Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 235 Xiaowu, please be more careful!

The sudden enemy made Ulquiorra confused.

And the other party's words seemed to contain a strong meaning that could not be rejected.

This gesture reminded him of the blond-haired Vastod who called himself Harribel a while ago.

The other party's appearance at that time was surprisingly similar to the Death in front of him.

"Don't you understand?" Su Feng rubbed his chin, slightly puzzled, "Could he be a fool?"

He originally thought that Ulquiorra had been cut off by Aizen in advance, but what he didn't expect was that after many years, this guy would actually appear in the realm of the Hollow Kingdom.

For this heartless Vastod Arrancar, Sufeng was quite caring.

In terms of potential and loyalty, Ulquiorra couldn't fault him at all.

If I had to say there was something wrong, it would probably be that I was too empty on weekdays.

"No, I understand."

Ulquiorra retorted expressionlessly, "It's just that I don't want to do something like surrender."

"I have more important things to accomplish, to understand what the heart is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Feng raising his hand: "Heart, the thoughts and emotional phenomena produced by consciousness."

“The general term for consciousness and mental activities, which is the most important source of cognition, emotion and awareness.”

"The three natures are one, harmonious and seamless..."

A series of professional terms were thrown out, which immediately stunned Ulquiorra.

He thought he was far away from the answer, but he didn't expect there to be so many answers.

He could understand every word spoken by the god of death in front of him, but when combined together, they became a bunch of completely unfamiliar sentences.

Harribel, who followed, also had a complicated expression after hearing this. For a moment, she didn't know how to look at His Majesty, whom she was loyal to.

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

"The heart has many answers. I know more than a hundred."

Sufeng stood defenseless in front of Ulquiorra and slowly opened his fingers, "What's in here?"

"Nothing at all."

The five fingers were brought together and clenched into a fist.

"What now?"

"Still nothing."

"Wrong!" Sufeng shook his fist, "Big mistake!"

"This is my heart, the heart that breaks everything."

Ulquiorra's eyes became more and more confused, and he felt that he was getting further and further away from the correct answer.

But inexplicably, I felt that what the other party said seemed to make sense.

"Back to the original topic."

Su Feng straightened his thoughts, "Submit or..."

"Forget it, you won't be convinced without a beating."

He suddenly realized that although Ulquiorra was confused in his thoughts and empty in his heart, in essence, he was still a big void.

In the world of Daxu, the strong is king, it's that simple.

Harribel and Nelu failed because they were not strong enough.

After beating this guy, he should understand how powerful his heart is.

The pure white feathers floated out and landed directly on top of Nilu's head.

Immediately afterwards, Su Feng took off the black death uniform from his upper body, revealing his perfect muscle lines.

Blue-white spiritual pressure rose violently, and white airflow exploded from his shoulders and back, spreading out like wings, and the oppressive momentum instantly covered the area.

Ulquiorra felt wary, and his dejected expression instantly turned serious.


This is the smell of death!

As Vastod, his intuition is far beyond that of the God of Death.

In critical moments, they can easily identify the source of danger.

"Feel the power of the heart!"

Sufeng did not hesitate or hesitate, the fist wind roared in an instant, and the airflow in front immediately exploded with a deafening roar.

This is the phenomenon when the air flow is compressed to the extreme.

With the instant coax state activated, Sufeng's combat power is not much weaker than Shijie's, and may even be more brutal under certain circumstances.

Just like now.

The wind of the fist howled, and Ulquiorra's pupils shrank suddenly, and he started to spin as fast as he could in his life, forcibly moving his body away.

However, even so, the waist position was still slightly scratched.


Just the aftermath, the whole person was like a gourd rolling on the ground, smashing up and down on the sand, rolling heavily out of several large pits.

"Huh?" Su Feng closed his fist and raised his eyebrows, "You actually dodged it."

"You're really lucky, kid."

Ulquiorra stood up from the white sand. The fabric wrapped around his waist had torn a huge hole. Even the indestructible steel skin was red and on the verge of breaking through.

He couldn't understand.

He is obviously a god of death, but his fighting style is even worse than that of Daxu?

Ever since he realized the difference between himself and his clansmen, he has been wandering around every corner of Hueco Mundo, even in this world more than once.

Although I couldn't find the answer to what the heart is, I still have a lot of knowledge.

He has seen a lot of Death Gods, but this is the first time he has seen one like this one.

The strange species in Death?

While Ulquiorra was still thinking about this difference, he had a premonition of danger approaching again. A fist as big as a casserole shattered the airflow in front of him, approaching with an indomitable force!

There was no time to think too much, and the ring was activated again. Ulquiorra did not think that he could compete with the opponent in this state.

But Sufeng had already prepared for the sound.

Before it could activate, another big hand pressed over and grabbed Ulquiorra's left arm.

"Do you feel it?" A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Sufeng's mouth, "This is the power of my heart!"

Ulquiorra only felt as if his arm was being pressed at the bottom of the mountain, and an extremely terrifying force acted on it, making it impossible for him to compete with it.


Flesh and flesh were torn apart, bones were broken, and large blood flowers bloomed gorgeously under the moonlight.

A whole arm flew up high, and then fell heavily into the white.

Ulquiorra quickly backed away while holding his broken arm. The fleshy buds on the broken area were intertwined and growing crazily. In just a few breaths, a perfect and brand-new white arm reappeared.

As the Arrancar Daxu who is best at super-speed regeneration, he can recover in a short time as long as his head and internal organs are not crushed.

Although he still didn't understand the answer given by the God of Death, he knew clearly that if he didn't kill the God of Death completely, he might not be able to find the answer to the question in the future.

Thinking of this, the Zanpakuto with a cold glow was pulled out from his waist, and the dark green spiritual pressure light burst out around Ulquiorra, shooting straight into the sky!

"Seal it down, Blackwing Demon!"

Under the crescent moon, dark green raindrops poured down, covering the entire battlefield.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the black wings spread out, and the spiritual pressure storm swept across, roaring to the top of the sky.

Ulquiorra's figure changed drastically, the curved horns on the white bone helmet became more and more ferocious, and the black nails extended into sharp claws, like a real demon.

Sufeng's eyes were slightly surprised as he looked at everything that was happening in front of him.

Ulquiorra is an autonomous Arrancar, but not entirely an autonomous Arrancar.

To be more precise, his face was only half broken.

As a pure white human being who was born without a mouth, Daxu left the cave where he lived and wandered alone in Hueco Mundo because his shape and habits were different from his own kind.

And when he encountered a strange white jungle, he decided to submerge himself in nothingness. When he was completely submerged in it, the mask that originally covered his face also shattered.

At this moment, he evolved from Daxu to Arrancar, and at the same time he also realized the power called Gui Ren.

The reason why Sufeng believed that his Arrancar was incomplete was because he didn't detect the slightest breath of death in Ulquiorra's body.

Keyarti Stark is different from the autonomous Arrancar we encountered before.

The aura of the God of Death is almost overflowing from that guy's body. If you ignore the brutal Hollow spiritual pressure, you can treat him as a normal God of Death.

But Ulquiorra was different.

Perhaps due to the help of external forces, his Arrancar was not complete.

It can only be said to be an unexpected surprise to be able to show the power of Gui Ren at this time.

"You're good."

The corners of Sufeng's lips raised again, with a ferocious meaning emerging, "Let's fight!"

"Learn what the heart is in battle!"

The white air flow exploded beside him again, and the whole person was surrounded by the hazy air flow. When the sand surface exploded under the strong reaction force, the figure also disappeared in an instant.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of Ulquiorra.

Faced with the danger of coming again, Ulquiorra did not dare to be careless and instantly condensed a moonlight sword composed of spirit seeds in his palm.

The light flashed and fell straight forward with ferocity!

The surging ghost spirit pressure was constantly surging on Su Feng's shoulders and back. Facing the sharp spirit moon sword, he didn't even have the slightest intention to dodge.

The violent air flow was arbitrarily flowing between the fist winds, and the indescribable terrifying oppression came instantly!

Instant coax! One bone!


The fist bone and the blade collided in front, and the suffocating force instantly shattered the Moonlight Sword, and countless spirit fragments were scattered in the air.

next moment.

As Ulquiorra's pupils shrank suddenly, the fist bone containing terrifying power hit his chest.

with no doubt.

The whole person was blown away directly, and the proud steel skin was immediately shattered, and the sound of broken bones rang in his ears, which was particularly clear.

The explosive fist wind set off an unprecedented sandstorm in the desert, and endless white sand roared under the sky.

In this spectacular scene, Ulquiorra's flying figure was as small as a grain of sand.

Deep ravines were plowed into the sand, stretching as far as the eye could see like an abyss.

Ulquiorra struggled to hold up his body, but before his broken bones could recover, his vision suddenly went dark.

He raised his head, and that strange yet familiar ferocious smile appeared in front of him again.

Without any nonsense, Sufeng's right hand suddenly reached out, his fingers spread wide, and he clasped Ulquiorra's head.

In the instant coax state, his power was amplified to the limit.

If the moonlight sword hadn't withstood part of the impact, the blow just now would have been enough to disembowel Ulquiorra.

After realizing that the opponent was still conscious, Sufeng rounded his arms and struck him down with an extremely fierce attitude.


Endless waves of sand rose into the sky, the sand surface sank, and a huge pit centered on Sufeng expanded rapidly towards the outer circle.

Just one blow created a spectacle.

From the sky down, as if a stone had been thrown into the lake, circles of ripples rippled out from the desert.

In the swirling dust, Sufeng picked up Ulquiorra again. After making sure that the other party had completely lost consciousness, he loosened his grip on his fingers.


The broken body fell into the huge pit, like an abandoned tattered doll.

Sufeng glanced at the unconscious Ulquiorra, and his perfect muscle lines looked particularly eye-catching under the moonlight:

"This is the power of my heart."

"Xiaowu, you still have a long way to go!"


Ten days later, the kingdom of emptiness.

Ulquiorra felt like he had been having a long dream, in which he was repeatedly beaten by a muscular monster, Daxu, and the parts on his body were missing, growing, and growing again.

He tried his best to escape, but every time he turned around, he would see that ferocious face.


Ulquiorra listened expressionlessly to the description of the Kingdom of Hollow and fell into deep thought.

Surrender or die, this does not seem to be a difficult question to choose.

Zhongliang came out under heavy punches.

Sufeng increasingly recognizes this concept.

After Ulquiorra regained consciousness, he briefly learned about the Kingdom of the Void from Xiao Long, and decisively chose to surrender.

After being awarded the new ring "Jade", he officially became a member of the Void Kingdom.

As for his Arrancar issue.

Yamada Seinosuke also gave an accurate answer after disassembling the parts for inspection.

Ulquiorra can perform Arrancar experiments.

After some manipulations, the Xiaowu that Sufeng remembered finally appeared in front of him.

If there is any difference, it would probably be the pure black uniform of the Void Kingdom.

Hueco Mundo was over. After Sufeng greeted Harribel and others, he opened his black voice again and returned to Soul Society.

The novice training plan has not yet been completed.

It is not easy to learn how to interpret swastika. Even with his talent that is superior to others, he is still stuck at the final level.

But it's not like there's no good news.

Under the guidance of Madarame Ikkaku, Abarai Renji finally walked in front of Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"Lord Sufeng, Lord Sufeng!"

A red-haired figure suddenly broke into the territory of the ninth team.

Just when he was about to step into the butler's office, he was kicked back even faster than when he came.

Sufeng stepped out of the room, wiped away the mark on the corner of his mouth quietly, and walked in front of Renji Abarai.

Although he was kicked out, Abarai Renji did not show any expression of complaint. Instead, he still looked ecstatic. He stood up suddenly and shouted:

"Lord Sufeng, I am done!"

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