a lot of cheating players in this world.

And with the passage of time, the sense of crisis that had faded came to mind again.

The changes in Hueco Mundo made Sufeng realize a very serious matter.

Aizen laid out a new plan.

When he continues to intervene in changes and make deeper changes, the original experience is no longer of much use.

Although he has not yet reached the point where he is desperate for change, Sufeng believes that he should take precautions and make corresponding preparations in advance to deal with crises that may arise at any time.

Urahara Kisuke and others are undoubtedly an excellent springboard.

As the most heinous criminals in the Soul Society, if they could be arrested and imprisoned in the Eternal Hell, the rewards would be very generous, right?

But when they actually met, Sufeng suddenly discovered that his understanding of sinners was still lacking.

According to the judgment of Chamber 46, Urahara Kisuke did violate Soul Society's laws, but the truth is that he was framed by Aizen.

The semi-finished Bengyu he developed was essentially constructed from Xu's soul.

On the other hand, the Hongyoku developed by Aizen was made by the tens of thousands of souls in Rukongai who had the potential to become elite Shinigami.

Not only that, he also used Kyoka Suigetsu's ability to sneak into Tsunayashiro's house and take away the Soul King's fingertips contained in Matsumoto Rangiku's soul.

In short, Aizen is the true sinner.

And Urahara Kisuke just made the mistake that any scientist would make, exploring unknown areas.

Even if he were judged according to Soul Society's laws, he would only be judged as a dangerous person and imprisoned in a nest of maggots.

Urahara Kisuke is not a sinner, the Masked Army is also a victim.

It is not reliable to arrest them to achieve the promotion of strength.


Sufeng could clearly detect that there was some kind of danger in Urahara Kisuke in front of him.

The other party did not deliberately conceal it, as if he was telling him openly not to act rashly.

The real purpose has been lost for now.

Sufeng leaned back on the sofa, but suddenly he noticed a soft object behind his head, and Sifengyuan Yeyi's dissatisfied voice sounded in his ears:

"Damn Tsunayashiro brat, is this your way of revenge?"

Turning his head and looking sideways, he saw a black cat lying on his side under his head.

"Don't look at others with your narrow eyes, evil black cat."

Sufeng turned around and found the most comfortable position, leaning on the black cat pillow in a quite natural posture:

"It's all just a coincidence!"

Hearing this sophistry, Sifengyuan Yeyi bared his teeth with a cold light and stared at the neck that was close at hand, thinking about where to kill him with one blow.

If it weren't for the smell of Sufeng's body that covered up the smell of coffee, she wouldn't be lying on her side here.

"It is not convenient to reveal the true purpose, but Mr. Urahara only needs to know that I will not be as pedantic as Room 46 and Mr. Yamamoto."

Sufeng smiled and replied: "I have heard many comments about you from Nirvana."

"Dirty maggots, perverted weirdos full of evil thoughts, disgusting humanoid substances..."

Urahara Kisuke looked embarrassed and coughed twice to signal Sufeng to stop as soon as he felt better.

He was naturally aware of Nirvana's attitude towards him, but these words were relayed by others, which made people somewhat unable to suppress their emotional changes.

"Of course, he made similar comments about me."

Sufeng talked about the horrifying past with a smile on his face, "Then I hammered his head into pulp."

"I mean, Mr. Urahara and I should belong to the same group of people to some extent."

Urahara Kisuke thoughtfully said: "I understand, regarding treatment, I can provide three directions, and then you can hand it over to Nirvana."

"He'll understand."

As he spoke, Urahara Kisuke pulled out a piece of white paper from his colorful clothes, which was filled with dense ant-like fonts.

Complex data and confusing jargon.

Sufeng put it away without even looking.

Although he was not professionally qualified, these contents were not much different from those in heavenly books to him.

"On behalf of Dabai, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to Mr. Urahara."

Sufeng nodded and said, "I think he will try his best to use the Kuchiki family to reduce your past crimes."

"Perhaps in the near future, we will be able to talk as freely as we do now in Soul Society."

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke had an expectant smile on his face: "I hope that day can come sooner."

The false flattery ended here. Su Feng did not forget to rub the black cat on the back of his head before leaving, which immediately caused a fierce meow.

"Kill you, Tsunayo Sufeng!"

By the time Black Cat reacted, Sufeng had already disappeared into the living room.

Urahara Kisuke looked at the direction in which he disappeared and fell into deep thought.

He had seen Sufeng more than once.

The meeting of nobles in the 6th district, the dojo class at the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy, the Hanagai Tavern in Rukongai, the plains of Naruki City in the present world, and the manor in the western suburbs of Karakura Town...

Urahara Kisuke kept recalling the scenes of his encounter with Sufeng in his mind, and it was only then that he was surprised to discover——

When they first met, the other party was deliberately avoiding me.

Tsunayashiro Sufeng, who still doesn't know how to pretend, uses his slightly poor acting skills to escape.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that there is not only dodge in his eyes, but also curiosity.

But every time they meet, Sufeng will change to varying degrees.

Either personality, acting skills, strength, or attitude towards things...

Urahara Kisuke stared at the reflection in the coffee cup, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"It's really interesting..."


Soul Society, Technology Development Bureau.

In Laboratory No. 23, Nirvana's furious voice echoed in the room:

"Damn, damn, damn!"

"Why did you go find that disgusting guy without consulting me!?"

After just glancing at the content on the white paper, he concluded that it was written by Urahara Kisuke.

The person who knows you best must be the person who hates you the most.

Even if Niryuri doesn't want to admit it, looking at the entire Soul Society, there must be no one who understands Urahara Kisuke better than him.

"Stop talking so much nonsense." Sufeng said impatiently, "That guy Dabai's patience is also very limited. If you can't solve Feizhen's problem, you will have to take her to the real world."

"At that time, I will definitely record for you Urahara Kisuke's ridicule to you."

His tone became increasingly fierce, "When the time comes, it will be published directly in the Seireitei Newsletter, and the grudge between you and Urahara Kisuke will be severely exposed."

“And the title of that issue was ‘Technology Development Bureau, one generation worse than the next’.”

As soon as these words came out, Nirvana suddenly fell silent, and it took a long time before he responded:

"Tomorrow, take Miss Feizhen directly to Laboratory 13..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward.

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