Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 214 Being played around like a clown

Sufengxu stepped high in the sky, looking down at the raging tornado with endless aftermath like a god.

A huge mushroom cloud lit up over the city, like a sun, completely dispelling the darkness.

It seemed like a grand and spectacular scene, but it didn't kill the opponent.

As early as the moment the black cavity was opened, Yazhou from the Lingbo Surveying Research Department informed him. Although it took a little time to open the black cavity, he could still see the whole battle in his eyes.

Hitsugaya Toshiro's initial release broke out, the ice dragon roared in the sky, celestial phenomena came, and snowflakes scattered over the city.

When the battle breaks through, Renji Abarai shouts out his Zanpakutō's true name, using Shigetsu to sweep the violent wind and tear the sky apart.

Under such an attack, any Achucas would be unable to withstand it and would be at a disadvantage.

But their opponent is Nnoitra Gilga, the Arrancar Daxu who possesses the strongest steel-skin defense!

In fact, even Sufeng was a bit surprised.

He originally thought that Aizen would send out dozens of giant Hollows that could hide spiritual pressure like he did originally.

But I didn't expect that the other party would directly grab everything.

The Black Chamber was opened at the site of Soul Burial's internship, and Nnoitra, the most murderous and cruel among the Ten Blades, was sent to the present world.

What on earth is this guy thinking? !

Sufeng thought hard but couldn't get a correct answer.

Below, Abarai Renji dragged his bloody body and carried the dilapidated Shebimaru out of the ruins.

He looked toward the sky feverishly, like a devout believer.

"Is this the true power of Lord Sufeng?!"

On the roof of the building, the students were sitting in a heap, lying in disarray under the blow of the wind. Some of the weak ones even fainted immediately from the aftermath.

The students who were still conscious had new hope rekindled in their eyes.

They stared at the figure standing on the zenith, murmuring to themselves, as if they were shocked, but also as if they were praying.

"Captain of the Ninth Division, Lord Tsunayashiro Sufeng..."

Hisagi Shuhei murmured faintly, instinctively recalling what happened decades ago in his mind.

In almost the same scene, as a child, he encountered Qunxu for the first time, and was rescued by a man wearing the same clothes.

Captain of the Ninth Division, Liu Che Quan Xi.

This name has always been firmly remembered in his mind. Now that he was saved by the captain of the Ninth Division again, he couldn't help but have inexplicable feelings for the Ninth Division in his heart.

Probably, this is fate.

Thinking of this, when Hisagi Shuhei looked at the figure in the sky, he also found it inexplicably consistent with the previous Rokusha Kensai.

"It should be over, right?"

Lucia and Feizhen supported each other, looking tremblingly at the mushroom cloud that was gradually dissipating and the sky that was darkening again.

"No!" Feizhen suddenly retorted, with almost substantial fear in his pupils, "I can detect that the spiritual pressure of that strange creature is even more profound and terrifying."

"He's definitely not dead!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he could see the dust swirling in four directions on the ruins dozens of miles away, dispersing rapidly towards the distance.

The bright golden light bloomed in it, turning into a huge pillar of light, rising into the sky in an instant, and the suffocating terrifying oppression also swept over.

The sky was bright and it was daytime again.

Nnoitra stepped out of the ruins, like a reborn hungry beast, with wanton instinct flowing through her body, and substantial golden spiritual pressure lingering around, burning like a flame.

The air on all sides waved and twisted.

The violent murderous intent surged and unrestrained, almost condensing into substance, turning into a black shadow like an evil ghost around him.

Bloodstains were spread across the ferocious face, and large pieces of flesh fell off, revealing the ferocious skull and sharp teeth.

With such a degree of injury, any Death God would have fallen to the ground long ago, but Nnoitra seemed to have inspired a ferocious beast, making it even more sinister and terrifying.

This was not only an injury caused by the backlash of the false flash, but also because Sufeng's unreserved blow collapsed his steel-skin defense.

It's the same spiritual pressure, but the opponent's spiritual pressure seems to be more aggressive, and his spiritual pressure defense is torn apart at the moment of contact.

Nnoitra stared at the figure in the sky with gloomy eyes.

His injuries were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Countless granules were swarming and squirming, intertwined like living creatures, repairing the large chip and scorch on his cheek.

Sufeng noticed this scene and frowned slightly.

In his impression, although Nnoitra has the ability to regenerate at high speed, it is far from achieving such an effect.

From this look of it, Aizen may have added some spice to his Arrancar transformation.

Of course, there may be other areas as well.

Sufeng is not a professional, so he has no way of judging his skills in this area.

But what he was sure of was that the current Nnoitra was more than a little stronger than the one in his memory.

"Another god of death..."

Nnoitra murmured to herself, her expression gradually becoming crazy, "That guy really didn't lie to me!"

"You can meet a truly strong person in this world!"

"Sa, Death, let's choose!"

"Either come and hack me to death, use your most powerful power to kill me completely before I fall!"

Crazy roars, using spiritual pressure as the medium, echoed constantly in the sky above the city.

"Or, I will use all means to completely kill you here!"

The sound waves formed ripples visible to the naked eye, rippling across the sky, and the golden light pillar in the center became brighter and brighter.

"The strongest one will definitely be me, the great Lord Nnoitra Gilga!"

Nnoitra's complete explosion directly refreshed the students' perceptions.

For the first time, they realized that there were such terrifying creatures in the world.

Even a simple burst of spiritual pressure is enough to completely suffocate them, and even the beating of their hearts cannot be sustained.

"The more arrogant you roar, the more it will highlight your cowardice and inferiority."

Sufeng looked down at the approaching Nnoitra, and replied calmly in a calm voice:

"A being like you, even in Hueco Mundo, is just a poor person with a low status."

When Nnoitra, who was flying at high speed, heard the words, his body suddenly shook, his pupils shrank suddenly, and at the same time, indescribable anger exploded in his heart.

"I'm just a mere god of death, how dare you judge me arbitrarily?"

The crescent-shaped sickle was raised high, and a violent murderous aura like a beast surged down.

"Die, die, die!!"

The strong wind roared, and the terrifying giant blade slashed straight down, sweeping the air wherever it passed, making the space emit an overwhelming whine.

Sufeng's expression was calm and unmoved at all.

It is impossible to take him down in this state, even with the mysteriously strengthened Nnoitra.

The moment the giant blade fell, an unsuspecting palm reached out, and under Nnoitra's extremely shocked eyes, he took the blow abruptly.

White air burst out at the intersection, like the thin steam ejecting from a steam engine operating at high speed, instantly engulfing the crescent-shaped sickle.

"You wouldn't think..."

There was some indifference in Sufeng's eyes, "With this level of power, can you defeat me?"

Advanced usage of instant coax.

Using the palms of the hands to replace the functions of the back and shoulders, a large amount of Kidou spiritual pressure is released.

This style can temporarily maintain the image in battle, but accordingly, the power of the instant coax will be greatly reduced.

The five fingers merge and the strength continues to increase.

The crescent-shaped sickle suddenly made an overwhelmed sound.

Nnoitra's pupils shrank suddenly, and with her poor knowledge, she could not understand the scene in front of her.

The only thing that is certain is that he is already at an absolute disadvantage in this battle.

"Stop talking nonsense there!"

Nnoitra roared with anger, "I am the strongest!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his recently healed mouth opened again, and his tongue with the number on it suddenly poked out, golden spiritual pressure condensed on it, and a bright beam of light instantly erupted at lightning speed.

At such a close distance, there was no time to dodge.

There was a hint of madness in Nnoitra's tiny pupils, as if he had already seen the disgusting scene in front of him of the god of death being pierced by a flash of light.

He wants to prove to the world that he is the strongest!

The moment the beam fell, the storm of spiritual pressure burst out immediately, and the howling wind swept continuously in all directions.

Another white palm stretched out, blocking the gleaming beam of light at the right time. A large number of souls were escaping from it, and a violent aura was surging.

As the five fingers came together, the scarlet spiritual pressure was crushed bit by bit, and the visible spiritual particles burst out and scattered, cracking the ground below.

"What gives you the illusion that you can defeat me with this despicable fighting method?"

Sufeng was still as indifferent as before, as if everything that happened in front of him was not enough to cause changes in his emotions.

He is looking forward to Neutra's performance.

The strength shown so far has far exceeded the average captain level.

Even a few captains would only show a one-sided disadvantage when facing the current Nnoitra.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

After many consecutive attacks to no avail, veins popped up on Neutra's forehead, and she fell into an uncontrollable rage. The surging spiritual pressure exploded unbridled, even if it destroyed the entire city.

The bright golden light shines brightly again, and Nnoitra's strength is improved in all aspects.

The crescent-shaped sickle broke free from its restraints and slashed forward with a more violent attitude. The space vibrated and made an overwhelming whine.

The aftermath exploded, causing the ground below to collapse instantly, and a huge pit suddenly collapsed.

The sudden explosion forced Sufeng to retreat briefly.

This sign seemed to allow him to see the dawn of victory, and the giant scythe slashed down one after another like a madman.

But an even more frightening scene happened. It was clear that he had the upper hand in the battle, but he was unable to hit the opponent at all.

Not even the fluttering hem of the feather fabric can touch it at all.

Nnoitra felt like a circus clown who was being played around with, and there was no dignity at all in the whole battle.

It should have been an evenly matched battle, but now it was full of ridiculousness.

In anger, the substantial golden spiritual pressure lingered and burned, and an unbridled and violent aura occupied the sky above the city. As if the devil was watching everything below, the accumulated clouds were swept away.

The cloud eyes dissipated, leaving only a crazy voice echoing on the dome:

"Pray, Holy Crying Mantis!"

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