Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 221 The real king? False life!

Once upon a time, when he was still in Killian, Grimmjow was independent, had a personal consciousness, and became an alternative existence among them.

From then on, he devoured his own kind, devouring the Great Void, and everything he did was to satisfy his evolutionary instinct.

Then, after encountering Xiao Long, Ku Fang and other Hollows, Grimmjow learned for the first time the relationship between the Hollows, and at the same time he also realized his own specialness.

Xiao Long once predicted that he would become Vastod and the real king!

Grimmjow was convinced of this.

Countless years have passed, and the number of Daxu he has devoured has continued to increase, and his strength has continued to grow. Vastod is no longer an unreachable existence.

At this moment, Xuye Palace re-emerged, and countless strange creatures walked out of it, beginning the process of conquering Hueco Mundo.

At the same time, the Kingdom of the Void was quietly established in Hueco Mundo, and similar creatures also embarked on the other half of their journey of conquest.

The strange thing is that the two forces are confronting each other but staggered from each other, as if there is some kind of tacit understanding.

But there is no doubt that the other Daxu in Hueco Mundo suffered as a result.

Either be included, or be used as food, just as the God of Death said before him, there is only one choice: surrender and death.

Grimmjow's sky-blue pupils were filled with arrogance and stubbornness.

Until this moment, he was still unafraid of death, even if the aura of despair had completely enveloped him, even if all the bones in his body were creaking, and he was letting out an overwhelming wail.

"Oh?" Su Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a hint of surprise, "It seems like you have chosen the answer that you think is correct."

Grimmjow remained silent.

He wanted to say a few harsh words, but the spiritual pressure that enveloped him was too terrifying, and he could hardly breathe, let alone speak.

"In that case, go to hell."

As soon as the words fell, Grimmjow's pupils shrank suddenly, and unspeakable despair completely covered him, as if darkness was quickly eating away at his heart.

Until the last moment, he still didn't notice the slightest change in the expression on the face of Death in front of him.

To this god of death, killing a Yachukas with the potential of a king is like crushing an insignificant ant.

At the moment when his life breath began to disappear, Mole City Shuangye's figure appeared next to Sufeng, with a slight frown symbolizing his unsatisfied mood.

"Just kill each other like this?"

"if not?"

"I always feel it's a pity. This Yachukas has great potential and has all the conditions to become a Vastod."

Hearing this, Su Feng laughed dumbly: "Mole City, you have changed."

Mole Chengshuang was also stunned, looking sideways at Su Feng beside him, not knowing the meaning of his words.

"Decades ago, when you emerged from the Eternal Hell, you boasted that you shouldered the heavy responsibility of completing the mission of the God of Death."

"He did not hesitate to sacrifice all the souls in Rukongai, and even the future hope of real mankind, just to annihilate all the hollows in the world."

"But after living in Hueco Mundo for decades, you began to care about Hue's life."

Sufeng's words silenced Mole Chengshuang, and when he opened his mouth to defend himself:

"I just……"

Halfway through the words, he swallowed them back.

There is no point in defending. Not only others can see whether there is a change, but you should also be aware of it.

"Grimmjow isn't dead yet."

Sufeng stretched out his right hand, and the light of spiritual pressure shone in the palm of his hand, "To be precise, he is not dead yet."

"One of the essences of Yuanliu, Wei Mian."

Mole Chengshuang also had glaring eyes, his gaze resting on Su Feng's palm. A strong light emerged from it, making him feel slightly dizzy.

"Based on the original foundation, I made a new development of this move."

Sufeng explained calmly, "Increase the spiritual pressure output and concentrate it on the nerves."

"Any being whose spiritual pressure gap is too large will be instantly wiped out of consciousness by this move, creating the illusion of death."

"If there is no external intervention, this state will continue until the individual dies completely. This is also the reason why Grimmjow is not completely dead."

With that said, Sufeng's spiritual pressure exploded again, all acting on Grimmjow's broken body.


Several more scalp-numbing cracking sounds were heard, and Grimmjow woke up again from the severe pain. He coughed out a large amount of blood, turning the new sand red again.

"I, I'm not dead?!"

A surprised and weak voice came out of the bloody mouth. Grimmjow was surprised that he was dead, and there was one more thing he couldn't understand.

"No, dead."

Sufeng said with an indifferent expression, "It's just that he was resurrected again."

Grimmjow has an impatient and cruel personality, and has no respect for superiors. Even when facing Aizen, who originally gave him the power of the Arrancar, he often defies his will.

If the gap in individual strength wasn't too large, Sufeng suspected that this guy might counterattack on the spot.

If you don't teach this kind of guy a lesson, even if you surrender on the surface, you will still make some trouble secretly.

Hearing this, Grimmjow's heart skipped a beat, and his ferocious leopard face twisted a bit.

The previous "death" could be said to have left a big shadow in his heart. If it happened a few more times, even if he had an extremely tough mind, he would not be able to bear it.

"I have always been very tolerant towards geniuses."

A smile appeared on Sufeng's face again, but in Grimmjow's opinion, it was nothing more than a devil's grin.

"As a Yachukas like you who has the qualifications to become a Vastod, I will symbolically grant you a chance to repent."

"Is this the last time, surrender, or death?"

Grimmjow's body began to tremble, the spiritual pressure surrounding him began to increase again, the air gradually became thicker, and gravity seemed to be rising continuously.

The white sand sank again, and the pit seemed like an endless abyss, wildly devouring everything around it.

The familiar feeling came again, this time the despair turned into an invisible big hand, closing in all directions and tightening on his heart.

As his breathing gradually became stagnant, Grimmjow once again realized that death was coming.

In his hazy consciousness, it seemed that the door to hell was wide open, and countless hands covered his body. His bones were broken, his flesh and blood were torn, and he was dragged into it bit by bit.

Breathing became increasingly difficult.

Only then did Grimmjow realize that he didn't seem to be as determined as he thought.

Finally, once again on the verge of death, he made another choice.


Sufeng boasts that he does not have the charisma of Aizen, nor does he have as many tricks.

But he must not treat Achiukas, who has a character like Grimmjow, as loosely as Harribel and Nelu.

Appropriately creating irresistible pressure is enough to make it obedient.

Strictly speaking, leopards also belong to the cat family.

Only when the enemy is too strong to resist will it lower its so-called vigilance.

After Grimmjow surrendered, the remaining five Achiukas would be much easier to deal with.

With just a few empty punches and an old punch, Mole Chengshuang could easily handle it without Su Feng even having to do anything.

Under the chaotic bombardment of ghosts, in just a few seconds, Xiao Long and others were refreshed in their world view again.

It turns out that the God of Death is such a terrifying species!

Pulling out any one of them is enough to beat them up in hundreds or even thousands of postures.

Five Daxu carried the unconscious Grimmjow, and under the command of Mole City Shuangye, they walked towards the direction of the newly built research institute.


Xuye Palace.

It is surrounded by corridors and countless palaces stand there.

The blue sky is hanging high, bringing a different kind of brilliance to the world that has been dim for a long time. A small artificial sun is embedded in the sky, releasing light and heat to the world.

Xuye Palace has undergone a huge change.

Based on a semi-finished wishing machine and his own scientific research capabilities, Aizen Sosuke completed the creation of a new world with the assistance of Sal Apollo, and took a crucial step on his path to becoming a god.

That's weird.

Aizen has never taken this level of creation to heart. He has only one purpose from beginning to end.

That is the throne in the sky.

For the new world of Xuye Palace, whether it is an ordinary Arrancar or a Ten-blade level Arrancar, they are very satisfied.

Among the countless styles of palaces, you can always find one that suits you.

Even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter. Sal Apollo, who is responsible for the aftermath, can help you design a brand new palace.

The premise is that you have a hard enough fist to make him patient enough.

In the white-white research palace, Dongxian Yao has purple hair on his head, six eyes open at the same time, and characters seem to appear in the completely black pupils.

This appearance looked more and more like an old friend Su Feng knew.

At this time, Dongxian Yao was staring seriously at the conditions in the two huge petri dishes in front of him. The viscous green liquid was constantly bubbling and making gurgling sounds.

A slender and tall body loomed in the green liquid, with a crescent-shaped slanted horn piercing the skull, and golden facial lines crisscrossing the cheeks.

Even in a deep sleep state, the crazy temperament still overflows from the surface, and even has a tendency to overflow the petri dish.

On the other side, there is a weird-looking body, with a human upper body and a peach pumpkin-shaped lower body. Hundreds of pupils are tightly closed on its body, as if something is brewing.

"It's really hard work, Senior Dongxian."

A soft Kyoto accent sounded in the palace, and a figure with short light purple hair and a white captain's haori-lined death uniform walked out of the side door.

"You've been staring at this guy for two days and one night."

Ichimaru Gin came closer to the petri dish, azure color appeared in his slightly narrowed pupils, and an inexplicable meaning flowed in them.

"It's really scary. The dead only need a little bit of soul and body to be resurrected."

"Is there anything in this world that Captain Aizen can't do?"

Tōsen Kaname replied in a deep voice: "Always remain loyal to Aizen-sama, and you will see a different scenery."

"Perhaps the future you hope for is also among them."

Hearing this, Ichimaru Gin raised the corners of his mouth, and a fox-like smirk appeared on his face:


While the two were talking, the two figures in the petri dish quietly opened their eyes.

The next moment, the viscous green liquid surged, and the condensed spiritual pressure surged endlessly in it. In just an instant, the solid petri dish collapsed.

Neutra Gilga; Zomali Lulu.

Scarlet light glowed in their pupils, and in an instant, rioting spiritual pressure covered the entire palace.

Dongxian Yao's six eyes stared at the two figures exuding a violent aura, and his gaze became deeper and deeper.

At the same time, the smile on Ichimaru Gin's face became more and more fake, as if he was mocking something.

Resurrection of the dead?

Haha, it’s really ugly...

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