"This spiritual pressure..."

Sufeng began to doubt his life more and more, "Why is the spiritual pressure similar to that of Ishida Munexun so high?!"

He stared intently at the silver-haired figure.

The fierce battle continues.

However, despite the addition of new forces, the strength of the enhanced version of Xubai's explosion is still far beyond Shiba Isshin's expectations.

Two captain-level beings were pinned to the ground and hammered by each other.

There is no dignity at all.

"Crescent Moon Chong!"

An exciting roar sounded in the sky, and Shiba Isshin spurted out blood from his mouth, blending into the flaming blade.

As the moon fell, the long sword left a crescent-shaped sword pressure made of flames in the night sky.

The horizontal crescent moon tore through the air with incomparable speed and landed directly on Xu Bai's arm.


Smoke and dust exploded, and the slender figure was instantly blown hundreds of meters away.

The silver-haired girl bent her bow and set an arrow, and the sacred arrow of destruction, emitting azure blue light, fell on the bowstring, and the majestic spiritual pressure distorted the surrounding space.


The moment the bowstring was loosened, a sharp roar sounded through the air, and a beam of light pierced the sky, directly catching up with Xu Bai's flying figure.

Another deafening explosion sounded.

A huge fireball exploded in the sky, illuminating everything around it. Even the thick clouds dispersed a little.

In terms of talent alone, Sozuru Ishida does not have such strength at this age.

"Ahem!" Isshin Shiba coughed up blood, his expression ugly, "In this state, it is no longer possible to use Swastika."

Because his swastika would put a huge burden on his body, he had already suffered internal injuries after many collisions with Xu Bai.

I can no longer use my swastika at the moment.


But the combined attack of the two did not cause much damage to Xu Bai.

The black shadow flew out of the flames and smoke, and came to Shiba Isshin's side in an instant. The blade with a cold light was raised high and slashed down with a crash.

As Vastod, Xubai doesn't have that many fancy fighting skills.

Some are just pure instinct.

Zhibo gritted his teeth with all his heart, and immediately faced the sword across the sword. He put his left hand on the back of the sword and concentrated all his strength on his arms.


Gold and iron intertwined, erupting with a loud sound like thunder, sparks flying, and the aftermath surging.

The two fell into a stalemate briefly at this moment.

The silver-haired girl below also saw the right moment and shot the sacred destroying arrow again.

The difference is that this time, there are a series of silver tubes hanging on both sides of the sacred destroying arrow.

"Accept this majestic battle formation!"

The girl's eyes were firm and she yelled: "Holy Bite!"

The silver tube enveloped Xubai's side and immediately connected with each other to form a square destruction array. In an instant, there was an explosion and roar, and brilliant light bloomed in the destruction array.


The impact visible to the naked eye centered on Xubai and spread in all directions, directly knocking Shiba Isshin away.

Xubai seemed to be angered by this attack, so he abandoned Zhibo Yishin and changed the target of the attack.

When the ring started, the black shadow struck instantly, the fierce wind pressed down on the ground, and ferocious gaps suddenly opened on the cement floor.


Zhiba yelled with all his heart, veins popped out on his forehead, and even stronger spiritual pressure burst out between his clenched teeth.

However, what he didn't expect was that not only was there no fear in the girl's eyes, there was even a hint of relief.

I saw the spiritual beings condensing under his feet, and his flying sickle feet were activated instantly, staggering the incoming Xu Bai at a subtle angle.

Before Xu Bai could catch up, a bright beam of light suddenly erupted from where he was standing, shooting straight into the sky. Even the continuous dark clouds were instantly blown away.

The girl casually shot an arrow and immediately detonated the light pillar, in which endless concentrated spirit flames burned.

In just an instant, Xu Bai's figure was completely swallowed up.

Seeing this, the girl let out a long breath and said to herself: "I finally succeeded..."

But before she could rejoice, a black arm suddenly tore through the strong fire and slashed forward.


Flesh and blood were torn apart, and Shiba Isshin felt as if his body was split into two parts.

A large area of ​​flesh and blood spread out on both sides, and blood flowed and splashed like a fountain.

The girl's pupils shrank suddenly, and before she could stop Shiba Isshin from blocking the knife for her, she saw the flash of a knife in front of her eyes.

A similar scene happened again.

The white arms were dripping with blood, and the waist and abdomen were almost completely severed.

The appearance of this scene, let alone the two people in the battle, even Sufeng did not expect it.

"Hiss—" he took a breath, "how much stuff has been added to this guy?!"

"It's okay if Zhiba can't defeat him with all his heart. If he adds a captain-level combat power, he still can't defeat him?"

I thought I could watch the theater safely today.

But if we don't take action now, I am afraid that the Shiba branch and the Ishida family will cut off their bloodline.

The two of them fell to the ground, blood flowing across the ground, turning the ground red in just a few seconds.

"I'm really sorry."

Zhibo bared his teeth and smiled reluctantly, "I dragged you into the water."

"This should have been my duty..."

The silver-haired girl was silent, and there didn't seem to be any complaint in her dark blue eyes.

This was her own choice and she couldn't blame anyone else.

Xubai's arms were hanging down, his stern white bones and teeth were slightly open, and the white breath escaped from under the teeth, which was particularly eye-catching under the continuous rain.

A joking smile appeared on that ferocious face.

After devouring several Death Gods, he is no longer as irrational as he was at first.

Xu Bai now thinks like a normal person.

After briefly admiring his masterpiece, he raised his arm again and slashed forward without hesitation.

There was only despair in Shiba Isshin's eyes: "It seems that this time, it really ends here..."

But at the moment when the blade was about to fall.

Deafening thunder suddenly erupted from the thick clouds above the dome, as if it was about to penetrate the eardrums of the world.

At this moment, there was only the endless roaring sound left between heaven and earth.

Xu Bai's arm that was about to be chopped off suddenly stiffened, and before he could react, the bright blue and purple thunder pillar suddenly landed, like a divine arbitration, and the endless electric arc turned into a torrent and directly submerged it.

The ground cracked and collapsed in an instant, and countless ravines turned into abyss, tearing apart the area within sight in just an instant.

Everything was reduced to ruins.

Zhibo gritted his teeth, picked up the girl who had lost her fighting ability, and took three steps and two steps at a time, squeezing out the last bit of potential in her body.

"Surprisingly, I was really saved..."

His eyes were burning, looking around the sky.

Although he has not been able to find anyone to help him yet, he has vague speculations in his mind.

In his mind, there was only one person who could summon this level of thunder.

Sure enough, before he could escape far away, a white figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

The blue-purple electric arcs are like devout believers, complimenting the gods they believe in.

"That is……"

The silver-haired girl raised her head and stared at the figure in the sky with burning eyes: "Lord Sufeng!"

Immediately, Shiba Isshin's face was full of doubts.

When did Sufeng's name reach the Quincy?

Also, what is this respectful attitude all about?

This guy looked at me as if he were looking at an ugly insect!

Full of doubts that could not be answered, Shiba concentrated on sensing the increasingly violent spiritual pressure behind him, and accelerated his speed again.

In his current state, leaving the battlefield would be the greatest help to Sufeng.

In the center of the battlefield, Sui Feng flew down from the dome, looking directly at Xu Bai who was ravaged by lightning, and frowned slightly.

"The vitality is actually so tenacious?"

It is hard to imagine how crazy Aizen has been to transform this Xubai, so that its strength has soared to this level.

Even if it is swallowed up by the lightning, the violent and cruel roar is still full of energy.

The aura of depression and madness surrounding him seemed to put people in hell, so strong that they couldn't breathe.


A crisp cracking sound sounded in the faintly fading arc.

Sufeng's eyes narrowed and he looked forward.

In his sight, a heart-like substance was beating loudly in the hole in Xu Bai's chest, and a large amount of white substance overflowed from it, covering his slender body.

Black is replaced by white, and the blade is replaced by an arm.

The ferocious white bone mask shattered, and a face revealing endless madness appeared in front of Su Feng.


The familiar toothache came back again, and everything that happened today impacted his fragile nerves.

First came the strengthened Xu Bai, then the genius girl from the Ishida family, and then the Xu Bai Arrancar.

True Arrancar.

The facial features of that crazy face were vaguely similar to Aizen.

Sufeng didn't know what Aizen had done, but he must have something to do with Xubai becoming like this.


Xu Bai spread out his hands, tore apart the thunder screen, and roared to the sky!

Sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out from its bloody mouth, turning the battlefield into ruins again and again.

Larger gravel was directly shattered by the sound waves, turning into dust and blending into the ground.

After venting his anger, Xu Bai lowered his head suddenly and stared at Su Feng in front of him with ferocious eyes.

He raised his right arm horizontally, his claw-like fingers spread out, and a Zanpakutō emerged from his palm.

The battle is about to break out.

The white figure disappeared in front of Su Feng as if teleporting, and when he reappeared, he came directly behind him.


Deep purple spiritual pressure swept across, illuminating the entire battlefield again.

Without any warning, the long knife slashed down, and the air suddenly let out an overwhelming whine, and then surged towards both sides.

clang! !

The blade glowing with a blue-purple electric arc appeared just in time, blocking the path of the long knife.

The two collided in the rainy night sky, and the aftermath of the impact spread in all directions, once again destroying the overwhelmed ruins of the battlefield.

There seemed to be electric arcs flickering in Sufeng's pupils, and they were extremely bright in an instant.

It was only then that he realized the difficulty that Shiba Isshin had just faced.

This Xubai's power is so powerful that ordinary captains cannot bear it.

That is to say, he, if it were any other Shinigami captain except Yamamoto Genryusai, he would inevitably be hacked away on the spot.

Seeing this, a ferocious smile appeared on the white and crazy face. He raised his slender arms as if he was swinging a heavy hammer and slashed forward again.

It's still the same instinctive way of fighting.

There is no order at all.

Even after undergoing Arrancar, Xubai's IQ still maintained its original level.

Clang, clang, clang! !

The sound of gold and iron clashing echoed through the night sky, and the Zanpakutō, covered in red materialized spiritual pressure, drew arcs in the rainy night, adding a different color to the night.

The sword was swung one after another, and with each collision, Su Feng could feel the increase in power coming from the sword.

It seems like there is no limit!

Shiba stood on the rooftop in the distance, looking anxiously at the center of the battlefield. The colliding figures in the sky intertwined with each other and filled with spiritual pressure.

After being hammered, he was very aware of the terrifying extent of Xu Bai's strength.

And it is not difficult to judge from the burst of spiritual pressure that this Vastod seems to have completed the Arrancar, and its already terrifying strength has increased several times again.

While he couldn't understand it, he was even more worried that Sufeng would capsize the ship in the ditch, leading to the tragic ending of the entire army being annihilated.

"Lord Sufeng will definitely win."

The girl's firm voice came to my ears.

Zhibo turned around, only to see a pale, blood-stained silver-haired girl looking at the battlefield with burning eyes:

"Father said that Lord Sufeng is the most powerful god of death, bar none!"

Although he didn't know who this guy's old father was, Zhibo wanted to correct his idea.

Wake up quickly, there is Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni above Sufeng's head.

As long as the captain dies, Sufeng will never be the strongest god of death.

However, when the words came to his lips, looking at the girl's determined look, Shiba Isshin didn't know how to say it.

At this moment, the fighting situation on the distant battlefield escalated.

A bright purple light suddenly erupted, and countless souls gathered at the sharp corners of Xu Bai's forehead, instantly condensing into a huge purple ball.

Wang Xu’s flash!

Boom! !

The loud noise covered everything, and the rainy night curtain pressed the stop button at this moment, and even the continuous rain stopped abruptly at this moment.

Immediately, the majestic and violent beam suddenly set off, and its unparalleled power instantly tore apart the thick clouds in the sky, reaching the end of the sky under the crescent moon.

The storm raged and the dust stirred up.

Just when Xu Shan was about to overwhelm Su Feng, the howling wind between heaven and earth stopped instantly, as if being gathered by an invisible hand, and was forcibly moved to his side.

Countless tiny spiritual beings surged and instantly transformed into a substantial form of silver-white light, covering the blade in his hand.

The air current surges and the wind lingers.

Sufeng stood proudly on the dome, his pupils filled with silvery white, staring ahead like a god, his lips and teeth lightly parted:


"Prison binds everything!"

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