Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 243 I admire your courage to draw the sword against me

As if the glass had been hit by a heavy blow, countless cracks spread across the dim and hazy sky, almost covering the entire Ice Palace.

A dangerous aura spread out from the cracks, shrouding the huge ice below in panic.

Hasward's pupils shrank suddenly, and his indifferent expression was instantly replaced by shock.

The source of the uneasiness was finally found.

But it doesn't seem that important anymore.

The enemy is about to invade the Invisible Empire.

Without much hesitation, Hasward instantly disappeared in front of the Great Cathedral at the point of force formed by stepping on the spirit son.

"The entire army is on alert!"

The moment his figure disappeared, his voice spread like a loud bell throughout the invisible empire.


On the other side of the spirit space, another passionate punch erupted, and the indestructible spirit barrier was completely shattered. Countless crystal fragments fluttered down like snowflakes and merged into the land of the invisible empire. among.

Everyone looked carefully, but they saw a perfect body with exposed muscles.

"Guhahahaha, I didn't expect to be directly connected to the sky above the invisible empire!"

Sufeng stood in the shadow with his arms open, and his cheerful laughter spread through the spiritual pressure and spread throughout the invisible empire.

"Bereaved dogs, are you ready to face your destiny?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a blond figure appeared in front of Su Feng. The sword was unsheathed, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the strong spiritual pressure burst out with a bright light.

In an instant, white air waves exploded, the sharp blade cut off everything in front, and the dark blue flames reached Sufeng in an arc shape.

"Huh?" Sufeng raised his eyebrows, "Yuglen Hasward."

The spirit flames blazed brightly, and the temperature in the atmosphere instantly soared, even the shadows were burned together.

"I admire your courage to draw your sword against me."

The fist bone was raised high, the sizzling purple thunder exploded and roared on it, and the ferocious smile appeared on Su Feng's cheek again:

"It's indecent to come back without reciprocating. Feel the power from the God of Death!"


Bone Flow·Four Bone Explosion!

An indescribable deafening sound resounded in the sky above the invisible empire, and the scorching blue-purple thunder was like a divine punishment, turning into a huge thunder pillar and instantly exploded!

The endless lightning swallowed up the incoming spirit flame in just an instant, and continued to move forward with undiminished power, trying to cover Hasward as well.

Facing this unprecedented powerful blow, Hasward's expression changed slightly, and he immediately avoided it with his flying sickle foot.

But when he dodged, it was Yinjia City below that suffered.

The thunder column poured down, and the exploding arc of lightning struck down with rapid force. A deafening explosion suddenly swept across, and the aftermath set off a strong wind to erode the area. The vastness covered the smooth and smooth Yinjia City, and the surface was completely wiped out.

A charred black color covered it, and wisps of black smoke rose into the sky.

Countless holy soldiers were affected, and they were immediately burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. The original white uniforms also smelled of burnt instantly.

With just one blow, the entire invisible empire suffered heavy casualties.

Hasward noticed the tragic situation below, and suddenly raised his head to look at the broken shadow space ahead, and the majestic momentum exploded again.

Sufeng expressed great satisfaction with the scene he created.

Facing the invisible empire that was preparing to invade the Seireitei and even destroy the Three Realms, he had no mercy at all.

To be precise, there is still room for maneuver in Aizen's plan.

But the ultimate goal of the Invisible Empire directly puts them on absolute opposite sides with the God of Death.

To strike first is to be strong, but to strike later is to suffer disaster.

Now that we have discovered a way to enter the spirit subspace, wouldn't it be in vain if we don't destroy it?


At the waist, Lan Yin took out the sheath, and the messy wind swept across the sky, covering it with even more terrifying spiritual pressure.

Hasward's expression suddenly changed. For some reason, the danger factor of the sudden intrusion of Death in front of him soared, even giving him the feeling of threatening his own life.

However, at this moment, Jingraku Shunsui's voice came from above the shadow:

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng, if you don't hurry up, I will imprison you in the Invisible Empire!"

Sufeng, who was originally preparing to kill everyone, suddenly fell into disgrace.

Jingraku Shunsui's words were like taking all the medicine, but he said that something bad happened today.

This feeling of having nowhere to vent is simply overwhelming.

Although he is confident, he is not arrogant.

At present, due to Yhwach's sleep, the Knights of the Star Cross have not been strengthened by the Holy Spirit, and their spiritual pressure is far less powerful than it was during the bloody war.

But even so, once trapped in the invisible empire, the body will die and the soul will return to hell.

After all, Yhwach, an old yinbi, can be forced to wake up at any time, gain omniscience and omnipotence at a great cost, and directly enter the eye-opening mode.

No matter how strong Sufeng is, it is impossible to compete with an existence of this level at this stage.

"Two more punches, just two punches."

In order to prevent the shadow channel from collapsing due to excessive spiritual pressure, Sufeng forcefully retracted the unsheathed Zanpakutō.

He stared at Hasward in front of him and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "The second-in-command of the Invisible Empire, right? You are very good."

"I have a gift..."

Before he finished speaking, a pillar of flame light suddenly erupted from below.

"Hot Hell!"

The deafening roar was accompanied by unparalleled blazing flames, spiraling straight up, and the man with the purple cockscomb stepped on the flying sickle and appeared with a arrogant smile:

"Go to death, the god of death who invaded the invisible empire!"

"That weird-looking guy, let's be blown away with the flames!"

The two figures, one behind the other, actually took the lead in attacking Sufeng in front of Hasward.

The arrogance of the Star Cross Knights was clearly displayed at this moment. Even though Sufeng had unleashed an unprecedentedly powerful crushing force, they still felt arrogant about their own power.

"It really is……"

Staring at the cockscomb head that suddenly appeared in front of him, Sufeng's fist bones creaked, and the sizzling arc of electricity entangled with the fierce and violent wind.

"You are so arrogant!"

The flames came, but before they could hit Sufeng, they were suddenly extinguished by the strong wind, just like a candle in the wind. The strong wind not only failed to fuel the flames, but directly extinguished the strong flames. .

Buzby's pupils shrank suddenly, and before his flaming fingers could launch a second round of attack, a heavy punch landed on his abdominal cavity.

Bang! !

A dull sound penetrated the body, terrifying power filled the abdomen, and the back of the white uniform exploded instantly.

Buzby's entire body seemed to be hanging on Sufeng's fist, his eyes protruded, his pupils dilated, and his mouth unconsciously stretched to the limit, like a dehydrated fish, on the verge of death.

At this moment, another figure suddenly appeared.

The plump thighs were ejected in the air, and a large number of spirit seeds condensed into balls and blasted toward Sufeng in an instant.

In the girl's expectant eyes, the colorful spirit bomb accurately hit the death invading empire——

The back of your hand!

As if swatting away a fly, the spirit ball containing explosive power instantly bounced off the back of Su Feng's hand, without even having time to complete the explosion.

"You're just using this little trick, and you're still barking in front of me?"

Su Feng disdainfully threw Buzby, who was completely unconscious, and let him fall from the sky.

This guy is considered a civil war phantom, and should be left to the Invisible Empire.


Hasward swung his sword, and the bright blue spiritual pressure bloomed on the sharp blade. His originally sky-blue eyes now glowed with a bit of blood-red light.

Can't wait any longer.

If this guy is allowed to wreak havoc in the empire's territory, not only will the morale of the military be seriously affected, but even His Majesty's sleep will be disturbed.

However, just when he was about to attack again, he found that the opponent had directly changed the target of the attack.

I saw Sufeng's mouth raised: "The Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding: Binding with Chains!"

Golden chains shot out like a giant python, and the sky was immediately covered with golden light.

"Damn guy!"

The girl was still shocked by the ineffectiveness of the previous attack. She was caught off guard and was instantly tied into a rice dumpling.

But this level of binding is not enough to completely imprison it.

As the spiritual pressure poured in, the golden python-like chain suddenly glowed with colorful light, flickering like a bomb about to explode.

But before the explosion happened, a big hand reached out from the front and covered the pretty face.

With just a slight exertion, the girl's skull cracked softly, and the girl immediately felt her eyes dim and she lost consciousness instantly.

Hasward: "..."

What should I do if my subordinates are disobedient and are killed one after another?

Even though he had been the ruler of the invisible empire for hundreds of years, he had never encountered this situation before.

Sufeng held the unconscious figure with one hand and looked at the silent and indifferent Hasward with a smile:

“It was a great pleasure to visit.”

"Huguelin Hasward, we will meet again."

Before Hasward could respond, Sufeng Dang even activated his instant step and disappeared into the broken sky along the shadow passage.

When his spiritual pressure completely disappeared into the invisible empire, everyone came back to their senses, and all the faces with different faces had dazed expressions.

The entire process from being assembled in the Great Temple to the departure of the invading enemies did not even take more than three minutes.

However, Yinjia City seemed to have been bombed by countless planes. A large number of ruins were piled on the charred ground. Huge ravines crisscrossed the city like an abyss. The rising black smoke made the already gloomy sky black.

Wherever you look, it feels like the end is coming.

The redness in Hasward's pupils gradually faded, and his expression returned to its former indifference.

Although the damage to Yinjia City was staggering, only a few ordinary soldiers died.

The reiatsu below was weak, but Buzby was still alive.

The only real loss was the girl who was forcibly abducted.

"Uuuuu, little Bambi has been kidnapped, and now he will become the god of death's plaything."

Among the crowd below, a cockroach-headed Quincy wailed, "Is there no way to save little Bambi?"

Hasward remained silent and did not respond.

He can still tell the difference between His Majesty and the members of the Star Cross Knights.

The current invisible empire does not have the strength to compete head-on with the God of Death.

"Prepare to reinforce the spirit space."

After a moment of silence, Hasward's voice spread throughout the invisible empire:

"Completely seal off the shadow realm!"


To a certain extent, the shadow passage is similar to the disconnected space between the two worlds, but it is simpler.

But fortunately, there is no annoying embarrassment here.

In the dojo, next to the huge shadow like a swamp, Kyōraku Shunsui held a Zanpakutō in both hands and inserted it into the shadow, pouring spiritual pressure into it continuously, stabilizing the shadow ghost's form.

Gulu gulu——

Countless bubbles appeared on the shadow swamp, and then a figure rushed out, which immediately made Kyōraku Shunsui feel relieved.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly noticed that Su Feng was actually carrying an unknown object.

"Ha, triumph!"

Su Feng grinned and picked up the unconscious girl in his hand, "This wave, this wave is about making money with blood!"

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