Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 216 Goldfinger returns, belated reinforcements

Two levels of reversal and then reversal.

The students stared dumbfounded at what was happening on the battlefield, feeling that the nerves in their brains were pounding and there was a possibility of breaking at any time.

Originally thinking that he was on the verge of despair, Captain Sufeng descended on the battlefield in the form of a god, and flew Nnoitra with one hand to release the false flash.

Then the opponent took out his trump card and unleashed a terrifying spiritual pressure that was beyond recognition. The whole city was shivering under this pressure, and the world seemed to be completely darkened, and despair struck again.

Captain Sufeng flipped the table with his backhand and covered the sky above the city with spiritual pressure that overwhelmed the opponent. With a powerful blow, most of Nnoitra's body was wiped out.

I thought I was sure of victory, but this terrifying battle was over.

But who would have thought that the other party actually hid another strong man in the dark. The other party controlled Captain Sufeng with a sneak attack. Neutra recovered from his injuries and was about to kill Captain Sufeng completely.

However, at the last moment, the wind and thunder exploded, instantly crushing the black sun pattern. The Zanpakutō was thrust forward, and the majestic and endless power exploded, instantly obliterating Nnoitra in a destructive manner.

The overly tense and exciting changes in the battle situation made many students with weak psychological endurance feel unable to lift a breath. Their faces turned red and there were vague signs of losing consciousness.

"A bunch of trash!"

Renji Abarai, who climbed out of the ruins at some point, stood in the crowd with a embarrassed posture, and snorted disdainfully:

"It's nothing like me. I have the firmest confidence in Master Sufeng from the beginning to the end."

The equally embarrassed Hitsugaya Toshiro revealed it mercilessly:

"You'd better wipe the cold sweat off your forehead first before talking."

Hearing this, Abarai Renji was furious. His face was as dark as his hair, and he opened his mouth and said something like "this is sweat caused by battle, cold sweat does not count as sweat".

If it weren't for the wrong atmosphere, the performance of the two might have caused a lot of laughter.

But when they realized the strong spiritual pressure still hanging over the city, worry and fear inevitably appeared on everyone's expressions.

At this time, the same question was spinning in their minds.

Does the enemy really have no hidden back-up plan?

Sufeng powerfully suppressed Nnoitra, and before the other party could even say a few cruel words, it turned into fly ash and disappeared into the air.

This scene caused large beads of sweat to leak out from Zomari's ugly and ferocious forehead.

He had seen all the previous battle performances without missing a beat.

As the Ten Blades behind Nnoitra, Zomali never believed that he could defeat that madman in terms of combat effectiveness.

Now, Nnoitra was crushed into dust.

Could he really escape from the monster in front of him?

"It's so ugly." Sufeng wrapped himself in a Xunlei feather robe to resist the curse-eyed monk's ability. "My ability is just average."

"Can you only control the enemy's body, but not the opponent's power?"

During this period, Zomali had activated his abilities many times, and all fifty eyes on his body were glowing with intense purple light.

Countless black sun patterns appeared out of thin air, trying to attach to Su Feng's body with lightning speed.

However, before it could fall, the wind and thunder erupted by Xun Lei Yuyi were directly twisted into spirit fragments.

Compared to Kuchiki Byakuya's billions of blades, the Sunda Thunder Windbreaker's counterattack effect is better.

It can be said that Zomali's ability is completely defeated by this move.

"It's such a rudimentary ability."

Sufeng raised the blade in his hand again, "Although I don't know how you concealed my sense of spiritual pressure, I guess there are no more back-ups, right?"

Sweat continued to fall from that ugly head, and Zomari was on the verge of collapse after being told what he was thinking.

The ability that he was proud of had no effect on the person in front of him, and he was crushed by the opponent in all aspects of combat.

No matter where you look, it seems that you have no means to make a comeback!

Reluctant, crazy, and desperate emotions flowed in Zomari's heart, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed the spiritual pressure of the students in the distance.

"Since you can't control everything, use love to influence others!"

Zomali roared like crazy, "You are a humble creature who cannot understand what love is. You will watch those weak companions die tragically in front of you, and then you will fall into regret for the rest of your life!"

As he finished speaking, he could see one finger pointing to the sky and the other pointing to the ground. The whole person seemed to be filled with a sense of Zen, but the purple light that bloomed immediately destroyed the atmosphere.

A few miles away, Zomali's ability still took effect.

Dozens of black sun patterns landed accurately on the heads of the students, instantly dominating everything about them.

Even people in coma are no exception.

Under Zomari's control, they raised the blades in their hands one by one and slashed directly towards their necks.

"It's really just as inferior."

Sufeng stretched out his right hand, put his index and middle fingers together, placed them horizontally in front of him, and let his spiritual pressure linger on his fingertips.

"Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding: Binding with Chains!"

Golden light burst out, smelting dozens of thick chains, like countless giant pythons with their bloody mouths open, spiraling and erupting in the air, covering a distance of several miles in an instant.

Before the blades could fall, golden chains wrapped around everyone's bodies, and they were tied up in an instant.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Sufeng calmly stared at Zomari in front of him and said indifferently, "From the beginning to the end, you have not had any ability to make a comeback."

"Even if it's the most despicable way to hold others hostage."

"Worthless ability, being called the name of love only insults the word."

Zomali's expression was ferocious, his face was distorted, and black lines gathered together, like an evil ghost climbing out of hell. His angry roar echoed on the ruined battlefield:

"As an inferior being who doesn't understand what love is at all, you simply can't understand how great my ability is!"

"This time, I will use all my [love] to dominate everything about you!"

Powerful purple light burst out from the pupils all over his body, instantly rendering the entire world a dazzling purple.

The sound exploded, and several clone-like bodies surrounded Su Feng's side. The purple light was brilliant, almost completely engulfing him.

As one of the Arrancars with the highest degree of control over the reverberation, Zomari developed the advanced ability of the twin reverberations based on the basic reverberation.

You can add a few more steps after the ordinary ring to evolve into something like a clone.

However, Sufeng turned a deaf ear to everything he showed, and even the blue-purple Lan Yin was put into the scabbard.

"The waves of filth, the ship of madness."

"Boiling, numb, flickering, sleepless."

The calm eyes seemed to be looking at some kind of dead object, and the chanting of ghost mantras revealed a touch of elegance, like the recitation of poetry, echoing in the increasingly blazing purple light.

"The princess of steel also erodes, and the clay doll also collapses."

"Rally, confront the enemy, and flood the ground to make them aware of their powerlessness!"

Sufeng's gaze rested on Zomari in front of him on the left. After breaking away from the previous concealment, he could not hide from his perception just by using the ability of turning his eyes.

"Broken Dao No. 90: Black Coffin."

The moment the words fell, countless black shadows emerged under Zomari's peach-colored pumpkin-like body. The deep and rich darkness was reflected in the purple, as if the abyss was opening below. Countless squares were stacked on top of each other, covered with purple light and shadow. .

"No way, no one can refuse my love!"

Blood oozed from the purple-glowing pupils and continued to flow down the ugly body.

Even though Zomali tried his best to release his abilities, he still couldn't imprint the black sun pattern on Su Feng's body.

The violent wind and thunder crushed all the intruders in their movement.

The black shadow covered it and swallowed up Zomari's weird body in just an instant. A huge black cube stood on the battlefield, exuding a strong aura of despair.


As the black coffin was completely sealed, countless shadow blades burst out and pierced inside, instantly cutting off Zomari's spiritual pressure and erasing the so-called love.

After the black coffin completed its mission, the huge black shadow dispersed. The body was covered with hideous wounds, and the bloody Zomari appeared in front of Su Feng.

His strong will gave him the strength to leave his last words even when he was about to die.

Zomali's eyes widened with anger, he raised his hands to the sky, and his deafening shouts echoed on the battlefield:

"Long live...Long live!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

"Long live ahhhhhhh!!"

Even on the verge of death, Zomali still did not say the name of the person he was loyal to.

At the moment when his body was on the verge of collapse, Sufeng used the Sky-Binding Dao Barrier to seal off the escaped spirits on his body, maintaining the current state with ingenious techniques.

People cannot die anymore, but their bodies must be left behind.

This is a way of using the sky jointly developed by Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke, and can be used to protect the enemy's corpse.

Experimental materials are rare and must be used rationally at all times.

However, what surprised Sufeng was that at the moment the battle ended, the long-lost system prompt sounded again.

[Self-discipline daily tasks completed! 】

[The spiritual pressure has been improved, and it is currently a first-class spiritual power! 】

[The understanding of the ghost path has been improved, and the ninety-six of the broken paths have been mastered: cremation with one sword! 】

[Shunpo Comprehension has been improved, currently reaching tenth level! 】

[The strength of the soul has been improved, and the density of the soul has increased! 】

[The affinity of the spirit child has been improved! 】

A series of rewards suddenly fell, making Su Feng's eyes glow with happiness.

Over the past few decades, he not only relied on his own practice to become stronger, but also dealt with the files accumulated by the Ninth Division.

But perhaps it is the improvement of strength. Arresting those criminals who have committed crimes often only improves their strength by a negligible amount.

Even sometimes it is not as much as daily self-discipline practice.

If things go on like this, Sufeng will lose its motivation and will no longer place its hope of becoming stronger in a short period of time.

However, this time after killing Nnoitra and Zomali, the sudden reward almost knocked him unconscious. The long-lost increase in strength made Sufeng's mouth curl up.

As for why Nnoitra and Zomali were judged as mission targets, Sufeng guessed that it was probably related to their previous actions.

Of course, it may also be related to different positions.

The death of a large number of living humans has undoubtedly destroyed the harmony of Soul Society. It is understandable that Nnoitra and Zomali dedicated themselves.

Regarding this, further verification is needed in the future.

Light spiritual pressure surrounded Sufeng's body, and his soul was filled with surging power, as if it was constantly enriching and gaining weight.

The surrounding spirit beings became more and more active. Vaguely, when Su Feng opened his eyes, he could clearly see the movement of the spirit beings, and colorful colors continued to appear before his eyes.

It turns out that Lingzi also looks so colorful.

When Sufeng became familiar with his own changes.

However, a weak spiritual pressure fluctuation suddenly appeared in the sky above the city. A simple and elegant boundary crossing door opened in it, and several figures walked out quickly.

The leader had short brown hair and an unconcealed anxiety on his honest face. The calmness of the past was long gone in his eyes behind black-rimmed glasses.

Follow the wind and look up at the sky, and look at each other in the air at the right time:

"Captain Aizen..."

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly ticket support.

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