Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 222: You thick eyebrows and big eyes actually rebelled?

Hueco Mundo Gobi.

A brand-new research institute rises from the ground surrounded by rock formations and stands in the vast white sand, adding a touch of exotic style to this unchanging scenery.

In Soul Society, the style of the Technology Development Bureau was incompatible with other buildings, and the same is true in Hueco Mundo.

Out of the evil taste of Nirvana and Sufeng, the newly built research institute is more like a large beetle, with its butt downwards and its huge beetle horns reaching into the clouds.

Silver-white walls surround the surroundings, with a huge beetle standing in the middle like stars over the moon.

The scale of the research institute is not that big, at least it is a little worse than the palace of Xuye Palace.

However, because its overall structure is based on alien space technology, the internal space is extremely vast. Not counting the warehouses for storing experimental materials, it is the size of a modern city.

Just taking out a single Karakura town is not as good as the inside of the research institute.

"Guhahaha, this is the research institute that this captain should have!"

Nirvana opened his arms and laughed like a maniac, highlighting his inhumane temperament.

"Inexhaustible living materials, inexhaustible experimental plans."

“I really want to live here for the rest of my life!”

Yamada Seinosuke stood aside and reminded expressionlessly:

"Don't forget the business of today."

"The virtual control of Mole City Shuangya is imminent, and the Arrancar experiment on Vastod also needs to be put on the agenda."

"The expansion speed of the Kingdom of Xu is already slightly slower than that of Xu Ye Palace."

"After all, you don't want your achievements in the field of science to be surpassed by Urahara Kisuke, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Nirvana, who was still laughing, suddenly stiffened and looked like a dead former captain, which looked quite unlucky.

"Damn it, stop mentioning that disgusting name in front of me!"

Although he said that, these words were surprisingly effective for Nirvana.

He was still complacent at first, but he calmed down his previous madness and strode straight towards the nearest laboratory.

Yamada Seinosuke looked at his retreating back and sneered disdainfully.

The method provided by Master Sufeng was still easy to use, and it immediately grasped Nirvana's lifeline.

Thinking of this, he followed closely and entered the laboratory together.

Alone and alone, an experiment involving the level of life begins.


In the pure white room, countless files were piled on the long table, as high as a hill, reaching up to the metal ceiling.

Broken Bee stared at the spectacle in front of him in stunned silence. His mouth opened slightly and he couldn't restrain himself for a moment.

Ever since she accepted the news of Mole Cheng Shuangye's surrender, she believed that her mental endurance had been tempered many times, and nothing would shake her in the slightest.

But when Sufeng listed the information about Hueco Mundo in detail in front of her, she said she still couldn't accept it.

It turns out that you, a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes, have already rebelled against Soul Society, even established your own company in Hueco Mundo, and even created some kind of virtual kingdom! ?

"Don't say it so harshly."

Sufeng rubbed his eyebrows and explained reluctantly, "These are all spontaneous actions of Mole City Shuangye and have nothing to do with my subjective consciousness."

"In his words, since it is impossible to annihilate Qunxu, he should control Qunxu in his own hands, thereby avoiding real human casualties and controlling the number of Qunxu within a reasonable range."

In the past few decades, Mole Chengshuang, in addition to fighting against the virtual self, also integrated the Great Xu Forest.

Although this process is very difficult because of his identity as the God of Death.

But after all, there are considerable results.

Then, with the help of Harribel and Nelu, the Kingdom of Void was officially established and began its rapid expansion of conquest.

Later, the Arrancar experiment became more and more perfect, and the three Sunsun and others took the initiative and made preliminary attempts. The large-scale Arrancar transformation in the Kingdom of the Void was also put on the agenda.

Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke went to Hueco Mundo in batches to conduct arrancars on the great hollows in the kingdom of hollows, increasing the living power among them.

It is worth mentioning that because the three Sunsuns have swallowed a large amount of specially prepared spiritual food, their spiritual pressure is considered to be the best among the Achiukas Arrancar.

With this in mind, Sufeng started feeding Harribel and Nelu a few months ago.

Erxu's spiritual pressure also steadily increased.

Originally, Vastod in front of the Arrancar was no match for Achukas behind the Arrancar, but based on this, the three Sunsuns were still at a disadvantage when facing Harribel and Nelu.

Only if the three of them cut off their arms on the spot and fused to summon the hybrid beast god would they be able to overwhelm them.

Therefore, Sufeng is also looking forward to the strength of Harribel and Nero after Arrancar.

You don’t need to be top-notch with Aizen, but at least you have to be on par with the second-rate guy, right?

At the same time, because of the existence of the hybrid beast god, Sufeng gave the three people rings engraved with the word "Xuan".

Listed as one of the mainstays of the Kingdom of Void.

But this also intensified the conflicts between the three women. They often fought over who would wear the ring. When they couldn't argue, they could only decide on the ownership of the ring through a reasonable allocation of one person and one day.

However, neither Achiukas nor Wastod are very good at intelligence and management.

Ever since, the emergence of the Broken Bee has become a reasonable situation.

Of course, the reason why she was able to come to Hueco Mundo and learn the relevant information was because of Sufeng's trust in her.

You must know that Shunko is a high-end combat skill that combines Kidō and White Fighting. Physical contact cannot be avoided during development.

Su Feng couldn't say that he understood that petite but powerful body 100%, but he also understood its structure.

Sui Feng was still unaware of the situation she was in. She trusted Su Feng more than Si Feng Yuan Ye Yi a long time ago.

After all, the time the two parties spend together is no shorter than the time they spend following Si Fengyuan Yoruichi.

After listening to this seemingly reasonable explanation, Broken Bee remained silent.

Out of her trust in Su Feng, she had no intention of reporting this information to the first team.

However, what happens even if it is reported?

Drag him to Mao's 46th room and let those guys who are just eating corpses judge the head of the Tsunayashiro family?

What's more, if this behavior is placed in the laws and regulations of Soul Society, there is no one that contradicts it.

What's the crime?

The crime of treason?

Don't talk nonsense, the power of Mao's forty-sixth chamber was given by the five nobles.

As the head of the Tsunayashiro family, is it possible that he wants to rebel against himself?

Thinking about this, Broken Bee became more and more determined in what he thought in his heart. All of this was just a necessary sacrifice for the duty of the God of Death.

The cooperation between Death and Hollow is a good start.

Until this moment, Broken Bee still didn't realize that in their subtle interactions with each other, she, a woman who took it as her duty and honor to obey the laws, had already been infected with Sufeng's black color.

"There is too much information, and it cannot be sorted out all at once."

Broken Bee sighed, a look of confusion appeared on her pretty face, "I need an assistant, an assistant who knows more about intelligence management."

"Are you recruiting people from the second division?"

"No, they can't be trusted. Choose from the Arrancars."

Broken Bee shook his head, unwilling to believe his own team members.

As the captain of the Second Division, she knew very well what kind of character the Second Division was. Long before she took over the position of captain, the Sifengyuan family had already infiltrated the Second Division into a sieve.

No, it should be said that the direct superiors of the second division are the Shifengyuan family, or that the second division is the private soldiers of the Shifengyuan family.

Of course, there are also members of the Bee family among them.

However, the Feng family is a lower-level noble of the Sifengyuan family. Sometimes, as the head of the family, she may not be as effective as the Sifengyuan family.

"That's fine." Sufeng also thought of the key point, "Then let Sunsun and the others do it."

Broken Bee hesitated to speak, but had no intention of refusing.

She was also curious about the existence of the Arrancar that Sufeng was talking about.

The corpse of the Arrancar brought back from the real world was covered in blood, with almost no good piece of intact flesh to be found, and even if the splicing was completed, the corpse looked more hollow than human.

After all, no living human being can grow a spherical pumpkin-shaped lower body.

"Lord Sufeng!"

Seeing Sufeng again, whether it was Sunsun, Apache, or Mira, they all seemed extremely excited, and the air exuded a strong smell of hormones.

The sharp gaze swept over the three bodies, and Zhanfeng's expression gradually became unkind.

Why is the object on the chest of some Daxu so exaggerated when they are behind an Arrancar? ?

Apache and Mira looked at Broken Bee in confusion, not understanding where this sudden hostility came from.

Are you hostile to the Great Hollow Arrancar from the standpoint of a Shinigami?

Sun Sun, on the other hand, glanced in front of Sui Feng with sympathetic eyes, and his expression suddenly gained a bit of recognition.

Sure enough, Master Sufeng still has me in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have found a god of death with a similar situation to come to Hueco Mundo.

The four people had different emotions, but because of the bond of Sufeng, there was no such situation as a big fight.

"In terms of intelligence work, Broken Bee will personally teach you."

Sufeng didn't understand the complicated relationship between everyone, so he ordered:

“During this period, everything was dominated by crushing bees.”

“Getting everything on track as early as possible.”

After that, he threw down the mess and left the room, leaving the four of them staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.


Arrancar Laboratory.

On the spacious floor with a metallic luster, a white leopard with a slender body was lying on its side. Five Arrancars with different looks stood next to it, restraining the leopard with its hands and feet.

"You five should be careful when walking at night!"

Grimmjow roared unwillingly, "I will never let you go."

Xiao Long and others had bitter expressions, but they did not dare to let go easily.

In this area, they can still distinguish the big and small kings.

"Shut up, idiot." Nirvana bared her teeth fiercely, "This captain is helping you reborn, which is a good thing!"

However, Grimmjow still had a ferocious look in his eyes, showing no sign of surrender.


A familiar spiritual pressure came over and enveloped the entire laboratory.

Realizing the identity of the spiritual pressure master, Grimmjow subconsciously closed his huge mouth, and even his expression was no longer so ferocious.

Just like a cat that realizes the arrival of its owner, the whole cat becomes docile in an instant.

Suifeng stepped over and glanced at Grimmjow who felt guilty, but did not target this guy.

Although he has an unruly temperament, he is very obedient in front of him, which is enough.

After all, you can't expect a beast to completely lose its wildness on the day it surrenders, right?

"Is there something wrong with Grimmjow's Arrancar?"

Sufeng walked to Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke and asked.

"A trivial little problem."

Yamada Seinosuke said respectfully, "Grimmjow has the potential to become Vastod, and he is already on the edge of evolution."

"It's just that there are two options now. One is to perform Arrancar now, and then use subsequent supplements to break through to the level of Vastod."

"Second, evolve to Vastod first, and then proceed to Arrancar."

Nirvana smiled sadly and added: "The former is a long process, but very safe; the latter is quick but involves great risks and pain."

"We want to leave it to you, Captain Sufeng, to decide on this."

Hearing this, Sufeng pondered for a moment, then his eyes fell on Grimmjow and asked:

"Grimmjow, what do you think?"

The huge white leopard lying on its side opened and closed its mouth several times, and a complex light shone in its blue pupils.

Another multiple choice question.

The last choice made him so painful that he couldn't help himself.

What result will we face this time?

After pondering for a moment, Grimmjow slowly opened his eyes, a look of determination flashed across them, and a low, hoarse voice echoed in the laboratory:

"I choose..."

"Second type!"

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