Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 207 How many floors does a bag of rice have to carry?

With the consent of Sunsun Sanxu, the first Arrancar experiment officially began in Laboratory No. 10.

Because I had swallowed a large amount of spirit food before this, many necessary steps were reduced before the experiment started.

However, Sanxu still had a dispute over who came first and who came last.

"Don't forget about yourself while you're in Soul Society, Apache, be careful I kill you!"

"Gah? Do you want me to kill you? Who do you think you are talking to, you big stuffed idiot!"

The antlers and the lion's head were pressed together, erupting with their own huge power.

Because they were concerned about the people around them, the two behemoths did not explode their own spiritual pressure, but only faced each other with physical strength.

But even so, the metal floor still made an overwhelming creaking sound.

Not far away, Tsubofu Rin and Kunan Nico took out snacks from somewhere. While staring at the scene in front of them, they stuffed a lot of snacks into their mouths, and the crunching sound kept ringing around them.

They had seen the current situation countless times during this period.

Apache and Mira seemed to be at odds with each other by nature, and they would have a big fight at the slightest sign, as if this was their way of communicating.

However, Erxu has perfect control over speed and will never do anything in the research room.

Even the spiritual pressure is completely restrained and will not explode easily at all.

Out of curiosity, Jiannanike asked them this question, but she received the disgusting looks of the three Daxu at the same time.

It's like looking at a fool.

"If Daxu is still arrogant in Soul Society, he may be seeking his own death."

"We will not easily cause unnecessary trouble to Master Sufeng."

"Although I hate the guy above, I have to admit that what she said makes sense. Lord Sufeng's kindness is second only to Lord Harribel."

Sanxu used his own philosophy of survival to teach the inexperienced Kunan Nicole and others a good lesson.

Compared to the world of Hueco Mundo where the fittest survive, the weak eat the strong, and devour each other at every turn, Soul Society seems too kind.

Daxu, who can live to the level of Achucas, naturally has his own rules of survival.

Therefore, both Kunan Nico and Tsubofu Rin have a good impression of Sanxu.

While they were quarreling, the two of them were happy to watch the show from the sidelines.

"Lord Sufeng, these two monkeys are at loggerheads. It seems that I am the only one to conduct the experiment first."

Sun Sun lowered his head, leaned forward with a bright smile, and whispered in Su Feng's ear.

However, due to her size, her actions were still noticed by the other two Daxu.

"Sunsun, you bastard!"

Apache and Mira turned their heads at the same time and cursed angrily.

But before Erxu could explain, Sufeng decided on the candidate: "Then let's start with you, Sunsun."

On the side, Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke have prepared the materials required for Arrancar transformation.

Sunsun snaked its huge snake body and crawled to the area where a large number of complicated ghostly incantations were painted.

And with the infusion of spiritual pressure, the huge and magnificent ghost realm instantly rose, sealing Sunsun inside in the shape of a regular hexagon.

At this point, no trace of his spiritual pressure can be leaked out.

Seeing this, Sun Sun's originally calm state of mind suddenly became uneasy.

Although Niruri and Yamada Seinosuke have repeatedly assured that the success rate of the Arrancarization experiment is as high as 100%, they still can't help but feel nervous when they think about the unknown fate that is about to usher in.

And a growing fear that spreads in the bottom of my heart.

Nirvana did not start the experiment immediately, but observed Sunsun's data in the light curtain in front of him.

"Yes, that's it."

"Fear is the best catalyst."

He murmured to himself, making an undetectable voice, "To hell with emotions such as determination and tenacity. Without fear of the unknown, you will never reach the standard of evolution."

Yamada Seinosuke was standing next to the ghost barrier, with his fingers spread wide, and colorful spiritual pressure was constantly flowing and escaping from his fingertips, sketching on the ghost barrier like an art master.

Maintaining the stability of the ghost realm is one of his most important tasks.

In addition to avoiding outside prying eyes, the more important thing is to stabilize Daxu's vital signs and soul state.

As Sunsun's fear in the barrier continued to intensify, at the moment when he was approaching a certain point, Nirvana pressed the red round button in front of him.

The next moment, the metal floor inside the barrier suddenly opened, and countless streams of transparent fluid appeared, instantly submerging themselves into the huge snake body.

Sunsun, who was still in fear, suddenly froze in place, as if the pause button had been pressed.

At this moment, she felt unprecedented pain.

As if falling into a giant bone crusher, the violent force coming from all directions crushed her body bit by bit.

After a brief moment of stiffness, a tragic wail came out, and the desperate wail vibrated through the ghost barrier.

The huge snake bodies twisted and spasmed, intertwined with each other, and made a harsh collision sound when they collided with the ground and the ghost path barrier.

Such an abrupt change immediately caused a violent reaction from Apache and Mira. Erxu instantly burst out with majestic spiritual pressure, directly locking on Nirvana's body, and icy murderous intent enveloped him at the same time.

"What did you do to Sun Sun?!"

"Quickly terminate the experiment, this kind of thing..."

Before Erxu could finish his words, even more terrifying spiritual pressure dropped from the sky, falling on them like an abyss.

boom! !

The two huge bodies hit the metal floor heavily, immediately creating a deep depression in the solid ground.

The sudden and powerful oppression made Erxu stunned.

When they came back to their senses and reacted, they looked at Sufeng beside them with incomprehensible eyes.

In their knowledge, only Master Sufeng can achieve such a terrifying effect with pure spiritual pressure.

Before Sufeng could explain, Nie Yuli, who was facing away from them, whispered in a pitiful tone:


"You don't think you don't have to pay any price to gain power, do you?"

He turned around slowly, with a weird smile on his lips, and looked at Apache and Mira as if he were staring at two lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"In this world, anything gained comes at a price."

"If you want to reach the sky in one step and gain several or even dozens of times your own power, how can you do it without giving something?"

The five fingers of Nirvana's cocoon are spread out, and the ghost's spiritual pressure flows gracefully through them, outlining colorful and gorgeous lines. His eyes are immersed in it, and endless colors are reflected in the golden pupils.

"This is the only way to become strong."

"Feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain..."

Nirvana lowered her head slightly and stared at the two figures who were blasted into the collapsed floor by the spiritual pressure: "Then enjoy the pain!"

"Only in this way will you know that strength is hard-won."

Sufeng's calm voice sounded next to him: "If I remember correctly, I told you about a similar situation at the beginning."

"But you don't seem to have taken my words to heart."

"Wantlessly bursting out spiritual pressure in the research room, and being hostile to Captain Niryuri."

"Do you really want to die?"


Substantial murderous intent enveloped him, and Erxu seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, with every inch of flesh and blood in his body immersed in the extreme cold.

Every beat of the heart seems to be one step closer to death.

Despair and fear that had never happened before continued to grow in Erxu's heart.

Only then did they realize who had given everything they had now.

As a subordinate, it is undoubtedly a taboo to show his teeth and claws to his master wantonly.

Although the situation of Erxu is not so serious, it is not far different.

"It's just a little lesson."

Sufeng released his spiritual pressure, "Next time, even in front of Harribel, I will give you the death you deserve."

The pressure disappeared, Erxu lay in the pit panting, cold sweat oozing out from everywhere on his huge body, almost forming a puddle under him.

They glanced at each other in unison, both seeing the fear in each other's eyes.

The short-lived beautiful life really blinded Erxu's eyes, so much so that he forgot about the previous rules of survival.

After this incident, they will not have any resentment towards Sufeng, but will instead think about their words and deeds before taking action.

A small tree cannot grow straight if it is not repaired, and a tree cannot grow straight if a person does not repair it.

Sufeng had already expected this.

This was also the reason why he specifically did not inform Sunsun and the others before the experiment.

Those in power can sympathize with those below, but they cannot act based on their faces.

This was the advice given to Urahara Kisuke by the former captain of the fifth division, Hirako Mako, and it was also one of his principles of conduct.

Appropriate beating will not cause any harm to Sunsun and other virtual beings, but will only make their future path easier.

The Arrancarization experiment continued, and the tragic screams gradually became hoarse.

But at the same time, Sunsun's spiritual pressure continued to rise on the testing equipment.

In the barrier, Sunsun's consciousness gradually blurred under the torment of severe pain, but in the haze, there seemed to be light shining into her sight.

Surging power is constantly emerging in the body, as if a heavy wave is rolling.



A crisp cracking sound sounded on the huge snake's head.

Sunsun's mask is broken!

"Well -" Sunsun raised his unskilled white arm and gently caressed his cheek. It was no longer the hard white bone in his memory.

Instead, there is delicate and soft skin.

Underneath him, the huge snake body is still winding, with love-like lines extending from the snake's belly to the end of the snake's tail.

Because this was his first Arrancar, Sunsun had not yet mastered the skills of returning swords and could not show himself in human form.

But this also has advantages, at least it avoids the risk of exposure.

Nirvana pressed the button again, and a mirror rose in front of Sunsun, reflecting his current appearance.

Her dark green shawl-length hair falls down her back, her delicate face is dotted with two rows of symmetrical tear moles, and a hair ornament-like mask is embellished on the right side of her head.

If you ignore the snake body of the lower body, the current Sun Sun is definitely considered a top-notch beauty.

She stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes showing unconcealable joy. The shattering of the mask and the powerful spiritual pressure that surged several times all showed the success of the Arrancar transformation.

Apache and Mira were stunned by Lingxu's incredible change, and could hardly believe their eyes.

And at this moment, Nirvana looked at Erxu with a strange look, and the corners of his mouth raised:

"Next, who comes first?"

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