Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 224 Genius’ choice, caution from Dabai

With the success of Grimmjow's Arrancar, Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke obtained more experimental data and began to work on Wastod's Arrancar.

The location of the palace of the Void Kingdom was also decided near the Gobi.

This place is extremely far away from Xuye Palace. Even if a captain-level battle breaks out, the other party will not notice the fluctuations in spiritual pressure.

Achukas and Kilian in the Great Void Forest also moved here.

During this period, Sufeng redesigned the new uniforms with reference to the original Xu Ye Palace uniforms, slightly changing the details, and changing the color to black.

The main theme is rebellion.

Of course, this made a certain leopard king extremely unhappy, thinking that the color did not suit his temperament.

Then after being severely beaten, he obediently accepted this setting and stopped raising any objections.

The sewing of related uniforms was handed over by Sufeng to the Zhenou Seidonryo, which specializes in aristocratic clothing in Soul Society.

As for the expenses, as usual, the expenses were charged to the Kuchiki family.

After many preparations, Harribel and Nero's Arrancar officially began.

The process was uneventful, not even a scream was made.

Because he had countless examples from the former, Erxu knew the entire process of Arrancar very well.

With the ferocious spiritual pressure sweeping across like a wave, the entire institute was shrouded in this powerful oppression.

The Daxu looked towards the direction of the laboratory with fear on their faces, and their bodies could not stop trembling.

If before the Arrancar, they still had the capital to look up to Vastod, but once Vaastod completed the Arrancar, the gap would be stretched to an extremely exaggerated level.

And it's not over yet.

After only a few minutes of buffering, another huge surge of spiritual pressure that was not weaker than before fell violently. The legs of the Daxu who had just recovered became weak and they almost fell to their knees.

The successive oppressions undoubtedly left an indelible mark on their young minds.

In the laboratory, Sufeng looked at the two slim figures standing in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

On the right, her long blond hair was tied into three braids and hung down behind her, and her green eyes were filled with a coldness that would make people thousands of miles away.

Because the uniform was cut off, her brown skin was exposed, her slender waist looked quite attractive, and her plump upper body was even more prominent under the restraints of the uniform.

The cold temperament only relaxes slightly when looking towards the wind.

Tia Hribel.

Since she chose to surrender to Sufeng, she has gained a new understanding of death. The comfort of life also made her realize that there was no deception in the other party's previous words.

This also made her rely more on Sufeng.

Next to him was Nilielle Du Odeshovank.

Her long, slightly curly lake green hair hangs down to her waist, her gray-brown eyes are filled with gentleness and innocence, and her rose-colored horizontal facial lines add a bit of mature temperament.

Paired with a brand new uniform, it highlights the slim and mature figure, making it even more attractive.

It is worth mentioning that because there is no sinister guy, Nilu's skull mask remains intact, and there are no scars of any kind on her cheeks. Her skin is crystal clear and smooth, and looks particularly white against the backdrop of her clothing.

Compared to Harribel, Nelu is more familiar with Sufeng.

The two have known each other for decades, and have fought countless battles with each other. The main thing is to understand each other.

And when Nilu joined his camp, she almost had 100% trust in Sufeng.

"Thank you, Master Sufeng!"

Harribel and Nelu said almost in unison.

It's just that their expressions were different. Harribel stood there and spoke coldly and dryly.

When Nilu noticed the power flowing out of her body, she smiled extremely happily, and when she was so excited, she even made a sound and flashed, and rushed straight into Su Feng's arms.

Hit someone with the ball.

A solid sense of pressure fell on Su Feng's chest, suddenly giving him a feeling of suffocation.

"Nelu is very happy!"

Harribel looked at Nilu who was hugging Sufeng's waist tightly, and a trace of unnoticeable envy flashed in her green eyes.

As if aware of her gaffe, she subconsciously turned her head to one side to avoid eye contact.

Sufeng gently rubbed the long lake green hair. The extremely high-quality feel and skillful technique made both parties very satisfied with it.

Most of the time when she is with him, Nilu will show an innocent and cute look, and occasionally she will show a natural and silly side.

However, at other times, she still has the majesty of being a Vastod.

Although he has a gentle temperament inside and out, the ordinary Achiukas would not dare to make a mistake in front of him.

At this point, the team of Kingdom of the Void has been initially established.

Sufeng also gave away six rings.

Ling, Bai, Xuan, Zhu, Nan, Kong.

Corresponding to Nellie, Harribel, Sunsun, Grimmjow, Mole City Shuuya and Kanonya Wangren respectively.

Considering that Mole Cheng Shuangye and Shanneng Ya Wangren both achieved virtualization achievements.

It is not appropriate to continue to serve as Shinigami in Soul Society, and the Kingdom of Hollow lacks high-end combat power, so they are simply divided into it.

In response, Kanengya Wangren initially refused.

But after learning about the original intention of establishing the Kingdom of the Void, he decisively joined it and said that he did not need to pay a salary.

As for the remaining rings, Sufeng hasn't found a suitable candidate yet.

Let’s wait until we meet a familiar Daxu.

If that doesn't work, eating from Aizen's bowl might be a good idea.

Regarding the organization and collection of information.

Zhanfeng also did his duty and taught Sunsun and the others the relevant methods without any reservation.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

The three of them are not brainless idiots. Although the time is short, they have initially memorized it.

After sorting out some of the information that could be revealed, Broken Bee returned to Soul Society with Sufeng.


First team team building.

Executive Office.

Yamamoto Genryusai frowned almost the whole time as he read the relevant information.

There is a lot of useful information, but I always feel that there are still a lot of omissions.

According to the information handed over by Sufeng, the two major forces, Xuye Palace and Xu Zhiguo, are competing against each other, and each has a huge group of Arrancars.

However, due to the confrontation between the two forces, they had no time to take care of the Soul Society of Death, and even the number of visits to the human world was greatly reduced.

But who caused the birth of the Arrancar group was not mentioned in the intelligence.

In Su Feng's words, both Xu Ye Palace and Xu Kingdom have protective measures similar to those of ghosts.

It is almost impossible to obtain detailed information without alerting the other party.

It will be the same even if the dark-skinned woman comes back.

Yamamoto Genryusai was silent.

"Thank you for your hard work, Captain Sufeng, Captain Broken Bee."

An old voice slowly sounded in the butler's office, "We still need to protect Soul Society, so let's put aside the disputes about Hueco Mundo for now."

"However, we need to continue to pay attention to relevant information. Once the other party has any changes, we must report them back as soon as possible."

"No problem, Mr. Captain." The two replied in unison.

"If nothing happens, you can leave."

Yamamoto Genryusai motioned to Jiro Takuchojiro behind him to put away the intelligence file, "I will explain the relevant matters at the subsequent captain meeting."

Zhanfeng wanted to say something more, but Sufeng beside him pulled him by the collar, like a kitten, and carried him out of the butler's office.

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Yamamoto Genryusai's eyelids lowered again, his slightly closed eyes were inexplicably deep, and an unintelligible voice echoed in the room:

"Breaking through the boundaries of the soul..."


After being scratched by the ferocious cat with a red face, Sufeng returned to the ninth division team building alone.

There is Harribel and the others in the Void Kingdom, so there is no need to worry too much about it for the time being.

The virtualization of Mole City Shuangye has stabilized, and what is needed is subsequent mastery.

It is worth mentioning that due to the fusion of Hueco Mundo Reiko, his shortcomings of being restrained by the Quincy's abilities have been filled.

In other words, the current Mole City Shuangya and the Quincy restrain each other.

The Holy Slave's ability will still cause soul damage to him, but correspondingly, forcibly manipulating the spirit son assimilated by the power of the void will also infect the Quincy with the poison of the void.

When Sufeng arrived at his loyal ninth division team, it was getting late.

The crescent moon hangs high in the clear night sky, dotted with stars, revealing the hazy night sky.

He unexpectedly discovered that there was a bright light in his room.

But when it came closer, the lights went out in time.

After Sufeng rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment, he immediately concealed his figure with the binding method and walked into the room with brisk steps.

The affinity of Lingzi increased again, allowing him to easily identify the identity of people who broke into his room without permission.

If nothing else, there will be an accident soon.

Matsumoto Rangiku curled up in the warm quilt, sniffing the familiar smell, feeling comfortable both physically and mentally, and relaxed as never before.

The last Rukongai mission consumed her a lot of time and energy, and by the time the mission was completed, she felt quite exhausted both physically and mentally.

In this situation, the only hateful guy who can comfort the body and mind is away because of an important mission.

In desperation, she could only choose a compromise.

Although the effect is slightly worse, it is still a good method.

However, at this moment, a pair of big hands suddenly wrapped around the slender waist, feeling the smooth touch.

Matsumoto Rangiku woke up with a start and was about to resist when a familiar voice came to her ears.

"You broke into the captain's room without permission. Are you planning to commit the following crime?"

The warm breath came to her ears, which immediately made Matsumoto Rangiku's cheeks hot, and spread all the way to her body. After a brief silence, plaintive words blurted out:

"It's not because someone often disappears..."

However, before he finished speaking, Su Feng blocked his mouth, and the remaining half of his words were swallowed again.

A little farewell is better than a wedding.

There was no talking all night until dawn.


Since returning from Hueco Mundo, Sufeng's daily life has returned to the right track, wandering back and forth between the second division, fourth division, ninth division, and three team buildings.

Occasionally, I would go to Hueco Mundo through the Black Cavern to prevent the Xuye Palace from being raided.

However, the strange thing is that there is no movement from the Xuye Palace, and they even actively avoid the activities of the Kingdom of the Void. Even the Arrancars among them will turn around and leave without saying a word when encountering them.

Although it is puzzling, the Kingdom of the Void also said that it is acceptable. After all, not everyone likes war and fighting.

Just like that, time flies so fast, another three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Lucia and the others finally ushered in their graduation moment.

For this group of geniuses who are often criticized by others, the graduation examination is not difficult.

The difficult part is the choice of squad.

Renji Abarai, as a fanatical believer in Sufeng, firmly chose the Ninth Division. Hitsugaya Toshiro also joined the Ninth Division under his deception.

The same goes for Rukia.

Sufeng rescued her from the miserable life in Rukongai, and the impression in her heart was so profound that even her biological sister Feizhen was not as good as him.

Choosing the ninth team is an inevitable result.

As for Hijin, he was picked up by Kuchiki Byakuya before he graduated. It is not difficult to see from his very cautious behavior that he was wary of someone.

And because of the previous soul burial internship incident, Sufeng left a deep impression on Kira Ihe and Hinamori Momo.

After careful consideration, the two also submitted an application to join the team to the ninth team.

Then, the next scene happened.

"Captain Sufeng, Lord Sufeng, you can't be so heartless!"

Shiba Isshin, who was wearing a white haori, howled loudly in the captain's office, "Just think of it as a pity for the 10th Division, give it to one of us!"

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