Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 241 The moonlight is beautiful tonight

About sanctification, because that day is still years away.

So for the time being, we can't decide whether to come up with Chou Yin Mao.

Of the two plans proposed by Sufeng, the first one was passed directly.

As for the second one, Sozuru Ishida said that she could not make the decision for Uzuru Ishida, and the follow-up would depend on her own thoughts.

And Urahara Kisuke said that he can help Ishida Amexian retain his memory, but as for strength, there is nothing he can do.

Moreover, the virtual poison is still on his soul and cannot be removed.

Unless you suddenly become a captain at the moment you transform into a god of death, you will not be able to escape the fate of death.

Sogen Ishida left worriedly.

On the other hand, Tsunayashiro Sufeng and Urahara Kisuke were still smiling.

This is not to take pleasure in others' misfortune, but both of them know a very important point.

Whether it is sanctification or deification, it is not a problem worth worrying about.

For perverted scientists like Urahara Kisuke and Niryuuri, what limits them will always be insufficient intelligence.

As long as there is sufficient information, it is not impossible to overturn Friend Habach.

"Mr. Sufeng, Hirako Makoto and the others..."

The tea on the vermilion table is still warm, and the faint fragrance of tea lingers in the room.

"Can't die."

Sufeng replied calmly, "By the way, weren't you there?"

"Why don't you take this opportunity to help them get some treatment? I'm not that kind of inhumane guy."

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke grinned: "If I had appeared at that time, Hirako and the others would have thought that I was an accomplice."

"Especially Hiyori, that guy is very vindictive."

Sufeng nodded, but did not continue to dwell on this. The members of the Masked Army were never important figures.

Rather than spending energy on them, it would be better to go home and train Lucia.

"Okay, I should go back to Soul Society."

Sufeng raised his hand, and a black halo appeared on his palm.

In an instant, the void was torn open, and a deep and dark passage appeared in the room.

Ever since he became proficient in the boundary-traveling technique of Black Tune, Sufeng gave up on the use of boundary-traveling gates.

"Mr. Urahara, please don't forget our agreement."

"I'll leave the scientific research to you."

After saying that, Sufeng steadily walked into the black cavity.

As the deep darkness slowly closed, Urahara Kisuke's smile did not change, and he said slowly in an undetectable voice:

"Of course I won't forget it, Mr. Sufeng."

"But I'm more curious, what kind of role do you play?"

"Your existence has never been mentioned in the will of the Spirit King..."


Soul Society, Seireitei.

The 10th division team building, in the training ground.


The high-spirited fighting spirit spread across the vast field, a red color burst out and shone in it, and a gorgeous beam of light shot straight into the clouds.

Abarai Renji tried his best to demonstrate his power, looking down at the short figure in front of him with a wild laugh:

"Baboon King Shebimaru!"

The huge white snake skeleton was lying in the field. Its huge body of tens of meters gave people an unimaginable sense of oppression. Red light burst out in the snake's eyes. It stared straight ahead, its fighting spirit becoming more and more high!

"Let's fight, Toshiro."

Renji Abarai waved his hand, "You will experience the difference!"

"I will try to save you some face."

Facing the conceited Renji Abarai, veins popped up on Hitsugaya Toshiro's forehead, a cold aura surrounded him, and a large amount of shuddering cold mist suddenly filled the air.

The ice spread under the feet, covering the entire field in an instant.

"Do you think you are the only one who knows how to interpret swastika?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't know when he contracted Renji's problem, or the two were infected with each other. A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the elementary school student, giving people a strange feeling:


"Daigurren Hyōrinmaru!"

Ice-blue spiritual pressure exploded, sweeping into the sky in an instant. Thick clouds pressed in, and ice and snow fell all over the sky. The temperature in the air dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A dazzling light burst out from the blade, like an avalanche, with endless ice and snow spurting out.

With the appearance of two red lights, the huge frost dragon appeared on the field at some point, facing the big snake skeleton from a distance. Their spiritual pressures offset each other, forming a collision of airflow visible to the naked eye.

When Hitsugaya Toshiro reappeared in sight, his appearance had changed drastically.

The clear ice wings unfolded behind him, and a twelve-petal red lotus flower floated above it. The frozen ice spread and covered his right arm, like armor.

The spiritual pressure of the two people burst out at the same time, and the strong wind swept into the dojo. The aftermath surged and impacted, tearing the ice and the ground, and destroying the ghost barrier covering the outside.

The battle is about to break out.

Su Feng stood calmly outside the barrier, watching the rapidly changing battle situation with great interest, and kept chewing melon seeds in his mouth.

“One’s understanding of the swastika is incomplete, while the other’s understanding of the swastika is only half-complete.”

"These two guys are really matched against each other and will meet good talents."

"But that's okay. At least I feel more comfortable watching the show."

The fighting was quite fierce.

Whether it was Hitsugaya Toshiro or Abarai Renji, they were all direct killers, with deadly moves and critical blows.

Since the spiritual pressure of the two people was at the same level, the battle was at a stalemate. Even though they were both injured, there was still no sign of stopping.

It wasn't until both sides were unable to maintain their swastika that this battle came to an end.


The sound of a sharp blade piercing flesh and blood resounded on the training ground, and two blood flowers bloomed in the ice and snow.

After a brief stalemate, the two of them suddenly fell down and fell heavily on the messy ground.

"Another stabbing ending."

Su Feng smacked his lips and said with satisfaction, "This time I even stabbed my heart. You really tried your best."

After casually firing two shots back to temporarily stabilize the two men's injuries, Sufeng summoned the team members staying nearby and asked them to send these two guys who often messed around to the comprehensive first aid center.

"Remember, two people sleep in the same bed."

Sufeng ordered with a serious expression, "If Captain Uozhihua asks, just say it was me."

The team member felt bitter in his heart, but he could only agree.

He is just a team member. Captain Hitsugaya shouldn't blame him, right?

After admiring the battle, Sufeng patted his butt and left the 10th division team building.


The Eighth Division team building, on the roof of the executive office.

A lazy figure was lying on his back, with the coir raincoat blocking the dazzling sunlight and the feather fabric blocking the gentle breeze. The faint fragrance of wine lingered around his side.

Everything seemed so comfortable.

"Did you leave the team's official duties to Enjoji Tatsufusa again?"

The sudden appearance of a familiar voice caused Erlang's legs to stop swinging freely.

Jingraku Shunsui took off the coir rain hat covering his face, squinted at the figure with his back to the sun, and smiled in surprise: "Aren't you the same?"

"Can this be the same?"

Su Feng lay on his back next to Jing Le Shunshui in the same posture, filled the empty wine glass with a familiarity, and then drank it in one gulp.

"Rangiku, Nanao, Maki, Rukia, Hanataro..."

"Anyone can complete official duties within the team."

After Kyoraku Shunsui was silent for a moment, he frowned and said to himself: "It seems like something strange got mixed in."

"Speaking of which, why would you think of me here?"

Sufeng looked at the white clouds floating leisurely in the sky, and felt a sense of relief in his heart. The gentle breeze blew by his ears, as if his pores were opening, and a sense of comfort emerged spontaneously.

No wonder Kyōraku Shunsui likes to lie on the roof drinking, it turns out this is what it feels like.

You still have a lot of experience in fishing.

"How much do you know about the war between the Death God and the Quincy?"

Su Feng's sudden question made Jing Le Chunshui startled for a moment, and then he said frankly: "Not much. Most of them I learned from the mouths of Old Man Shan and other seniors."

"Old Man Shan defeated the Quincy King Yhwach and ended the war..."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Sufeng sighed, "After the war, the remaining Quincy fled to an unexpected place."


"In the shadow of Seireitei."

After the words fell, Jingraku Shunshui stood up suddenly, staring in astonishment with his eyes slightly closed, enjoying the gentle breeze.

"So, you should know the purpose of my coming here, right?"

Jingraku Shunsui recovered from the shock and sat cross-legged on the roof without any image, his expression relaxed a bit.

"You mean..."

"A child's game, the one whose shadow is stepped on loses."

Sufeng said to himself, "Among the currently known abilities, he is the only one related to shadow."

"Captain Kyōband, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders!"

After returning to Soul Society and thinking about it, Sufeng thought of Kyōraku Shunsui's Huatian Kuanggu's initial solution ability regarding the spirit space constructed in the shadow.

Shadow Ghost, both the enemy and ourselves can sneak into each other's shadow and attack each other at zero distance.

In fact, his swastika also has a certain connection with shadow, but it's just not obvious.

Silence fell on the roof, Kyoryu Shunsui frowned, and countless thoughts surged in his mind.

He didn't believe Su Feng's words.

On the contrary, Sufeng, who he had watched grow up, was one of his most trusted beings.

Since the information has been told, it must be true.

Kyōraku Shunsui didn't even think of asking about the source of the information. He was currently thinking about how to use the power of shadow ghosts to invade the hiding place of the Quincy.

"Okay, the information has been sent."

Sufeng drank the wine in his glass, stood up and patted Jingraku Shunshui's shoulder, "Senior Jingraku, I'm optimistic about you!"

"The life and death of Soul Society depends entirely on you!"

As soon as these words came out, Jingraku Shunsui suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was much heavier, and his whole person became heavy and solemn.

However, just when he was about to ask for more relevant information, he discovered that Su Feng's figure had disappeared at some point.

Running away neatly, Jingle Chunshui seemed to see the shadow of his past self in Sufeng. After a toothache, a bitter smile appeared on his lips:

"This guy really thinks highly of me..."

"Shadow, shadow ghost, in the heart of the withered pine..."

A low murmur sounded on the roof, drifting in the wind into the distance.


It's night, the moonlight is hazy.

In the room of the fourth official, a figure leaned against the window, looking at the stars dotted in the hazy sky, reflected by the bright white moonlight, the night was cold, and the people were also cold.

Kurosaki Maki's eyebrows were filled with a trace of sadness, and she sighed softly, but she also expressed her regret: "Sufeng...sir..."

She was very distressed.

She originally thought that after coming to Soul Society, she could have Master Sufeng all to herself.

But what is surprising is that there are two competitors in the ninth division alone. In addition to the other divisions, there are also, casually counting, one hand is not enough.

After some in-depth understanding, I felt that Master Sufeng was too popular in the Soul Society.

In Rangiku's words, this is called a scumbag captain.

However, when she asked Rangiku why she liked such a captain, she got the expected answer: "I just like it. How can there be so many reasons?"

"Whether it's a scumbag or a scum, the captain will always be the most important person in my heart."

Yes, why do you need a reason to like someone?

Under the moonlight, she looked melancholy, and her face was as delicate and beautiful as a flower. Her long orange hair was lightly curled and hanging down, reflecting the starlight and glowing a little bit.

"Do you miss the present world?"

The sudden sound interrupted Kurosaki Maki's thoughts.

She looked in the direction of the sound, and her black eyes suddenly filled with joy:

"Lord Sufeng..."

He followed the wind and stood outside the window, smiling and saying, "If you want to go back and have a look, you can always."

"No." Kurosaki Maki shook her head and denied, "There's just something I can't figure out."

"whats the matter?"

"Compared to Rangiku and the others, is Maki terrible?"

Hearing this, Sufeng glanced sideways, sizing up the figure leaning in front of the window. The spacious light-colored pajamas could not hide the mature and plump figure.

The willow eyebrows on her pretty, flower-like face were slightly furrowed, reflecting a hint of nervousness.

Kurosaki Maki was afraid of hearing a positive answer.

"No, Maki is excellent."

Sufeng put away his smile and said seriously, "Sincere, kind, and beautiful, just like the moonlight tonight."

Kurosaki Maki's face suddenly turned red, and her crystal eyes were filled with a little water.

"Then, Master Sufeng..."

After hesitating for a moment, she leaned forward and slowly closed her eyes, "I want..."

Before she finished speaking, Kurosaki Maki felt a familiar warmth wrap around her body. She opened her eyes in surprise, and there was some unconcealable excitement in her pupils.

"If you get on a pirate ship, there will be no room for regret."

Sufeng held the softness in his arms, lowered his head and leaned into his ear and whispered, "Think clearly, this is a road of no return."

Kurosaki Maki didn't hesitate at all. She stretched out her white arms in her pajamas, hugged the neck in front of her, and leaned on her spacious chest:

"The moonlight tonight is really beautiful..."

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly support!

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