Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 225 The importance of hairstyle

The results of the college students’ selection of teams are out.

When applying to join the team, 80% of the students chose the ninth team, and 10% were classified as ghosts due to the unsatisfactory Zanpakutō.

The remaining 10% was divided among other divisions.

A team like the 10th Division, which has no characteristics and has a very low presence of the captain, did not even receive a decent application for joining the team.

In grief and anger, Zhibo put aside his image as captain and came to the ninth division to cry.

Although it was thundering and not raining, Sufeng still frowned.

It wasn't just Shiba Isshin who didn't expect it, he didn't expect it either.

This time the Gotei 13's recruitment was so outrageous.

Due to an unexpected incident during the Soul Burial internship, this year's college students worked extra hard on their training. In addition, Su Fengyu repeatedly made mistakes in the kendo class, so the graduation date was moved forward by a year and a half.

But these are minor details and not important.

The important thing is that too many people chose to join the ninth team, and it was a bit difficult for him to handle for a while.

It's not a big deal if you swallow it in one gulp.

It's just that it's somewhat neglected.

After all, as a hands-off boss, he doesn't pay much attention to most matters within the team, let alone bringing in new people.

At that time, related matters will be thrown on the heads of Matsumoto Rangiku and others.

Moreover, the Ninth Division is now full of talents, but it is not as poor as when he first took over.

I think back then, when Sufeng first became the captain, he only had a few capable people and a few Zanpakutō, which were far less powerful than they are now...

At the moment, Matsumoto Rangiku, Ise Nanao, and Yamada Hanataro can all take charge of their own business, allowing him to safely serve as the hands-on shopkeeper.

It is worth mentioning that not long ago, because Nirvana freed up time, the device conversion device was completely upgraded.

Sufeng made another special trip to the present world and brought Kurosaki Maki, who was thinking hard about someone every day, to the Soul Society.

Although the Quincy's identity is somewhat special, it is still within the acceptable range.

Genryusai Yamamoto, as the captain, has never been held accountable for this.

After all, strictly speaking, the identity of the two's superiors and subordinates is a bit vague. If we really argue, we can't tell who is the superior.

And Yamamoto Genryusai was not used to oppressing others as a teacher, so the matter was dropped.

As a result, Sufeng decisively chose to put his nose on the line and directly assigned Kurosaki Maki the fourth seat.

As for Nao Shizi's trinity ultimate hybrid, is that none of his business?

Moreover, Maki Kurosaki adapted to life in the Soul Society very quickly. She was the only one left in the Kurosaki family, and there was nothing worthy of her nostalgia in this world.

If I have to say it, in Kurosaki Maki's opinion, Soul Society is more suitable for her.

After all, there is something here worth following her all her life.

"So, which one did you fall in love with?"

After Sufeng thought about it, he raised his hand to interrupt Zhibo's stupid behavior and said bluntly.

"Hitsugaya Toshiro!"

Zhibo Yishin seemed to have mastered the extremely high level of face-changing skills. With a big hand, he immediately returned to his usual playful smile.

"If Captain Sufeng agrees, I can leave him the position of deputy captain of the 10th Division."

Sufeng sighed and said helplessly: "This is not a question of whether we agree or not."

"Xiaobai is a genius after all. You can't force the other person at will, right?"

"If we rebel against Seireitei in anger, I'm afraid the old man will kill both of us."

When Zhibo heard this, he felt a little scared in his heart.

Although the possibility is extremely low, it is not impossible.

"What about Renji Abarai?" he asked tentatively.

Just pick the best, this is Shiba Isshin's concept.

Zhang Zui is the only genius among this generation of students who has mastered the initial solution.

"If it's Renji, I'm going to throw him to the 11th Division."

Sufeng refused without thinking, "Although there is Hanataro in the ninth division, the team style is not suitable for this guy."

"As for Rukia, Kira Izuru, Hinamori Momo and others..."

Shiba Isshin's old face fell, and there was a slight tendency to howl again.

To be able to push a former captain to such an extent shows how bad the current situation of the 10th Division is.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you." Sufeng sighed again, "Then I'll help you ask Xiaobai's opinion."

Shiba left with a satisfied heart.

However, as soon as he left, two unexpected figures stepped into the butler's office.

"Sa, long time no see, Captain Sufeng."

Before the person even walked up to him, Su Feng's iconic Kyoto accent had already reached his ears.

"We just met at the captain's meeting yesterday."

Sufeng pushed out two new tea cups and filled them with tea for the guests. When the fragrance of tea rose, he raised his eyelids and stared at the two people in front of him:

"Captain Ichimaru, Captain Aizen."

"You two are also here to apply for college students to join the team, right?"

Aizen smiled gently, his eyes under the lenses were kind, and he said softly: "It seems that Captain Shiba is walking ahead of us."

"There is nothing we can do about this." Ichimaru Gin spread his hands and pretended to be helpless, "Nearly 80% of the college students chose the ninth team, but our third team has not received a single application to join the team."

"The fifth division is okay, but as a rescue division, its members have suffered heavy casualties in recent years, so we can only place our hopes on the newcomers."

Aizen's smile is still genuine, perfectly interpreting his identity as an honest person.

No one knows what he is thinking under this disguise.

"Kira, Hinamori."

Sufeng had already anticipated this, and directly assigned their applications to join the team to the two captains who came to ask for manpower.

"The former has a balanced development in slaying fists and moving ghosts, while the latter is a genius in ghost ways."

Such a cheerful performance surprised Aizen and Ichimaru Gin, but they didn't have any objections to this result.

If you can get the best, you have to go through the motions if you don't get it.

You can't stand alone among these many captains and be remembered.

Except for the elite first team, all other captains came to Sufeng to ask for new recruits, and Shiba Isshin was not alone.

Of course, he is the only one so shameless.

Looking at the two people's leaving figures, Su Feng squinted his eyes slightly, and a blue-purple arc of electricity flashed across his eyes.

That's clear enough.

The hazy spiritual pressure lingering on the strange god of death was as colorful as a rainbow, and endless brilliant light spread out from his body.

Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water, cracked.

With the affinity of the spirit son increasing again, Sufeng's perception of the outside world has reached an extremely high level.

The abnormality that was only vaguely noticed at first can be clearly identified after enhancement.

The two people just now had no matching identities.

In Su Feng's impression, he had never even seen these two guys. They were probably randomly selected by Aizen from among the team members.

"You're really arrogant."

Sufeng sipped the tea, savoring the bitterness on the tip of his tongue and the sweetness of the aftertaste, smiling and talking to himself.

"Aizen Sosuke..."

The allocation of college students ended in the "game" of many captains.

Teams 10 and 11 became the biggest winners, one was leaving Hitsugaya Toshiro, and the other was Renji Abarai who was so happy that he got the title of Crimson Bullet.

In addition, the harvest of the 13th Division is also good.

Shiba Kūkaku and Shiba Iwajiu chose to follow their elder brother and became members of the Thirteenth Division.

Among the geniuses Sufeng brought back from Rukongai, the only one who joined the ninth team was Rukia.

It is worth mentioning that two years ago, Byakuya Kuchiki and Hijin completed their wedding, and Rukia, as Hijin's younger sister, also joined the Kuchiki family.

Right now, she should be called Kuchiki Rukia.

As for whether the surname will be changed in the future, that will have to wait until later.

Sufeng was quite satisfied with everyone's arrangement.

Originally, he planned to take all these people under his command and develop the ninth team with all his strength, making it the strongest among the Gotei 13 teams.

But it was later discovered that this behavior was of little significance.

It's better to let go completely and let this group of geniuses develop on their own.

Anyway, the friendship has been formed, whether it is Renji and Xiaobai, or Kira and Rukia, it has left an indelible impression in their hearts.

He was looking forward to how Aizen would manipulate the changing situation when everything started.

Through the Looking Glass?

That would be too boring.

The rapid development of the new team members is on the right track. After leaving the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, the real practice begins.

Tasks, battles, hardships, and all hardships will be turned into motivation to move forward.

As one of the immortal species, the life span of the God of Death is undoubtedly linked to the density of his soul, and the passage of time is nothing more than a fleeting stream.

Three years passed by in a flash.

Division 9 team building and tea room.

"Team, captain, is this what it looks like?"

Lucia stood there with a blushing face, her hands and feet moving restlessly, extremely uncomfortable.

Su Feng squinted his eyes slightly and carefully looked at the figure in front of him. After a moment, he nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, this look is the best for you."

In front of her eyes, Lucia changed from her usual onion-headed image, her long ponytail hair was tied up and hanging down.

Just the change in hairstyle changed her overall temperament drastically. She suddenly changed from the down-and-out little girl in Rukongai to a delicate girl exuding elegance.

It's not that Lucia doesn't adapt to the change in hairstyle. She has had her long hair for nearly three years, and she's already used to it no matter what.

She just felt that being stared at by Su Feng made her blood flow uncontrollably.

A long time ago, Sufeng felt that this onion head was too annoying. Not long after Lucia joined the team, he gave her the task of growing long black hair.

Although the other party was puzzled, he obeyed the order obediently. Until now, the task has been successfully completed.

At this moment, a powerful spiritual pressure quickly approached and rushed into the tea room with a strong wind.

Looking up, Shiba Yishin looked anxious, sweating profusely, panting heavily, and had no image at all:

"Quick, it's urgent."

"Comprehensive first aid center, if it's any later, people will die..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward.

The timeline will continue to advance, and this plot will not take too long to write.

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