Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 237 Old guys, you are already behind the times!

In this world, Karakura Town.

Urahara store.

Su Feng took the baby's crotch and looked at it carefully.

Daxu, Quincy, and Death are three in one.

Through the depths of the soul, one can also feel a power similar to Mimihaji——

The source of the Perfection Technique, the Soul King fragment.

A true bastard all in one.

Compared with the terrifying achievement of this brat who hacked Yhwach to death in two years, the long lifespans of Soul Society's captains are like living on a dog's body.

Even Sufeng, who has the same trick, is still inferior in comparison.

Carefully handing the dick to the eager Shiba Isshin, Sufeng looked at Urahara Kisuke next to him.

He was able to discover the special nature of this little guy, and there was no reason why Urahara Kisuke didn't know it.

You know, Jinta Hanakari and Yu Tsumuya, who are responsible for cleaning and greeting customers in Urahara store, were also created by Urahara Kisuke.

The significance of its appearance is to replace the Spirit King and become a wedge in the three realms.

In this area of ​​research, he is undoubtedly at the forefront of Nirvana.

The artificial spirit king obviously has a higher technical content than the artificial god of death.

After their eyes briefly collided, Urahara Kisuke smiled slightly and seemed to have no intention of talking about this aspect.

Thinking of this, Sufeng could only temporarily focus on Zhiba Yishin:

"Yixin, regarding this child's future..."

"How are you planning?"

As soon as these words came out, Shiba Isshin's old face suddenly fell, and his whole temperament became decadent.

"The kid wants Ichigo to inherit the Cross of Quincy and become a Quincy."

"But I think about it, Haiyan and the others don't have any heirs at the moment. This child can definitely become the heir of the Shiba family. Doesn't the name of the five nobles sound much better than that of the Quincy?"

Sufeng raised his eyebrows and noticed the change in Zhibo Yishin.

Obviously, married life is not ideal.

Although Ugen Ishida has a kind-hearted personality that helps others, his personality is much stronger.

There is no problem with the relationship between the two, but this does not mean that conflicts will not arise.

Sufeng doesn't care about the shortcomings of his parents.

He was only curious, if Ichigo inherited the Cross of Annihilation, the future would be even more confusing.

Shiba Isshin didn't stay at the Urahara store for too long. After saying hello briefly, he left in a hurry.

From the large and small bags he was carrying, it was easy to see that the former captain of the 10th Division had completely become a househusband.

"Oh, dear Mr. Sufeng seems to have some other ideas."

Urahara Kisuke habitually filled the teacup with tea and smoothly pushed it in front of Sufeng.

"Hmm? Hagoromocha."

"Where did you steal it from?"

Sufeng was surprised.

At this moment, a black cat leaped out of the window and landed accurately on Su Feng's shoulder:

"How unpleasant it sounds."

Sifengyuan Ye Yi stretched his shoulders, bent his waist, and put it directly on both ends of Su Feng's neck like a towel, "Can I be called a thief if I take my own things?"

"When I went to Soul Society some time ago, I met Yushiro and brought some Hagoromo tea with me."

"He has taken good care of Sifengyuan's house. I am very satisfied."

She said to herself, "It's just that some not-so-good remarks are still being circulated in the family and are even getting worse."

"My reputation, Lord Ye Ye, has been completely ruined by some hateful guy..."

As he spoke, Su Feng suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and five sharp claws were already touching his aorta.

"Hey, this kind of joke is very dangerous."

The black cat grinned: "You are a naturally evil brat from the Tsunayashiro family, I will kill you with my own hands right now..."

As he spoke, Sifengyuan Ye used his cat's palm to press deeply into Su Feng's neck.


The expected pain did not appear, but was replaced by a warm palm.

"You guys underestimate me too much!"

Sifengyuan Yeyi returned to his human form, wrapped his arms around Sufeng's neck, and said without hesitation:

"If I kill you so easily, how can I prove that I am stronger than you!"

The stubborn cat is as strong as ever.

Looking at the two people who were communicating in a flirtatious manner, Urahara Kisuke knocked on the table to indicate that there was still a serious topic today. After he repeated what he had just said, Sufeng said thoughtfully:

"No idea!"

The answer was quite decisive, without even the slightest hesitation.

"That's right." Urahara Kisuke smiled, "But just because you don't have it doesn't mean others don't have it."

"My cooperation with Mr. Sufeng has caused dissatisfaction among some people."

"For this reason, they asked me to send you an invitation to go to the warehouse for a talk."

Sufeng frowned slightly.

Because some guys are so insignificant that they have subconsciously ignored this group of masked troops.

Right now, when he and Urahara Kisuke kept walking around, they also attracted the attention and dissatisfaction of Hirako Mako and the others.

"I don't have much ability, and I have a bad temper."

Sufeng rubbed the center of his eyebrows and said, "Time and place."

"This afternoon, an abandoned warehouse in the northern suburbs of Karakura Town."

Urahara Kisuke said with a smile, looking like a happy person.

He knew very well that because of Sufeng's identity, conflicts between the Masked Army and them would definitely break out.

At that time, it will depend on who is more reasonable.


In the northern suburbs, in an abandoned warehouse.

Da da da……

In the empty wilderness-like environment, slow but steady footsteps sounded.

After leaving Urahara Store, Sufeng came to the base of the Masked Army alone.

To be more precise, it should be one of the bases.

Even with Urahara Kisuke's guarantee, Hirako Mako and others were still unwilling to believe in Tsunayashiro Sufeng as the God of Death.

When the spiritual pressure was released, a light wind suddenly appeared in the wilderness, and bits of dust were swept into it and floated to the end of the sight.

The environment here is similar to the underground space of Urahara store, which was probably built by Urahara Kisuke.

The wind blew, covering the entire wilderness in an instant.

And Sufeng also discovered the location of the masked troops.

Directly in front, No. 26 Dao Binding Curved Light Barrier was covering them, and two figures, one high and one low, were staring ahead.

He has a yellow student head and a careless look, which makes him look very unreliable.

Next to him, he was short in stature, with blond hair tied into braids, and freckles on both sides of his cheeks, looking like an unflattering naughty boy.

Hirako Mako, former captain of the 5th Division, and Hiyori Sarugaki, the deputy captain of the 12th Division.

Under the shadow of the boulder on the left rear, two figures lowered their breathing, and even their spiritual pressure was suppressed to the lowest level.

The combination of his strong build, white hair, eyebrow ring and earrings makes him look irritable and difficult to get along with.

Next to him is a girl with short green hair wearing tights.

The former captain of the 9th division, Rokusha Kensai, and the deputy captain, Nagasaki Nanbai.

To the rear right, there is also a curved light binding road, and two sneaky figures are constantly approaching Sufeng's position.

Pentagonal hairstyle, black sunglasses, green sportswear.

Former Captain of Division 7, Aikawa Ratake.

Her wavy golden hair is styled like a British gentleman, full of a coquettish vibe.

The former captain of the third division, Hobashiro Juro.

Facing the people who were ambushing him and not meeting him immediately, Sufeng looked indifferent and had no intention of exposing them.

He walked forward on his own, until he was about to reach where Hirako Mako and Sarugaki Hiyori were, when the two people behind him on the right suddenly attacked.

Countless black lines suddenly appeared on the ground in the wilderness. In an instant, a ghost barrier was formed, and the terrifying pressure came suddenly.

The gravity seemed to be magnified countless times, the ground suddenly cracked, and cracks opened under Su Feng's feet, like an abyss trying to swallow him up.

At the same time, Sufeng's body was rippled with blue-white wind breath, offsetting the powerful oppressive force brought by the ghost path barrier.

And at this moment, a low voice sounded from the sky:

“The golden footless bird flutters its wings to the south, and the bright fire shines in the west.”

"Ascending, golden thunder, wheel, covering, day and sun, wings, destroying all things and shattering the two poles of spirit!"

A tall and sturdy figure appeared from the clouds, the moment his voice fell.

A sudden change occurred!

The spiritual pressure shield lingering around Sufeng's side instantly shattered and turned into countless spiritual beings scattered like snowflakes. The majestic and endless gravity fell on his body again.


The ground cracked again, and Sufeng's feet sank into the soil.

Seeing this, he frowned slightly and said dissatisfied: "Is this how you treat guests?"

However, Sufeng's performance made everyone in the Masked Army take a breath, almost unable to believe their eyes.

"No, it's impossible..."

In the sky, Zhaotian Boxuan looked stunned and shocked, "A Shinigami without the protection of spiritual pressure would be impossible to withstand the gravity pressure of the six-way forbidden formation."

"nothing is impossible."

Sufeng frowned and sneered, "You who were exiled to this world as sinners have no idea of ​​the changes in Soul Society over the years."

"Old guys, you are already behind the times!"

Since the Masked Army is not sincere, Sufeng will not tolerate these guys anymore.

Originally, he planned to use reason and emotion to try to avoid conflicts between the two parties.

But the other party had already taken advantage of him, so Su Feng no longer suppressed his temper.

The reason why he can still stabilize his body under high pressure even when his spiritual pressure protection is broken, relies on an almost forgotten ability.

Life returned.

The spirit food developed by Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke not only has an evolutionary effect on the Arrancars.

Even Sufeng can eat these foods to swallow and digest the spirits in them, thereby strengthening his own spirit body.

"Do it!"

Realizing that the trap might be ineffective, several figures gathered in an instant. The sound of drawing swords could be heard endlessly, and a cold light suddenly appeared in the wilderness.

In just the blink of an eye, the members of the Masked Army were already surrounding Sufeng.

All the vital points from head to toe were covered by the blade.

The air solidified at this moment, and complex spiritual pressure covered every corner of the barrier!

The writing is a bit stuck, and I am about to enter the official plot. I want to try to write something different for the book lovers. I hope you can forgive me.

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