Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 232 You woke up and the operation was successful!

Shiba Yishin felt that he had had a very long dream.

In the dream, he once again encountered the strange-looking Vastod Arrancar, whose size was enlarged countless times.

Although his strength has not changed much, it is still not something he can defeat at will.

Because of his experience in previous battles, Shiba started with the swastika, increasing his spiritual pressure by more than ten times and confronting him head-on.

Then, somehow, the silver-haired girl also appeared in the dream, and joined forces with her to fight against the powerful power of the Vastod Arrancar.

With the two of them joining forces, they fought fiercely for an unknown amount of time. Finally, they were cut into two pieces by a crescent moon strike, completely disappearing into the deep dark dreamland.

The next moment, two pairs of eyes opened at the same time, looking up at the white ceiling and the incandescent lights.

Until, a strange yet somewhat familiar face suddenly appeared in their sight.

"You're awake, the operation was successful."

The profiteer's smile appeared on his face, "You are a girl now!"

Zhibo looked frightened, and moved towards the vital parts with his backhand. However, he was shocked to find that his limbs were all restrained on the operating table.

Moreover, his whole body was weak and his spiritual pressure was exhausted. At the same time, an unprecedented feeling of weakness filled his body.

"Who are you!?"

"Damn it, you actually did such an obscene thing to this captain without permission."

Zhibo closed his eyes weakly, and two lines of hot tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Although he does not shoulder the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the Shiba family, he cannot do such things to him casually!

Is this a punishment from the Spirit King?

"He believed it, he believed it!"

Urahara Kisuke laughed after his success, "As expected of you, Captain Sufeng."

"It was just a simple deception that allowed Captain Zhibo to break through the defense on the spot. I am very satisfied with the cost of the operation!"

Su Feng spread his hands, his expression helpless, without the slightest surprise.

Shiba Isshin is a nice person, but he trusts others too easily.

The conversation between the two came from the side. Shiba Isshin suddenly opened his eyes and twisted his eyes as hard as he could, trying to see the figure next to him clearly.

"Do you remember what happened before you fainted?"

Sufeng's voice came, and Zhibo Yishin immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Captain Sufeng's reputation in Soul Society is not very good, he has been a trustworthy companion for such a long time as a colleague.

"I only remember you fighting with that Vastod Arrancar, and then your eyes went dark and you started dreaming."

"In the dream, the Vastod Arrancar appeared again. The Quincy lady and I joined forces, and after a hard battle, we completely killed the other party..."

Shiba Yishin was not a fool, and he understood the whole story after just a little reminder.

"That's not a dream!?"

His eyes suddenly widened and he looked stunned.

"Bingo, you got the answer right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Urahara Kisuke explained with a smile, "If you fail in the dream, your soul will be swallowed by the virtual poison, and the whole person will completely fall into virtual reality."

"At that time, all we can do is to completely kill you here."

When he said the second half of the sentence, Urahara Kisuke was still smiling, as if he was talking about crushing two ants.

As a member of the scientists, he himself does not have much sympathy.

The kindness on the surface is just a thick disguise.

How can an existence that can be envied and disgusted by Nirvana be a good thing?

In an instant, Zhiba figured out the key to the problem. He recalled the previous Hollow events in Soul Society in his mind, and he was sweating for a while.

"Ha, ha, you are really lucky."

He sneered twice to hide his inner fear, "By the way, that Quincy girl..."

"My name is Uzuru Ishida."

A cold voice came from the operating table next to him.

Although he couldn't see the other party's appearance, Shiba Isshin was inexplicably relieved when he heard this familiar voice:

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay!"

On the side, Sufeng pulled Ishida Sogen and his wife to the other side of the laboratory, not far from the operating table.

"Zongxian, Yusuke."

After he collected his thoughts, he said straightforwardly, "I think you two have also seen it. This is the situation."

"The five nobles of Soul Society are at the apex of power. Even the 46th House of Mao has to act based on our expressions."

"Isshin Shiha, who is lying half-dead on the operating table and has no decency at all, is the head of the branch of the Shiba family, one of the five great nobles."

Sufeng briefly explained the hierarchy system of Soul Society to Ishida Sogen and his wife.

"In terms of status alone, there is absolutely no problem in matching your Ishida family!"

"At the same time, Isshin Shiba is still one of the captains of the Gotei 13, so there is no need to worry about his strength."

After hearing this, the worry in Ishida Munexuan's brows also dissipated a little, and his expression became much more relaxed.

And Yusuke Ishida, who was standing beside him, was holding her husband's hand tightly, with a little uneasiness still on his cheeks.

Just now, they almost lost their biological daughter.

As a mother of such a big event, Ishida Yusuke still cannot recover from the panic and fear.

If her husband hadn't given her more comfort, she would have collapsed emotionally.

"Master Sufeng is the guarantee, I'm very relieved."

Ishida Sogen has 100% trust in Sufeng, and this situation has continued since returning from Hueco Mundo.

To this day, when he recalled the battle between Sufeng and Mole City Shuangye, he still regarded him as a heavenly being and worshiped him as a god.

The gap is too big. Even though his strength has improved by leaps and bounds after decades of training, when facing Sufeng, he still feels as if he is looking directly into the endless abyss.

Ishida Sogenu gently patted Ishida Yusuke's hand, gave a comforting gesture, and continued:

"It's just that we experienced too much today, and we can't accept it for a while."

Sufeng nodded in agreement, which he could understand.

"So, when will the wedding of Isshin Shiba and Uzuru Ishida be completed?"

"At least we have to wait until Yuxian graduates from university..."

"Okay, I'm fine."

As soon as the words fell, a needle could be heard in the laboratory, and the silence reached the extreme.

However, on the operating table, Isshin Shiba's face was so red that he could hold back his face, and veins appeared on his forehead, looking like he might die suddenly at any time.

Even the silver-haired girl on the operating table next to her had red cheeks and tried hard to turn her head to the side.

"Hey, Captain Sufeng."

"This is different from what we agreed."

Shiba Isshin shouted loudly, trying to attract Sufeng's attention.

"Have we reached any agreement before?"

Sufeng appeared in front of him, with a smile on his face and a sense of joking, and the image of a melon-eating crowd was already filled with laughter.

I think back when rumors about him spread in Soul Society, Isshin Shiha was quite the person having fun.

Now, things are changing, and it's finally time for him to turn over.

"This, that, I..."

Shiba Yishin's face turned the color of pig liver, looking like he couldn't breathe.

Sufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't tell me, you don't want to take responsibility?"

"I didn't do anything!" Isshin Zhibo retorted loudly, trying to prove his innocence.

Hearing this, Su Feng sneered disdainfully: "Then do you want to describe the process in the dream in detail?"

"Ah this..."

Shiba Isshin was suddenly speechless, and his original righteousness turned into irrational and weak, and his whole person suddenly shriveled like a frosted eggplant.

Seeing him like this, Su Feng immediately knew that he had guessed correctly.

Although he didn't know the specific details, according to his understanding, the two people in the dream should be in a state of being honest with each other.

In this case, join forces to fight Xu Bai.

Even if nothing else happened, Shiba Isshin would never be able to get clean in this life.

You are the captain of the 10th division and the head of the Zhibo branch family. You can't just have prostitution for free like this, right?

Do you think you are the captain of the team next door?

"Okay, don't make that face."

Sufeng patted his shoulder and said comfortingly, "At least, you're still alive, right?"

Shiba Isshin sighed softly, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes:

"I just feel like I'm not worthy of Yuxian."

"Moreover, this kind of thing cannot be decided by just touching the upper lip and the lower lip."

"Isn't it a bit too selfish to decide the fate of others privately..."

Su Feng was startled, with a look of surprise on his face.

Zhibo's calmness was something he didn't expect.

But if you think about it carefully, this makes sense.

The Shiba family is not like their Tsunayashiro family. Although they only have three or two big cats and kittens, they can be considered a typical example of people who are affectionate and loyal, and can't afford to let go.

"Small problem." Sufeng Nunuo gestured, "Didn't you notice that that guy didn't refute from the beginning to the end?"

As if being told what he meant, Ishida Yuxian's body, which was restrained on the operating table, trembled slightly, and his head went a little deeper.

Seeing this, Shiba Isshin's expression suddenly relaxed a lot.

As long as the other party doesn't resent this matter, then he will definitely be fine.


After surgery, three days.

Outside the wall of the underground research institute, Shiba Yishin, wearing casual clothes, leaned against the white wall, blowing out smoke rings and covering his figure in the swirling smoke, as if escaping from reality.

"Oh, it's really a pirate ship."

Waiting for the cigarette to burn down to the last bit, Zhibo threw down the cigarette butt and stubbed it out with all his strength.

"Captain Sufeng, you never told me that the power of death will disappear."

Sufeng glanced at him and replied calmly: "You don't think that saving you from the void doesn't cost anything, do you?"

"How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"The strength of both sides is relative, but your spiritual pressure is much stronger than Ishida Yugen. If you don't pay more, both of you will be in danger of death."

"I'm saving you, and I'm saving her."

Zhibo remained silent. After a moment, his slumped eyes became clear again.

He is not one to dwell on the past.

Although this matter did not require his consent, if he was asked to choose, he would choose the same answer.

"Mr. Sufeng, can I ask you a favor?"

Sufeng noticed the change in Shiba Isshin's title, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile:

"Just don't go beyond my capabilities."

"If you can, please take care of the 10th Division and Haiyan."

Shiba said calmly, "Without me, the Shiba family will probably not be able to continue to maintain their status as a noble."

"As for the 10th Division, Xiaobai should have almost mastered the swastika, right?"

"It would be great if he becomes the captain then. There is no one more suitable than him in the 10th Division."

Sufeng nodded, this request was in line with Zhibo's character who values ​​love and justice.

As for this small request, even if Zhibo didn't say anything, he would help along the way.

The identity of the Shiba family will be preserved as much as possible.

The traditions of the five nobles cannot be discarded, and the secret ghost ways of the Shiba family are also worthy of attention.

At the moment, what makes Shiba Isshin feel most guilty is that he can no longer fulfill his duties as a Shinigami.

He glanced at Sufeng's captain Yu Zhi and the Death Domination outfit with nostalgia.

I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to wear this costume again in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhibo laughed heartily, then lit another cigarette and walked away gracefully in the smoke.

Don’t leave things of the past behind.

Looking to the future is what he should do now.

Looking at his retreating figure, Sufeng smiled and said to himself: "Captain Yishin, you haven't finished the work yet."

"It would be difficult to start this drama without you."


Inside the Urahara store.

A white figure and a green figure faced each other at the tea table, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"It's expired Gyokuro tea again, isn't it?"

Sufeng looked disgusted, "You are a sinner, can't you steal some fine Hagoromo tea from Soul Society?"

"Hey, then you can arrest the store manager and put him in jail, right?"

Urahara Kisuke crossed his arms and sneered disdainfully, "Captain Sufeng, your reputation for being 'upright and upright' has been spread to this world."

"Nobles of all sizes, regardless of their status, who commit crimes and violate the laws of Soul Society will be imprisoned in prison."

"You even brought down several members of Mao's 46th Chamber. This feat is unprecedented in the history of Soul Society."

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to."

Sufeng curled his lips and pushed the teacup aside. His intentions were seen through, and the fishing law enforcement failed.

"Do you have any plans regarding Aizen?"

As for Urahara Kisuke's wisdom, no matter how conceited Sufeng is, he has to admit it.

The defeat decades ago had already raised this guy's vigilance to the highest level.

"Plan?" Urahara Kisuke laughed dumbly, "Isn't Captain Sufeng already doing it?"

"From the moment you defeated Mole City Shuangya, the identities of the chess pieces and the players have been reversed."

"The situation is hazy now, but it's not me who's sitting across from Aizen."

"It's you, dear Mr. Sufeng!"

As the words fell, Sufeng suddenly realized why Nirvana hated Urahara Kisuke so much.

Because at this moment, the two people's faces are highly consistent, and the synchronization rate has reached 99.9%.

If it weren't for the difference in appearance.

He even thought that the person sitting opposite was Nirvana...

Thank you to the boss of Mechanic AS for the reward, thank you to the boss of Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thank you to the bosses for your monthly recommendation votes! !

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