Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 206 Science is the primary productive force

Although Niryuri revealed his disgust and hatred for Urahara Kisuke both inside and outside his words.

But if you were to pick one person in Soul Society who knew Urahara Kisuke the best, there would be no one else but him.

The day after Sufeng gave him the final order, Feizhen was taken to Laboratory No. 13 of the Technology Development Bureau.

Here, the huge furnace is located on the red floor, like magma, and the lines on it are constantly flowing.

Huge spiritual pressure is brewing on the furnace, like a time bomb that may explode at any time.

Sufeng said he was not surprised at all that Nirvana developed such a therapeutic device.

He didn't make tentacles or slime on the furnace, which was already a sign of respect for Byakuya Kuchiki.

However, even so, Kuchiki Byakuya's face turned green when he saw this scene, and he had a faint urge to pull out Senbonzakura and chop it down with a knife.

"Sa, Captain Kuchiki's face seems to be ugly."

Nirvana Li didn't know it yet, "How about entering this soul-complementing device to experience it?"

He invited me warmly, as if the device in his mouth was not a furnace, but something extremely beautiful.

Yamada Seinosuke sneered, leaned beside Sufeng and explained in a low voice:

"The shape of the soul-complementing device was independently developed by Nirvana. I originally wanted to construct it into a glass test tube."

Sufeng didn't care much about this, he just looked around the furnace curiously.

"Besides treating Feizhen, does this thing have any other uses?"

"Yes!" Yamada Seinosuke replied affirmatively, "Actually, the purpose of its creation was not for Miss Hijin."

"Do you still remember the mission you gave me before, Master Sufeng?"

"About this..."

He moved his gaze downwards, resting on Su Feng's waist, the two Zanpakutō that were intertwined with each other.

Seeing this, Sufeng suddenly understood what Yamada Seinosuke meant.

Yanluo Jingdian.

A Zanpakutō that cuts away the user's soul.

According to relevant literature, the reduction of the soul cannot be restored in any case.

But this kind of setting is not applicable to mad scientists like Nirvana.

The boundaries between life and death are completely blurred in front of it, not to mention the injuries of the soul's recovery.

"It's a pity that the soul completion device has not been completely perfected yet."

Yamada Seinosuke lamented, "If you want to put it into use, it will consume a lot of blank virtual souls."

"And the usage process is extremely complicated, which is completely inconsistent with your expectations, Master Sufeng."

The conversation between the two sounded like heavenly scripture to Haizhen, while Kuchiki Byakuya glanced thoughtfully at the two Zanpakutos at Sufeng's waist.

Yanluo Jingdian is a secret to ordinary people, but to the other five nobles, it is just general information.

Realizing Sufeng's purpose, Kuchiki Byakuya inevitably had a trace of worry in his eyes.

Although this bad friend did all kinds of bad things, ignored the laws and regulations, trampled on the honor of the Kuchiki family many times, and nailed himself to the pillar of shame...

But after all, Kuchiki Byakuya didn't want to see Sufeng be blinded by power, and his soul was cut off under the bewitchment of Yan Luo Jingdian.

"What's that look in your eyes?" Sufeng squinted and said disdainfully, "You kid, you don't think Yanluo Jingdian is very strong, do you?"

"A Zanpakutō that can't imitate the swastika is just a little better than Senbonzakura to me..."

Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly closed his mouth that was about to speak.

Damn guy, it's better to die soon.

The side effects of Yanluo Jingdian should be stronger.

"Miss Feizhen, please look over here!"

With the consent of Kuchiki Byakuya, Niryuri began to treat Hijin.

Because of the three directions provided by Urahara Kisuke, he determined the treatment plan in a very short period of time, and the success rate was as high as 99%.

And even if it fails, there will be no side effects.

It was his solemn guarantee that allowed Byakuya Kuchiki to temporarily feel relieved.

"Hey, okay, okay..."

Whether it was the laboratory he was in, or the Frankenstein with black and white paint smeared on his face in front of him, looking like a beetle, Feizhen felt extremely novel.

Having lived in Rukongai all year round, she had never imagined that there was such an interesting scene in the Seireitei.

It's just that good self-cultivation allows her to remain reserved.

If it were Lucia, she would have already started working on the furnace at this time.

Nie Yuli snapped his fingers, and a suspended light curtain suddenly fell on the white ceiling, stopping steadily in front of Feizhen.

On it, countless ink-black ghostly incantations swam, scurrying around like swarms of tadpoles, outlining strange and irregular patterns.

"Illusion-like binding method, developed by me myself."

Yamada Kiyonosuke added, "It is generally used to stabilize the patient's mood so that subsequent treatment can be carried out."

“Because it was developed in a short period of time, it has not been put into use in comprehensive rescue centers yet.”

"But Zhenyang Pharmacy Hospital has begun to use it on a large scale."

Having said this, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face: "After all..."

"Compared to the emotions of the Death God soldiers, the noble gentlemen are much more unstable."

Recalling his daily work at Mao Pharmacy Hospital some time ago, Yamada Seinosuke felt that the Technology Development Bureau in front of him was more friendly.

Even Nie Shuli's disgusting face is much better than those noble patients.

"I will issue relevant orders through the Golden Seal Society."

Sufeng's smile faded a bit and he said calmly: "In addition, let Yamada Hanatarō also go to the Zhenyang Pharmacy Institute for an internship for a period of time."

"Long-term practical training has reduced his level of return to the Dao too much."

As if he thought of something funny, a somewhat excited smile suddenly appeared on Yamada Seinosuke's face.

"On behalf of Hanataro, I would like to thank Master Sufeng in advance."

On the side, Feizhen followed the doctor's instructions very obediently, staring intently at the changes in the lines on the light screen. In just a few seconds, his whole expression fell into a trance.

Seeing this, Nirvana opened the furnace behind him and mobilized spiritual pressure to pour into the interior. Suddenly, the flames burst into flames, and the temperature in the research room seemed to rise by dozens of degrees.

"Miss Feizhen, please come in."

Nirvana signaled, "The door to the Hell Furnace has been opened for you."

Before he finished speaking, he was shrouded in a murderous gaze, and the substantial spiritual pressure lingered around Kuchiki Byakuya's side, undulating.

Sufeng let out a long sigh, helplessness on his expression.

Why is my partner so childish and insisting on making some boring jokes about this?

Sufeng disagreed with the bad taste of Nirvana.

It is entirely possible to wait for Feizhen to enter the furnace and then create the illusion that the experiment failed, creating a picture of Feizhen dying tragically due to a major mistake.

In this case.

He can just watch the drama of the Nirvana Technology Development Bureau.

As Feizhen's figure disappeared into the blazing fire, the treatment officially began.

Because of the innate weakness of the soul, the power of the soul itself needs to be replenished in time, so the application of virtual souls is also mentioned in the treatment directions provided by Urahara Kisuke.

It's just that because of the experiment of making Honyu, Urahara Kisuke's research on this matter has to be more in-depth.

The provision of specific data allowed Nirvana to formulate a treatment plan in the shortest possible time.

Crush the virtual blank soul, extract the corresponding spirit seeds, and supply them to Feizhen's soul to complete the complete treatment.

The process was smooth.

Under the joint treatment of Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke, it only took three days to complete all the treatments.

Kuchiki Byakuya put aside all his affairs and stayed by the furnace the whole time.


A body covered with white cloth was pushed in front of him.

The majestic cold murderous intent immediately covered the entire laboratory, and it had a tendency to become substantial.

Sufeng, who had just arrived after hearing the news, looked at the scene in front of him with satisfaction.

As expected, whether it was Niryuri or Kuchiki Byakuya, he had far underestimated their limits.

The former is the lower limit of bad character, and the latter is the upper limit of strength and talent.

Even though he knew it was false, Kuchiki Byakuya still couldn't control his emotions. He almost drew his sword and wanted to cut the two hateful guys in front of him into a pulp.

"Bai, Lord Byakuya..."

Feizhen's voice came from the other side of the furnace, and the murderous intent in the research room suddenly melted and dissipated like ice and snow in spring.

Kuchiki Byakuya took a deep breath, tried hard to control his emotions, forced a smile on his face, and then slowly walked to Heizhen:

"Let's go home."

Fei Zhen was startled, not knowing what was going on, but she still nodded very obediently and responded with a gentle smile: "Well, thank you for your protection, Lord Byakuya!"

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Yamada Seinosuke crossed his arms and exclaimed:

"You are truly worthy of being Master Sufeng."

"He should be the only one who knows Captain Kuchiki so well."

Hearing this, Su Feng smiled disdainfully: "This kid Dabai's brain circuit is extremely simple. I can tell what he is thinking when he sticks his butt out."

"The dignified head of the Kuchiki family is nothing more than that!"

"That's right, that's right." Yamada Seinosuke was not shy about his flattery.

As he followed Su Feng for a longer period of time, his style of painting also changed from the initial vicious-tongued deputy to a flattering villain.

At least, that was the case in front of Sufeng.

Nie Yuli looked at the two people working together, and shook his head in disappointment:

“Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.”

"No one is good enough to hang out with this captain."


Laboratory Ten.

After Feizhen's treatment was completed and Dabai and Dabai were sent away, Sufeng also led Nie Yuli to the exclusive laboratory for virtualization research.

In the huge white space, three behemoths crouched in their respective rest areas in different postures, gnawing boredly on various spiritual food from the Soul Society.

Daxu will achieve its instinct of evolution by constantly devouring the souls of its kind.

But through Nirvana's research, this is more like a rule engraved in their souls.

The evolution of the Great Void cannot only be achieved by souls of the same kind.

A Shinigami's, a human's, a Quincy's.

Any soul with strong spiritual power can fulfill the instinct that enables them to complete evolution and reach a higher level.

It is not known who set the rules, but no one present was a fool, so they naturally had some guesses in their minds.

However, through this discovery, Yamada Seinosuke transformed Soul Society's spirit food.

A blank virtual soul was injected into it.

Sun Sun and others gave it five-star praise after eating it.

"It tastes much better than Daxu!"

"After eating it, there is a tendency to evolve, and the spiritual pressure increases a lot. Is this food made with Daxu?"

"If a large amount of this kind of food can be provided, we may also be able to evolve to Vastod..."

Yamada Seinosuke politely took note of the different needs of Sunsun and others, and tried to make a deeper transformation of the taste.

"Lord Sufeng!" Sunsun immediately spotted Sufeng's figure. The snake's body was winding towards him, and its huge snake head lowered obediently.

The other two Daxu also came after hearing the news and surrounded Sufeng.

However, Sufeng didn't have much thought to pay attention to them at this time, but listened to Yamada Seinosuke's explanation with surprised eyes:

"The situation is just like what you saw, Mr. Sufeng."

"A sufficient supply of spiritual food is indeed enough for them to evolve to Vastod."

"But the amount of food cannot be calculated yet."

Nirvana grinned strangely: "The only thing that is certain is that with the supply of this kind of food, the success rate of Arrancar transformation has reached 100%!"

"The compatibility between the Daxu and the virtual blank souls far exceeds our expectations!"

Thanks to the boss 88857 for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly votes.

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