Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 215 Frequent back tricks, the last laugh

A thunderous explosion suddenly sounded in the sky!

The terrifying spiritual pressure swept across everything around him, and the suffocating pressure continued to rise as if there was no limit.

With just one breath, Nnoitra's spiritual pressure was raised to another dimension.

The already dilapidated ground shattered under this wanton burst of spiritual pressure, and countless gaps turned into ravines, criss-crossing the ground.

The golden light was so bright that it shot straight into the sky, almost covering the sky of the entire city.

Hisagi Shuhei's legs weakened and he almost fell to his knees. He thrust his Zanpakutō into the ground with his backhand to support his weak body.

Unheard of powerful spiritual pressure. The level of spiritual pressure of the guy named Neutra was far beyond his knowledge.

In his impression, even Captain Rokuri Kensai, who once rescued him, had never exploded with such terrifying spiritual pressure.

"Thirty-nine of the Binding Dao: Round Gate Fan."

Two shouts in unison sounded from the front.

The next moment, a huge circular shield stood in front of the students, offsetting the powerful spiritual pressure covering them and reducing the pressure that enveloped everyone.

Hisagi Shuhei breathed hard and looked much more relaxed.

He recognized the pair of sisters who used Kidō, Hijin and Rukia.

Rumor has it that, like the geniuses Toshiro Hitsugaya and Renji Abarai, they were also geniuses discovered from Rukongai by the captain of the ninth division, Tsunayashiro Sufeng.

Thinking of this, Hisagi Shuhei suddenly realized the reason why Sufeng appeared here.

He looked up at the unaffected figure standing in the golden stream of light in the sky, his eyes suddenly filled with strong yearning.

Perhaps only those like Captain Sufeng, who always act from a righteous perspective without losing sight of details, can be the real mainstay of the Soul Society, right?


The explosion was like thunder, resounding across the sky.

What followed closely was Nnoitra's insane laughter.

The changes brought about by Gui Blade are more than several times improvement.

Judging from the spiritual pressure performance alone, the current Neutra is at least ten times stronger than the previous one!

As the golden spiritual pressure beam converged, a figure with strange proportions appeared in front of Su Feng.

The huge crescent-shaped horn penetrated his skull, highlighting his crazy temperament in a tilted posture.

Cross-shaped yellow facial patterns are scattered on the bridge of the nose, and the mask on the empty holes in the eye sockets is like the teeth of a beast, scattered and ferocious.

Each of the six slender, arthropod-like arms held a giant double-edged scythe.

The most exaggerated thing is that the violent spiritual pressure is surging wantonly, spreading an aura of despair.

"Death, did you see that?"

Nnoitra smiled ferociously, "This is my true form!"

"The strongest person is me!"

"go to hell!"

The spiritual pressure surged, and a surging golden light leaped across the sky, dyeing the entire city in color.

Sufeng frowned slightly and stared at Nnoitra's figure in the distance, feeling a touch of irritation in his heart.

Exceeded expectations.

Originally, the spiritual pressure was only at the level of Achiukas, but after the Arrancar, it actually reached the limit of second-level spiritual power.

There was definitely a change that he didn't understand about this Nnoitra.

They are also Arrancars at the Achiukas level, but the increase in strength of Sunsun and the others is far less terrifying than that of Nnoitra.

Technical improvement?

Although part of the reason for the irritability is due to this, but more of it is due to the external impact of this battle.

Nnoitra's spiritual pressure covers too wide a range, and its intensity is frighteningly high.

The human souls in this unknown city simply cannot withstand such terrifying spiritual pressure.

After the battle is over, the area as far as the eye can see will probably turn into a lifeless dead zone.

I hope the Technology Development Bureau will have corresponding measures to deal with it.

Sufeng shook his head, and after temporarily placing his hope on Nie Yuli, he looked straight at Nnoitra who was roaring in the distance again.

In just an instant, the other party broke through the limitation of spatial distance and approached him in an instant.


As the main method of movement in Arrancar battles, Hibiki's priority is higher than the Shinigami's Shunpo and the Quincy's flying scythe.

Because both the Shunpo and the flying sickle are high-speed movements, while the sound rotation is a spatial displacement.

This advanced technique cannot be mastered even by ten-blade level Arrancars.

But judging from Neutra's performance, his proficiency in ringing is a bit scary.

The double-edged sickle arrived in an instant, the air was cut instantly, and a deafening explosion sounded all around.

boom! !

The blade glowing with cold light shot out across the sky and accurately touched the blade of the double-edged sickle, bursting out a series of bright sparks.

The breath of wind lingered around, and the silver-white blade instantly turned into a bluish-white color, like a flowing breeze.

Gale Lan Yin·East·Breaking Sky Blade!

Facing Nnoitra who had returned to the sword, Sufeng had no intention of holding back and immediately unleashed his old moves.

The moves that were once enough to drain him out in a short time were now just a matter of sprinkling water.

The breakthrough in spiritual pressure, the understanding of the Zanpakutō, and the improvement of the affinity with the spirit son. Under the superposition of multiple buffs, Sufeng's combat power soared to an extremely terrifying level.

The strong wind blocked him, and the blue-white wind breath flashed in his pupils, and a more violent breath exploded from his body.

The extremely sudden change caught Neutra off guard.

Before he could react, the double-edged scythe clenched in his upper right hand was instantly blasted into nothingness, as if it was instantly shredded by countless wind blades.

The green and white blade remained powerful and continued to slash forward.

Nnoitra's pupils suddenly shrunk, and her nerves gave a crazy warning.

He never expected that his performance after returning to the sword would even be worse than before returning to the sword. The strength of this hateful god of death far exceeded previous expectations.


Lan Yin slashed into the air, and a tornado roared out from under the blade, instantly destroying a multi-story building.

"Escape?" Sufeng glanced sideways, looked to the right and rear, and sneered disdainfully, "Is this what you call the attitude of challenging the strong?"

"If you don't even have a fearless mentality, what qualifications do you have to call yourself the strongest?"

"With your bravado and angry roar?"

Hearing this, Nnoitra became furious, and the anger ignited in his chest, as if it was going to burn away all his reason.

"Disgusting God of Death, what do you know!?"

"The only thing that greets you is destined death!!"

The golden spiritual pressure burned and turned into blazing flames that surged around it, distorting the air and bringing a desperate sense of oppression.

"I am the strongest!"

Amidst the mad roar, Nnoitraro waved the double-edged sickles in his five arms like a madman.

The golden spiritual pressure slash seemed to chop the space into pieces, and the scythe slashed forward crazily at a speed dozens of times faster than before.

The slashes formed strange black lines, twisted and clustered together, as if another black cavity appeared.

On the dome, under the strong wind, a ferocious and deep crack continued to expand in the void, as if it was going to swallow up everything.

With the final blow, the double-edged sickle in Nnoitra's hand shattered into fine dust, but the deep crack also closed.

boom! !

The ground and sky began to shake hugely.

Endless dust swept up, setting off a majestic sandstorm, roaring and covering everything.

The sand that covered the sky seemed to cover the entire world. In just a few seconds, the entire battlefield was a mess, with tens of centimeters of dust added.

At this moment, the slash containing golden dazzling light suddenly fell and hit the blade in Su Feng's hand hard.

The roaring sound like breaking through clouds and cracking rocks tore apart the clouds above the dome, as if it made the stars in the sky tremble.

Facing the all-out powerful attack, Sufeng, who only used his Sky-Breaking Blade to deal with it, seemed to be slightly exhausted. The moment the last blow landed, his entire figure flew backwards.

Like a shooting star, it streaks across the sky, and like a thick stroke of sticky color smeared on the sky.

Looking at Sufeng's figure disappearing from sight, a ferocious smile appeared on Nnoitra's ferocious cheeks again.

"Victory will always belong to..."

Before he finished speaking, at the end of the sky, the abominable spiritual pressure suddenly increased countless times, and thick clouds followed.

Blue-purple thunder raged and roared in it, countless thunder snakes swam and fled, and endless power erupted between the roars.

The howling wind became more and more ferocious, and the bluish-white wind instantly solidified, evolving into a jet black color. It met with the thick clouds above the dome, and thunder and lightning poured into it like a waterfall, blending into the endless light and heat, once intensifying the violent wind. trend.

The unscathed figure of Sufeng stood under the clouds, with a calm expression as if he were looking down at the gods in the world. The mist in his hand vibrated, absorbing the hurricane and sinking it into the blade.

The next moment, the silver-white blade turned into red.

The terrifying hot breath burst out from it, completely overwhelming Nnoitra's violent spiritual pressure.

If red lines like magma wander on the blade, there will be a burning and destructive light.

The unspeakable huge threat made Nnoitra instinctively feel fear in his heart, and it was this shameful negative emotion that immediately detonated his few sanity.


The arthropod-like arm penetrated his chest. Nnoitra raised his blood-stained palm and faced it in front of him.

The bloody mouth opened wide, and the tongue with numbers on it poked out. A huge amount of golden spiritual pressure gathered on the tip of the tongue, forming an extremely huge, as if dazzling, jagged ball of light!

Use blood as the medium to release Wang Xu's flash that can destroy everything!

The narrow pupils were full of madness that ordinary people could not understand, and a strong aura of despair spread around them until they enveloped the entire city.

The wind of heat and annoyance.

The blade flowing like magma fell straight down, and the invisible wind suddenly broke out, pressing down forward.

Wang Xu's flash of light was also on the verge of exploding, turning into a terrifying light pillar with a diameter of tens of meters, passing over the sky at extremely fast speeds.

Then, under Nnoitra's horrified gaze, everything was wiped away by the invisible wind, and disappeared instantly, without any trace left.

The wind of heat and anger is invisible, but death follows it like a shadow.

Nnoitra's heart was filled with vigilance, and she started to spin at the fastest speed in her life, and immediately moved her body.

Then, he just watched helplessly as half of his tall and thin body was forcibly erased!

Severe pain devastated his fragile nerves, and heart-rending roars resounded beneath the thick clouds.

"Ahhhh, my body!!"

No blood spilled out, and Nnoitra fell from the sky, slamming into the ruins, creating a huge crater several meters in diameter.

It spread diagonally downward from the left shoulder to the knee of the right leg. Together with the three arms, they were all missing. On the burnt black flesh, blue-purple arcs were constantly beating, inhibiting the ability to regenerate at high speed.

Sufeng came to Nnoitra and looked at the figure who was not dead yet with a little surprise.

It's just the fourth of the Ten Blades, and it can actually resist a hot wind.

What kind of strength should the Ten Blades, ranked among the top three by Aizen, show?

Because of his interference with Hueco Mundo, the number on Nnoitra's tongue was "4". This had already been noticed when Nnoitra had a false flash.

And Neutra did live up to this number, showing correspondingly strong strength.

But on the surface, this strength seems to be a bit excessive, right?

"Damn guy, how long are you going to wait?!"

Nnoitra looked directly at Sufeng unwillingly and let out a crazy roar.

"Don't worry, I will grant you death..."

However, before Sufeng could finish his words, a burst of powerful spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from behind him.


As if being watched by a demon, his back sank slightly.

"Calm down, Curse-Eye Sangha!"

A voice without any emotion came from not far behind him, and an extremely weird figure was suspended in mid-air.

There are deep lines on the black face, and the lower half of the body is like a pink pumpkin-shaped ball. Together with the upper body, dozens of eyes with yellow pupils are staring directly at Sufeng.

Deep purple light bloomed in his pupils, locking firmly on the figure in front of him.

As for the back figure being stared at, the number "nine" on the captain Haori's face was covered by a black sun pattern, and it was still creeping towards other places.

"As expected, the captain of Division 9 named Tsunayo Sufeng is an extremely troublesome person."

There was no emotion in his calm tone, "Even in battle, he still showed his ubiquitous arrogance."

"A god of death like you shouldn't exist in this world."

Although Sufeng had his back turned to the other party, he still determined the identity of the speaker.

One of the Ten Blades, Zomali Luru, possesses a powerful ability called "Love".

Once caught by its gaze, the part being watched will be at its mercy.

As expected, all fifty eyes on this guy's body were focused on his body.

"Hurry up, Nnoitra."

There was a hint of difficulty and dissatisfaction in Zomali's calm tone, "This guy is struggling to escape my 'love'!"

"Don't rush me, ugly thing!" Nnoitra's body was burning with golden spiritual pressure, dispelling the constantly pulsing arc and restoring her ability to regenerate at a high speed.

Flesh sprouts kept growing and intertwining on the scorched black surface, and within a moment, a brand new body appeared in front of Su Feng again.

"Go to hell and repent!" Nnoitra raised her arthropod-like arms with a ferocious smile, "Repent for your carelessness!"

The moment he finished speaking, his arm fell like a sickle!


Blood spurted out like spring water, staining Nnoitra's stunned face.

The pain of having his arm cut off could not bring any trace of pain to his expression.

Zomali's fifty pupils shrank suddenly, and with the corner of his sight, he fell in front of him. The Zanpakutō, glowing with blue-purple lightning, had already penetrated Nnoitra's chest!


Sufeng's spiritual pressure surged, wind and thunder intertwined, turning into Xunlei feathers, instantly crushing the black sun pattern on his back.

"When did you get the illusion that I was being controlled?"

The moment the words fell, violent thunder erupted on the blade, instantly sweeping through Nnoitra's defenseless body.

Starting from the heart, everything turns into ashes!

Ten Blades NO.4, Nnoitra Gilga, die!

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest and Mr. 327023 for the reward.

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