Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 236 Bastard, what have you become?


Under the excitement, Abarai Renji burst out with unprecedented powerful spiritual pressure.

The crimson light was like a wave, stacking up in all directions with it as the center. The terrifying coercion spread to the surroundings of the execution room, attracting countless team members to stop and show horror on their faces.

"This, this is, Swastika!?"

Complex expressions appeared on everyone's faces, and their faces were suddenly distorted, unable to accept the facts in front of them.

For most Shinigami, Shigai is the end of their lives, and they dare not think about anything like Swastikagai.

However, now, a newcomer who has graduated only a few years ago has actually learned swastika.

How can they control themselves?

The huge gap immediately caused many people's eyes and mouths to twitch.

The red light is blazing, becoming more and more dazzling.

There was an overwhelming sound from where Abarai Renji was standing. The walls collapsed and the ground cracked, as if some kind of giant creature was born in the red light.


A heart-wrenching squirming sound sounded from the ground, the red light gradually faded, and the giant thing hovered in it, bringing unimaginable terrifying oppression.

The huge body, which is tens of meters long, is composed of countless beige snake bone joints. The ferocious snake has red hair on its head, and its bright yellow pupils stare forward, giving people unprecedented pressure, as if they are being stared at by death.

The onlookers were trembling, gathering in small groups to keep each other warm, and looking at the figures on the field with fear.

Renji Abarai himself has also undergone some changes.

Brown fur will cover its shoulders. The fur on both shoulders is of different lengths, and the left side is decorated with a skull.

The big snake skeleton roared, making a deafening sound, and strong winds roared in front of the team building, causing the onlookers to retreat repeatedly, until they stopped against the wall.

Renji Abarai shouted excitedly, raising the end of the snake bone in his hand, ending this swastika display:

"Baboon King Shebimaru!"

"Attack me with your strongest moves."

Sufeng's sudden order made Abarai Renji startled for a moment.

But then, his expression suddenly became ferocious.

As a belligerent guy at heart, although he had great respect for Sufeng, ever since he was defeated by his overwhelming strength, he had set a goal of transcendence in his heart.

That is, defeat Tsunayashiro Sufeng!

"Baboon Bone Cannon!"

Abarai Renji shook the handle of the knife in his hand and poured all his spiritual pressure into the Baboon King Shebi Pill.

Immediately, a blazing red light glowed on the snake's skeleton body, climbing up layer by layer along the joints, until the ferocious bloody mouth opened, and endless light condensed in it.


A terrifying beam of light shot out like a virtual flash, and its target was Suifeng who was standing not far away!

The blazing high temperature hit, and the air was filled with a burnt smell caused by the high-speed movement. The space where the baboon bone cannon passed was even distorted.

In terms of power alone, it is not weaker than the full force false flash of the Arrancar.

Renji Abarai stared ahead excitedly, knowing very well that he was no match for Sufeng now.

But I am also very curious, how will Master Sufeng, who symbolizes the invincible existence in his mind, respond to his strongest blow.

Not only him, but even the team members next to him couldn't help but take a breath, their backs pressed against the building, and their eyes stared to the limit.

Under the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, Su Feng faced the endless red beams of light that were coming. He raised his right hand, and the bursting wind suddenly swept over, and blue-white light bloomed in the palm of his hand!

The next scene immediately caused the pupils of those present to shrink suddenly, almost unable to believe their own eyes.

The baboon bone cannon hit accurately, erupting with unimaginable terrifying destructive power.

However, when the impact and explosion hit, the blasting wind suddenly rose up and swallowed them all in an almost crushing manner!

Apart from the blackened and cracked ground on all sides, the blow that Renji Abarai had hoped for had no effect!

Su Feng still stood there, his palms filled with light white smoke, his expression calm and calm, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

He blew away the white smoke from his palms, looked calmly at Renji Abarai, who was so stunned that he couldn't help himself, and commented slowly:

"You bastard, what have you become?"

"With this level of performance, does he deserve to be called a swastika?"

As expected, Abarai Renji still only mastered a half-finished swastika, and even the name was wrong.

Baboon King Snake Tail Pill?

This thing is bulky, has little destructive power, poor flexibility, and consumes an astonishing amount of spiritual pressure.

The only advantage is probably the diversification of attack methods.

Each section of the big snake skeleton can be freely disassembled and turned into a means of attack.

It's a pity that such weak attacks are nothing more than cannon fodder no matter how many they accumulate.

Renji Abarai was completely dumbfounded. He thought that after mastering the swastika, the distance between him and Master Sufeng would be much closer.

But what I never expected was that the performance was exactly the same, and there was still a huge gap between being crushed to pieces.

When they first met, a knife was broken in one hand.

Now that the swastika is dissolved, it is wiped out with one palm.

Even if his strength has increased more than a hundred times compared to before, he still ends up being beaten.

Because of the burst of spiritual pressure, the captain of the closer Leziren arrived in time.

"Oh, oh, oh, it's so scary!"

Jing Le Chun Shui stepped on the roof and landed lightly next to Su Feng, looking up and down at the behemoth in front of him.

"I thought the rebels were coming."

"I didn't expect that the genius of the Spiritual Arts Academy could actually master the swastika."

"It's really scary."

"This kind of potential has already knocked the seniors to death on the beach."

Sufeng said without looking back: "Mastering the Swastika is also the fate of cannon fodder."

"If you don't tell me, even the leader of the Kyoto band wouldn't let such a degree of liberation in his heart, would he?"

"Haha." Jingraku Shunshui laughed heartily and pressed his hat, "You think too highly of me."

"You can still practice swastika. It's amazing that Renji was able to do this in such a short period of time."

"You know, even Old Man Shan didn't reach the top in one step."

He looked into the distance, raised his arms and shouted, pretending to be exaggerated, "Brother Renji, I'm optimistic about you."

"Punch Sufeng, kick spring water, you can definitely do it."

Su Feng didn't pay much attention to Jing Le Chun Shui who was playing tricks. At this time, he was very curious about something.

In the original work, Renji Abarai mastered the complete understanding of swastika after receiving special training from Soul King Palace.

Now if he spoils it in advance, can Renji Abarai get the recognition of his Zanpakutō to complete the swastika of the Two Kings Shebimaru?

"Renji, come here."

Sufeng waved to him, "I, the captain, will tell you a shocking secret."

Renji Abarai lifted his swastika and approached with a suspicious look on his face.

Jingraku Shunshui also wanted to come over and join in the fun, but Sufeng slapped him away, and he set up a Binding Road and Sky-Breaking Barrier to block the spread of sound.

"What on earth is this kid muttering about?"

Jingraku Shunsui didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after Sufeng's operation, he felt as if he had been scratched by a cat, and his curiosity could not be contained at all.

"Renji, do you really think you have got Shebimaru's approval?"

Sufeng put his arm around Renji Abarai's shoulders and said with a mysterious face.

"Well, maybe, probably, I should agree."

He was originally very confident, but after the previous battle and being asked this question by Su Feng, he suddenly felt guilty.

"Wrong, very wrong."

The mysterious look on Sufeng's face became more and more intense, "If I guess correctly, your Zanpakutō should be a combination of Yujie and Shota, right?"

Immediately, Abarai Renji's pupils trembled. Just when he was about to speak, he heard Sufeng continue:

"And you are only recognized by one of them."

"But in fact, Shebimaru belongs to two different individuals. Only after being recognized by both can we master the true swastika."

"Double King Shebimaru, this is the real name of Shebimaru Swastika."

"Practice hard and get its approval. The path to power lies within it..."

After some deception, Abarai Renji walked away in a daze.

He had no idea what was going on.

But because of his trust in Su Feng, he had no doubts about what he said before.

If he has not learned true swastika and has not been recognized by Shebimaru, it can only mean that he does not work hard enough.

Now, it's time to use Ikkaku-sensei again.

Abarai Renji regained his composure and looked firmly in the direction of Squadron 11.

"Ikkaku-senpai, please!"


The news that Abarai Renji had mastered the swastika spread among the Gotei 13 as quickly as possible.

When Hitsugaya Toshiro learned the news, he didn't even bother to recuperate, and immediately devoted himself to the practice of Genryu Tozen.

Just thinking about Renji Abarai's ugly face made his scalp numb and his heart tingling.

No, you must learn swastika immediately!

Hitsugaya Toshiro was firm in his goal, and even directly handed over all matters in the team to other officers to handle, and practiced training wholeheartedly.

Other geniuses of the same period were also stimulated by this news, and the intensity of their practice suddenly increased by several levels.

They don't want to be left behind by their former companions.

In the exclusive dojo for the ninth division captain.

Rukia held her Zanpakutō in both hands, with a serious expression on her face, and a touch of spiritual pressure surged on her petite body, like one wave after another.

As the momentum continued to accumulate, his expression became more and more determined. Until he approached a certain point, a silvery white light suddenly appeared in his deep purple eyes, and a shout of joy also sounded in the dojo:

"Ling Wu, Xiu Baixue!"

The small white hand caressed the blade, and the majestic cold air spurted out from the tip, covering the entire body in an instant.

With the surge of cold air, the blade, guard, and handle all turned into pure white, and a light ribbon appeared at the end of the handle and fluttered.

With the completion of Shikai, Rukia's spiritual pressure became stronger and stronger.

Under Sufeng's gaze, she seemed to be filled with infinite power, and her firm will squeezed out her full potential.

The ultimate chill bloomed on his body, endless ice and snow fell into the dojo, and a gorgeous silver-white light immediately rose into the sky, condensing on the top to form a huge disk covering everything, like an indifferent eye. Watching everything below.


Lucia's lips and teeth opened slightly, and the cold air overflowed, eroding her body.


Before he finished speaking, the disk above his head suddenly shattered, like an avalanche, and the vast and endless ice and snow swept into the dojo, and it had the tendency to fill the internal space in an instant.

"Broken Dao No. 73·Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant."

At the right time, Sufeng's calm voice sounded, and the blue blue flames instantly covered the endless ice and snow, melting it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Because of his perfect control over the Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant, Sufeng can easily do things that ordinary captains cannot do.

For example, while reducing the power of the Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant to the limit, its range is also covered to the limit.

The situation was controlled instantly, and the ice and snow collapsed and formed a stream.

And because Lucia's spiritual pressure was exhausted, her body went limp and fell backward.

"It's still too much, Rukia."

Sufeng appeared just in time, held her in his arms, and used his body temperature to dispel the coldness on her body.

Unlike others, the Lucia she was holding now was like a big lump of ice with extremely low temperature.

Even though Sufeng's physical fitness was amazing, he could still feel the biting chill.

"Team, captain!"

Lucia became aware of her surroundings and immediately became nervous. Even her face, which was pale due to excessive consumption, suddenly turned red.

Different from the development in the original work, even though she was given the surname Kuchiki, Rukia still lived in the team building of the ninth team for a long time due to Sufeng.

Even the Kuchiki family rarely went there.

The same is true for Kuchiki Byakuya. If it weren't for Hijin's concern for his sister and visiting the ninth team from time to time, he might not have been able to see Rukia a few times.

Under this situation, Rukia's reliance on Sufeng is also increasing day by day.

Life in Rukongai is like walking alone in endless darkness, with no end and no hope.

And at this moment, the appearance of Sufeng was like a ray of light entering her life, rekindling hope for her.

"Okay, don't blame yourself too much."

Su Feng skillfully rubbed the long black hair and said comfortingly, "You have worked hard enough."

The light of return was released in his palm, immediately smearing the petite body and dispelling the injuries caused by the forced swastika.

Feeling the warmth coming from the top of her head, Lucia closed her eyes in comfort, and a heartfelt smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "I wish I could continue like this..."


Two years have passed in a hurry, and good news has spread to the new team members. While their strength has doubled, they have also established a firm foothold in their respective divisions and obtained the position of chief officer.

The current Urahara store also conveyed the latest news to Sufeng.

"Someone has passed on the incense of the Zhibo branch..."

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly votes.

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