Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 239 Do you also want to dance?

Hirako Mako stood upside down in the sky, staring at the figure in front of him with a solemn expression. Even if the other party had been hit by the reverse stroke, he still did not dare to take it lightly.


It's like a monster wearing death's skin!

One palm crushed Hiyori Sarugaki's Hollow mask, and another blow instantly killed Rokusha Kensai after the Hollow had been transformed by the swastika.

He had lived for so many years, and he had never felt so powerless even when facing Aizen.

Even the virtual event that year.

When Aizen faced their group of members, he always took advantage of using virtual poison.

But what Tsunayashiro Sufeng relies on is just a terrifying crushing strength.

As early as a long time ago, he had learned from various channels about the strength of Tsunayashiro Sufeng, so that when he invited the meeting this time, he asked Ariakida Hakugen to arrange his own way-binding barrier in advance. And destroyed its spiritual pressure protection with the two poles of broken path.

The preparations were extremely good.

But the change of situation was still far beyond his expectation.

Fortunately, there is still a possibility of recovery.

Sufeng stared at the world in front of him. The sky and the earth were upside down, backwards and forwards, left and right, and even his perception of spiritual pressure was affected.

"Tsunaya Sufeng, you lose."

Hirako Mako's voice came from all directions, "This is an upside-down world, prepare to pay the price for your recklessness."

The moment the words fell, a figure flashed over, the ring rotated, and the blade struck at a strange angle.

Even Hirako Mako, who has extremely rich combat experience, was left a psychological shadow by Sufeng's fighting method.

As a result, under the premise that the counter-stroking ability was in effect, a conservative attack method was still adopted.

Although Sufeng's performance seems to be completely unaccustomed to the inversion of up, down, front, left, and right.

But Mako Hirako was still not careless at all.

The blade slashed down, reaching Sufeng's left waist and abdomen.

However, at the moment when the cold light was about to touch his strong body, a white hand appeared and forcefully grabbed the blade in the palm of his hand.


Hirako Mako's pupils shrank suddenly, she felt as if her scalp was exploding, numbness spread all over her body, and only a look of horror remained on her face.

"How can it be……"

He couldn't understand the facts of what was happening before him, because he had never used Shikai in front of this monster.

Could it be said that this guy has adapted to the upside-down world in such a short period of time? !

Not only Hirako Mako, but the Masked Army who were familiar with him were also shocked. They were stunned and even began to doubt life.

As companions who have been together for decades, they are very aware of the perversion of the ability to caress in reverse.

Even if they are extremely familiar with it, it is impossible for them to adapt to the inverted senses in such a short period of time.

Who is this guy? !

Sufeng moved his arms, and the spiritual pressure surged in his palms, resisting Hirako Mako's confident blow.

It has to be said that the ability of reverse care is indeed very strong, so strong that even he cannot adapt to it in a short period of time.

You may be able to adapt to the reversed direction, but if even the direction of the slash is reversed, then it's not a question of adaptation.

He doesn't have Aizen's terrifying fighting instincts.

However, he was in trouble.

The high degree of affinity with spirit children makes Sufeng's perception of the outside world already beyond the range of ordinary spiritual pressure, and even individual spirit children can easily sense it.

As early as the second time when the affinity of the spirit child increased, Jinghua Shuiyue's ability had already been cracked. It was just a backlash, so how could it be affected by it?

As for the inversion of the control system, that's even simpler.

As soon as the life return function is activated, perfect body control appears. Sufeng only needs to reverse the reaction of the control system.


"The thundering carriage, the gap of the spinning wheel, this thing has light, divided into six!"

A low voice rang out above the sinking sky. The pink-haired Zhaotian Boxuan had a serious look on his face. His thick ten fingers were crossed and closed, and a golden stream of light bloomed between his hands.

"Sixty One of the Binding Dao: Six-Stand Light Prison!"

Six brilliant pieces of light shot out and were instantly sealed on Su Feng's body.

"...The light curtain hung low, and the black wood cracked and shattered!"

"Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding: Binding with Chains!"

A golden chain as thick as a python roared out and wrapped around Sufeng's side with rapid force, blocking the possibility of his movement.

However, this was not over yet. Yu Akita Hakugen had a determined expression, and blazing spiritual pressure burst out around him, and he recited the last Kidō incantation in a low voice:

"Ninety-nine Binding Dao: Forbidden!"

Black leather strips and nails appeared out of thin air, instantly restraining Su Feng's arms.

The triple binding was released as quickly as possible, and the powerful confinement force acted on its body, creating an excellent opportunity for others to attack.

"Break it, Tengumaru!"

The roar was like thunder, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, and the Tengu Maru, which looked like an oversized cactus, was burning with fierce flames.

"It's really a big battle."

Sufeng whispered, "It's a pity that quantity cannot make up for the gap in quality."

Brutal purple lightning exploded on his body, and the turbulent wind shattered the three levels of ghosts sealed on his body with unparalleled force.

The two are intertwined and intertwined with each other, turning into gorgeous lines emblazoned on his body.

Instant coax·Xunda thunder and sky collapse!

The third stage of the advanced technique of instant coaxing is also the strongest instant coaxing posture currently developed by Sufeng.

The terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly fell from the sky.


It was as if the world was turned upside down, and the terrifying spiritual pressure flowing freely covered the entire wilderness in an instant, even making the air tremble violently.

The collapsed fragments of the bound path were all crushed into countless tiny particles under this spiritual pressure.


Under this huge spiritual pressure, the huge Tengu Pill crashed down, and in an instant, a terrifying pillar of fire covering hundreds of meters shot straight into the sky, and the violent high temperature swallowed Sufeng's figure straight into it.

Hirako Mako stood on the edge of the blazing flames, feeling lingering fear.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, he fell within the attack range of Aikawa Luowu.

so close.

"Finally this monster has been dealt with."

Feeling the strong heat, Hirako Mako looked at Aikawa Luo Wu next to him. When he was about to speak, he found that the other person's expression was not quite right.

It was as red as blood, and the veins on his forehead burst, and he looked like he had exerted himself too much.

Before he could speak, a figure slowly walked out of the pillar of fire that soared into the sky. Wind and thunder surrounded it, and the wings of light spread out from behind. The two-color spiritual pressure was raging in substance, and the palms in its palms were completely incompatible with its body shape. of Tengu Pills.

"Solve it?" Su Feng raised his eyes, and the breath of wind and thunder burst out in his pupils, extremely brilliant, "Isn't the battle just beginning?"

Hirako Mako's body shook, and then shook again. His eyes widened and his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

Just looking directly at the body stepping out of the flames, there was unimaginable terrible pressure pouring down, and the feeling of suffocation was like an invisible big hand, tightly strangling his throat.

Every breath seemed to use up all the strength.

Boom, boom, boom...

A dull cracking sound sounded from the huge size of Tengu Maru.

In the state of Xunlei Tiancollapse, Sufeng made a qualitative leap in all-round qualities. His spiritual pressure, spiritual body, strength, and speed all reached the strongest peak!

Using the force of bone flow to shatter a Zanpakutō that has not even activated its swastika can only be regarded as an ordinary performance.

"This monster..."

While Hirako Mako gritted his teeth, a deep feeling of powerlessness arose in his heart.

He had already begun to regret the decision that everyone had discussed before.


In the distance, Hobashiro Juro, who was dressed as a gentleman, was no longer low-key, and golden spiritual pressure bloomed brilliantly, sweeping in all directions like a sea current.

"Kinsharo Dance Company."

The golden baton danced in his hand, and the whip-shaped blade that was originally untied extended infinitely, weaving dozens of golden dancers with gorgeous flowers on their faces in the boundless wilderness.

Huge golden hands appeared in the sky above Fengqiaolou Juro, and the blade-like baton danced gently in the air.

"Follow the melody of the sea and sing the song of pain and fear!"

"The rolling magma is the anger of the earth, and the sound of despair is heard!"

It seemed that he was shocked by the terrifying strength displayed by Sufeng. As soon as the swastika was released, Fengqiaolou Juro launched two consecutive attacks.

However, in Sufeng's sight, the Jinshaluo Dance Troupe flashed away without even releasing the flames or sea currents.

He was familiar with its swastika ability. As early as the moment Hobashiro Juro shouted out swastika, a weak electric arc had already pierced his eardrum.

"How, how is it possible?!"

Hobashiro Juro fell into the same panic as Heiko Mako, and an incomprehensible scene appeared in front of him again and again.

"The Jinshaluo Dance Troupe's ability cannot take effect?!"

Sufeng crushed the Tengu Pill in his palm, shook off the iron filings in his palm, and appeared in front of Aikawa Luo Wu in a flash.

The strong oppression struck instantly. Aichuan Luowu gritted his teeth, touched his face with his right hand, and immediately entered the virtual state, preparing to use this to fight Sufeng to the death.

However, before he could make the next move, a big hand grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Aichuan Luowu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt the despair of death enveloped his body. Every beat of his heart seemed to be one step closer to death.

Sufeng's right hand just exerted slight force, and foam overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and the virtual state was instantly lifted.

He threw it aside casually and rolled dozens of meters on the ground like a tattered doll.

Companions fell down one after another, making Hirako Mako clench his teeth, with an angry look on his face. He even activated Shunpo and launched a suicidal attack towards Sufeng.

But before he could get close, a wave of spiritual pressure erupted, blue-purple lightning rushed out violently, and a bright thunder pillar descended like a punishment from heaven, swallowing it completely.


The ground cracked, countless ravines were staggered like abyss, and the wilderness was full of chaos.

In just a few minutes, the main combat force of the Masked Army was completely destroyed, leaving only Hobashiro Juro, Arikada Hakugen and Yatomaru Lisa.

Fengqiaolou Juro's swastika was broken, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Sufeng's figure flickered, flying across the messy battlefield like lightning.

By the time his figure settled down, the gentleman-like Hobashiro Juro had been killed instantly by a straight punch. His whole body was hunched and he was crawling on the ground like a shrimp. His spiritual pressure collapsed and his consciousness disappeared. Completely passed out.

"Broken Dao..."

Yu Zhaotian Bo Xuan tried to resist stubbornly and launched a final counterattack.

"Broken Dao No. 90: Black Coffin."

Sufeng Xin pointed his hand, and an endless black stream surged up where he was. In an instant, the burly figure was covered and shrouded in it.

Before the second half of the ghost incantation appeared, it was covered by the sound of flesh and blood tearing apart.

When the torrent subsided and the black coffin was lifted, the burly figure covered with bloodstains fell from the sky, creating a huge pit between the ravines.

Looking around, the Masked Army was almost completely wiped out.

Right now, only Lisa Yatomaru is left.

Sufeng approached instantly, looking at the girl in sailor uniform in front of him, the breath of wind and thunder were constantly intertwined in the pupils, and the sense of oppression was directly overwhelming.

"You are the only one left, how do you want to die?"

Lisa Yatomaru forced out a stiff smile and said stumblingly: "Is it okay if you don't die?"


Yasomaru Lisa was stunned and couldn't believe her ears.

This monster is actually willing to let him go?

"Just exchange all the collections you have collected in this world over the years."

Yatomaru Lisa's pupils shrank suddenly, and she subconsciously retorted: "No..."

However, before she could finish her words, she was enveloped by a cold gaze filled with murderous intent.


After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Lisa Yatomaru nodded pitifully.

Between life and collection, she chose the former.

Half an hour later.

Sufeng sat cross-legged on the boulder, flipping through Lisa Yatomaru's collection with great interest, and suddenly felt that the door to a new world was opening to him.

It turns out that you can still play like this!

Not far away, Lisa Yatomaru dragged the unconscious members of the Masked Army to the designated location, and according to Sufeng's instructions, they piled them together like a hill.

Blood overflowed, mixing with the body and flowing down.

The being who was once named captain was lying here like cannon fodder, with no image at all.

After finishing her work, Lisa Yatomaru carefully glanced at Sufeng not far away. When she realized that the other party was admiring her collection, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

This sense of inexplicable shame really makes people...

At the edge of the wilderness, Urahara Kisuke stood in the sky, looking down at the horrific scene below that seemed to have been ravaged by a natural disaster, his expression slightly solemn.

"It's really unexpectedly scary."

"As expected of you, Mr. Sufeng..."

At the same time, in Karakura Town, Ishida Manor.

A group of uninvited guests wearing snow-white uniforms and surrounded by powerful spiritual pressure suddenly appeared in front of Ishida Sogenu.

"The successor of the Cross of Annihilation..."

I almost forgot, thanks to the boss Derrick in the forest for the tip!

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