Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 223 Evolution, Arrancar? Kill instantly with one hit!

Grimmjow's choice did not go beyond everyone's expectations.

Whether it is Xiao Long and others, or Sufeng, Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke.

Although the guy lying on his side on the ground was very quiet and docile at this time, the endless madness in his bones could not be hidden at all.

Even if he surrenders to Sufeng now, as long as this guy has enough power, he will counterattack on the spot, and he won't even act.

Sufeng is very clear on this point.

But at the same time, he knew better that Grimmjow's potential was indeed good, but there was no possibility of surpassing him.

After sufficient preparations were made, the experiment to promote Vastod officially began.

A large amount of liquid containing blank virtual souls was injected into Grimmjow's body by Nirvana using a special technique. As the liquid came into contact with his soul, sudden changes occurred!

The majestic spiritual pressure exploded instantly, and in a substantial manner, the five figures attached to him were instantly blown away, and they hit the metal wall of the laboratory heavily, making a dull sound.

The severe pain caused Grimmjow's eyes to bulge, a large amount of blood seeped out from the external bone armor, and a crunching sound came from inside the body.

The bones seemed to be being shattered.

However, all this performance is just the beginning.

What was originally an extremely long evolutionary journey was abruptly reduced to a few hours.

The reduction of time also brings about the pain that explodes beyond the limit of endurance.

After only holding on for less than a minute, a strong sense of regret occupied Grimmjow's mind.

He burst out with powerful spiritual pressure, breaking the restraints on his legs and feet one after another, and a wild beast-like madness spread in the laboratory.

"Captain Sufeng, I'm sorry to bother you."

Nirvana stared at the data on the screen, not even intending to look back.

His trust in Sufeng is no less than that of Sufeng.

Even because of the similar odor, Nie Yuli completely dared to hand over his life to Su Feng.

"Sixty-one of the Binding Dao: Six-Stand Light Prison."

"The Sixty-Two Hundred Steps of the Binding Dao."

"Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding: Binding with Chains."

Sufeng raised his right hand, stretched out his index and middle fingers and stood in front of him, chanted the ghost mantra one after another, and in an instant, golden and bright spiritual pressure poured out from his fingertips.

In just an instant, the huge Leopard King's body was tied up tightly, leaving only his head exposed.

The struggle continued, becoming more intense as the pain increased.

But when the triple binding was applied, all Grimmjow's struggles became in vain.

Even if he tried his best and exploded his small universe for the second time, he still couldn't break free from the confinement in this situation.

The gap is too great.

"It turns out that this is the secret of Daxu's evolution."

Nie Yuli didn't care at all about the changes behind him, staring obsessively at the large amount of data presented on the screen, his eyes rolling around at high speed in irregular trajectories.

Because Sufeng had given him too many research and development tasks in recent years, and each one was more difficult than the last, so Nie Yuli modified his eyeballs in order not to miss those precious data.

In this case, he can collect any data he sees without missing a beat.

Standing next to him, Yamada Seinosuke selectively recorded valuable data.

His and Nirvana's research directions are different, and the way they treat data is also different. The only thing they have in common is their enthusiasm for science.

Grimmjow's spiritual pressure continued to rise, as if there was no limit.

Substantial light filled the laboratory, surging toward the outside of the laboratory like a raging wave.

Xiao Long and others lay on the ground, shivering, and began to plan for their future.

If they remembered correctly, Grimmjow had just threatened them once.

In order to survive, it is still necessary to give in decisively.

Although they were the first to make an Arrancar, they couldn't muster the slightest resistance under this spiritual pressure.

They are both Yachucas, but the gap between them is so big that it is impossible to look straight at them.

The process lasted nearly five hours.

The deafening roar of pain gradually turned into a hoarse whine, until bright red blood continued to spray from the mouth and nose.

The body in the form of the Leopard King shrunk by nearly a third, and a large amount of blood overflowed from the bone armor, staining the Dao Binding Chains and the metal floor.

The face is thin, the body is stooped, the teeth and claws are dull, and the whole thing is like a dying creature.

Grimmjow's eyes were broken and he looked up at the ceiling helplessly.

His only thought now is to go back to five hours ago and then slap himself hard.

Along with the surge of light, a wave of spiritual pressure burst out, surrounding Grimmjow like a hurricane.

The abundant power continuously emerges from the inside of the body until its body shape is restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Returning Blade can restore Daxu's injuries, and evolution can do the same.

When the light faded, a new form of Grimmjow appeared in front of everyone.

The whole body is covered with pure white bone armor, the long blue hair is hanging down like needles, the upright body is slightly stooped, the whole body exudes an unconcealed wildness, and the substantial spiritual pressure wraps around the whole body.

A ferocious and wild mask is embedded in the face, hiding its true appearance.

Looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar figure in front of him, Su Feng couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

It wasn't until Grimmjow was about to score twice and transform into an Arrancar at Nirvana's call that he suddenly realized it when he looked at his back.

Like Lee, Garurumon!

Although a werewolf and a leopard man don't seem to match each other, because they both evolved from four-legged creatures to walk upright on two legs, apart from the differences, they are still very similar.

After a brief period of adjustment, Grimmjow started to Arrancar without hesitation.

It's still a familiar process, but this time the virtual blank soul has been replaced by a god of death, and a new kind of pain is acting on his soul.

The new body suddenly became tense, and while the muscles were knotted, thick veins burst out. A large amount of white substance poured out from its pores, breaking the white bone armor on the body.

It was still a desperate roar, but because his throat had also been repaired, Grimmjow once again burst into deafening roars.

The main thing is a very energetic one.

Big beads of sweat slid down Nie Yuli's face, and even if it seeped into his eyes, he couldn't change his current actions.

Grimmjow is his first Vastod in charge of the Arrancar, and the importance of his data is self-evident.

Although Sufeng didn't explain it, as one of the people who knew him best, Nirvana dared to use Nirvana as a guarantee that nothing big would happen if Grimmjow's Arrancar failed.

But if Harribel and Nellie failed and something unexpected happened, he would be torn into thirty-six pieces at least.

Considering the recent excessive consumption of meat supplements, Nirvana decided to proceed with caution and try to avoid mistakes.

"The data is pretty much the same as what we calculated at the time."

Yamada Seinosuke didn't have so many thoughts. He concentrated on it and said to himself, "There are only subtle differences in the details."

"But it can be divided into different types of spiritual pressure..."

Click, click!

Continuous cracking sounds appeared, and the beast mask on Grimmjow's face began to crack, and the ferocious and violent face appeared in front of everyone.

The azure eye shadow seemed to extend from the pupils, and fell into the vicinity of the temples.

The white bone armor gathered up and covered the whole body. A segmented tail with a black tip appeared on the back, and even the tips of the limbs were black.

The overall shape stands out as wild.

After completing the Arrancar, Grimmjow's whole body was filled with substantial blue light, and huge sharp blue light marks spread out on his ten claws. The surrounding space was distorted, as if it would be torn apart at any time.

Grimmjow's expression showed some unconcealable excitement, and his pupils were filled with endless madness.

Without any warning, he tore apart the outer ghost barrier with a grin, and all his spiritual pressure fell on Su Feng.

The Claw of the Leopard King!

The spirits condensed, and blue light traces emitting bright light fell from the sky, slashing hard towards the location of Su Feng.

The space was overwhelmed, with tear patterns visible to the naked eye, and a majestic spiritual pressure storm swept in from all directions, locking on Sufeng.

"You really don't want to give up."

Sufeng looked at the streak of light falling in front of him, with a hint of undetectable sarcasm in his pupils.

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Breaking the Sky."

Crunch, crunch, crunch! !

A transparent and indestructible barrier fell from the sky and instantly stood in front of Sufeng. The Leopard King's claws struck hard on it, making a scalp-numbing sound.

It's like long nails scratching hard on a blackboard.

The traces of blue light continued continuously, but they did not tear the air apart immediately.

When Grimmjow reacted and was about to launch a second round of attacks, the Sky Barrier suddenly disappeared in front of him.

A big hand kept enlarging in his sight until his eyes fell into darkness.

Boom! !

An even more violent force acted on Grimmjow's azure head, and his whole body was violently slapped to the metal floor by Sufeng.

Cracks appeared instantly, and then began to crack continuously, and an overwhelmed scream sounded from it.

The cracks expanded, and in just a moment, countless ravines appeared on the floor, intersecting with each other and swallowing up the huge laboratory cover.

What followed closely was the sound of cracking in the center of the pit.

In Sufeng's palm, a large amount of white steam danced along with the blue-purple arc, and a shattering sound came from beneath it.

An unreserved blow immediately shattered Grimmjow's hard white bone mask, and even his skull was in a broken state.

Even if he loses consciousness.

Without any suspense, Grimmjow, who was full of confidence, was completely killed in the first battle after the Arrancar.

Sufeng stood up from the pit, shook off the gravel and dust on his hands, his face was calm and unruffled.

Grimmjow's sudden rebellion did not surprise him.

On the contrary, if he is obedient, that would be abnormal.

"It's so scary." Nie Yuli looked at the cracks all over the ceiling, a sick smile appeared on his face, "You are indeed Captain Sufeng."

It may seem like false flattery, but it actually comes from the heart.

Unconcealable shock continued to emerge in Nirvana's golden pupils, until it occupied the entire eyeball.

As the leader of the Arrancar experiment, no one knows the power of the Vastod Arrancar better than him.

But even so, the opponent still couldn't withstand Sufeng's blow.

Is this monster ready to compete with the captain?

"Your face makes me feel sick." Sufeng wiped the blood on Grimmjow's body and continued without raising his head, "Has the success rate of Vastod's Arrancar been stabilized? "

"That's right, Master Sufeng." Yamada Seinosuke rushed to express his loyalty, "Now the success rate can be stabilized at 100%!"

Sufeng nodded, and Tairuo replied naturally: "Then get ready to start helping Harribel and Nelu make an Arrancar."

"The Kingdom of Void needs stronger power to fight against the unknown destiny..."

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