Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 240 Cut off the head of the birdman of Yohabach

Pure green light covered the bodies of several people, treating them at a slow speed.

As the former vice-captain of the eighth division, Lisa Yatomaru was not as good at Kidō as those geniuses, but she was still considered the best among the vice-captains.

A simple return application can still be done.

Sufeng, on the other hand, was still sitting cross-legged on the boulder, admiring Lisa Yatomaru's collection over the years, without any intention of helping.

If it weren't for the relationship between the Masked Army and Urahara Kisuke, Sufeng would have been beaten to death one by one as early as when they started.

As for treatment, it is simply impossible.

Hirako Mako was the first to wake up from the coma. She faced the dizziness that was about to suffocate and the unbearable severe pain. She bared her teeth and twisted her facial features with a ferocious expression.

"Lisa, treat Hiyori first."

Mako Hirako endured the discomfort, and after scanning the state of everyone, he reminded in a low voice.

Because he couldn't stand the arrogance of Sarugaki Hiyori who had no ability, Sufeng used a little more force when he first struck.

Now this guy is lying on the ground, his aura and spiritual pressure are weak, and he looks like he is dying soon.

"Okay, okay."

Lisa Yatomaru glanced blankly at Sufeng not far away and whispered back.

Damn it, didn’t I hide the treasure of issue 111? How could this guy find it? !

As if recalling the contents of the treasure, an imperceptible blush appeared on her pretty face.

Half an hour later, everyone's vital signs stabilized.

Hobashiro Juro and Aikawa Ratake, who had the strongest spiritual pressure and were the least injured, had already woken up from their coma. They looked at the figure in the distance with complicated expressions. They only felt that the white captain Haori was particularly— —


I think back then, they were also captains, the strongest among the Gotei Thirteen.

Now, why are you being treated as cannon fodder in front of the younger generation?

Just thinking about the terrifying pressure like a collapse of the sky during the previous battle made waves of powerlessness and fear surge in their hearts.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

There is no possibility of victory at all!

"Just wake up."

Sufeng's voice came from the front, and Hirako Mako and others didn't even notice his movement trajectory when they were in a trance.

"Continue the previous conversation."

"Now, everyone should have figured out the situation, right?"

"From the beginning, you seemed to be going in the wrong direction."

"I never said from the beginning to the end that I would use your power to deal with Aizen."

The calm eyes seem to penetrate people's souls and fall on the sober people.

"Just like in the previous battle, you guys who have all your cards are unable to withstand even my spiritual pressure."

"Is it really possible for such a weak person to take revenge on Aizen?"

The cold words were like sharp cones, piercing into the hearts of Mako Hirako and others. While their faces were distorted, they could not think of a word to refute.

After all, the opponent wiped out the entire Masked Army alone.

The previous arrogance of being a senior has long since disappeared, replaced by unspeakable heaviness and complexity.

The appearance of Sufeng was like a meteorite falling from the sky, shattering all their plans and calculations.

Unspeakable frustration kept growing and eroding in my heart until there were no other emotions left in my heart.

"Aizen is not someone who is content with the status quo."

Sufeng paused for a moment before continuing, "The unchanging scenery will only make him feel tired and boring."

"Maybe in the near future, you will have the opportunity to fight it head-on."

"But I hope that by then, you won't disappoint me like you did today..."

After that, he turned around and prepared to leave the secret base of the Masked Army.

Looking at his retreating back, Hirako Mako's expression became more and more complicated, and mixed feelings surged in his heart, which was quite unpleasant.

It is not difficult to see from today's performance that Sufeng just gave them a small lesson.

As long as he has the slightest intention to kill, no one present can escape.

In his eyes, the tricks he and others used might be as clumsy as those children's tricks...

But at this moment, the figure who was halfway walking suddenly turned around.

Then, under the astonished gazes of Hirako Mako, Hobashiro Juro and others, Sufeng waved his hand and swept away the mountains of books and periodicals piled on the boulder.

Seeing this, Yatomaru Lisa's breathing suddenly stopped, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she subconsciously shouted angrily:


"Hmph, whatever is yours is mine!"

Yatomaru Lisa was about to chase after him, but she heard the chanting of Kidō mantras not far away.

"The Fourth Way of Binding: This Rope!"

The red rope flew like a long snake and tied Yatomaru Lisa tightly in an instant, causing her center of gravity to become unstable and she immediately fell to the ground.

She raised her face, which was stained with dirt, with a look of grief and indignation as if Mako Hirako had died, and looked reluctantly at the figure that was disappearing at a faster speed.

"Damn guy..."

The sound of crunching teeth even drowned out the painful groans of the people behind him.


Urahara Store, in front of the tea table.

Sufeng had a strange expression, frowned slightly, and rubbed his chin after listening to Ishida Munexuan's report.

The people from the Invisible Empire are coming.

As the time for Yhwach to wake up approached, these guys hiding in the dark finally started to take action.

The Ishida family in the present world belongs to the pure-blood Quincy family, and the Invisible Empire still attaches great importance to this family that sticks to the present world.

In the words of Sogen Ishida, they brought His Majesty's orders.

"That boy Hasward, his brain was burned out by Buzby?"

Sufeng was quite puzzled, "Otherwise, how could he ask someone to bring you the cultivation method of perfecting the Holy Body?"

Sogen Ishida lowered his head and said nothing, as if he had fallen asleep.

On one side is his old employer, the Invisible Empire, and on the other side is his current allegiance.

It’s hard to comment on either side.

Being able to come and inform Sufeng was the limit of what he could do.

"Maybe, probably, maybe..."

Urahara Kisuke had a signature profiteer smile on his face, flapped his folding fan, and guessed, "Is it related to the future war?"

"Before His Majesty awakens, the current ruler of the Invisible Empire wants to gather all the living forces to gain more advantages in the war."

Sufeng glanced at him: "You seem to know a lot."

"No more, no more." Urahara Kisuke smiled proudly, "Some time ago, Niryuri's guy attacked my database, and I invaded the Great Spirit Book Corridor in reverse, and obtained some information from a thousand years ago."

Tsunayashiro Sufeng: "???"

Did you tell the head of the Tsunayashiro family about the invasion of the Great Spirit Book Corridor?

"Ahem, Mr. Sufeng's expression seems dangerous."

Urahara Kisuke sat upright, "I was just passively defensive. You can't blame me for this crime."

“However, there was also a bit of serendipity.”

He glanced at Su Feng's expression and realized that the other party didn't take this matter to heart, so he continued.

"The information records about me have been read more than once."

"To be precise, there are signs of being read through the information of the captains of the twelfth division in the past."

"Nirvana should have noticed this, but he might have thought I did it..."

At this point, Urahara Kisuke did not continue.

Sufeng's eyes were slightly sharp, and he thought of many things at once.

The protective measures in the Great Spirit Book Corridor are the same as none. They can only protect against gentlemen, not villains.

Guys like Niruri and Urahara Kisuke have low moral bottom lines, oh no, they should be guys with no moral bottom line.

In front of them, the Great Spiritual Book Corridor is like their own back garden, they can enter and exit at will.

Looking at this matter with normal thinking, Nirvana thought that Urahara Kisuke did it, and Urahara Kisuke thought that Nirvana did it.

The two directly form a perfect closed loop.

But besides them, among the current captains of the Gotei 13, there are others who have the ability to invade the Great Spirit Book Corridor.

Captain of the fifth division, Aizen Sosuke.

"Back to the previous topic."

Sufeng tapped the table, "Regarding the invisible empire, does Mr. Urahara have any good countermeasures?"

"No." Urahara Kisuke spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face, "The other party didn't mention any hiding place, but this holy body cultivation method is not enough to counter it."

"Because according to my findings, the effect of each Quincy's Holy Body may be different."

"It's like the Death God's Zanpakutō..."

Sufeng suddenly realized, and then said frankly: "I know this well. The home base of the invisible empire is in the shadow of Seireitei."

"When the war failed, their remaining Quincy fled to the Seireitei, where the Shinigami's defenses were least guarded. They used the ability to build souls to build a vast space in the shadows."

"That's right, I'll leave the relevant research to you."

"Strive to crack the secret of the shadow as soon as possible. At that time, we will directly counterattack the Invisible Empire and chop off the head of the birdman of Yhwach!"

Ishida Sogen coughed violently from the side, his face turned red, and veins popped out on his forehead.

Sufeng glanced at this guy with disdain: "Even if you cough to death, I will tell you in front of your face, apart from some blood relationship between the Invisible Empire and your Ishida family, what else is there? Or is it nothing?"

"You have to distinguish between distance and distance, Zongxian."

Ishida Munexun glanced at Sufeng rather sadly. The Death God captain he was loyal to had made it clear that he was planning to make him a bad person both inside and outside.

"By the way, your Ishida family doesn't have the ability to inherit the spirit space to build a spiritual space?"

"No." Sogen Ishida shook his head in disbelief, "I haven't even heard of it."

"But Lord Sufeng, you can ask Maki. The inheritance of the Kurosaki family is not much worse than that of the Ishida family."

Sufeng's eyes lit up, and he almost forgot about Kurosaki Maki, who had been abducted by him to the Soul Society.

When you return to Soul Society, go to Night Raid and ask!

Although he didn't know why Tsunayashiro Sufeng in front of him suddenly emitted a strong scum aura, Urahara Kisuke still reminded him:

"Nirvana's intelligence is not inferior to mine."

"He can also be responsible for research in this area. If necessary, I will have technical exchanges and discussions with him."

Sufeng nodded, and then continued: "I almost forgot, there is another very important thing."

“Do you know what sanctification is?”

In order to regain his former strength, Yhwach forced to take back the lives and powers of Quincies that he did not need. His main target was the half-blood Quincy.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with the Ishida family, but because Ishida Yugen was invaded by the virtual poison, she was no longer a pure-blood Quincy.

Once Yohabach activates sanctification, she will die on the spot.

After listening to Sufeng's simple description, Ishida Munexian immediately took a breath of cold air, and his whole state changed drastically.

"According to this, Yuxian..."

"will die."

"What about Ichigo?"

"He's fine."

Ishida Sogen's expression was a little distorted.

I never expected that His Majesty, whom the Ishida family swore allegiance to, would look like this.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's really dangerous."

Urahara Kisuke was surprised, "I didn't expect Mr. Sufeng to know so many secrets."

"There should be no record of this kind of thing in the Corridor of the Great Spiritual Book, right?"

"Of course not." Sufeng said calmly, "To be honest, I traveled back from the future to save the world."

"The Soul Society of the future was captured by the Invisible Empire. Yhwach replaced the Soul King and became the only supreme being in the three realms, and then directly destroyed the three realms."

Listening to these nonsense remarks, both Urahara Kisuke and Ishida Sogen had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"It doesn't matter." Urahara Kisuke shook his folding fan, "The key to the problem is how to be immune to this holy hand."

"Yohabach, that is a terrifying existence that can fight Master Genryusai head-on."

"Lord Sufeng, you must save Yuxian..."

Ishida Zongxuan directly placed all his hopes on Sufeng.

In his opinion, the Sufeng he was loyal to was an omnipotent existence.

Everything about Soul King Yhwach must stand back.

"Small problem, there are currently two options."

Sufeng waved his big hand and said directly, "One is to invade the Invisible Empire in advance and chop off the head of the birdman Yohaba."

"Second, strike first and chop off Ishida Yusen's head!"

Ishida Zongxuan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe that these were the words that his beloved Lord Sufeng could say.

Urahara Kisuke on the side also looked stunned, but his expression gradually became weird, and there was even more disbelief in his eyes.

"Hiss, it seems really feasible!"

As soon as these words came out, Ishida Munexun immediately glared at him.

"Mr. Zongxian, listen to me first."

Urahara Kisuke straightened his expression, cleared his throat, and said seriously, "Normally, for you humans, death means the end."

"But in the eyes of the God of Death, death is just the beginning of another life."

"If, I mean if..."

"Does Miss Yuxian have the potential to become a god of death?"

The sudden and whimsical setting personally feels a bit over the top. After all, people like Ginjo Kūgo and Tsukishima Hidekuro can retain their memories and abilities even after they die.

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