Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 231 Is your surname Shiba or Ishida?

The endless wind rushes from the sky!

The moment the words fell, the sky changed suddenly.

What should have been thick black clouds and a rainy night sky intertwined with purple thunder were replaced by endless wind blending into them.

With the silver-white blade as the center, the agitated wind that could wipe out everything in the world turned into lines visible to the naked eye, distorting the surrounding space.

All sounds seemed to have been wiped out from the sky above the city.

Sufeng stands proudly among the endless wind breath. The silvery white wind breath weaves the feather fabric that surrounds him, making him look down on everything in the world like a real god.

Wang Xu's flash of light was surging, destroying everything in all directions, and even the space showed a dark and deep collapse.

Wherever the remaining waves passed, twisted lines emerged, and the ultimate aura of destruction was already overriding everything.

However, this attack was completely eliminated the moment the silver blade fell!

The wind compressed, swept and engulfed, and as the bright silvery light bloomed, everything within sight was destroyed into dust!

The wind of Hezhong!

The wind blew up the three thousand great thousand worlds, the Sumilu Mountains, the surrounding mountains, and the seas, lifting them hundreds of times high and turning them into dust.

The ripples spread across the dome at a speed that was beyond the reach of the naked eye.

The moment he touched Xubai, the world seemed to fall into deathly silence.


Extremely abrupt, the bone-white body and the familiar ferocious face suddenly stiffened, as if the still button had been pressed.


Another breeze blew in, and the white white that stood on the spot instantly turned into countless dust, and all traces disappeared between the sky and the earth.

It is the same as Ryuken Wakaro and Hyōrinmaru.

Lan Yin's Swastika, to be precise, should be the Swastika of the wind ability. Prison Binding All Things is essentially a re-strengthening of the wind ability.

From the Sky-Breaking Blade, the Wind-Chasing Blade, the Wind of Anger, and now the Wind of the United Nations, the performance of Hellbound All Things is more like the aging and death power of Balegang Ruisenbang.

At the moment when the silver-white blade fell, all phenomena in the world, all things, tangible and intangible, turned into dust and disappeared into nothingness.

In the distance, Shiba Isshin seemed to have been strangled by a giant goose around his slender neck. His eyes popped out, his mouth opened wide, and his facial features, which had not been damaged by time, were distorted and crumpled into a ball.

No one understands the power of that strange Arrancar better than him.

One stab wound slightly, two stab wounds added to the injury, and after three stab wounds, he couldn't even open the swastika.

Such a terrifying and frightening existence could directly achieve the Arrancar achievement in the thunder pillar that traced the wind to rescue the emergency, and the spiritual pressure increased several times.

Facing a monster of this level, Shiba Isshin boasts that even if he uses his swastika, he may not be his opponent.

Unless you take out a trump card from your crotch that can hurt your enemy by one thousand and damage yourself by eight hundred.

However, even such a powerful Arrancar Daxu was still transformed into countless dusts under Sufeng's swastika, and all traces were dissipated.

Is the gap between captain and captain already so terrible?

Thinking of this, Shiba Isshin seemed to have stepped on a switch, his whole body trembled, his scalp was numb, and he couldn't use words to describe his mood at this moment.

On the other hand, the girl next to her looked calm and composed.

In her opinion, Lord Sufeng, whom her father talked about all the time, should have been so powerful.

The edge of Naruki City.

Under the cloud-covered dome, three figures covered in black cloaks stood quietly in the air, looking towards the direction of the battlefield.

"Yeah, yeah, [Bai] was easily killed by Captain Sufeng!"

Ichimaru Gin poked his head out from under his hood and looked at the figure in front of him on the right, "The original plan to kill three birds with one stone seems to have only achieved one. What a pity."

"Yin, when did you have this ridiculous illusion?"

Aizen's gentle voice sounded under the hood, and the lenses were stained with tiny drops of water, hiding the changes in his eyes.

He did not use his spiritual pressure to block the continuous rain.

"The existence of Hirako Mako's group is not the main target of this experiment."

There was no emotion in the calm voice, as if what had just happened had not affected Aizen at all:

"When the virtual poison was planted, [Bai]'s mission was initially completed."

"And the remaining value of him will be squeezed out by Captain Sufeng himself."

"The Vastod Arrancar was created based on the previous thirty blades and part of my soul."

"The moment he was born, he already stood at an absolute height that countless people could not reach."

"This is a gift to Captain Sufeng, and it is also a gift to myself."

Aizen raised his right hand, opened his white fingers, and let the raindrops fall on it. Under the hazy lenses, his eyes were incomprehensible.

"Now is the time to take back this gift."

As his voice fell, the rain under the dome stopped abruptly, and countless extremely subtle spirit particles shuttled through the atmosphere and gradually merged into the palm of his hand.

A silver-white light ball floated above it, emitting a dazzling and brilliant light.


After dealing with Xubai, Sufeng immediately released his swastika state, and in an instant he was close to Shiba Isshin.

Looking at Sufeng who suddenly appeared in front of them, Shiba Yishin and the silver-haired girl had different expressions, but they were both very excited on their expressions.

And just when they were about to say something.

Changes occur suddenly.

A large amount of white mucus suddenly spurted out from their mouths, like living creatures, squirming crazily, spreading from the face to the whole body, and in just a few seconds, it was about to be completely covered.

"Void poison..."

Sufeng's pupils narrowed slightly, and while he was slightly surprised, he felt that the current unfolding was still reasonable.

He had seen this kind of scene eighty times if not a hundred times in the Technology Development Bureau.

With his permission, Niruri and Yamada Seinosuke often conducted similar virtualization experiments on criminals who had committed capital crimes.

There are even members of the nobility among them.

Even members of the Tsunayashiro family, Sufeng contributed a few.

He has never been the least bit merciful towards those with evil intentions.

However, the severity of the current situation is still beyond expectations.

It wasn't just the Quincy girl who was poisoned by the Hollow poison, but also Isshin Shiha.

Both of them were injured by Xu Bai in the battle, and it was probably at that time that they were poured into Xu Bai.

The blurring continues.

The two of them were already covered in bones, and there was a possibility of losing consciousness at any time.

"It's really troublesome."

Sufeng stretched out his hands, spread his fingers, and instantly covered the two people's bone masks.

As the five fingers were closed together, complex spirit lines appeared on the fingertips, and instantly turned into gorgeous lines like the movement of stars, intertwined with each other, and finally turned into mysterious ghost incantations falling on the mask.

One of Seinosuke Yamada's masterpieces.

Although this binding method cannot relieve the two of them from their current state, it can temporarily limit the speed at which virtual poison corrodes their souls.

Considering that going to Nirvana to deal with it might risk exposing relevant information, Sufeng decided to find a solution in this world.

Ever since.

"When are you going to see Sifengyuan's demon cat?"

Sufeng looked at the shadowed corner of the roof, "Don't tell me that you are going to stand by and watch these two poor guys."

"You evil brat from the Tsunayashiro family, didn't that old guy Akizuki teach you?"

The black cat walked out of the shadows, "When asking for help, you must learn to be respectful!"

"Hey, does that old guy deserve it?"

Sufeng's reaction made Si Fengyuan Ye Yi somewhat silent.

Coming from the Shifengyuan family, she never expected that the situation in the Tsunayashiro family would be so complicated.

And just then.

Two more powerful spiritual pressures quickly approached the direction of the man and the cat.

The black cat suddenly became vigilant. When he arched his body, the cat's hair exploded like needle pricks.

"Why is there still more?"

She noticed Sufeng's spiritual pressure in her sleep, rushed to the scene of the battle immediately, and watched a battle that silenced her.

I thought that after the enemy was dealt with, everything would be fine.

But what he didn't expect was that not only was his hidden figure discovered by Sufeng, but the crisis was far from over.

"One of our own." Sufeng identified the owner of the spiritual pressure.

After the words fell, two figures in casual clothes landed in the air on flying sickle feet.

The middle-aged men and women had anxious looks between their eyebrows.

"Su, Sufeng-sama..." The middle-aged man is Ishida Munexian, Sufeng's loyal lackey.

After reluctantly signaling, he looked nervously at the figure in his palm.

To be more precise, his eyes should have fallen on the girl's body.

"Yuxian, what's wrong with her..."

Su Feng raised his brows and secretly thought that as expected, he calmed down a little and told the couple the whole story in the simplest possible language.

After hearing this, Ishida Sogen's wife, Ishida Yusuke, suddenly became furious, and her body went limp and fell backward.

Sogen Ishida had quick eyes and quick hands, but he caught his wife steadily.

"Lord Sufeng, then, what should we do now?"

Sufeng smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an intact Ishida Yuxian by then."

"Well, there might be something more..."

he mused.

Ishida Zongxian's face turned a little dark, but it was hard to get angry in front of Sufeng.

After all, only Sufeng can help him now.

"Forget it, you guys can come along too."

Sufeng directly made the decision for Urahara Kisuke, "It will be fine if the profiteer will explain it to you then."

Hearing this, Sifengyuan Yeyi wanted to speak but stopped.

After pondering for a moment, she chose to believe in the evil brat of the Tsunayashiro family.

Under the guidance of the inner ghost, Sufeng and others went directly to the underground space under Urahara Store.


In the research institute.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, rare guests, rare guests."

The profiteer Urahara Kisuke, who wore a green and white fisherman's hat, flapped his folding fan and greeted Sufeng and others with a smile.

"Tessai, please prepare the best tea in our store."

"Mr. Sufeng is here."

Hearing this, Su Feng's expression suddenly twisted a bit, recalling bad things.

I still remember that when he first visited Urahara Store, Gribi Tessai prepared the best tea in the store for him just like now.

Then a musty smell filled the room.

Gyokuro tea is still the kind that is left until it becomes moldy.

Using this kind of tea to entertain guests, it can only be said that Urahara Kisuke has engraved the word "profiteer" in his bones.

"The situation is urgent and there is no time for tea."

Sufeng declined politely, and then repeated what he said just now, "That's how it is."

"This is Captain Shiha, and this is the genius of the Ishida family who inherited the Cross of Destruction."

"It depends on your thoughts, Mr. Urahara, whether to save or not."

The swaying folding fan suddenly stopped, and an inexplicable smile appeared on Urahara Kisuke's face:

"You really understand me, Mr. Sufeng."

"We must save him. After all, Captain Shiba is a force that cannot be ignored."

"But before that, please answer a trivial question of mine."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Sufeng looked at the sudden rise of the Dao Binding Barrier around him unexpectedly, and immediately became interested in the question Urahara Kisuke said.

Outside the barrier, everyone looked at the hazy figures of the two people with different expressions.

"Mr. Sufeng, what do you think of Aizen Sosuke?"

Urahara Kisuke put down the folding fan in his hand and stared intensely at the calm figure in front of him.

"How else can I look? Just open your eyes and look."

Sufeng said calmly, "With the ability of Mirror Flowers and Water Moon, we can only fight against Aizen after he exposes himself."

"After all, you don't want to face the old man's residual fire sword, right?"

"Ahem." Urahara Kisuke coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to reveal some truth about the virtualization incident to Sufeng.

But he didn't expect that the other party knew more details than he himself did.

"Unexpected." Urahara Kisuke lowered his eyes and picked up the folding fan on the table again, "But I am very happy with Mr. Sufeng's answer."

"Come with me, I have studied virtualization for hundreds of years."

"But situations like Captain Shiba and Miss Uzuru's situation are still very difficult for me."

In the laboratory.

Urahara Kisuke recounted the treatment method for virtualization in detail in front of everyone.

For example, Ishida Yugen and Shiba Isshin became hollow at the same time. The only way is to inject the opposite powerful force into their souls.

The identities of the two people just meet this standard.

So, this is a drama of mutual redemption.

Without the consent of the person concerned, after briefly recounting the treatment method, Urahara Kisuke began the rescue experiment.

The treatment process is extremely simple, and only requires the relevant reagents to be injected into the souls of the two people.

But judging from the trembling bodies of the two, this was not as easy as it seemed.

Bone-white mucus continuously seeps out and disappears from its pores, seemingly endlessly, over and over again.

Sufeng stared at the experiment with a strange expression, still thinking about a very important question in his mind.

"Should the child of these two guys be named Shiba or Ishida?"

Thanks to Mr. Yu Jiankong for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly votes.

ps: Regarding the issue of Xubai's combat power, let me explain it again. There was a small foreshadowing in Aizen Chapter 228. Xubai's experimental data was provided by Sal Apollo, and this chapter also mentioned it. , its blueprint is derived from part of the souls of the first thirty blades and Aizen. In the original work, Xubai was originally the soul of an ordinary Shinigami. Correspondingly, it is normal for Xubai made of this material to have stronger combat power, right? As for the problem that some people may say later that Aizen's soul is incomplete, the silver ball in this chapter is also a foreshadowing, and don't forget the existence of Bengyu. I tried my best to write out Aizen's character as much as possible. , after all, this is the most charming villain in the original work. I hope you understand.

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