Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 213 Despicable fighting, the template of the protagonist who explodes in battle

Even before the soul burial internship started, an accident had already happened.

The performance of the talented duo immediately made Hisagi Shuhei wary.

He immediately pulled out his Zanpakutō with his backhand, and the bright blade reflected an icy cold light under the moonlight.

Senran's eyes looked around, trying to find the danger the two mentioned.

"Xiubing, you are too nervous."

Qinglu reassured, "There is nothing abnormal in the spiritual pressure sensing range."

"And this area is the soul burial practice area designated by the Thirteenth Division. All dangers have been eliminated."

Hearing this, Hisagi Shuhei frowned and relaxed a little: "Although that's what I said, I always have an uneasy feeling."

"Your feeling is right." Hitsugaya Toshiro said expressionlessly, "Based on actual combat experience, even in the quietest living area, it is impossible for there to be no sound at all."

"Captain Sufeng once taught us that the weak should never take it lightly."

Renji Abarai pulled out his Zanpakutō, unleashing violent spiritual pressure that made the students standing next to him look frightened.

This monster's spiritual pressure seems to be stronger.

They instinctively stayed away from the two of them to minimize the pressure they suffered.

"There are only two possibilities for this situation."

He looked around, his pupils showing a fierce fighting spirit, "One is that all the virtual and whole people in this area are dead."

"The second thing is that there are powerful beings nearby that far exceed them!"

The moment he finished speaking, he and Toshiro Hitsugaya looked towards the sky.

Under the cold moonlight, the void seemed to be brutally torn apart by the claws of some huge creature, with irregular cracks extending along the deep darkness toward both sides.

Invisible pressure spread throughout it, gradually shrouding the sky over the city.

In the black cavity, slow and heavy footsteps came, each step seemed to fall on everyone's heart, and every beat of the heart matched the rhythm of their footsteps.

As the footsteps approached, the heart's congestion level reached its extreme, and it might explode like a balloon at any time.

A tall and thin figure walked out of the black cavity and stood majestically under the moonlit night. Brutal and ferocious spiritual pressure was released wantonly, and a faint substantive light lingered around it.

Her medium-length black hair, parted in the middle, hangs down, covering her left eye. A white bone mask like an eyepatch is tightly tied to her slender cheeks, and her disgusted expression reveals disdain for everything.

The decoration on the round collar is particularly eye-catching, but what is even more eye-catching is the huge weapon wrapped around the waist.

Two crescent-shaped giant scythes are close together on the bulge, and the concave blades glow with a frightening light.

There is a chain tied to the handle of the knife, wrapped around the thin waist, hanging straight down.

Hisagi Shuhei looked nervously at the figure in the sky, his tense body unable to stop trembling.

never had!

Despair and fear like never before!

Even if the other party didn't say a word, just standing under the moonlit night, the violent aura was constantly eroding his body and even his soul like a living thing.

His whole body was stiff and cold, as if he had fallen into the lowest level of hell. Countless pairs of invisible hands were tearing at everything about him. His limbs were torn off, his mouth was torn apart, and he couldn't even make a sound.

The current Hisagi Shuhei couldn't even generate the slightest strength to draw his sword.

Facing the downward gaze, the students were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and only endless death greeted them!

"Are these the goals this time?"

The man spoke, his neat teeth so white that it made people's hearts tremble, "You are so weak and pitiful."

"If you throw it into Hueco Mundo, you won't be able to survive even a day, right?"

"Weak people have no value in living. Even breathing will waste air."

He lifted up the chain wrapped around his waist and grasped the handle of the knife tightly with his slender fingers. The materialized spiritual pressure light gradually condensed on the crescent-shaped sickle.

"So, you'd better go die!"

The sickle swung down without warning, and the violent wind roared in. The aftermath was like a tornado that instantly enveloped all the students.

"Sitting in the frosty sky, Hyōrinmaru!"

A sharp shout was heard from the crowd, and an extreme cold current broke out below. Blue icicles rushed from bottom to top, instantly freezing the moisture in the atmosphere and causing the surrounding temperature to plummet.

The icicle moved forward without hesitation and hit the crescent-shaped sickle that was slashing down.

The violent collision stirred up aftermath in the sky, and ice fragments visible to the naked eye scattered like bullets and blasted into the building, immediately causing the building to collapse and the ground to crack.

Clouds covered the dark sky, and messy snowflakes drifted in. The temperature in the air dropped sharply by several degrees, and a bone-chilling chill covered an area of ​​dozens of miles.

Hisagi Shuhei turned around in shock, almost unable to believe his eyes.

Among the crowd, a short figure was holding a slender blade with a chain. At the end of the chain, the crescent-shaped blade trembled lightly, like the tail of some kind of creature.

Is this true genius?

Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth and faced the huge pressure coming down from the sky with unwillingness.

It seemed that he had temporarily repelled the opponent, but he knew better than anyone else that it was just a casual blow.

That weird-looking man definitely had the strength to defeat him easily.

"Idiot, what are you waiting for!?"

Seeing that the Sixth Generation who were the guides were still stunned, even though Toshiro was usually very good-natured, he couldn't help but curse: "Notify the Seireitei and ask for the captain's support."

"This guy is not something we can fight against!"

Hisagi Shuhei came to his senses after being scolded and immediately activated the emergency contact device.

"Requesting support from Soul Society, I am the sixth generation Hisagi Shuhei leading the team!"

"We were attacked by an unknown creature at location 2128 northwest of fixed point 1026 in this world. The opponent's strength is greater than that of the deputy captain!"

Before he finished speaking, Hisagi's pupils suddenly shrank, and a red and white figure rushed out of the corner of his eye and headed straight into the sky.

"Haha, let me delay the time for you!"

Abarai Renji's arrogant laughter echoed under the clouds, and the blade with a cold light swung straight down towards the figure standing in the sky.


Hitsugaya Toshiro saw this, cursed in a low voice, and then followed directly with Hyōrinmaru in hand.

Before Hisagi Shuhei could recover, two more figures appeared in front of his sight.

They raised their white palms high and pointed them towards the sky, and their firm chanting echoed around them:

"The King! The mask of flesh and blood, the myriad things, the thing that flutters high and bears the name of human beings! Heat and strife, rolling southward across the sea, march forward!"

"The Thirty-one Red Cannons of Breaking the Way!"

Two huge fireballs emitting blazing heat flew out at lightning speed. The rolling heat wave melted the messy snowflakes, and hit the tall and thin figure accurately.

For a time, smoke and dust filled the air.

Feizhen and Lucia looked happy and said in unison: "It's a hit!"

However, when the smoke cleared, unspeakable despair once again enveloped everyone's hearts.

"It's really an extremely weak attack."

A disdainful sneer appeared on the arrogant face. The man leaned forward slightly, raised the crescent-shaped sickle in his hand high, and then suddenly swung it towards Renji Abarai, who was flying towards him.


An extremely terrifying force struck instantly, and Renji suddenly fell downwards like a meteor, blasting straight into the tall building.

The impact visible to the naked eye spread throughout the building, causing violent tremors and then collapsed, with countless rubble scattered and dust rising!

With just one blow, Renji Abarai, the strongest among them all, was left without knowing whether he would live or die.

Seeing this, Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes suddenly turned red in the air, and even more violent spiritual pressure erupted on his thin body, forming an extremely sharp contrast.

The water flowed upwards on the blade, turning into condensed icicles at the tip.

As Toshiro chopped it down with all his strength, the icicles roared out and transformed into a huge ice dragon exuding extreme coldness in the sky.

The crystal-clear huge body burst out with a deafening roar and rushed straight forward with indomitable momentum.


In his unbelievable eyes, the man just opened the five fingers of his left hand and crushed the angry blow into ice powder.

Countless crystal ice flowers fell from the sky, causing the temperature in the air to drop sharply again.

However, what was colder than the temperature was Toshiro's heart.

The opponent was far more powerful than he imagined. Even his strongest attack was still unable to break through the defense.

This gap can no longer be described in words.

"Not a bad performance."

The man looked at the frost that had condensed in his palm, grinning ferociously: "You should be the strongest among these insects."

"A guy like you deserves to know my name."

“Praise and cheer.”

He opened his arms like a madman, "Remember the great being who gave you death."

"The most powerful Arrancar in Hueco Mundo——"

"Neitra Gilga!!"

After the words fell, the crescent-shaped sickle in his hand swung down again without warning, and the sharp wind blade burst out from it, directly attacking Hitsugaya Toshiro who was still in shock.

Even when faced with beings weaker than himself, Nnoitra still adheres to the next generation's fighting style.

This despicable character has been engraved in his bones and will not change at any time.

Caught off guard, Toshiro only had time to place Hyōrinmaru horizontally in front of him.

boom! !

Another meteor streaked across the sky, and Toshiro couldn't compete with it at all. It crashed into the building behind, and the aftermath was violent, turning it into a pile of ruins in an instant.

Seeing this, the students fell into despair again, staring at the tall and thin figure standing under the moonlight with their dull eyes, the cold touch was like invisible sharp teeth, eating away at their hearts.

However, at this moment, a wild voice sounded from the ruins, and the violent spiritual pressure turned into a beam of light and shot straight into the sky.



The silvery-white blade rushed out of the ruins, and its ferocious python-like fangs opened ferociously, biting the standing figure fiercely.

The unexpected situation once again ignited the hope in everyone's hearts.

However, the next scene caused them to fall into the abyss again.

Nnoitra didn't even dodge, she just stood there with her fingers spread out, holding the silver-white blade that came from the attack tightly in her palm.

"Getting stronger before the battle?" Nnoitra showed surprise, "It's really interesting."

"It's a pity that the insect has become stronger, but it is still the insect."

"To crush you, just a little bit of strength is enough."

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the Zanpakutō named Shebimaru was cut off directly with the sickle in his hand, and was thrown from the air like scrap metal.

"Okay, the game is over, everyone."

Nnoitra suddenly opened her mouth, and her tongue with the number "4" printed on it stuck out. Golden light condensed on the tip of her tongue, and a large amount of spiritual pressure gathered in it crazily.

The golden brilliance illuminated the dim sky, rising to the dome of the city like a blazing sun.

Until this time, the students were completely in despair, and some of the weak ones even lost consciousness early and passed out under the huge pressure.

But at the moment when the false flash was about to break out, a white figure suddenly appeared in the sky. The feathers were flying freely in the hunting wind. The number "nine" behind it was particularly eye-catching under the light of the false flash.

"Huh? Another one comes to die..."

Before Nnoitra could finish his vague words, a big hand was directly printed on his face, and together with the virtual flash that was about to be released, it was instantly thrown away.


In the deafening explosion, Nnoitra dragged a golden tail wave, leaned back in a twisted posture, and disappeared from sight in an instant.

On the ground dozens of miles away, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly exploded, and the endless flames turned into pillars of light and shot straight to the dome! !

At this moment, the whole city seemed to have entered daylight!

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