Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 234 Just a few hundred million

The four eyes faced each other, and there seemed to be a mixture of affection and sweetness thick enough to drip water between them.

It’s different from communicating with other women.

Maozhihualie's emotional expressions are often so passionate and direct.

Kill or be killed.

This is her lifelong pursuit and lifelong goal.

After the fierce battle, Sufeng leaned against the piled dirt, folded his hands in front of him, and quietly enjoyed a moment of tranquility.

Different from the past.

As his strength continues to improve, Unohana Retsu has gradually transformed from a kendo teacher who taught the way and solved doubts to an equal opponent.

And this change continues to decline over time.

Feeling the softness and warmth in his arms, Sufeng suddenly thought of a very crucial question.

If Unohana Retsu acted as his kendo teacher at the beginning.

So can he now be classified as a master and a rebel?


Su Feng took a breath of cold air, then smiled, feeling the fragrance of the body in his arms becoming more and more fragrant.

As if aware of something strange underneath him, Unohana Retsu, who was covered by the light of return, gently twisted his body and adjusted his posture to the most comfortable position.


There was no sign of restraint between the two of them in their fight.

Fortunately, because similar behaviors have been carried out all year round, the civilians living nearby had moved away a long time ago.

On the other hand, those who were most affected by this were the soldiers of the Seireitei.

After all, the rumors about the captains of the Fourth Division and the Ninth Division have never disappeared among the Gotei 13. Instead, they have become more unpleasant as the two communicate more closely.


Three months have passed since Shiba Isshin disappeared.

The second team and the twelfth team temporarily gave up the search because they didn't have any clues.

Only the members of Division 10 firmly believed that their captain was not dead, and they were still looking for any possible clues.

As for the destroyed Naruki City, it was also repaired with Niryuri's black technology, and even the souls of living humans who died in the war were filled into brand new X-shaped skeletons.

This kind of prosthetic body allows them to continue to live in this world as human beings, and their food, clothing, housing and transportation will not be affected in the slightest.

After the lifespan ends, the soul will return to Rukongai and start a new life.

The 10th division team building.

On the martial arts field.

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression was serious, his pupils were filled with perseverance and seriousness, and he held Hyōrinmaru, which exuded an awe-inspiring chill, tightly in his hands.

"Captain Sufeng, please be careful, I'm about to get in!"

Sufeng twitched the corner of his mouth, nodded silently, and approved the battle to begin.

Children are ignorant, so such remarks can only be regarded as unintentional mistakes.

With a bold roar, layers of icicles flew away from the blade, covering the entire martial arts field in an instant, and ice cones sprouted from the ice surface.

Disorganized and dangerous.

Outside the court, Ise Nanao pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on her delicate nose, using the reflective effect to cover up the surprise in her eyes.

Another genius!

It can be said that Hitsugaya Toshiro has perfectly replicated Sufeng's path to success. He joined the team three times, and now that Shiba Isshin is missing, he has almost been appointed as the future captain of the 10th Division.

He had already mastered the swastika as early as when he was a college student, and after training as a soldier, he was now only one step away from mastering the swastika.

Looking at her back, Ise Nanao couldn't help but think of her own Zanpakutō. No, she didn't even have a Zanpakutō.

For a moment, the mood became even lower.

"Birds of icicles!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro shouted, his spiritual pressure surged, and countless ice bullets like flying birds flew out from the blade, heading straight down towards the Sufeng cover in front.

The dense ice bullets were like a huge curtain, instantly covering all possibilities of dodge.

This blow will definitely make Captain Sufeng give in!

Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes were filled with excitement, as if he had already seen himself being praised.

To be recognized by recognized people is his greatest wish.

"It's far from enough."

Looking at the overwhelming icicles of birds, Sufeng shook his head, not even thinking of responding to the move.

Hitsugaya Toshiro wanted to gain his approval, but it was not enough.

With the explosion of spiritual pressure, the materialized bluish-white light pillar instantly swallowed up countless ice bullets, and in just a moment, crushed them all into ice powder and blended into the ice beneath their feet.

Hitsugaya Toshiro was shocked from the bottom of his heart.

He expected that this move would not cause any damage to Sufeng, but what he never expected was that it could not even break through the defense of spiritual pressure.

Immediately, Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth, and his spiritual pressure surged out like a wave, squeezing his own potential as hard as he could.

"Ice Dragon Spin Tail!"

Using his cassock slashing stance, he chopped off Hyōrinmaru with a diagonal slash. Extreme coldness bloomed on the tip of the knife, and countless moisture condensed under the ice and instantly turned into a large frozen area.

The ice dragon erupted, and a terrifying body soared out of the frozen area. The huge martial arts arena was covered in shadow, and the huge body carried an endless sense of oppression as it shrouded downwards.

His red eyes were fixed on Su Feng, as if he regarded him as his lifelong enemy.

Hyōrinmaru worked his way up from the bottom, using his head against the wind to strike out with a full blow containing nearly half of his spiritual pressure.

Deafening roars echoed in the martial arts arena, and the ghost barrier light curtain shook in all directions, with layers of ripples rippling on it.

The ice dragon roared out and headed straight towards the wind.

Facing this huge body, Su Feng nodded slightly: "This is what it looks like."

The moment he finished speaking, he raised his right hand and spread his fingers. At the same time, a steam-like white air burst out instantly.

Impartially, the red-eyed ice dragon hit the spot right on the palm of his hand.

It’s stuck! !

Countless ice fragments collapsed, and starting from the dragon's head, the terrifying huge body opened countless ferocious gaps.

In just an instant, the ground was filled with huge mountains of ice.

“There is no growth without pressure.”

After Sufeng crushed the attack, his eyes fell on Hitsugaya Toshiro.

In an instant, he felt as if he was being targeted by death. A real biting coldness spread from the soles of his feet to the Tianling Cap.

As someone who has mastered the strongest Zanpakutō of the ice and snow system, Hitsugaya Toshiro actually trembled in this situation and had no fighting spirit at all.

But Sufeng can't control that much.

His mission is to oppress Hitsugaya Toshiro as much as possible so that he can master the swastika as quickly as possible so that he can assume the position of captain.

There was no instant step, not even an explosion of speed.

Sufeng walked step by step towards where Hitsugaya Toshiro was.

The soles of the shoes made a heart-wrenching crunching sound on the ice chips, as if the countdown to death was approaching.

Beads of sweat the size of soybeans oozed from Hitsugaya Toshiro's forehead, and fear had already taken hold of his mind at some point.

It is unimaginable what the mentality of those enemies who had faced Captain Sufeng directly was like.

While thinking, Sufeng had already walked in front of Hitsugaya Toshiro, looked slightly sideways, and asked calmly:

"Facing me, don't you even have the courage to draw your sword?"

"If you are only at this level, I don't think you are suitable to be a god of death at all."

"When Renji Abarai faced me, he still maintained a high fighting spirit even though he didn't even master the most basic slicing techniques."

"Compared to him, you are far behind!"

This sentence immediately became the last straw that broke Hitsugaya Toshiro's side.

Under the high pressure, Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes were red, and one sentence kept echoing in his swollen and painful head.

"Say my name, Toshiro!"

"Say my name, shout out..."

The icy blue spiritual pressure lingered on his body, and the light dimmed instantly while it was bright.

"Shut up!!"

A deafening roar echoed in the martial arts arena. Hitsugaya Toshiro unleashed all his spiritual pressure, and a huge amount of cold air surged out instantly, freezing the entire venue in an instant.

Even the ghost barrier covering this place is covered with a thick layer of frost.

Without hesitation, he slashed down diagonally while wearing his cassock, cold air spurted out from the blade, and while rushing towards the sky, it also completely covered Su Feng's figure.


The ice is like a waterfall, bursting and pouring out.

The entire martial arts arena was directly frozen into a huge layer of ice at this moment.

Outside, Ise Nanao, who was watching the battle, could not hide the shock in her beautiful eyes, and felt that her three views were refreshed again.

Could it be said that the all-powerful captain will fall in front of this brat Hitsugaya?

The moment this idea came up, she shook her head repeatedly, denying herself.

Impossible, the captain is the strongest!

Not to mention Hitsugaya Toshiro, not even the captain Genryusai Yamamoto could defeat the captain so easily!

Decades of getting along with each other gave Ise Nanao, who already relied on Sufeng, an unspeakable blind confidence in him.

In her opinion, Sufeng is an invincible existence.

Click, click, click! !

The continuous cracking sound interrupted Ise Nanao's complicated thoughts, and immediately attracted his attention.

I saw a series of ferocious cracks on the huge ice layer, and a terrifying pressure filled it.

Ise Nanao hasn't come back to her senses yet.

A deafening sound that could not be described in words suddenly echoed in the sky above the 10th Division. Even other team buildings in the Seireitei vaguely heard this thunderous sound.

The terrifying impact broke out in the ice and spread instantly, razing everything in its path to the ground, and the already shaky ghost barrier immediately collapsed.

"Thirty-nine of the Binding Dao: Round Gate Fan!"

Ise Nanao's pupils shrank suddenly, and while she was shocked, she did not forget to protect herself.

The circular shield formed instantly and stood in front of him, resisting the terrifying impact like a tsunami.

This eruption process lasted for a long time, and the aftermath gradually disappeared until the area of ​​several kilometers around the martial arts arena fell into a freezing moment.

Ise Nanao removed the defense of the round gate fan and looked towards the center of the martial arts field with a little anxiety.

Along with the disappearance of the ice chips, Sufeng's figure also appeared in sight.

Not surprisingly, the white captain Yu Zhi didn't even have any ice chips on her face, let alone any injuries.

Hitsugaya Toshiro, who was in a desperate situation, had completely passed out, his spiritual pressure collapsed, and his head was held in Sufeng's hand, looking like he was about to die soon.

"Huh, captain, you're fine."

Ise Nanao approached instantly, and after briefly checking Sufeng's condition, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just a little bit."

Sufeng picked up Hitsugaya Toshiro's head and shook it back and forth, "This guy is just a little short of learning how to interpret swastika."

"But don't worry, even if you master the swastika."

As if to comfort him, Sufeng smiled and said to Ise Nanao, "He's not even close to me."

"Just a few hundred million points."

He stretched out his free left hand and made a small gesture with his index finger and thumb.


Hueco Mundo.

The majestic and tall city wall stands on the endless desert, replacing the endless huge Gobi.

The silver moonlight scattered on the city wall, reflecting the hard luster like metal.

This is the kingdom of emptiness.

At the same time, it is also one of the two largest forces in Hueco Mundo.

In the palace, Sufeng sat on the throne, watching Harribel, Nelu and others standing below, quietly listening to the report of relevant intelligence.

Ever since he beat up a wave of Hitsugaya Toshiro, that guy's spirit was completely trapped in the Zanpakutō space, and he was unconscious for many days without waking up.

In Nirvana's words, this guy needs to be recognized by the Zanpakutō before he can wake up.

After handing it over to Hanataro Yamada, Sufeng hurried to the kingdom of Hollow under Hueco Mundo's message.

"Another Vastod?"

Sufeng's eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked curiously, "Did you get an Arrancar?"

Harribel nodded, shook her head, and said hesitantly: "The other party's condition is very strange."

"The mask on his face is broken, but his spiritual pressure is not like that of the Vastod Arrancar. It's a little worse than Nelu and I."

After hearing this, Sufeng had a vague guess about the other party's identity.

"And his strength is not much weaker than ours."

"After many attempts by the organization, no results were obtained."

Harribel looked ashamed. In her opinion, Sufeng had given them powerful strength, a new form, a safe place to live, and took care of the Arrancars like gods.

However, when they need to pay for it, they and others are unable to give corresponding rewards.

Such a performance can no longer be described as embarrassing.

If I had to describe it, I can only say that it was like a shame that was engraved on my heart.

"Mole City, what do you think?"

Sufeng glanced sideways, and a figure slowly appeared in the shining white light.

"I've pinpointed his location."

Mole Chengshuang also said calmly, "Does Master Sufeng want to take action?"

The corners of Sufeng's mouth raised, and there was a hint of ferocity in his smile. The surging spiritual pressure swept through the palace, and huge coercion came suddenly:

"why not……"

In the area two thousand kilometers to the west of the Kingdom of Void, a figure covered in white walked slowly on the desert, walking aimlessly forward step by step.

This is a human-like figure with a delicate face and an indifferent expression. Two green tears spread from the eye sockets. The broken mask is inlaid on both sides of the cheeks and covers the top of the head. There are two huge pale curves remaining above it. horn.

He didn't know what to do, and he couldn't even find the meaning of existence.

All he could do was go step by step until he found the right answer.

As for the answer, he didn't know.

However, at this moment, a terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly descended on the area where it was located, and the suffocating oppression suddenly caused the nearby gravity to increase several times.

Under his shocked eyes, the white figure slowly approached in the wind and sand. The other person's handsome face had a domineering meaning that could not be rejected, and he looked directly at him with a sharp gaze:

"Surrender or death?"

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